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Mirror Princess: A LitRPG Space Fantasy (Sword of Asteria Book 2)

Page 30

by Eddie R. Hicks

  “Thank you for having my back, Guy,” Xanthe said in an enthralling manner.

  “Yeah, thanks for having my back too,” Rachael shouted, her tone more on the sarcastic side.

  Fuck. I was just following Tempeste’s advice to prevent them from fighting. Now she’s pissed at me for not coming down hard on Xanthe.

  Xanthe gestured ahead to the path in the woods that Rachael walked on alone. It was the way out. “Shall we proceed?”

  “Yes,” Guy said, his eyes never looking away from his childhood friend who was leaving them behind. Fucking hell, I have to fix this.

  Guy strode to Rachael and opened his mouth to call out to her—

  Xanthe pulled him closer to her and walked with him, smiling and humming a song to herself. They looked like a happy couple, and he wished Xanthe didn’t do that. She was just trying to egg Rachael on. Tempeste strode with Guy on his left.

  Correction, now Guy looked like he was in a happy harem.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  There were no further signs of the imperials as Guy and his companions traveled through the wooded area. The imperial airship was long gone from the skies, too. Leafblade must have fled after realizing his men were dead, Guy figured.

  The traveling group approached a small clearing in the woods with a calming river spring flowing through. The water was so clear and shallow you could see the rocks at the bottom. Tempeste stood at the edge of the creek with hands on her hips as she examined it.

  “Let us break here and bathe,” Tempeste said after a long pause.

  Guy raised an eyebrow and stood with Tempeste. “Bathe? At a time like this?”

  “We have worked up a sweat and been at this all day,” Tempeste said to him.

  “She’s right,” Ulysses said. “I’m kinda tired and could use a rest.”

  “Also,” Remy added. “The undead have been known to overrun this area when night falls.”

  “Undead, huh?” Guy snorted and looked at the afternoon sky turning orange from the setting sun. “Great . . . that’s just really fucking great to hear.”

  “There is no way we can make it back to Alita or the Sirocco before nightfall,” Tempeste said.

  “So, we bathe, relax and wait to get eaten by zombies?” Rachael asked, her voice much calmer now.

  Tempeste shook her head. “No.” She opened her Inventory screen, reached in, and pulled out a miniature tent, small enough to rest on her palm. Tempeste held her palm holding the mini tent to everyone. “This tent shall protect us.”

  Guy looked at the tiny tent with a confusing glare. “A tent that size? How?”

  Tempeste showed him how.

  After shutting her inventory, Tempeste tossed the mini tent into the air. It expanded instantly to the size of a tent large enough to fit four people comfortably, six if you were desperate. The tent hit the ground and magically expanded as if it had been there the whole time.

  Ulysses stared unimpressed at the tent. “A fucking tent is going to save us from zombies?”

  “It can ward off any monster, so long that you are inside it,” Tempeste said, then tapped the tent’s top. A screen appeared, listing its information. Guy gave it a quick glance.


  A sanctuary to rest inside and recover, HP, MP, AP, and resurrect the dead. Monsters are unable to attack while you rest.

  Useable by: Land-dwellers and Star-dwellers

  “And it will fully restore our HP, MP,” Guy said, staggering away from the tent. “Holy shit, full AP too?”

  “And revive the dead,” Tempeste added.

  Rachael stood with Guy and read the tent’s information screen. Her fae wings stiffened with shock. “Shit, why don’t we have more of these?”

  “They are rare, expensive, and can only be used outdoors,” Tempeste said.

  “The corruption enforcing its game rules again, I see,” Guy said as he and Rachael examined the tent longer. He looked away from it and to the river ahead. The water’s comforting ebb was beckoning for him to dive in. “Okay, let’s call it a day here. Then in the morning, we backtrack to the Sirocco, and find out where that airship went.”

  Tempeste stepped up to the spring first. The elven woman stripped from her armor and laid it on the grass at her bare feet. She removed her bra, then pulled down her panties to stand naked. Guy’s face turned red in an instant. Tempeste had an amazingly shaped rear, and her long blonde hair, now completely free dangled above her ass. She walked into the river first, submerging her body into it. The water was navel high; Guy knew this because Tempeste spun back to the group with her left arm over her breasts. Tempeste, who wasn’t shy about her nakedness at all, just tilted her head to the right as she looked at the rest.

