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Night Novellas: Night Thief & Night Angel

Page 19

by Lisa Kessler

  Colin snapped awake the moment the sun set in the sky. Memories of his night with Juliana filled his head, warming his heart. But there was still so much to tell her. First, he needed to feed.

  After a quick shower, he dressed and grabbed his coat. He’d hunt near the docks and then head over to Juliana’s cottage. Anxiousness coiled in his chest, a unique sensation he’d never experienced before.

  As Colin reached for the front door, Bartley came inside. “Good to see ya, Colin.” His words were friendly enough, but his tone was not. He didn’t smile, his jaw tightened. “How was yer evening with Juli?”

  Waves of protectiveness and aggression came off him. Colin reached for the man’s thoughts and found a knot of worry for Muriel and concern for Juliana. He reached out to clasp Bartley’s shoulder.

  “The police are searching for Muriel, but they told Juliana they suspect she wanted to disappear.” He’d tell Bartley the truth after he told Juliana. She deserved to hear the news first.


  “Probably.” Colin sighed, lowering his hand. “But I didn’t find a trace of her last night.”

  “So ya gave up and spent the night with her cousin, instead?”

  Colin raised a brow. “I came home last night.”

  “Not ’til nearly morning.”

  Both of them knew Bartley couldn’t best him in a fight, but his care for Juliana outweighed his good sense. Colin couldn’t fault him that.

  “I give you my word, Bartley. I would never hurt Juliana. Never.”

  “Does she know what ya are?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Then ya already have.” Bartley brushed past him without looking back.

  A muscle clenched in Colin’s cheek. He’d make everything right with Juliana tonight. He hoped. But he needed to feed. The last thing he wanted was for her to see the bloodlust in his eyes.

  He opened the door and stepped into the darkness.

  By the time Benedict came back inside the restaurant, Juliana had almost finished her Bangers and Mash. Whatever he wanted to show her, she’d rather learn about Colin on her own.

  “Forgive me. I didn’t realize the call would take so long.” He sat down across from her.

  That’s all right. I should be getting home anyway.

  His shoulders tensed while he read her note. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. You need to see this.”

  She sighed and pushed her plate away. I appreciate your concern, but I really need to get back.

  Benedict took her hand, his somber expression cooling her blood. “I would not have brought you here tonight if it wasn’t important. I’ll walk you home, and maybe we’ll run into Colin on the way back.”

  She pulled her hand away, tucking her notepad into her purse. If she went with him, she was not holding his hand. Benedict was a handsome, charming man, but her heart yearned for Colin. The last thing she needed was for Benedict to get the wrong idea.

  Outside, he pointed toward the docks. “Humor me? He usually hunts in this area.”

  Juliana nodded and slid her hand in her pocket, gripping her pepper spray. What could Colin possibly hunt down here at night? Rats?

  Colin wandered the alleys near the docks, but before he opened his mind to listen for the thoughts of the mortals around him, the rich scent of fresh blood swamped his senses. His fangs lengthened as he followed the trail. When he rounded the corner, a dark-haired man had another guy pressed against a brick wall with a knife to his throat. Both men were swollen and bloodied.

  Colin’s thirst clawed to the surface, his eyes burning with hunger as he approached. “What’s going on here?”

  The man with the knife didn’t take his eyes off his prey. “None of yer bloody business. Sod off!”

  The blond man glanced his way, his eyes widening as he struggled in earnest. “Jesus…what in God’s name are you?”

  Benedict pressed his finger to his lips, signaling her to be silent as they rounded the corner. Her eyes widened. She had to be hallucinating.

  Nine meters from her, Colin had a dark-haired man pinned to the ground. The man struggled in vain, and Colin’s eyes… His eyes glowed red, his mouth opened, poised over the man’s neck, and his teeth…

  She rubbed her eyes, opening them again as Colin’s gaze connected with hers. He had fangs.

  Juliana’s survival instincts kicked in, fueled by the memory of the banshee’s cry. She spun around and ran.

  Benedict watched her go, then turned back with a smirk. The Night Walker focused on his prey, staring into the other man’s eyes before he finally dropped his dinner. Disoriented, the man scrambled to his feet and bolted.

