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The Werewolf Queen

Page 8

by Brandi Elledge

  My belly started talking to me. When was the last time I had food? “Lil, how in the world did you have time to fix this so fast?”

  “I’m a fairy, child, we don’t do nothin’ slow.”

  “I know that you are a fairy, but what are your powers exactly? I look at your aura, and it’s so bright like the color of the sun.”

  “Well, Cher, that’s not surprising because I’m like a ray of sunshine.” She got a couple of glasses down from the cabinet, and I was amazed to see that she could fly with the weight of both of them. “Obviously, I can fly, but I also can put people to sleep with a little fairy dust, but if I give them too much, they don’t ever wake up. I also can make little potions here and dere. Make people itch or make them hallucinate. You know, the average fairy stuff.”

  That was cool. I thought of all the people I would like to dust with an itching potion as I attacked my plate like a starving woman. Lil gave me a look, as if she expected me to swallow the fork. Silly fairy. I wouldn’t do that, but I might lick the plate when she wasn’t looking. “Oh, my gosh, this is pure heaven.”

  Lil had put her mixed drink along with mine on the counter right in front of us. She put a straw in her glass and was guzzling hers like a fish.

  “Pure heaven, huh? Cher, we got to get chu a life.”

  “I’ve got to warn you. I’ve never drank before.”

  Lil was still slurping her drink like a champ. “Is that right? Well, this oughta be interestin’.”

  I started sipping on the mixed drink. “Well, I am underage, but considering that my longevity is looking slimmer and slimmer with every demon or ghoul attack, I say what the heck? I should live in the moment.”

  Before I knew it, I was at the bottom of the glass. “All right, sister, pour me another one.”

  “Yes! That’s what I’m talkin’ about.” She fist pumped the air and I giggled. I realized that if I was already giggling after one drink, I should probably slow it down, but then again, I always did what I was supposed to and look where that had gotten me. I was far away from my loved ones, training for a war that I really shouldn’t be a part of with a hot guy with personality issues, which was understandable considering he was engaged to a psychotic biatch.

  At some point, the jazz music switched to hip-hop. My eyes blurred, but I could still make out Lil’s form on the counter. She had her hands on her knees, and her small booty was going every which way. “Um, Lil? Are you convulsing?”

  “What kind of small ass town are you from? Girl, this is called twerkin’.” Her butt started vibrating faster, and her wings were flapping with the rhythm. She looked over her shoulder. “Sometimes, you got to look back at it.”

  What the hell was she talking about?

  “Come on, Cher. Let me see your dance moves.”

  Dance moves? We did line-dancing back home. Not twerking. But when in Rome, twerk like the Romans. I stood up from the barstool and tried to mimic her by placing my hands on my knees, but instead of my butt moving, my ribs gyrated.

  I stopped when Lil fell over with laughter. “You look like a dog that is tryin’ to throw up a bone. Oh, child, just stop. I don’t want to witness that no more. Lawd help me.”

  She was laughing so hard I was scared she was going to damage a wing. I somehow managed to find my way back to the barstool. The glass before me was half-empty. No, it was half-full. I decided to be optimistic about life, at least for tonight. Switch it up and try something different. I slurped down my drink as Lil said, “Aww nah, here comes the vampire. Whatever you do, don’t cut yourself on anything.”

  I looked up and saw Stephan strolling into the kitchen; he grabbed his heart and pretended to stumble. “I feel hurt that there is a party going on and I wasn’t invited.”

  “Buddy,” I slurred, “Pull up a chair, and we’ll pour you a drink.”

  “Are you offering up a vein?”

  I wrinkled my nose in disgust. “Not in this lifetime.”

  “Well, a man can dream.” He sat down beside me. “Unfortunately, alcohol doesn’t do much for me, considering my high metabolism, but I can live vicariously through you.”

  I gave him a wink as other people strolled in. Where the hell were they coming from? I might have voiced that out loud. Oops.

  Lil explained that the six supernaturals now studying me were part of the security detail, and they lived in CG’s guest house. The rest of the werewolf pack, numbering close to three hundred—whoa, someone was breeding like rabbits—lived in cabins on the adjoining property. Thanks to the tequila, it didn’t take long to break the ice, and before I knew it, I had some new friends. We were sitting around making jokes until Lil suggested we turn this into a karaoke party. For a second, I thought I should disclose that when I sang, it sounded like a dying cat in heat, but then it was all par for the course.

  Celia came into the kitchen during one of the werewolves’ renditions of Hank Williams’s “Howling at the Moon.”

  She made her way over to where I was sitting beside Stephan and Lil. “Let me guess. You’re going to do a country song about how you’re trailer trash and proud of it.”

