Vampire's Kiss

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Vampire's Kiss Page 7

by Valerie Twombly

  Seth nodded. “Tell me. Are there any of your men that you’d recommend as a mate for Katie?”

  “You serious about this?”

  “I’ve never been more serious about anything.”

  “We aren’t even sure it will work. I mean it’s apparent she has been destined for you.” Baal shook his head. “What makes you think she can take another?”

  Shit, he hadn’t thought of that. “I guess I just assumed she could mate with any immortal. After all, her mother did.”

  “You know how the gods are. If they deemed the two of you to be together then I see no alternative. Besides, my gut tells me her mother didn’t have a destined mate.”

  “Maybe if I had found her a year ago. Hell, even a couple of months ago, but my rate of deterioration has increased. I’m hanging on by a frayed thread.” He leveled his gaze on the demon. “I don’t have months, I have weeks at best.”

  “Damn, I hadn’t realized you were that far.”

  “And we come back to the problem of even if I wanted to claim her, I have no way to convert her. Vandeldor is off limits.”

  Baal paced and Seth wondered if the demon’s concern was for him or more for his brethren that would mourn him when he was gone.

  “What if you tried taking some of her blood? Maybe it would be enough to slow the darkness.”

  “We don’t know that it would work and it would only place her in danger.”

  Baal stopped in front of him. “Look, it seems to me you both need each other in order to survive. Neither of you have anything to lose at this point by trying. I think you need to come clean with her and at least give her a chance to turn you down. Both Diego and I will be there to protect her and I’ll take your fucking head if you can’t contain yourself.”

  Seth absorbed every word and the demon had several valid points that he hadn’t contemplated. “I’ll speak to her when she returns.” And what will I say exactly? What could he offer her? As far as he could see nothing at all other than he was a threat to her safety. He rubbed his temples. What he wouldn’t give for a moment of peace and quiet.

  “That was unbelievable and a little less frightening this time since I knew what to expect.” Katie had held on for dear life to Diego when they’d been sucked into a void. Seconds later they stood in the middle of her kitchen. “I am forever spoiled on how to travel.”

  Diego chuckled. “You still haven’t experienced the sensation of flight. While you can’t shift into a dragon, you can fly with one.”

  She walked to her hall closet and rummaged for a backpack. “I still can’t believe it. If it’s true, then how is it there have been no sightings?”

  “We can remain cloaked from the human eye and your radar. We used to live in another realm called Vandeldor, but since its demise, we have other areas where we hide.”

  She pulled out a black canvas pack. “Amazing. Can I watch you shift?”

  He looked around. “Not enough room here, but when we reach Egypt then yes. I’d offer you a ride, but I don’t want to start a war with Seth.”

  She looked up from her pack. “Why would that start a war?”

  Diego snorted. “You’re his mate. He’s probably freaking out as we speak because we’re alone.”

  “I don’t understand the whole mate thing. Then again no one has really explained it to me.” She pulled out the list and went back to the kitchen to grab the flashlight. “What is it exactly?”

  “Destiny really. It’s different for each species, but in a nutshell? Fate dictates who you will spend eternity with. There is no rhyme or reason that we’ve been able to figure out and lately it’s been even crazier. We all think the gods are up to something with the advent of evil.” He laughed. “Hell, they mated my brother to a demon. In all of history that’s never happened.”

  She wrinkled her nose and shoved the next item on the list into the bag. “What about love? I know Seth said there was love, but it all sounds too much like pre-arranged weddings.”

  “Oh, don’t be mistaken. There is love.” He shrugged. “Since I’m not mated I can’t tell you how it really feels. My sister in-law would be able to. They say it’s a deeper connection than any human could ever have. More like soul to soul. I know my brother and his mate would die for each other and not think twice about it.”

  “Interesting.” Maybe she was wrong about this mating thing. Perhaps it needed further investigation if not for herself then to appease her curious nature.

