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Asher: A steamy contemporary military romance (Project Arma Book 3)

Page 3

by Nyssa Kathryn

  Researching coffee had led her down the rabbit hole of researching everything else pregnant women couldn’t eat. The list was miles longer than she’d thought.

  Lexie had assumed alcohol was the only no-no during pregnancy. Apparently not.

  Lucky, she felt sick to her stomach most of the time and didn’t have much of an appetite for food, anyway.

  After a few more minutes, Lexie finally saw Evie push through the door of the diner. Only she wasn’t alone. Holding the door open was Luca…and trailing behind the couple was the very man she was trying to avoid.


  What the heck? Were her eyes playing tricks on her or had Evie really brought her boyfriend and the guy Lexie was trying to get over to their meeting?

  Asher’s gaze landed on Lexie the moment he stepped through the door. Her heart sped up at the sight of the man, and panic began to rise in her chest.

  Why would Evie bring him?

  On second thought, why would she have brought either of them?

  Lexie watched as Evie kissed Luca before weaving her way through the tables to get to her. At the same time, the guys moved to the breakfast bar.

  So definitely staying.

  Lexie tried to hide the annoyance from her expression, but she was sure it was written all over her face. She didn’t know whether to reach over and strangle Evie or walk straight out.

  The smell of coffee was already nauseating her, she’d barely slept, and now she was supposed to tell her friend her life-altering news with the baby daddy sitting less than five feet away.

  Evie leaned over the table as soon as she was seated. “I’m really sorry, Lex. I just mentioned to Luca that you and I were grabbing breakfast. Asher happened to be over and suggested they both come. I said no, but Asher wouldn’t budge.”

  “I told you I needed to speak to you about something. I may not have said the words, but you should have known it was private.”

  Squirming in her seat, Evie appeared uncomfortable. “Did I mention I was sorry?” Evie did look apologetic. “They won’t be listening. They’re all the way over there.”

  The last words left Evie’s mouth with hesitancy. Lexie didn’t know if she was more hurt or disappointed by her friend.

  “I’ve worked for the guys for a while now, Evie. I have been witness to their freakishly good hearing many times. One time I was speaking a good twenty feet from Asher and he heard every word I said. You think I don’t know that they can hear us?”

  A guilty expression washed over Evie’s face.

  Of course she knew—because Evie knew all the guys’ secrets. Luca didn’t keep things from her like Asher did from Lexie.

  Lexie had never let it bother her that Evie knew more about Asher than she did, until this very moment.

  “You’re supposed to be my friend, Evie.”

  “I am.” Evie’s voice was quiet, sadness shading her eyes.

  Shaking her head, Lexie swallowed the lump in her throat. “I get that you can’t share their secrets with me, it’s not your place. But bringing them here, when you knew that I needed to have a private conversation with a friend…”

  “I’m sorry,” Evie whispered.

  So was Lexie.

  Lifting her gaze, she saw both Asher and Luca were now watching. No longer trying to hide the fact that they clearly intended to eavesdrop on their entire private conversation.

  Standing, Lexie picked up her phone and keys.

  “No, Lexie, please. We can go somewhere else.” Evie’s eyes pleaded with her.

  She wasn’t sure if it was her hormones, but she felt betrayed. Too tired to try to make her friend feel better, Lexie spoke in a flat tone. “I’ll see you later, Evie.”

  As she moved toward the exit, Lexie kept her gaze firmly on the door. A part of her wanted to turn back and pour a cup of scalding coffee right over Asher’s head. Another part of her, the exhausted and sick part, wanted to fall to the ground and bawl like a baby.

  Neither option seemed particularly appealing.

  God, she could just strangle Asher. Actually, why the heck was she letting them sit there all high and mighty, thinking that they could invade her privacy?

  Spinning around, Lexie stormed over to the nosy assholes.

  Placing her hands on her hips, Lexie began with Luca. “To say I expected more from you, Luca, would be one gigantic understatement. I expect this immature behavior from him, but not you. If anyone could have convinced the asshat to do the right thing, it was you. Guess I was the sucker for thinking a man could have integrity.” Luca opened his mouth to speak but stopped at Lexie’s raised hand. “That wasn’t a question and does not require a response.”

