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Soulcatcher Page 37

by Sergey Zaytsev

  "Listen," I raised my eyes from the handmade artifact. "I have questions. About Grant. He didn't come out of the 'Replicator', did he?"

  "You are hoping that all of this is just a bad dream?" the "Caretaker" shook his head, awkwardly grinning. Apparently, even for him, this topic was not a joking matter. "Alas, Grant is not in the system."

  I took a deep breath. Hope dies last. Bloody sad.

  "What will happen to his pet now?"

  "If it didn't get killed in the dungeon, it will just run wild."

  "Listen, Ears... I know you don't like giving out information…"

  "Do not stall, just ask," interrupted the "Caretaker", somewhat harshly. "I'll decide whether I'll answer or not."

  His manners had improved only slightly. Or had I deserved a better treatment, having reached level ten and completed his quest? But, for some reason, neither his mockeries nor his condescending tone bothered me anymore. I didn't even have the desire to be sarcastic. Maybe I changed internally, and maybe, quite the contrary, my real character manifested itself. My mood will probably change once everything settles down. Right now, the wounds were still fresh. "Well, I know a player can revive their pet at the expense of their saves. Does a clan have the ability to revive a player? Even if the price were higher?"

  "It would be too easy, reviving players like you do pets," Ears impatiently shook his head. "The topic is closed. By the way, Pops is not in the system either. You erased him. I'm curious; can you sleep well after this?"

  "Someone had to stop him," I shrugged, trying to speak calmly. "Besides, it was self-defense."

  "If you dived into the abyss, without waiting for the showdown, then everything would have been much simpler," the old mocking smile appeared on the "Caretaker's" lips but was tinged with some concern. "Who's gonna stop you now, Wise?"

  "What do you mean?!"

  "You haven't seen your achievements yet?"

  Hell, really. That was a whole separate page!

  [New achievement]: "Treacherous Blow"

  Received for killing a clanmate.

  Penalty: For the next ten levels you get the "Mark of the Apostate". Regeneration of your health, energy and mana is slowed down by 10%. As long as you are cursed, all nearby allies temporarily get the same debuff.

  [New achievement] "Destroyer"

  Received for killing using the artifact "Soulcatcher".

  Achievement type: unique

  Condition: The killed player must have nine or more saves at the time of death.

  Penalty: The restoration of health by natural means is halved indefinitely.

  Reward: You get the ability "Soulcatcher" and can further restore health by absorbing the vital energy of creatures (Chaos).

  Development of the ability: variable

  Having read these lines, I sat. Stunned, I tried to understand - why me?

  "Any act committed, intentionally or unintentionally, has consequences," Ears again took up the instruments, and continued carving. "I didn't make the rules, but we all have to follow them. With this ability, proper development, and under the patronage of 'Alan the Dark'... One can go far."

  "'Alan the Dark'?" I asked in confusion. "What does that have to do with me? Pops was his ward."

  "Look at your right hand, pal," Ears snorted, not interrupting his work; thin shavings spread from under the tool's cutter.

  I raised my cold hand and saw a silver symbol tattooed almost across the entire palm in the form of a hexagonal snowflake. Or a stylized web.

  "What the hell? Why?!"

  "Why, what...? It's the sign of your patron. Anyone who kills a cleric, causing his final death, becomes the eternal enemy of his patron. But 'Alan the Dark', as I understand it, is a very unpredictable deity. It seems he made up for the loss of his slave by employing you."

  "Then why don't I feel anything?" I squinted. Was he mocking me again?

  "'Alan the Dark' will contact you as soon as you are needed. Note - as soon as he needs you, not the other way around. In this regard, all deities are the same. For the next fifty levels you won't be able to abandon him, as you won't have enough power and influence. I'll give you a hint. When interacting with the patron, much depends on how strong your backbone is," Ears looked up again and waved the hand with the tool in the direction of the exit. "You should go now. Esco's waiting for you."

  "What does he want from me?" I felt worried.

