Vampire's Kiss

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Vampire's Kiss Page 8

by Valerie Twombly

  “She is beautiful in both forms. How old is she?”

  “Thank you, she just celebrated her eighteenth birthday. She has had to grow up fast and already she has broken the hearts of many Draki. Several had hoped she would be their mate, but so far it doesn’t seem to be in her future.”

  Katie liked this demon and what a surprise since she’d been killing them for years. It pleased her that not all of them were the evil spawn of Hell. “I know I don’t have a clue about how the other half lives, but isn’t she rather young to be thinking about such things?”

  Lileta stared out over the valley. “Things are different in our world. At eighteen her mate can claim her and I fear that will start a war of its own.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  Lileta let out a laugh. “None of us do really. I can only say that the man who is her destiny will likely meet the sharp end of Leria’s blade and gods help us all if he can’t convince her not to kill him.”

  “Oh.” What the hell else was there to say? Katie had no right to question their ways. They fought their own demons except in their case they knew more about the evil of the world than she could ever imagine. Hell, she couldn’t even understand what was happening to her own body and how she fit into the scheme of things.

  “We should head back. Help me in the kitchen?”

  “I’d love to.” Finally, something to keep her busy. “Can I ask you something?”

  Lileta offered a warm smile. “Of course. I’m sure you have tons of questions and I’ll help any way I can.”

  “That’s an understatement. What can you tell me about this mating thing?”

  Her companion stopped and faced her. “It is a love and a bond like you will never experience with a human male. I don’t mean to belittle what humans have, but the connection Caleb and I have...Well you know when you get those butterflies and you can’t stand to be apart?”

  Katie nodded.

  “It’s like that but ten times more intense and it never fades. I carry part of his soul and he mine. There is never any guessing what the other is feeling because you will experience their emotions.” She laughed. “They will know when they’ve pissed you off and work even harder to try and fix it.”

  It sounded blissful, but there had to be problems. “If you always know what the other is feeling how do you ever have any privacy?” That was one thing she would never give up.

  “For us it’s simple, we just throw up a block. You can opt to let people in or not and you’ll learn. As a goddess you will become very powerful.”

  “I don’t know what to think of all this.” Though she had already tossed Seth out of her head.

  Lileta looped her arm around Katie’s. “Come on, let’s go fix dinner and we can chat. I can’t wait for you to meet Caleb.”

  Chapter Nine

  After an early dinner, Katie had gone to one of the guest rooms for some much needed rest before they departed later in the evening. Seth tossed idea after idea out the window on how he was going to convince Katie to take his blood. He’d thought about sneaking some into her wine, but then worried diluting it might change the affect. Why does the damn woman have to be so stubborn?

  Finally, he decided to try speaking with her again. If that failed he wasn’t above resorting to force. She may end up hating him, hell he was pretty sure she did already so no loss there. His fate was already sealed, but hers didn’t have to be. Hopefully, once he was gone she could then choose who she wanted to be with. Fall in love with another god perhaps?

  The thought caused him to snarl.

  “I’m going to Katie’s room,” he announced to Baal.

  “You sure that be wise?”

  “Probably not,” Seth replied.

  “You got twenty minutes then I’m coming in.”

  Seth eyed the demon. He was really beginning to like the man and had no doubt Baal would indeed be barging in at twenty minutes on the dot. “Noted.” He stormed off down the corridor and toward the guest wing of the Draki leader’s home. He stopped at the door and stretched out his senses. She was awake. Good. He was going to just barge in, but thought a more civil approach might be best. Raising his hand, he knocked.

  “Come in,” Katie called from the other side.

  He turned the handle and pushed open the door. “I sensed you were awake.”

  She sat propped up in bed and flipped through a magazine. “Yes. I find sleep hard to come by these days.”

  He stepped inside and closed the door behind him. If Katie was uncomfortable, she never showed it. She was a strong woman and it was one thing among many he liked about her.

  “I came to speak to you about taking my blood.”

  She set down her magazine and crossed her arms over her breasts. “I’m not drinking blood. You may be a vampire, but I am not.” Her blue eyes challenged him.

  “I will not disagree. However, you are meant for great things, Katie O’Hara and if you’re dead they will never come to pass.”

  Her eyes softened. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do or become. But you, you’re a guardian and your life is much more valuable than mine.” She tilted her head. “Why is it you aren’t asking to take my blood? What if I’m the answer to keeping you sane?”

  He smiled. “You are my mate, therefore your happiness, your health and your life will always come before mine or anyone else. I am beyond help, but perhaps when I’m gone you can live a happy life.” He wanted to choke on those words, but his happiness was never meant to be. “Besides, you can’t kill any demons if you’re six feet under.”

  She raised a questioning brow.

  “I know you want to avenge your father’s death. Let me help you.”

  Katie was certain she had a blank stare as she looked at Seth. Other than her father, there had been nobody to give a shit about her or her welfare. Then again, she was a loner. Didn’t make close friends because she was always afraid they would somehow be used against her. Who knew what the demons she had been fighting these past few years were capable of? They had killed both of her parents after all.