  “I just need to change and grab some extra clothes. I’ll be right back.” He nodded and she marched to her room.

  “So why are you doing this? The trip thing?” Diego yelled out.

  She shoved a pair of jeans, underwear and a couple of tees into the pack. Then headed for the bathroom. If nothing else a toothbrush and paste was all she needed from there, oh, and a hair brush.

  “Didn’t they tell you?” she hollered before going back to the bedroom to grab the dagger from its hiding place. She did a quick sweep of the room to make double sure no one was watching and reached behind her dresser to pull the blade from a secret drawer in the back. She strapped the dagger to her hip and pulled on a jacket before she grabbed the pack and headed back to the living room.

  “Oh, they told me, I just wondered why you are doing it. You seem to be taking things pretty well, for a human.” He held up his hand. “No offense.” He gave her a funny look. “I thought you were changing?”

  “I changed my mind, and if my mother is correct I’m not all human.” She stopped beside him. “Truth be told? I will do anything that will aid me in avenging my father’s death. If it means traveling with a band of immortals or marrying a crazy vampire, then so be it. I’ll deal with the aftermath later.”

  It wasn’t until the words had left her mouth that she realized she would marry, or mate as they called it, the half-baked guardian. It didn’t mean she had to stay with him, but if it gained her an extension to her life so she could hunt the demons? Then pity the person who stood in her way.

  Chapter Eight

  Katie and Diego entered her office and she dropped the pack in a chair.

  “We need to talk, alone.” Seth gave the evil eye to the other two men.

  Baal cleared his throat. “Come on Diego, let’s go find the bar.” The two scurried out and closed the door.

  “Sit.” Seth directed to the sofa.

  “Bossy much?”

  “Always. Look. I’m going to be straight with you and tell you everything I know. It seems like the right thing to do.”

  She put on a fake smile. “Thank you. I think.”

  “Some of this you have already heard. Yes, I am on the verge of going crazy. The voices in my head are not my own. Hell, I’m not sure I can even tell the difference anymore.”

  “I can’t even begin to imagine what it’s like.”

  “When the curse finally consumes me, they will have to kill me. It’s why Baal is here. My glorified babysitter.”

  “Why do they have to kill you?”

  “Because I will no longer have control. We feed from humans. Blood gives us power, but it is done in such a way as to bring no harm. If the curse takes control, I will forget that I was created to protect. Instead I will become a savage and the havoc even one of my kind can bring on humanity before he can be stopped is something I never wish to bear witness too again. Factor in that I am an ancient, the first guardian created and that makes me more cunning than my brethren. I could take out entire cities before anyone could stop me.”

  A chill crawled up her spine. It was hard to imagine the handsome, soft-spoken man in front of her was capable of such acts. Then again, he almost seemed to have a split personality. One moment kind and the next he was barking orders and issuing threats. She had to remind herself of what she was dealing with, but it didn’t sway her decision.

  “You should also know that the voices tell me to do unspeakable things to you. It’s also why I have directed Baal to stay between us.”

  “What k
ind of things?” she whispered almost disgusted with herself for wanting to know.

  “It’s best you didn’t know. Anyway, Marcus, who is one of my brethren, found his mate and she was the cure to his curse. Baal thinks you may be my cure, but we don’t know if Marcus and Cassie were a fluke. I’m also so far gone I’m not sure our mating would work and then...” He shook his head.

  “What? Please finish.”

  “So many factors. If we were able to complete the mating which I’m not even sure how to do since you’re not totally human. Well, if my curse wasn’t cured then my death would be painful for you in more ways than you could imagine.”

  “I get the feeling this mating is more than walking down the aisle in a white gown.”

  “With Cassie, she was transformed into one of us. That act took her mate drinking her blood until she was near death then placing her in stasis. I don’t have the option of placing you in stasis nor do we even know what that would do to you.” He jumped up and began pacing. “Fuck, you’re the daughter of a god which makes you a demigod. That alone makes no sense why they would choose a mate below your station.” He stopped suddenly. “I am so stupid.”