  Turning her head, she looked at Asher with fire in her eyes. “And you—you frustrating, interfering, man-child—it is impossible to underestimate the lengths you will go to just to torture me. Do not violate my privacy again. Don’t even think about it. And while you’re at it, don’t act like I’m a defenseless, dumb girl who needs protecting. You underestimate me time and again. You are not my boyfriend. I am not yours—you made damn sure of that—so I don’t have to put up with your boneheadedness. Got it?”

  Not waiting for a response, Lexie turned to leave, but was stopped by Asher’s hand on her arm. “Lexie—”

  “Take your hand off me right now!”

  Asher kept his gaze fixed on her for a moment, clearly determining how serious she was. The man must have seen there was no leeway, because his fingers slowly slid from her arm.

  “And don’t follow me, or so help me God, I’ll serve your balls up on a platter.”

  Spinning back to the door, Lexie walked straight out, ignoring the stares of every single person in the diner.

  Lexie had taken only five steps toward her car when she felt a hand on her arm again. Spinning around, she was about to go all kung fu panda on Asher’s ass, but paused when she saw it was Evie.

  Lexie’s face softened slightly at the teary expression on Evie’s face. Crossing her arms over her chest, she only just stopped herself from hugging her friend.

  “I’m sorry. Like big-bottle-of-wine, huge-tub-of-ice-cream sorry, Lex.”

  Taking a breath, Lexie closed her eyes for a moment before opening them again. “Today was important, Evie. Really important. I know you have this crazy, out-of-this-world connection with Luca where you can’t stand to be apart, but today, I didn’t need Luca or any of his super SEAL buddies. I needed you. Just you.”

  Nodding her head, Evie reached out to touch Lexie’s arm. “How can I make this better? We can go to your place and talk? I swear I won’t let them follow.”

  The last thing Lexie felt like doing was sitting on the couch and spilling her guts to Evie right now.

  “I think I’m just going to head home. Get some housework done.” And by housework, Lexie meant sit on the couch and watch daytime television while contemplating her future.

  The sadness in Evie’s eyes almost undid Lexie. But Evie had done the wrong thing, dammit, and Lexie couldn’t just forget that.

  “Please don’t hate me, Lex. I’m so sorry.”

  Shaking her head, Lexie took a step back, Evie’s hand dropping from her arm. “I don’t hate you, Evie. I just want some space for now.”

  Evie nodded, the sadness still there in her eyes. Sadness mixed with guilt.

  Turning, Lexie headed back to her car. She could not and would not feel sorry for Evie, no matter how much she reminded Lexie of Bambi.

  Climbing into her car, Lexie put on her seat belt and pushed the key into the ignition. But instead of starting the car, she sat there.

  What the heck was she going to do? She needed a friend. Someone to help her, to be in her corner, give her advice.

  Evie had shown her today where her priorities lay. Whereas Asher had proven he wasn’t at the proper emotional level to deal with such important information.

  Who did people normally speak to about stuff like this?

  Lexie already knew the answer to that.

  People talked to their mothers.

  Dropping her head on the wheel, Lexie scrunched her eyes. If she called her mother right now, the woman probably wouldn’t even answer on account of being passed out from whatever bottle of alcohol she’d last consumed.

  Snapping her head up, Lexie gave herself a little shake. She would not feel sorry for herself. She had managed to take care of herself her whole life, she was not going to lose it now.

  She had a baby to think of. Her baby.

  Lowering a hand to her stomach, Lexie shut her eyes again, but this time she pictured a tiny hand latching on to her finger. A tiny toothless grin. Beautiful brown eyes staring back at her with trust and love.

  Emotion swelled up in Lexie’s chest. She would love this baby, and she would love it hard.

  If Asher turned out to be just like her father, bailing when she told him, she wouldn’t fall apart. She would protect the precious soul and give it an upbringing a hundred times better than what she’d had.