  "Go, just go," Ears waved again, completely dedicated to the boring process of engraving his precious pipe. However, as it had turned out, he really could create special pipes.

  I put the pipe, the pouch and the jar into the bag, and silently walked away from the workshop. I was liking this less and less. "Alan the Dark"?! Sure, I was desperate to get a patron... But, goddamn it, the damn cleric managed to have his revenge posthumously!

  The door of the briefing room swung open when I approached them, letting me out into the night. Just like when I first came out of the "Replicator". I ran down the stairs and down the paved path to the already familiar magic garden, involuntarily smiling when I noticed the fairies and their bright lights, fluttering in the darkness. Some things stayed the same. Here, too, the ambience was soothing, and my bad mood was slowly leaving me; the memories of the tamed fairy, too, brought positive thoughts.

  The buzzing sound coming from the side grew stronger. One of the creatures, intensively working its wings, flew towards me like a glowing comet. A joyful squeak was heard all around. I was even surprised by the joy that flared up inside me. Alive! I would have kissed her if she weren't so small. She landed onto my open hand.

  "Tinnie?! How did you end up here?"

  The "Direcat", having jumped out of nowhere, was rubbing against my legs, jealously glancing at the fairy in my hands. It seemed to me that she had grown up a little, although only a day had passed since our parting. Judging by the stats, her weight increased by five pounds. And the scale of "childhood" was now at 920 out of 10,000 points. If not for the pets, I probably would have reached level eleven by now. Rather, I would have hit the level cap for this location. The extra experience, therefore, went to my "girls".

  I sat down and stroked the "Direcat's" back.

  "Good to see you too, girl…"

  Someone delicately coughed nearby.

  I raised my head and saw my clanmates, Cavalier, Foxy, and Owl, standing there, as if waiting for me to be released from the "Replicator". I couldn't help but feel touched. Cavalier heartily slapped me on the shoulder, keeping his trademark expression, the one of an "exceptionally serious guy." A good, heavy, level ten pat. I did the same, and we exchanged knowing glances.

  Red, too, following his example, punched me in the shoulder. She looked great. The girl was the only one from our group who had managed to carry everything hard-earned out of the dungeon. Jacket, boots, gloves, bracers - all black with silver borders. I wanted to hug her, but did not know how she would feel about it.

  Only Owl remained standing slightly to the side and just watched, trying to look respectable. He emulated Cavalier, having finally found an example to follow. Over the mage's shoulder floated the sphere, impressively shimmering with a prismatic glow, and in his hand he held a staff, which needed to be unbound and handed over when he leaves the location. Level nine was also good.

  "I talked to Catch the 'Caretaker'," Cavalier spoke, "You got super lucky with the fairy. She happens to be a magical creature that can't be destroyed by physical damage, only temporary disembodied. But magic is what she should fear. But, she is reborn without the 'Replicator', and does not need the saves. However, the time intervals between the revivals are the same. So take care of her, if you want her to always stay close."

  "Thanks for the great news... Guys, you already know about Grant?"

  Their faces saddened, and I regretted asking. Cavalier shook his head, Owl frowned, Foxy merely nodded.

  "Yes," said the girl, "the combat log doesn't lie. After Gramps carried me out of the dungeon and I woke up, I managed t
o check it... We also know about your fight with him. We talked to Ears about it. It's unfortunate, but it's a good thing that you're alive." She reached for her belt and handed me the "Bone Slayer". "Here, take this. It's not typical to return a gift, but you need it more that I do. I will have time to find something more suitable, I still have time in this location."

  I mechanically took the dagger and fastened it to the belt, not quite understanding what she was saying. Why would I need it more?

  "Look, Wise," Cavalier coughed again, as if something was troubling him. "I have carefully examined the issue, and, based on the available information, we decided to choose the 'City of Boxwood' as the base for our clan. You'll know where to find us. About the clanmaster position… The 'baton' has been passed to me. Do you mind? Red has agreed to be the vice-cm…"

  "The faster you can find us, the better," the girl intervened with sadness in her voice. "I'm so sorry we have to part. But not all is lost, right?"