  Colin started in the direction Juliana had gone, but Benedict caught his right arm, tight. “I gave you the chance to leave. This is my land, and these are my people.”

  Colin’s eyes flashed again. “Juliana is not yours. You do not touch her or—”

  “Or what exactly?” Benedict glanced around at the empty alley. “It doesn’t look like you’ll be touching her anytime soon.” He lowered his voice, pulling the Night Walker closer. “She thinks I saw you walking with Muriel last night while you were supposed to be searching, and now she’s witnessed your…appetite. She’s a smart girl. I’m sure she’s already connected the dots.”

  He drank in the rage in the Night Walker’s face. Oh yes, he’d hurt him by exposing his secret. Good.

  “I’m no longer starving, outlander. My strength matches yours,” he said. “You are not in control here.” Benedict ran his tongue across his teeth. Juliana would turn to him for comfort, after this, and he would be there. Happily.

  Suddenly, he was slammed against the brick wall of the pub. The Night Walker’s hand tightened around his throat, choking off the air. Pain radiated through the back of his head as he struggled to and break free.

  Colin’s breath brushed over his neck. “You’ve got it all wrong, water horse. I think your blood will quench my thirst just fine.”


  Colin snapped his head in the direction of Juliana’s voice. She stood, her feet wide, gripping a metal pipe like a bat.

  Go home, Juliana. I will explain everything. You have my word.

  Her eyes narrowed. Your word means nothing to me.

  The cold edge to her voice spoke volumes.

  She tossed her notepad toward them. It clattered to the ground at Colin’s feet. He glared at Benedict and yanked him away from the wall. “Pick it up.”

  “Get it yourself.”

  Colin smashed Benedict facedown onto the ground and reached for the paper. He flipped it over, glancing at her note. A knife stabbed through his heart as he read her words.

  I don’t know who or what you are, but I won’t let you hurt Benedict for showing me the truth.

  He glanced at Juliana, her knuckles were white around her weapon, her cheeks flushed, ready to defend herself. From him.

  He got up, freeing Benedict. Slowly, he walked toward her. I should have told you the truth about me, but that doesn’t change the fact that I had nothing to do with Muriel’s disappearance. Benedict is lying to you. He is dangerous, Juliana.

  She took a practice swing. He wasn’t the one about to eat a guy in a dark alley. He’s not a vampire.

  Benedict moved around him to stand at Juliana’s side. Seeing him next to her awakened the hawk inside of Colin’s soul. His animal spirit struggled for freedom. Colin flexed his fingers, grinding his teeth to keep the beast at bay.

  I am not a vampire, and I stopped that man from slitting the throat of another. I only feed on criminals. Walk away, whatever you wish, but do not leave with Benedict.

  He stared into her eyes giving her a mental push. She already hated him; mesmerizing her in order to save her life could not do anymore harm at this point.

  Benedict stepped between them, breaking Colin’s eye contact with her. With his back to Colin, he spoke to Juliana. “You’re communicating with him, aren’t you? After all you’ve seen, you’re st
ill talking to him.” He shook his head, bringing his hand up to caress her cheek. “I thought you were smarter than that.”

  Colin grabbed his wrist, pulling him away from Juliana and spinning him around. “Do not touch her.”

  Benedict tackled him, knocking him to the ground. He landed a punch to his mouth, splitting his lip. “I am through taking orders from you, Night Walker. And I’m going to make you sorry you ever set foot on this land.”

  Colin spat his blood up into Benedict’s face. “I am only sorry I did not kill you centuries ago, you pompous ass.”

  He snapped his head up smashing his forehead into Benedict’s nose. The scent of blood reawakened his thirst as he scrambled to his feet. Benedict snatched the discarded switchblade from ground and swung it in Colin’s direction, catching his shoulder. A red stain blossomed through his shirt.

  Before he could stop her, Juliana dropped her weapon and rushed between them, spraying Benedict in the face with something from a thin canister. The water horse dropped the knife, cursing and rubbing his eyes as he stumbled back.