  Opening her eyes with renewed hope, Lexie pulled out onto the road. She glanced in her rearview mirror…

  Just in time to see Asher, standing outside the diner, watching her car with an intense look on his face.


  Asher banged on Lexie’s door again.

  Dammit, where was she? This was the second time this week she’d called in sick to work. He’d been messaging, calling, trying to check in to see if she was okay, but was getting nothing.

  The woman had been avoiding him like the plague since he’d screwed up at the diner.

  He was done with the bullshit. If something was wrong, if Lexie needed help, Asher would be the one who was there for her.

  A moment away from kicking down the whole door, Asher paused when shuffling sounded from the other side. When the door eventually slid open, Asher immediately stiffened.

  Lexie looked like hell.

  Dark circles shadowed her eyes and her skin was a deathly white shade. Her brows were pinched like she was fighting a headache, and Asher could already hear her labored breathing.

  “Jesus, Lex, are you okay?”

  He already knew it was a dumb question as the words were coming out of his mouth. Of course she wasn’t okay.

  Lexie gave a small nod that wouldn’t have convinced even a stranger. The woman looked about ready to topple over.

  Not waiting for an invitation, Asher moved inside and swept Lexie into his arms, closing the door with his hip. The fact that she didn’t even try to push him away was evidence enough that something was seriously wrong.

  Carrying her into the bedroom, Asher could see this was where she must have just come from. Rumpled sheets and scattered pillows fanned around the bed. The thing looked like it hadn’t been made in days.

  Gently depositing her onto the corner chair, Asher went in search of some new sheets. Finding a set in the hall closet, he reentered the room to find Lexie trying to stand.

  “Don’t even think about it,” Asher said with enough authority that Lexie plonked herself back down.

  Changing the sheets, Asher made quick work of the job before lifting Lexie again and placing her in the bed.

  “I’m going to call the doctor,” he said softy, already pulling out his phone.

  “No.” Lexie’s immediate response surprised him. “I’m fine, Asher. I think it’s the flu.”

  Her voice was weak. So damn weak. And her breath had hitched partway through speaking, meaning she’d lied. What the hell was she lying about?

  “You’re fucking sick, Lex, and you need a doctor.” Lifting the phone again, Asher stopped when Lexie began to push out of bed.

  “If you came over here to bully me, then you can take your male chauvinistic attitude with you and shut the door on your way out.”

  Placing the phone back in his pocket, Asher sat on the edge of the bed and gently pushed Lexie into a lying position. “Lex, why can’t I call the doctor?”

  Her eyes darted away before slowly drawing back to him. “Because I’m okay, and he won’t tell me anything I don’t already know.”

  Asher studied her face, frowning when he realized she’d just spoken the truth. “Fine, but I’m not leaving until I know you’re okay.” Studying the rest of her, he noticed she’d lost weight. The problem was the woman didn’t have any weight to lose. “When was the last time you ate?”

  Closing her eyes, Lexie’s brows furrowed. “I’m not sure.”

  A deep growl emanated from his chest. “I’m going to make you a sandwich. Maybe a BLT—”

  Before Asher could finish what he was saying, a pained groan escaped Lexie’s lips. “Please, God, no bacon. Or tomato. Or bread.”

  Reaching out, Asher moved a piece of hair from her face. “But you love all those things.”

  Lexie didn’t respond, simply shook her head.

  “You need to eat, Lex.” There was no way he was letting her go days on end with no food. Christ, she would perish away into nothing. “Tell me what I can get you, because you can bet your ass you’re going to eat something.”

  There was a beat of silence before her eyes slid open. “Could you pop down to Mrs. Potter’s Bakehouse and see if she has any chicken broth left?”

  “Chicken broth?” The woman hadn’t eaten in who knew how long, and she wanted chicken broth?

  “I was going to head out for some before but didn’t feel up to it.”

  Concern for Lexie was at the forefront of his mind. Maybe she really did have the flu.

  “Like I said, I’m not leaving your side until you’re better, but I’ll send one of the guys out.”