  Stephan tsked and said, “Oh, come on, Celia, why don’t you sheath your claws for a night?”

  She shot Stephan a sly look right before she pounced on me. She grabbed me by the back of my neck and slammed my head down onto the countertop. Her hand was still squeezing when Stephan flashed behind her. He wrapped his arm around her, and clenched her to his body.

  His voice was low and deadly. “Release her now, or I will rip out your heart and feed it to you.”

  Lil flew over and landed on Stephan’s shoulder. Her wings were beating too fast to track. “Don’t do it, vampire. She ain’t worth it.”

  Lil reached into her little skirt. Then she held a fist up to her mouth and blew. Fairy dust sprinkled all over Celia. Before she hit the ground, Stephan picked her up into his arms and carried her over to the pantry where he shoved her body into the small space and closed the door.

  I sat up and rubbed my neck, glancing around to see if anyone had noticed the confrontation. All of the drunk werewolves were still swaying to the music. I was ninety percent sure they had heard and witnessed everything, but since it was a conflict of interest, they had let the vampire handle it.

  “Are you all right?” Stephan asked.

  I rubbed my sore forehead. “She really hates me.”

  “She’s territorial over CG. What would help the situation is the next time she comes across your path, grab me and start making out with me like your life depended on it. I’m sure then she would not feel so threatened about you taking her man. Especially if she thought you already had one.”

  I rolled my eyes at him. “Well, thank you for being willing to take one for the team.”

  “I’ll do what I can to keep the peace.”

  Lil burst out laughing. “He’s a persistent thang, ain’t he? Now, come on, y’all, let’s not let Celia ruin our night.”

  I just wanted to go to bed, but Lil was right. If I went scurrying off now, it would look like Celia had won. Besides, I accidentally pulled a little power off of the vampire and my head no longer hurt. When she’d attacked me, I must have let down my walls.

  Four songs and six mixed drinks later, I realized I couldn’t care less if the world ended tomorrow.

  Somewhere after my epiphany, I noticed the kitchen started to tilt. The massive granite counter top I was currently standing on—wait, why was I standing on it? Whatever the reason, it resembled a balance beam. I sat down on the counter and scooted off to get some air when I felt two strong hands grab me around my waist. I looked up and rolled my eyes. Of course, it had to be CG who came to my aid.

  My words were slurred. “When did you get here? I thought this was an invite-only party?”

  I pushed his hands away from me and started to go around him, but I couldn’t figure out which way to go, considering the whole kitchen was rotating. I glanced around the room, trying to figure out which
person was magically making that illusion happen, when CG swooped me up into his arms.

  “First of all, it’s my kitchen. I don’t need to be invited. And secondly, I think we should probably get you in bed before you hurt yourself.”

  I rested my spinning head on his muscular chest. “The last thing I want is you anywhere near my bed. You’re such a douche bag. And I can’t leave just yet; I was going to ask Stephan if he wanted to do a duet with me. That vamp has layers, too. Not as many as you, but they are there.”

  His arms tightened around me as we climbed the steps. “Yeah, well, that’s not going to happen, and I think you’ve had enough fun for one night. The way you were on my counter, grinding your hips, you—”

  “Wait! What? I learned to twerk. Yes. I feel like I should give a thank you speech to Lil.” And how long exactly had he been watching? I squinted up at him. Maybe he did have stalker potential. But I couldn’t focus on that; I needed to go back to the party. I slapped his chest. “Halt, you massive beast. I command you to take me back down the steps at once. I need to express my gratitude to Lil.” When he ignored me, I looked at both of him. “And why would you care about my hips and grinding? Did I say that backwards? What is it to you if I’m having a little fun?”

  “Even inebriated, you ask multiple questions at once.” As we rounded the last corner before my bedroom door, he asked, “How many marriage proposals did you receive tonight?”

  I was so sleepy I was having a hard time thinking. “I don’t have any clue.”

  The door magically opened, or maybe he opened it, and I just missed it.

  “Five,” he grumbled.

  I shook my head. I was having a hard time concentrating. I turned my nose into his T-shirt, so I could smell his scent better. I grew up in a small coastal town, and the ocean was a part of me, but I had never been to a Caribbean island. I imagined the sand would be whiter, the water clearer, and the smell purer. His scent was what I imagined an island would smell like. Exotic.

  “Five what?”

  He placed me in the center of my bed.

  “Five proposals you received tonight from men who are known to be some of the fiercest warriors out there, and you are making them into lovesick puppies. We could be going into battle any day now, and I’m scared that they will all be concentrating on your pretty behind instead of the task they are supposed to be focused on.”

  Maybe it was because I was drunk but I had nothing. No witty comeback. No questions. All I could think about was how good he smelled. “I want your T-shirt. Do you think I could have it?” Oh, wait, did I say that out loud, too? That was my last thought before I passed out.