  "Wait!" I raised my voice. "What are you talking about? Why should I look for you? Aren't we going to leave together like we planned?!"


  Esco's tall figure stepped out from the shadows; the green of his clothes had concealed his silhouette in the vegetation. Because of the shadows and the lights that were playing on his narrow elongated face, it seemed sharper, more predatory than it did during our first acquaintance. He was armed with the same dagger in a silvered sheath as before. His voice hadn't changed either; shrill, overbearing, unpleasantly resonating in the bones.

  "Time's up, I've got work to do. Wisecracker, your reputation here is still neutral and doesn't mean anything, but, in the future, your life will depend on it. Don't make it worse. Follow me."

  My heart plummeted into my heels. I instantly understood everything. Falling into the abyss didn't count. So that's what they were here for, to say goodbye! I suddenly realized that I didn't like parting and long goodbyes as they made the heart ache.

  I looked at them, two lads and a lass, before making a step back, and it seemed to me that they were moving away from me with frightening speed, melting into the darkness; the darkness of an unknown future. Looking everyone in the eyes, I nodded.

  "I'll try to find you. Don't follow me. Good luck to all of you."

  Never looking back, I followed Esco, who was walking along the path towards the "Seat". Fury ran alongside us, Tinnie, perched on her usual place, was silent. Damn, it was fucking heartbreaking. Ears, the bastard. He could have warned me, but he hadn't! It was like he poured a bucket of ice water onto my head.

  Climbing the stairs, I suddenly realized that I was accompanied not only by my clansmen. In the darkness of the path, illuminated by the scurrying fairies, silhouettes of other players could be seen. It seemed that the news about the murder had spread far and wide, as such things didn't happen every day. I squinted and slowed down. Yeah, I could see a few people from the "Reed Cats", and a couple from the "Children of the Steppes"; Sarge and Alice in person. The archer's eyes gleamed in the dark, but I couldn't distinguish the expression on her face. But somehow, I thought that she looked at me sympathetically. Maybe it was just me.

  I turned away.

  The central portal was already shining, ready to accept its next victim.

  I stopped before it, hesitating. Turning to face Esco, I glanced into his icy-blue eyes. The elf looked at me calmly, dispassionately. I replied with the same look. I felt as if everything inside of me had turned to stone; there was no fear, no excitement, just that certain feeling you get right before jumping into the abyss. A feeling very well known to me.

  "So, what did I do wrong?" I asked in a dry voice. "Only one player died by my hand. Is it because of the perma death? Or was the problem in the saves, and not in the soul?"

  "Yes," the curator nodded, his long, white hair strapped in a tail on the back of his head stirred like a snake. "You destroyed one soul, but it had nine saves. I didn't bring you here, the rules did. I want to save you from false illusions, so be warned - your farewell makes no sense. The chances of you four meeting in the future are non-existent. There are too many worlds in 'ICS'. Free travel between them is available only to players of the highest levels and influence. Few people reach such heights."

  "Did… you reach such heights?" I said with a bitter grin.

  "If I did," a faint smile flashed on the thin lips of the elf, "I wouldn't be here."

  "Why are you letting me keep the 'Uniq'? I didn't get the dagger, nor did I keep the 'Duplicator'…"

  "You deserve it. The winner is not the one who brings me the dagger, but the one who takes it out of the dungeon. Besides, you are a walking 'Soulcatcher'. That also matters. I've met very few people like you. Go."

  "Damn it! This is all happening too fast. I have a hell of a lot of questions! I never asked…"

  "You'll find all the answers. Go."

