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[1] Leshy (rus. ле́ший) is a tutelary deity of the forest in Slavic mythology often depicted as a green skinned man with thick beard and long, tangled hair.
[2] PvP, or player versus player, is a combat option in most online games which allows players to fight one another.
[3] The fused thorax and head of spiders and other chelicerate arthropods is called a cephalothorax.
[4] Drow, or a dark elf, is a generally evil subrace of elves in a fantasy universe. They are usually portrayed as dark-skinned and white-haired.
[5] AoE, or area of effect, refers to attacks or other effects that affect multiple targets within a specified area.
[6] DoT - a spell that deals damage over time, aka. a spell with a lingering effect.
[7] DPS - damage per second; refers to characters that cause pure "physical" damage.
Soulcatcher Page 38