  “Is something wrong?” Tempeste asked.

  “Elves normally bathe like this,” Averyl said.

  Following Tempeste’s lead, Averyl grabbed the ends of her Flame Priestess’s Robe, pulled it up and off her tiny frame, and hung it on a tree branch. Averyl’s bra and panties fell to the grass, unveiling perky breasts, a smooth ass, and her back where fairy wings sprouted. She gave her wings a stretch, then stepped into the river to join Tempeste. A petite and lightweight fae bathing with an elf. Averyl’s ass was smaller than Tempeste’s.

  Like Tempeste, Averyl wasn’t shy to show her nakedness. She never covered her breasts, or the trimmed red fuzz decorating her pussy as she moved backward through the water. Averyl held her hand out to the girls in a come-join-us gesture and smile.

  Guy felt his cock try to poke a hole through his boxers.

  “You men ought to bathe over there,” Tempeste said, and pointed to the river’s opposite end.

  “Right . . .” Remy said and walked away with Kam. Or was it Zuran? Guy couldn’t tell. Watching Tempeste and Averyl’s beauty in its natural form in a spring river had paralyzed him—


  Rachael smacked the back of Guy’s head.

  He rubbed where she had hit him while facing her. “Hey!”

  “Stop staring!” Rachael said.

  “What? No, I wasn’t doing that!” Guy lied. “I was just wondering about—”

  “Where I’m going to bathe?” Rachael said. She pointed at a second spring stream farther up and feeding water to the river that the women claimed. A small growth of trees blocked most of that river. “I’ll be bathing right there, away from everyone’s eyes. I suggest you do the same, Guy.”

  Rachael walked around the river and to the second stream. Averyl watched Rachael walk away with a wince.

  “But, Rachael,” the fae princess said. “There is plenty of space for the women here.”

  “Us star-dwellers prefer our privacy,” Rachael said. “Isn’t that right, Guy?”

  He scratched the back of his head. “Uh, yeah.”

  “So, hurry up, then,” Rachael said. “Come join me in the star-dweller-only area and enjoy the privacy.”

  Rachael walked out of sight and to the second stream, covered by the trees ahead of it. Guy took a step forward and stopped. Ulysses, the other star-dweller, went to bathe in the men-only section of the spring. It would have been Guy and Rachael together if he went.

  And Rachael knows that . . . Why the hell would she just invite me, then?

  Dude, why are you even fucking questioning it? You wanted to fix things between her, right? Bathing with her would be a good start—


  Henrietta jumped into the river, naked as well.

  She came up laughing, slicked back her wet black hair, arching her bouncing breasts up in the process. They were as large as Guy imagined them to be. Xanthe slipped into the water next, though her nakedness wasn’t a surprise to him. Guy and Xanthe had some fun together, back on Faeheim. She had given him an exotic belly dancing striptease that turned into a hand job while Xanthe rubbed herself into several orgasms. Xanthe was exceptionally talented with her hands. He almost fucked her that night too. Guy remembered laying down as Xanthe angled her pussy above his raised coc

  Then Leafblade had kicked open the door and tried to kill Guy.

  Guy shook out from the flashback and found himself as the only man standing ahead of the women’s section of the spring. It took a lot for him to walk away from the tits flopping in the water and the playful giggles that echoed. The girls were having too much fun, spraying each other like happy dolphins.

  Guy was halfway to Rachael’s section when Kam grabbed and pulled on his arm. “Come quick, lad!”

  Kam dragged Guy into the bushes behind a tree. With his back pressed against the tree, Kam crept to the side, then peeked around the trunk, eying the laughing women splashing each other. Droplets of water sprinkled from wet nipples and breasts of various sizes. Kam grinned and looked at Guy.

  Guy didn’t share his grin.

  “Shouldn’t you be with the others?” Guy asked him.

  “I should be asking you that same question!”

  “I was getting ready too, but . . .”

  “But want to see some tits?”