  He ran to the door and flung it open. “Baal! Get in here.”

  The other two men came rushing in. “What’s wrong?” Baal asked, looked over Katie as if to assess her condition.

  “Lileta,” Seth said.

  Baal pinned him with golden eyes. “What about her?”

  “She’s the daughter of a demigod, hence one herself. Maybe she could shed some light on this?” Seth questioned.

  Baal scratched his chin and Diego’s eyes lit up.

  “We can go to her. I’m not sure how much help she could be, but maybe she could help Katie in some way,” Diego said.

  Katie had no idea who this Lileta was, but if there was even a slim chance Lileta could help she wanted to take it. After the conversation she’d just had with Seth, it had caused her to sway for a moment. However, she had promised retribution for her father and nothing would stop her. Even placing herself in harm’s way. “Yes, I like this plan. Can I see her before our trip?”

  Diego nodded. “Let me connect with her and ask. I’m sure she’ll agree.”

  While the dragon appeared to be having some sort of mental conversation with his sister-in-law, Baal stepped in beside them.

  “You should know that Lileta and I do not share the same father. It was only recently that we found out her father is Lowan.”

  Katie was sure she had a puzzled look on her face. As she started to open her mouth to speak, Baal held up a hand.

  “Lowan is the ass who is unleashing all the demons. He is the grandson of Hades himself.”

  She felt her jaw drop several inches. “Hades? Your sister is related to Hades?” Could things really get much worse?

  “Actually, he’s not altogether a bad god. His grandson on the other hand is the product of a guardian and another demon High Lord that just happened to be Hades’ son, Drayos.”

  “Well, if he isn’t so bad, then why doesn’t he stop the madness?”

  “Because Lowan is blood. Imagine killing your own grandson? The other gods can’t interfere because Lowan is a demigod. That leaves the rest of us to take care of shit,” Baal stated.

  She felt another headache coming on.

  “Lileta says she would love to meet you.”

  Good. The more she learned, the more she wanted to be part of this fight they kept referring to. It also sounded like getting rid of Lowan might stop the rest of the demons. There had to be a way to locate this demigod. She retrieved her pack. “Let’s go.”

  It only took seconds for the group to appear in the entry to the Draki king’s home and Lileta was there waiting to greet them. She hugged both her brother and Diego before she moved to Katie. Seth watched with a wary eye. His distrust of everything and everyone no doubt brought on by the darkness. He knew there was nothing to fear from the female demon.

  “You must be Katie. I’m Lileta.” She extended her hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “I’m pleased to meet you as well. I’m told maybe you can help.”

  Lileta’s golden eyes closed as she continued to hold onto Katie’s hand. Several seconds passed before she opened them again. She smiled. “You have the mark of a goddess.”

  “W-what?” Katie stammered.

  Seth was beside her in a heartbeat. “What do you mean a goddess?”

  Lileta nodded. “She has the mark to become a goddess. At the moment, her transformation hasn’t occurred.” She looked back at Katie. “I’m not sure how though. I mean how you transform. I can see your body is in turmoil and wants to shift. Probably into the Phoenix.” She shook her head, a frown on her face. “I’m not sure what it means, but I can see your time is limited. If we don’t figure it out you’ll burn up alive.”

  “Son of a bitch. I’ve never known a demigod to become more than what they were. This is interesting.” Katie had been out of his league as a demigod, but as a goddess? She was untouchable. What the hell were the gods thinking?

  Lileta looked at him. “I understand your hesitancy to mate, but have you thought about exchanging a small amount of blood?”

  Katie wrinkled her nose and cringed. Apparently, blood exchange wasn’t going to be an option. Lileta touched her arm.

  “I know it sounds...well, gross. Maybe it will help to slow down the process for both of you. If you are really meant to be together it can’t hurt. Perhaps you can find a more tasteful way.”

