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Protecting His Mate (Wolf Shifters 0f Wakerlin Book 5)

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by Alicia Banks

  “So, do you like it?” Bellatrix asked, leaning forward. She felt mesmerized by Antoine’s manners, his voice, and his scent. She hadn’t felt this way before. About anyone. She just wanted to spend all her time with him, finding out more and more about him.

  “I enjoy it, occasionally,” he replied. “Depending on who is singing it. Some sopranos, they do not know how to sing. They sound like a whaling banshee.”

  Bellatrix laughed, and Antoine gave her a charming wink.

  “Will the good madam do me the honour of a dance?” he asked.

  “I don’t know how to dance,” Bellatrix replied. “It’s my first time at a ball, you see.”

  “Ahh, there is nothing more enchanting than getting the privilege of teaching a beautiful woman how to dance,” Antoine said, giving her another smile. He extended his hand and bowed. Bellatrix placed her hand in his, and he slowly pulled her towards where everyone was dancing.

  He placed a hand on her waist, sending weird shivers down her spine. He took her hand in his other hand, and they started to dance. He led her, his moves controlled and powerful. He looked into her eyes, and Bellatrix could feel herself being pulled into the depth of his eyes.

  The humans danced much different than the wolves. They moved elegantly, in a proper way. As a wolf, she was used to dancing freely, moving to the tune of the music, letting her body get attuned to the song, and then dancing however she wished.

  “I am so lucky, Bellatrix,” he said. “I am happy that your friend brought you here tonight. It has become special because of you.”

  Bellatrix blushed, feeling hormones rampaging through her body. Everything about him intoxicated her, removing her ability to think properly.

  “I am happy too, that I met you,” she whispered, and he smiled before slowly kissing her hand.

  Chapter 3


  “Right. I will definitely write about out in my blog,” Eric replied, shaking hands with his friend.

  “Thanks, man. My business can really use a boost,” his friend said gratefully.

  “Nah, bro,” Eric replied. “You helped me get those tickets. Means a lot.”

  His friend said goodbye, and Eric turned around to walk back to Bellatrix. He had finally decided to tell Bellatrix the truth. Today, he was finally going to tell her how he felt about her. Eric has been in love with Bellatrix for a while now. He had been instantly attracted to her from the minute he had met her. The more and more time he spent with her, the deeper he had fallen. By now, he was thoroughly head over heels.

  So, when his friend had offered cheap tickets to the opera, Eric had jumped at it. He had imagined the scene. He would take her to a classy place, he would woo her. He would ask her to dance, and she would say yes. Then he would kiss her and tell her he loved her.

  Eric walked back to where he had left Bellatrix. He was still imagining her in his arms as he confessed her feelings. He was hopeful she would say yes, and he would finally have her. His head soaring in the clouds, Eric reached the ball room, only to find that Bellatrix wasn’t there. He frowned, looking around as he wondered where she could have possibly gone.

  Then he saw her. He felt as though the earth was disappearing from under his feet. She was dancing, embraced in the arms of another. The man was tall and handsome, exactly the kind that most girls find attractive. Eric swallowed, his heart burning with a pain that he had never known. Tears prickled his eyes, and he supressed them.

  She was laughing, her head thrown back. She looked beautiful, with her beautiful red hair flowing around her. Her beautiful blue eyes sparkled and twinkled, a smile on her luscious red lips. She had looked exceptionally beautiful tonight, dressed up. It didn’t surprise Eric that she was already dancing with a man. She looked so beautiful; every man would have their eyes on her. It still hurt, though. It hurt a lot.

  As Eric watched, Bellatrix looked sideways, and their eyes met. Bellatrix gave him a wink and a smile, obviously happy to be dancing with that man. Eric swallowed once again. The fact that she was so happy about it hurt even more.

  The song ended, and Bellatrix walked over, dragging the man with her.

  “Eric,” she called out. “This is Antoine. Antoine, this is my friend Eric. I came here with him.”

  “It is so very nice to meet you,” Antoine said. “I am very glad that you brought Bellatrix here today. Because of you, I got this chance to meet someone so beautiful.”