  Esco raised his hand and pushed gently, forcing me to step back. Fury jumped immediately after me …

  As soon as I found myself in the circle of the 'Inferno', a flash of memories swept through my consciousness, causing a stunned stupor. I remembered who I was. I remembered my real name, how old I was and where I lived before. Russia, Volgograd... I also remembered the last year, after which the memory faded again - 2033. My intuition, having long been telling me that something was wrong, didn't fail me. In my world, there was no such technology as the "Universe ICS". The deep-delving gaming chairs boom had just started on Earth; the sarcophagi technology was too advanced for us still. So how did I end up here? Why me? I never received an answer to that question. And I hated that my free will was being so openly abused in order to see what happened.…

  A bright, yellow-blue flash of the portal enveloped my whole body, blinding me.

  It suddenly got colder.

  When I blinked, the old world had disappeared in a snow whirlwind of a new one. System messages with information about the new location came one after another, but I was not up for it. I looked around in confusion, looking for any danger, but saw nothing. My sight was clouded by the vortex; the wind howled, throwing handfuls of snow in my face, and cold dug painfully into skin unprotected by clothing. The snow was everywhere and I was ankle deep in it.

  Squeaking piercingly, Tinnie instantly climbed onto my bosom, hiding from the weather. Fury growled with displeasure, cautiously stepping on the biting white substance, alien for her.

  Hearing the increasing clatter of hooves, I abruptly turned.

  A galloping figure of a horseman emerged from the snowstorm. The gusts of wind saturated with snow blurred its outlines, changing them, and I didn't immediately understand what I was looking at.

  My eyes widened in amazement.

  Hooves breaking the deep snow cover, galloping towards me was a real centaur. Black-brown horse withers, covered with warm fur, turned into a human torso, protected by leather armor, riveted with metal patches.

  Through the eye-slits of the metal helmet I caught an attentive, judging stare. As soon as our eyes met, the warrior raised his hand, preparing to throw a long black spear with a dimly shining, tetrahedral tip.

  I smiled crookedly, squinting at the sharp snow pellets flying into my face, and pulled out my sword.

  Well, we'd have to look for answers here.

  To be continued….

  Note from the author

  Hello, friends! I hope it was interesting for you to travel through the Universe ICS.

  If you like the story, consider leaving a review, please. Let it be short, never mind, every your feedback is the best reward for my team and me. I read all of them with the great pleasure.

  If you have no opportunity to review on Amazon, here are my publish pages:

  Good Reads:


  All the books in the series the "Universe ICS":






  I would like to recommend the books of several top-rated Russian authors.

  Kirill Klevanski: Dragon Heart. Stone will NEW!

  LitRPG wuxia novella about a brave man with a dragon heart. The novel contains uncensored scenes of battle that include depictions of violence and gore.

  Valery Starsky Transformation. Book I

  Top#1 in RealRPG in Russia of the year 2018. A post-apocalyptic fantasy World, with dragons and dark elves. Overpowers MC and his crazy journey in transformed world.

  Paul Kite: The Realm of Noria The Birth. Book I

  The most dangerous and powerful assassin of the magic fantasy world. Recommend!!!

  Emelianov&Savinov Champion is playing

  A strategy game, focused on tactics, used to select the top managers of the largest international corporation.

  G. Akella Patch 17

  Want to face death itself, to conduct dark rituals and use forbidden dark magic? Great series of Epic LitRPG. Read Now!

  Arthur Stone S.T.Y.X.

  Don't miss the a new series of my good friend Arthur Stone, which takes place in a world that's connected to the S.T.Y.X. universe!

  Vasily Mahanenko The Way of the Shaman

  Barliona. A virtual world jam-packed with monsters, battles - and predictably, players.

  These books are really worth paying attention of reader who likes litRPG!

  Here is a site of Vasily Mahanenko

  He gathers free short stories of the sci-fi authors and send them to the registered users. Soon I will write a couple of short stories and will publish there. So, register and received an extra story for free. Pleasant reading!

  There are several Facebook groups I like. Here they are:

  Join Harem Lit

  Join Litrpg. Fantasy. Sci-fi

  Join GameLit Society


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