  Lexie grunted some type of acknowledgment before she rolled to her side. It only took a moment for her breaths to begin evening out.

  Reaching out his hand, Asher smoothed some of the worry lines around her eyes. She looked exhausted.

  Why hadn’t he come the first day she’d called in sick? Asher could kick his own ass. He knew it was unusual for her not to come in to work, but his stubborn pride had gotten in the way.

  Standing, he hit dial on his phone.

  “Mrs. Potter’s Bakehouse.”

  Asher was relieved when Mrs. Potter herself answered on the first ring. “Mrs. Potter, it’s Asher.”

  “Asher, so nice to hear from you, dear. What can I help you with?”

  “Lexie’s not feeling too well. I was wondering if you had any chicken broth.”

  A small gasp sounded through the line. “Oh, the poor dear is still unwell, is she? How dreadful that must be. Of course, I’ve got a stash that I froze. I’ll take it out for her.”

  “That would be great. I’ll send one of the guys to pick it up. Thanks, Mrs. Potter.”

  “Not a problem, dear. Send Lexie my best.”

  After hanging up, Asher sent a quick message to Luca. Then, moving across the room, he sat in the chair and watched Lexie sleep.

  Damn, she was beautiful. Even sick and pale, she was still the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on.

  The memory of the first time he’d seen her was still fresh in his mind. It had been like a sucker punch to his gut. Then she’d spoken, and he’d been lost. She always had a witty comeback for his remarks.

  Lexie was everything Asher wanted plus more. That was why he knew he couldn’t keep her. If something happened to her because of him—if someone from Project Arma got to her—it would destroy him.

  Not ten minutes later, Asher heard footsteps in the hallway. Silently moving toward the door, he opened it to Luca holding a bag.

  “Thanks, Rocket. I appreciate it.” Asher used his friends nickname as he took the bag.

  His friend had a concerned looked on his face. “How is she?”

  “Weak and sick. Not herself at all. Might be the flu.” At least Asher hoped it was nothing worse.

  An expression passed over Luca’s face. Like he was having the same thoughts as Asher. It wouldn’t surprise him. Luca was perceptive. The whole team was. Lexie hadn’t been herself lately. And
calling in sick two days in a row was definitely out of character.

  “Look after her,” Luca said before retreating down the hall.

  Stepping back inside, he noticed Mrs. Potter had sent more than one serving. A lot more.

  That was good. If broth was going to make his woman feel better, broth was what she would have.

  Asher stopped for a moment when he realized he’d referred to her as his woman.

  Well, she wasn’t anyone else’s. The very thought of any other man touching her sent him into a blind rage. But, Christ, if he didn’t claim the woman, eventually someone else would.

  Asher scrubbed a hand over his face as he headed to the kitchen. He needed to sort his shit out and fast.

  Heating up a bowl of broth, Asher placed the rest in the fridge before returning to the bedroom.

  Lexie still lay in a ball under the covers, looking small and fragile.

  He hated to wake her. But Asher knew from his years as a sleep-deprived SEAL that rest with food in your stomach was essential to the body’s recovery.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, Asher gently roused Lexie.

  When her sleep-glazed eyes opened, he smiled. “I got you some broth, sweetness.”

  Her eyes slid closed again and a frown marred her brows. “What have I told you about calling me that, Asher?”

  “That you love the endearment and would love to hear it more?”

  The slightest smile spread across her lips. Some of the tightness in Asher’s chest eased at the sight of it.

  “Not even close,” she mumbled.

  After Lexie pushed herself into a sitting position, Asher fed her the soup, surprised that she let him. Once the bowl was empty, she resumed her ball position under the covers, but some of the color had returned to her skin.

  When her eyes drifted shut, Asher placed the empty bowl on the side table.

  For the first time, he noticed a light thumping in the room. It was quick but quiet. It almost sounded like a clock ticking, but faster.

  He was about to look for the culprit when a soft moan sounded from the bed. Without thinking twice, Asher moved around the bed to slide in behind her.


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