  Bellatrix blushed, and Eric clenched his hand in anger.

  “Very nice to meet you too,” Eric replied through clenched teeth. He turned to Bellatrix and said, “I am feeling tired. Let’s go home.”

  Bellatrix looked up at Antoine, her eyes sparkling. Antoine took her hand and said, “Perhaps Madam can stay a bit longer? I was hoping that she will honour me with another dance.”

  “Eric, why don’t you go home and rest?” Bellatrix said, still looking at Antoine. “I will come home by myself.”

  “Perhaps, Eric, you can take my car. I will have my driver drop you home,” Antoine said, giving Eric a stiff smile. “I will return Bellatrix back home, myself.”

  Eric was clenching his hand so hard, his nails were digging into his palm. “I don’t think that will be wise. Times like these, you don’t know who to trust. I will wait until Bellatrix feels ready to go.”

  “Shush,” Bellatrix said to Eric. “He is perfectly trustworthy. Don’t be rude, Eric.”

  “I am only trying to protect you, Bellatrix,” Eric said, surprised that she was being so rude to him for a man she had just met.

  “I can protect myself,” Bellatrix replied. Eric tried to conceal the hurt her words had caused him, but she sensed it. Her expression softened and she said, “I am sorry, Eric. I didn’t mean to be rude. I am having fun at the ball, just like you wanted me to. I will have another dance, and then we will go home. Yes?”

  Eric looked in Bellatrix’s eyes for a minute. She was happy, that he could see. He sighed and nodded. She was happy, and that was all that mattered.

  Bellatrix beamed at him, and Eric smiled back, melting when he saw how happy she was. A waiter passed by, and Eric picked a few drinks, handing one to Antoine and Bellatrix.

  “Oh, thank you, Eric,” she said. “I got so hot dancing.”

  Eric smiled, his eyes on Antoine. His heart was seething in jealousy and envy. He knew he was prejudiced, but he could feel that there was something odd about him. Something in his gut. Perhaps it was just because he had gone after Bellatrix, Eric didn’t know. All he knew was that he really did not like this man.

  “Finish your drink, Antoine,” Bellatrix said. “I want to dance once more.”

  “Of course, my dear,” Antoine said. “Why don’t you go ahead, and I will come.”

  Bellatrix smiled before walking off, and Antoine followed her. Eric watched him drain his wine in a flowerpot discreetly, and he frowned. It didn’t make sense. Why would he do something like that?

  He watched as Bellatrix started dancing with Antoine, his jaw clenched. She looked so beautiful, and she was so brave and confident. Eric couldn’t believe the fact that he might lose her. Not when he had just mustered the courage to try and get her.

  He stared at them for a while, and then he decided. He was going to do everything in his power to make her his. No matter what.

  Chapter 4


  Bellatrix couldn’t stop smiling. Antoine was one of the most charming men she had ever met. He was handsome, attractive, and intelligent. He had seen the world, and he seemed to know about everything. There was nothing he couldn’t talk about, and Bellatrix had found it sexy. The wolf in her was awake, and she felt a desire in her body she had only ever felt once before.

  Her wolf had stirred deep inside her for the first time when she had met Eric. It had confused her, but then after a few days, her wolf grew silent. She had forgotten all about it, until today when it woke up once again, but for Antoine.

  She had left the ball after one dance,
just as she had promised Eric. He was in a bad mood for some reason, and Bellatrix put it down to exhaustion. They had been traveling non-stop for a few days, and since she was a wolf, she had more stamina than Eric. She felt bad that she hadn’t even considered how he would be feeling. She had left the ball with Eric, but not before Antoine asked her for another date the next day.

  She finished getting ready, putting on her earrings. She wore a simple pair of what the humans called high waisted pants, a tucked in shirt, and a pair of shoes. She looked up and saw Eric standing there, watching her.

  “Aren’t you a bit too dressed?” he asked, giving her an amused smile.

  “No?” Bellatrix said. “I know it’s just a simple café, but I wanted to look nice.”