  Run, Juliana. Go!

  She frowned, her hands trembling as her eyes darted between Colin and Benedict. You’re bleeding.

  The air crackled with electricity. Colin tensed. The bastard was going to shift.

  I’ll heal. Get home and lock your doors. Go now!

  She went about six paces before hoofbeats echoed through the alley. Colin turned to stop him, but the black stallion with fiery eyes leaped into the air, clearing Colin’s head. He landed on the other side and disappeared around the corner.

  Colin pursued him, turning just as the mammoth animal grabbed Juliana’s jacket with its teeth and tossed her onto his back. She struggled to get away, to slide down off the beast’s back, but she’d never break free. Once an aughisky had a woman on his back, his magic entrapped her. There would be no escape until the water horse chose to free her.

  An unfamiliar dagger of fear stabbed through Colin’s chest. He followed the creature, moving faster than the humans around them could see. The stallion stopped at the edge of the sharp cliff leading to the waves below. Benedict reared on its hind legs, victory flaring his nostrils as he tossed his head.

  Colin skidded to a stop. “You win. Give me Juliana, and I will leave Ireland forever.”

  The stallion pawed at the ground and turned toward the water. Before Colin could move, the horse launched into the air, leaping off the edge of the cliff.

  Juliana’s shriek echoed all the way down.

  Chapter Nine

  Juliana squeezed her eyes closed, her vocal chords straining with the gut-wrenching, terror-filled scream she couldn’t hear. She held a death grip on the black horse’s mane, as if that might save her from the fall. Weightless in the silence, she waited for her life to flash before her.

  Cold saltwater made her gasp, pulling fluid into her lungs. When the horse surfaced, she coughed, struggling for air.

  They weren’t dead.

  The black horse swam to shore. On the sand, the ocean breeze sparked with energy, and suddenly the horse mutated. Juliana fell to the ground, coughing more seawater from her lungs. A hand grasped her forearms, yanking her to her feet. Benedict.

  He stood before her completely naked, his expression somewhere between crazed and livid. She struggled to free herself from his hold. He jerked her closer.

  “You could have been mine. I would have given you anything. But now…” He glared up at the cliffs. “Now you’re nothing more than another way to hurt my enemy.”

  She had no pad or pen with her. What could she say anyway? Begging a man—who was obviously no man at all—to spare her life seemed almost as pointless as pining for a vampire. With her free hand, she clasped her Celtic triquetra. All threads of life are connected.

  Now she understood her grandmother’s words. And she understood the warning in her dreams.

  Benedict’s attention was still focused on the rock face. The veins in his throat strained like he was shouting.

  “You disappoint me, Night Walker. Where is your hawk? By the time you climb down that cliff on foot, she’ll be dead!”

  He turned toward Juliana, his features animated in the moonlight. “Did he tell you he can change his form? He tried to force me out of my land, shifting into a hawk and attacking me from the air, but no more.” A twisted smile curled at the corners of his mouth. “I wasn’t lying when I told you I saw your cousin. But she was on my arm, not Colin’s. She’s dead, Juliana. But don’t worry. You’ll be reunited with her soon.”

  A tear spilled down her cheek as she slapped him. Hard.

  He straightened and glared up at the sea cliffs again. “I will kill everything you love, Night Walker. Everything!”

  Juliana’s heart hammered in her chest. Her mind replayed Colin walking into her cottage, ripping off his coat and shirt. His mangled arm. He’d said he couldn’t protect her…

  She stared at Benedict. If Colin really could shift into a bird, losing all the muscle in one arm would make flying impossible.

  He couldn’t fly.

  She slammed her knee up into Benedict’s groin. Hard. His grip faltered. Jerking her elbow free, she ran for the rocks. Pointless when he could become a giant horse and chase after her, but she only needed to buy a few minutes.

  Looking up at the cliff, she shouted inside her mind, hoping Colin would hear her. He’s baiting you. Don’t you dare take it. You’ll fall.

  Her voice echoed through Colin’s head, his heart clenching in his chest. He was already over the edge of the precipice, climbing down the steep rock cliff. He couldn’t risk using his speed. One wrong step and he’d plunge to the rocks below. He’d heal, but not in time to save Juliana.