  Katie looked from Lileta to Seth. He was unable to read her eyes.

  “I’ll think about it. That’s all I can promise.”

  Lileta smiled. “It’s all anyone can ask.” She pulled Katie into a hug. “I wish you the best.” She stepped back. “Will you be leaving soon?”

  “I think we should wait until nightfall,” Diego replied.

  Seth nodded in agreement. There was no sense in making the trip during the daylight. Too many people would be around to ask far too many questions.

  “Good. You can stay for dinner then. Caleb will be home soon and I’d love to show Katie around.”

  He watched Lileta drag his mate away.

  “What next?” Baal slid in next to him.

  “She will have my blood, like it or not.” If there was even the slightest chance he could save her, then he would make it so. He only had to devise a plan.

  Lileta led Katie across golden marble floors and through an oversized room that held several statues. They ranged in size from as tall as her to nearly three times her height. The colors were all different. From solid black, to red, to bronze. The only thing they held in common was, they were dragons. She wanted to stop and inspect each one, enjoy their beauty but Lileta continued at a clipped pace to an arched opening on the other side.

  When she stepped through, she found herself on a large balcony that overlooked a valley of green grasses, and a multitude of wild flowers. Mountains capped with white peaks loomed in the distance. The picture was breathtaking.

  “Where are we?”

  The woman next to her smiled. “Deep in the Carpathian Mountains. No man steps foot here and even if they did this place would be hidden from their eyes.”


  “Yes,” the demon replied.

  “I’ve never seen anything so spectacular.” Katie could stare at it all day. For the first time in forever she had a sense of peace, but doubted it would last long. This moment in time was the calm before a storm that she had no idea if she’d survive. To find out that she was a demigod was shock enough, but a goddess? She wasn’t even sure she comprehended. It was all surreal.

  She strained to see something in the distance. A bird flitted—no it was bigger than a bird. It flew closer and flashes of gold nearly blinded her. She put her hand up to help cover the glare of the sun. “What is that?”

  Lileta laughed. “That would be our ward, Leria. Her father was Odage and
his mind was taken over by Lowan. He was put to death by the guardian king for his crimes against humanity. Caleb and I consider her our daughter now.”

  The creature drew closer and Katie could see just how spectacular it was. “A dragon! A real live...” She slapped her palm over her mouth and watched in awe as the beast the size of a small private jet hovered in front of them. Bright golden eyes stared back at her from a giant head with two beautiful horns. Lileta grabbed her hand.

  “Come on.” She led her across the balcony to a set of steps where they descended to a large rocky outcrop.

  The dragon landed with more grace than she would have ever expected. Lileta dragged her closer, but Katie hesitated.

  “Don’t be afraid,” Lileta whispered.

  The creature lowered its head level with hers. Warm eyes gazed at her and she was compelled to extend her hand. The beast nuzzled its nose into her palm and Katie sucked in a breath.

  “I don’t know why I was expecting a cold nose.”

  Lileta chuckled beside her. “Dragons are anything but cold.”

  “You’re beautiful.” She would have never imagined the creatures of lore would first off really exist and second be so majestic. “Do they all look like you?”

  Wind and flashes of color swirled around the dragon, its imposing body began to shrink and before she could blink a beautiful young woman stood in front of her. Her jet-black hair flowed down her shoulders and her blue eyes sparkled.

  “No, we all look a little different,” the girl replied.

  Lileta stepped next to the girl and placed an arm around her shoulder. “Leria, this is Katie. She is a friend of Seth’s.”

  The girl extended her hand. “I’m pleased to meet you.”

  “And I you.”

  “Sweetie, how were your lessons?” Lileta asked.

  “Jax says I’m going to be a force to be reckoned with and I’m a natural with a blade.” She kissed Lileta on the cheek. “Caleb had some things to do, but said he’d be home soon. I’m going to shower.” She looked back to Katie. “Nice to meet you.” Then scurried off.


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