  “Café?” Eric asked, frowning. “But we are going hiking. I told you about that hilltop. I even packed a picnic.”

  “Oh,” Bellatrix said. Eric had told her a few days ago, and she had actually been excited to see it. But she had forgotten all about it when Antoine asked her. “I forgot.”

  “It’s okay.” Eric said, grinning. “You will be the best dressed hiker on the trail.”

  “I am sorry, Eric,” Bellatrix said, her shoulder slumping. “Antoine asked me if I would be free for a date, and I said yes-.”

  Eric just stared for a minute. Bellatrix didn’t know what to say, she couldn’t read his expression. She felt horrible about forgetting the plan, but she had really been looking forward to a date with Antoine.

  “I see,” he said. “Well then, you will have to call him and tell him you can’t make it.”

  “Eric,” she said. “I want to go with him. Can we please go hiking tomorrow instead?”

  Eric stared at her once again, his expression unreadable.

  “Alright,” he finally said and walked off, leaving Bellatrix feeling very confused. She forgot all about it though when she reached the café.

  Antoine was already waiting for her, dressed in a simple white shirt and black pants. The top buttons of his shirt were open, giving him a very sexy look. Bellatrix smiled at him, and he instantly smiled back. He walked over and took her hand in his, placing a kiss on it. Her wolf stirred, and she took a deep breath to steady herself.

  “You look absolutely stunning,” he said, holding her hand.

  “You look pretty handsome yourself,” she replied, smiling at him.

  “I was hoping we can have a walk, instead of just eating at the café,” Antoine said. “I have someplace to show you.”

  He offered Bellatrix his arm, and she took it. They both started to walk down the streets. It was spring, and the trees were blossoming with flowers. As they walked, nature surrounded them. Bellatrix could smell the flowers and the trees. If she closed her eyes, she could imagine herself back in the forest. She felt a twinge in her heart, and she realised it had been a while since she had met her pack. Maybe she should visit. Maybe if things went well, she could introduce Antoine… somehow.

  They reached a small lake, and Antoine let go of her arm. He sat down on a bench and smiled at her. “This is the place I wanted to show you. This is where I come to when I want to be alone.”

  Bellatrix sat down next to him, enjoying the beauty of the lake. “Do you feel like being alone often?” she asked.

  He turned to look at her, a small smile on his face. “I lost my parents when I was thirteen. They died in an accident. My aunt took me in, but she was a very abusive woman. She made my life very difficult. I often came here, to be alone.”

  “I am sorry,” Bellatrix said, taking his hand in hers. “I lost my parents when I was really small. They died-.” She trailed off when she realised that mentioning the battle her parents died in would raise questions she wouldn’t be able to answer.

  “They died in an accident,” she finally said. “My brother, Dominque, raised me. When I wanted to leave the town to travel, he supported me. It was what I had always wanted.”

  “Where do you come from?” Antoine asked.

  “A small town,” Bellatrix said. “Far, far away. You will not have heard of it. What about you?”

  “I hail from here, Paris,” he said. “I was born in this city. I have lived here all my life. I have travelled the world, but it is here I live.”

  “Well then, maybe you could show me around?” Bellatrix asked.


  Antoine smiled as he watched Bellatrix. She was truly the most marvellous woman he had ever met. He slowly reached forward and brushed his hand against her cheek, lovingly. Her eyes sparkled, and he watched her as she told him about all the places she had been to.

  “I am so happy I met you,” he whispered when she stopped talking, taking her hand in his. She blushed, and Antoine felt happiness in his heart.

  Chapter 5


  Eric continued to mindlessly scroll through his phone, his mind on Bellatrix. He couldn’t believe she had forgotten about the plan with him and preferred hanging out with that man over him. On hindsight, he should have acted better. He was trying to win her over and being moody and rude wasn’t going to help. But he had felt so hurt and betrayed that he had been unable to control his attitude.

  He had everything planned. Today he was finally going to execute it, but that stupid Antoine had gotten in his way. Well, he wasn’t going to lose to that man again. He would expedite his plan. He would tell Bellatrix they are moving from Paris and traveling to another city.