  “What do you want in return?” There had to be a catch, always was. She tried to study him for a reaction, but he remained stoic. Did the man ever show emotions? She found herself wondering if he was capable of any then remembered what he had done for her father. That was definitely not the act of a man without feelings.

  “Nothing. As I said, I only want you to live.”

  “That’s very admirable of you. I just don’t think I could bring myself to drink blood.” The thought made her stomach roll, but he was correct in that she both wanted revenge and therefore needed to live.

  “I understand. It won’t take much, a few drops perhaps and I think I can help you with it.”

  “Can you do some kind of compulsion on me?” She pulled her bottom lip through her teeth.

  “No, I tried that already and you are immune. However, I might be able to help you relax, make it more pleasurable. Besides, I don’t see any alternatives at this point.”

  She tried to relax, but her body kept tensing at the thought of drinking blood and her stomach lurched. “No, I suppose there’s not.” She let out an exasperated sigh. “All right, if you can keep me from gagging or tossing my cookies then I guess we can try it.” I can’t believe I just agreed to this.

  He slid in next to her on the bed. “You are feverish. How do you feel right now?”

  “Like my head is going to explode.”

  “The timing is good then.” He stretched out and spread his legs. “Come sit here and lean your back against my chest.” He patted the spot on the bed.

  She swallowed. Memories of how her body had reacted to him earlier came flooding back and she wasn’t sure she liked the idea of being so close to him. “How do I know you won’t go bonkers on me and do something stupid?”

  “I can only ask you to trust me. My honor is all I have to offer.” He smiled. “Plus, there are several who would flash in here in seconds should you screa

  Something told her his honor meant a great deal to him, plus the thought of the others close by offered comfort, so she complied and moved to the spot he had indicated. Stretched her legs out and leaned into his chest. As she feared, her body immediately recognized the hard muscles she’d felt before. Every inch of him was like steel and she bit her lip and wondered if the erection between his legs would be the same. Her answer came as his thickness pressed into her lower back.

  Her pulse increased and heat flooded her core. Damn it! Now was not the time for her libido to kick in.

  “I’m going to bite my wrist, bleed a little then heal it. You’ll only have to lick up what is there. I’ll connect to your mind and give you something else to think about.”

  “O-okay.” She was beginning to think perhaps it was better to simply drink the damn blood since it might take her mind off the lust that coursed through her.


  “Oh shit, that’s weird.” She wondered how he did that? Speak in her mind.

  I’m going to send you mental images then press my wrist to your lips. When I do...

  “I got it.” Hurry up before I change my mind.

  In seconds pictures of rolling green hills and stone fences appeared. Sheep dotted the landscape and grazed leisurely. In the distance she could see the ocean as it crashed against jagged cliffs. The images so real it was like she was really there. Something was pressed against her mouth and she parted her lips to accept the sweet taste of chocolate.

  Umm, tastes so good. She swore she heard Seth moan and his erection grew more rigid. His wrist was gone and she was disappointed because she wanted more of the sweet elixir. The pictures faded too and when she blinked she was back in the guest bedroom of the Draki’s home. Strong arms were circled around her waist and with them came a safety she had never known before. Not even her father had been able to give her this level of comfort.

  “Are you all right?”

  She searched for her voice. Never before had a man rattled her to such an extreme and she had to fight the urge to turn to him and find out if his lips tasted the same as his blood. Her pulse raced and butterflies did acrobatics in her gut. Holy hell, if a few drops of blood did this to her, what would more do? Or for that matter, what would sex with him be like? Her body begged her to find out, but with the intake of a sharp breath, she finally managed to find semi-calm and turned her head to meet Seth’s blue stare. “How did you know?”

  “I know many things about you, Katie O’Hara.”

  She bit back a tear. He had given her a glimpse of her homeland, Ireland. A place she had always wanted to see, but had not had the opportunity. “Thank you.” She licked her lips as she stared at his. He leaned closer and looked as if he might kiss her and she desperately wanted him to.

  The door swung open with a great force and a man cleared his throat. Katie jumped and scooted away, back to the other side of the king-size bed. Baal stood in the doorway with a sly grin on his face.

  “Twenty minutes,” he exclaimed, pointing to a non-existent watch on his wrist.

  “Your timing is impeccable,” Seth growled.

  “Great. Well glad to see you both in one piece. I’ll just be out here.” He jabbed his thumb toward the corridor. “Carry on.” He closed the door behind him.

  “Now what?” Katie asked. The magical moment lost and probably for the best.

  “Now we wait and see what happens. The answer should come quickly.”

  “Will you wait here with me?” She would never admit she was scared. “I don’t want to turn into something that will endanger anyone here. If that should happen, please kill me.”

  Time stood still and a calm like he’d not experienced in decades washed over Seth when he’d held Katie in his arms and gave her his lifeblood. He’d worried the dark one––as he’d not so fondly nicknamed the bastard in his head––would make an appearance, but he’d remained silent. It had been a long time since he’d felt like he had done something worthy and feeding his mate had been satisfying. Having her so close was like heaven. A place he wished he could spend eternity, but he would not be claiming her. She deserved better than him and she needed stability, something he lacked. Still, it didn’t stop him from wanting her. Needing her.