  “No, I just didn’t want to see dicks.”

  Kam pointed to the tree’s branches. “Climb up with me. This is the perfect place to watch the girls without them noticing!”

  Guy grimaced at the faun. “Bruh . . .”

  “If you prefer to bathe with the men, then go ahead.” Kam faced the tree, then leaped up to grab its lower branches. “I shall remain here!”

  He climbed the tree pretty fast too, stood on the branch near the stream, crouched, and watched the girls bathe, their wet thighs glistening as light from the setting sun hit them.

  Averyl wiped her pale hips clean, and twirled her naked pixie body around, offering to wash Tempeste’s back. Tempeste agreed and put her back to Averyl. The fae princess held Tempeste’s long golden hair, pulling it to the side to unveil the back of her torso. She stared at it for a long time before cupping her hands with water and brought it up to drench Tempeste’s back. The water flowed down the grooves of her spine and rolled off the curves of her ass. Averyl was enjoying the contact with the girls a lot. It took a lot for her to remove her fingertips from Tempeste’s back after she finished wiping it.

  Guy walked away, shaking his head at Kam. Rachael was waiting for him. He was halfway to Rachael’s spot when the alluring voice of an exotic accent called to him.

  “Well, hello, Guy. Care to join me?”

  It was Xanthe, beckoning to him from a spot at the river, furthest from the women. Xanthe brushed her wet hair back, unveiling her high breasts dripping with water. The water partly submerged her navel. Xanthe shot Guy an enticing smirk and curled her finger at him.

  Stay with me instead, her bedroom eyes and cocking finger motioned.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  “Join you?” Guy said to Xanthe.

  “Of course,” Xanthe said, and trod the water, her raven wings reflecting on its transparent surface. “You do not truly wish to bathe with the men now, do you?”

  “I was thinking of joining Rachael—”

  “Shush.” Xanthe cut him off and turned around to eye the other naked bathing women. She spun back to Guy. “We are far from the others. Just, you know, stay close to me, and they will not see you. Come on, you know you want to. You want to make up for not accompanying me with that bottle the other night.”

  The obvious answer was no. Rachael was waiting for him, alone at the other stream. But . . . Guy couldn’t bring himself to say it. Xanthe’s words got into his mind and controlled him. Xanthe’s high charisma persuaded him to do what she wanted. It’d explain why she kept her Lumière Aspirant’s Gold Bracelets on too. The bracelets gave Xanthe two charisma, and Guy spotted two charisma asteriarite gems slotted into the accessory. Xanthe planned this. She knew he might resist and used as much charisma as she could.

  And it worked because before Guy knew it, he had stripped out of his armor and trench coat, and dove into the water with Xanthe. He was naked with her, and she used her green eyes to keep him still. He did his best not to poke her thigh with his hard dick yearning to get between her legs. Xanthe turned to put her back and spread raven wings to him. She was using her body to shield his appearance from the others. Guy was bathing in the women’s only section, after all.

  “Why are you bathing alone?” Guy asked.

  “Because I am a shadow angel,” she said and gestured to Averyl, Tempeste, and Henrietta. “They fear I will make them do lewd things together. Say, darling, can you help me with something?”

  “With what?” he asked.

  Xanthe nodded to the girls helping each other bathe. Henrietta had put her back to Averyl and allowed her to wash it. “With that,” Xanthe said. “Give my back a good wipe.”

  Guy looked at Xanthe’s back and wings.

  “Please?” she added. “You already had my back when Rachael snapped at me. May as well clean it too.”

  “That was lame,” Guy grunted. “So is your high charisma.”

  “Is it working?”


  Guy glanced at Averyl over Xanthe’s shoulder. He had the best view of the girls, and Xanthe was allowing it. This was Xanthe’s way of thanking him. Averyl’s face was bright red, unlike Henrietta and Tempeste.

  “Did anyone mention to Henrietta that Averyl likes girls?” Guy said.

  “No, and that is the fun part.” Xanthe chuckled. “I am interested to see what will happen next.”

  “You’d think Averyl would enjoy touching another woman. She’s not smiling like how she was washing Tempeste.”