  The door opened and Eric looked up to see Bellatrix coming in. She had a happy expression on her face and came to fop down on the couch next to him.

  “He is so magical,” she said.

  “Oh, really?” Eric replied, jealousy burning through him. “Bellatrix, listen. I think we have stayed too long in Paris and maybe we should move on.”

  She instantly sat up, a frown on her face. “We planned on staying another month. Why are you changing it?”

  “I-.” Eric trailed off, trying to figure out what to say. “-I just think that we will have more fun in other places. I was actually hoping to attend this festival-.”

  “I like it here, Eric,” Bellatrix said, cutting him off. “We can visit the festival when it happens again. I am having a lot of fun here, and I am not leaving.”

  Eric sighed, trying to figure out how to convince her without ticking her off.

  “What’s up with you?” she asked. “You have been acting so weird recently.”

  “I am fine,” Eric replied. “I just don’t like that man, Antoine."

  "Why?" Bellatrix asked. “What’s wrong with him?”

  “He just gives off bad vibes, okay?” Eric said. “I can feel it in my gut. Something is wrong with this man. He is a weirdo. He threw his drink away discreetly last night, you know that?”

  “Maybe he doesn’t drink,” Bellatrix said, narrowing her eyes at him.

  “Then why didn’t he say it,” Eric said, his voice rising. “Who does that?”

  “That’s all you have?” Bellatrix asked, raising an eyebrow. “That’s your reason for not liking him. Fuck off.”

  Eric watched as she threw a cushion at him and walked off. Eric sighed, feeling helpless.

  “I-,” he started to say. He wanted to tell her how he felt about her, but he decided against it. It didn’t matter. She wasn’t going to listen. They were leaving in a month as it was. As long as he kept her away from Antoine until then, he would be fine. They would go somewhere else and forget him.

  “Look, Eric,” she said, turning around. “I know you are looking out for me. Why don’t you come meet him yourself and get to know him? Maybe then you will feel better?”

  Eric sighed, giving in. “Alright. But only because you asked me to.”

  “Thank you,” Bellatrix said, smiling. “Now, how about we get some dinner?”



  Eric held Bellatrix’s hair back as she threw up. The poor thing had been sick for an hour now, throwing up almost continuously.

“Why did you make me try those yucky things,” she said, moaning.

  They had gone to this fancy restaurant that Eric had heard reviews about. Apparently, they served the best oysters. Turns out, it hadn’t been a very good idea. Bellatrix, who had initially been excited to try something new, had become sick only an hour after eating them.

  “Here,” Eric said. “Have some mouthwash. Rinse. It will help get the taste out.”

  He stayed with her until she was done, and then helped her to her bed. She laid down, doubling over. She groaned and said, “Why did I eat them? Now I will die.”

  “You won’t die,” Eric said. “It probably just irritated your stomach. Now that you have thrown it all out, you will feel better.”

  Only she didn’t get better. An hour later she developed a high fever. Eric felt worry filling his chest, maybe he had gotten her seriously ill.

  “We have to get you to the hospital,” he said, staring at the thermometer.

  “No,” she said, groaning.

  “I think this is serious!” Eric replied.

  “No!” Bellatrix shouted, somehow getting up and grabbing his collar. “Promise me. No matter what. No hospital,” she gasped.

  She said it so vehemently that Eric decided it was best not to take her there after all. Instead he wet strips of cloth in cold water, slowly pressing them against her forehead. He sat next to her, holding her hand and feeding her some porridge in between.

  Thankfully, she slowly started to get better. The fever started to decrease, and she slept restlessly. Eric sat next to her, softly stroking her hair. He had planned on impressing her with the dinner, but it had completely backfired. But Eric wasn’t worrying about it. Right now he was more worried about her.

  “Eric,” she said, groaning in her sleep. “Eric, are you there?”

  “Yes. I am here,” he said quickly. “I am right here. Right next to you.”

  “My stomach hurts,” she whispered.

  “It’s alright,” he whispered. “It’s alright. You will be alright. I am here with you. I will get you some painkillers, some medicines. I will get a doctor.”


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