  Katie sat on the other side of the bed and chewed her bottom lip. He desired nothing more than to nibble on the swollen flesh himself and perhaps make her forget her troubles. Having had her so close to him caused an erection so hard he dared not move, knowing how painful it would be. Instead he placed a pillow over his lap to hide his arousal. Part of him wanted to throttle Baal for interrupting. He’d been desperate to taste her mouth, still was. The other half was grateful the demon had kept his word. He was positive had he kissed her it would not have stopped there.

  “How do you feel?”

  “Actually, my headache is lessening a bit.”

  “That’s good. Let’s wait a while longer and see if anything else changes.”

  She nodded and picked up the magazine she’d been looking though when he came in. He had to stifle a groan when she flicked out her tongue to lick her fingertips and turned the page.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He wrinkled his brow. “Nothing, why you ask?”

  “I thought I heard you moan. You in pain?” She held a look of concern.

  “No.” Yes.

  “There, your mouth said no, but your... Oh hell, you’re still in my head.”

  He blinked. “No, I swear I disconnected from you.”

  Her eyes widened. “Then why can I still hear you?”

  “Maybe it’s my blood?” No way had such a small amount started a bond.

  She pursed her lips. “Do you know what I’m thinking?”

  He cocked his head. “I’d say from the look on your face you’d like to throttle me?”

  “Good guess. Are you saying you aren’t in my head?”

  “I’m saying exactly that. Unless you’d like me to go there, I have no idea what is in that pretty little head of yours.”

  “Stay out!”

  He couldn’t help but chuckle. “Yes, ma’am.”

  She narrowed her gaze. “Are you patronizing me?”

  “Not at all. How do you feel now?”

  Katie closed her beautiful blue eyes for a moment then opened them. “Much better.”

  He nodded. “I sense your temperature has returned to normal as well. You should try and get some rest. We’ll leave in a couple of hours.” He swung his feet over the edge of the bed and stood. “I’ll leave you now.” His feet felt like they were encased in concrete as he walked to the door. He exited the room and passed Baal in the corridor.

  “Sorry dude, but we agreed.”

  Seth held up a hand. “No, I’m glad you’re a man of your word. I need to be alone.”

  The dark one had returned and Seth needed to find some place private. He closed his eyes and flashed outside. The rocky outcrop gave him an exceptional view of the moon as it danced across the valley. At least he could enjoy it while he inflicted his pain. It seemed such a contradiction and almost wrong that he be in such beautiful surroundings while his mind was in the darkest of places. He pulled the dagger from its sheath, rolled up his sleeve, twisted his arm palm up and made one long slice from his wrist up to his elbow. Blood welled and the voice in his head laughed. Sweat beaded at his temples. What he really wanted was a fix, but he had promised and knew it was for the best. Katie needed him to get her through this journey.

  “I make an oath to the gods, I swear I will see you to Egypt and back, Katie. After that, I can’t vow anything.”

  He shoved the blade through his palm until it came out the other side. He gritted his teeth and the dark one quieted, left him with only the thousands of other voices. At least those he could deal with. As he pulled the knife back out of his hand, a tear slid down his cheek. The only other time in his entire existence he had ever shed one was for Vivian. Now he cried for Katie. His beautiful mate that he co
uld never claim.

  Chapter Ten

  It was the middle of the night when they finally arrived at the desert location where the Valley of the Kings loomed in the distance. It was decided they would ‘pop in’ as Katie liked to call it on the outskirts then approach by foot so they––or in this case––her companions could detect any disturbance. She may have been loath to admit it earlier, but now that they stood in the middle of an expanse of sand with only stars to light the way, Katie was glad to have the other immortals help. To think she had originally planned to come here alone, now looked like a ridiculous idea.

  Diego flew high overhead and searched for danger. He also planned to land completely cloaked and do a ground sweep in case he missed anything from the air. In the meantime, she, Seth, and Baal trudged through the sand only a short distance away. They hadn’t gotten far when Diego landed in front of them and shifted.

  “I detected demons. I’m guessing they are Lowan’s goons since they’re Wendigo,” Diego stated.

  “Ahh, son of a bitch! I hate those fuckers,” Baal groaned.

  “How many?” Seth questioned.

  “At least four.” Diego shifted his weight. It was evident the dragon was itching to fight.

  “Oh, one for each of us. Let’s go.” Katie felt pretty damn good since she’d had a taste of Seth’s blood and was ready to take on the world. She pulled her blade from its sheath.

  Seth touched her arm. “While I’ve seen you fight and you are remarkable with that dagger, you have no idea what you’re up against. These creatures are the foulest.”

  “Right, not even I like them and I’m a demon.” Baal gave a visible shiver.

  “Well we can’t stand out here forever. I’m going to make a guess and say that whatever lies inside those tombs is real, else why would the demons be hanging around?” Katie wanted to get this over with. Her clock was ticking and getting louder every second.

  “I don’t disagree, but we need to form a solid plan before we go storming in there,” Seth said.


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