  “You filthy bitch!” Benedict’s voice boomed against the steep stone cliff.

  I’m coming, Juliana. I need more time. Suppressing the other half of his spirit took almost as much effort as finding the next sturdy rock to place his foot. The hawk screeched though his mind, demanding to take flight, to save her.

  He wants you to fall, Colin. He’ll kill us both.

  Juliana’s pained cry silenced her voice in his head.

  “Do you smell it yet?” Benedict bellowed over the crashing waves. “I guess I misjudged your feelings for this one. Maybe she was just an easy lay…”

  The wind carried the scent of her blood. “Leave her alone!” Colin shouted. Rage contracted every muscle in his body. He’d never make it down in time. “I’m the one you want!”

  “Did you taste her yet, Night Walker? She carries the fire of the old blood. Pure. Powerful. But you wouldn’t recognize that anyway, would you, outlander?”

  Colin twisted from the cliff wall to look over his shoulder. His heart sank. Juliana was limp in Benedict’s arms. Benedict pulled her around onto his back, his body mutating into the fierce black stallion once more. Colin yelled, giving voice to his fear and frustration until it changed, morphing into his hawk’s shriek. The giant bird, no longer a prisoner within Colin’s soul, spread his wings, his sharp talons releasing the hold on the rock face.

  The oversized hawk pumped its wings but the left one couldn’t fight the angry winds of the ocean. The world started spinning as the hawk plummeted. Inside, Colin pushed calm into the animal and one strong command: Glide.

  The bird responded, stretching out both wings. His battered left wing fluttered and trembled, but he held his course. His downward spiral slowed as he caught a gust off the sea, riding over it. Colin used the bird’s heightened eyesight to search the water, gliding dangerously close to the waves.

  The black horse threw his head back as the hawk’s sharp talons cut into his ear. Colin weighed his options, with his wounded wing he wouldn’t be able to bear Juliana’s weight and stay airborne as a hawk. His best chance for saving her was in his human form.

  He’d never shifted in midair before. He wasn’t even sure it was possible.

  Circling the horse, he glided closer to the shore. Benedict followed.
Juliana’s limp body was still draped over his back, secured by his magic. Water splashed over her head. Was she breathing?

  His pulse raced, and the hawk screeched, diving once more. As he neared the water, Colin used all of his power to force the giant bird back, regaining his true form as he hit the ocean. Cold waves greeted him, the shock intensifying his awareness.

  Colin grabbed the horse’s head, pulling him toward the shore. Benedict’s strong legs fought for the open sea. This was his territory; he had the upper hand.

  He also had an ego the size of Ireland itself.

  Colin pulled himself close to the massive animal’s ear. “You disappoint me, water horse. I came for a fight, not a swim.”

  The horse broke free of Colin’s grip and slammed his large head against the top of Colin’s skull. Stars exploded at the edges of his vision. Blood dripped into his eye as he snagged a fistful of the stallion’s mane to keep from going under. Juliana’s head was submerged, draped over the water horse. Panic seized him. She’d drown…if she hadn’t already.

  He reached for her, catching her around the waist. Using all his Night Walker strength, he tugged, trying to free her, Benedict’s magic held. Desperate to save her, he drew back his right arm and plunged it through the waves, connecting with the soft flesh of the beast’s flank.

  The horse groaned, swinging his head around to snap at Colin. His teeth broke the skin on Colin’s wounded shoulder, but the distraction worked. Juliana slipped off his back. Colin pulled her close, keeping her face above the water, but she didn’t gasp for breath. He turned for the shore, pushing his body to move at an inhuman speed.

  Benedict pursued him, but Colin kept focused on the beach. Racing up the sand, he laid Juliana down, pressing at her abdomen. Her lips were blue, her mind silent, and her heartbeat weak and slow. Finally, water spilled from her lips.

  Come on, angel. Fight.

  Lightning arced through the sky as Benedict shifted form. Colin spun around, his eyes burning with rage. Benedict smirked. “Too little too late, Night Walker.”


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