  “Averyl has something against humans. Her fear pheromones are running wild.”

  He reached into the water with cupped hands, scooped it up, and drenched Xanthe’s back, then repeated for her wings. Guy wiped them clean, and Xanthe moaned. After that, he moved to her shoulders and brushed her black and wet hair off to the side. As Guy took care of Xanthe’s shoulders, she brought water up to splash her chest, washed it, and then lowered her hands to wipe her abs and what lay down south submerged in the water. Washing Xanthe from behind was a challenging task, giving how hard his cock was. Guy had to keep his distance from Xanthe or risk poking her lower back with it.

  “Why me?” Guy asked her. “Couldn’t you have gotten the other girls to do this? You know, since I’m not supposed to be here.”

  “You’re great with shadow angel wings,” she said. Guy reached for her left wing and gave its feathers a scrub. “Oh, yes . . .” She moaned. He remembered where that particular spot on her wings was. “Right there,” she purred. “Do not stop.”

  Guy massaged the spot on her shadow angel wing. Xanthe breathed deeply.

  “You are amazing. Keep at it.”

  So he did. Xanthe’s charisma told him he had to. He kept toying with her left wing, then moved to the right wing, buried his fingers into the black feathers, found the spot there, and pleasured it with his hands. Xanthe spasmed. She yelled with pure ecstasy and had a full body orgasm. Guy made a woman come without going anywhere near her pussy.

  Tempeste, Averyl, and Henrietta paused and angled their confused gaze to Xanthe.

  “Shit . . .” Xanthe whispered. “Get down!”

  Guy held his breath and lowered himself into the water, hoping Xanthe and her spread wings kept his appearance hidden from the girls.

  Guy was underwater now, and to the side, he saw Tempeste’s blonde pussy hair, Henrietta’s black fuzz, and the red patch between Averyl’s legs. He didn’t mean to gaze. He was just trying not to stare at Xanthe’s ass, since he had lowered himself behind her.

  Xanthe signaled for him to come up for air. Guy came up, slowly, as to not splash too much water, wiped the water away from his eyes, and looked at Xanthe, her bronze face slightly flushed and the dark nipples on her heavy breasts staring at him.

  “That was close,” she said. Once again, Xanthe used her body and spread wings to cover Guy. It was hard for anyone to see him now. “Can I ask you a question, Guy?”


do you have so much confidence when talking to Rachael, but not with me?”

  “We’re just friends,” Guy said. “Nothing is going on between us.”

  “Bullshit.” Xanthe leaned closer. He felt the side of her leg under the water brush against his shaft. “I can sense the pheromones. There’s more to it than that.”


  She beamed. “Is it because you know I am more fun to be with?”

  “No, you’re not,” he said. “I nearly died when we first met.”

  Xanthe turned around. The wing on her left brushed his chest during the spin. When Xanthe had her back to Guy, she backed up enough for his cock to lie in the valley on her ass cheeks. She swayed and wiggled her waist erotically like the belly dancer she was, using the flesh on her ass to tantalize his stiff member.

  “Oh yes, I am,” Xanthe whispered. “I am more fun, and you know it.”

  “The pleasure temples taught you well.”

  “And you’d be stupid to take anyone else over me.”

  She stopped moving, having finished proving her point. Xanthe turned again, and the feathers of another wing crossed Guy’s chest. She looked at him with her seductive, green eyes.

  “Why can’t I have both?”

  “Both?” Her lips stretched deviously. “Can you handle more than one woman?”


  “Ah, there’s that inconsistent confidence thing again. Just tell me, Guy, yes, or no?”

  Guy didn’t know what to say. In truth, he was trying to keep talking so that his erection would fade. Henrietta, Averyl, and Tempeste catching him there would be one thing. But the three girls seeing Guy in their section with a massive boner pointed at them?

  “Ask me another question,” Guy said.

  The shadow angel shut her eyes to think, then opened them to say. “I have been wondering what my future will hold once this is over. Back to the pleasure temples on my world? Back to dancing? Embracing life as an afflicted woman? I do not know, but what I do know is that . . . I want you there with me, Guy. Regardless of the path I choose.”


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