  Chapter Fifteen

  I woke up around ten the next morning. The drapes were closed, and CG was sitting in an armchair, staring at me. My mouth was so dry I squeaked, “Am I dead?”

  CG rubbed his hand over his face. “No, but I’m betting right now that you wished you were.”

  I grunted. “Have you been there all night?”

  He ignored my question as he stood and moved to my side of the bed. I was about to warn him to stay back, because I was pretty sure I was going to throw up everywhere, when he said, “I probably should just let you suffer to teach you a lesson, but we need to train today.”

  He sat down on the edge of my bed. As soon as he placed his hands on my body, I immediately felt less nauseated. “What... what are you doing to me?”

  “I’m making you feel better.”

  After a minute, I felt better than incredible. “How did you do that?”

  He searched my face and then gave a satisfied nod. “You do look better. And as far as my healing powers, well, it’s a long story; one that I don’t wish to bore you with.”

  He started to stand up, and I grabbed his wrist. “What if I beat your butt on the mat today? Will you tell me then?”

  He smiled and started for the door. “If, and that’s a big if, you can outfight me today, then yes, I’ll bore you to death with my stories. I’ll meet you in twenty at the gym.”

  I jumped up and headed to the shower, more motivated than ever to kick his hind end.

  I had just gotten out of the shower and donned a new hot pink sports bra and black yoga pants. I hated to admit it, but my new wardrobe was more beautiful than anything I had back home in my closet. I was tying my shoes when a knock came on my door.

  “Come in.”

  The door swung open, and there stood a woman, her age undefinable. If I had to take a guess, I would say a hundred plus some. She had kinky gray hair that was a hot mess all around her shoulders. But it was her eyes that were the most disturbing. They were milky white, and she had no irises. I wasn’t entirely sure she could see me.

  I waited for a second, and when I realized that she had no intention of speaking, I asked, “Can I help you, ma’am?”

  She pointed one crooked finger at me and in a gravelly voice said, “No, but I can help you.”

  Well, this was weird. “Who are you?”

  She tilted her head like I’d seen Jo do so many times before. “Yes, I’m like your Jo, but much more powerful. Your young friend has not learned how to control her power yet. She lets her power control her, and if she’s not careful, it will eventually make her crazy. I see all things, but I choose what I want to haunt me. The things that don’t interest me I shut off. But that’s not what you asked, is it? My name is Ariana.”

  This little old woman was making me very nervous. “How can you help me?”

  “The walls that you build are necessary. Like a buffer between you and others’ powers. Somewhere in between a fortress and a blank canvas is where you have to be. A battle is on the horizon, train and train well, so the mistakes you make will not be in front of your enemy.”

  That made absolutely no sense to me. None. She started to turn away, but I stopped her by lightly touching her arm. Her head tilted back and she sighed. I jerked my hand back, hoping I didn’t just commit some sort of faux pas. “I apologize. I did not mean to startle you. But please, don’t go just yet. Is there anything else you can tell me?” Preferably something that would actually make sense.

  This time she looked at me a little differently. Maybe she had picked up on something when I’d touched her.

  “Yes, child. Know this. Camden is equally as powerful as you but in different ways. Do not worry about him in the battle. What you see is not so.”

  “Um, maybe that’ll make sense at some point. I have another question for you, if you don’t mind. I just touched you, which was completely foolish on my part, but the good news is I didn’t get anything from you. In fact right now, I’m trying to see your aura and I can’t. Why is that?”

  Her face wrinkled more when she gave me a gummy smile. “Everyone has an aura, but some are off limits to you. Whether it be because the power would be too much for you to consume or if it’s nature’s way of limiting what you are capable of doing or becoming.” She gave a shrug. “Who knows?”

  “But you know, don’t you?”

  “Of course, I do. You want to know, so I’ll tell you. It’s both. My power personally would kill you… slowly. You would eventually go out of your mind. Count your blessings when you can’t see someone’s aura. You shouldn’t be able to see Camden’s and yet you do. Interesting, isn’t it?”

  Before I could ask any more questions, she glided back out of the bedroom, leaving me with more questions now than before she’d showed up.

  Chapter Sixteen

  I got to the gym and noticed Lil, Stephan, and a couple of werewolves whose names I had already forgotten from our little karaoke party last night, sitting on some bleachers facing the mats. I waved to the group and walked over to them.

  “Hey, guys. What are y’all doing?”

  Lil flew over to me. “We’ve decided to come out and be your moral support today.”

  Did I need moral support? This would officially be the second day of training. What was so special about today? CG strolled into the gym. His white
T-shirt was snug over his muscles, and he looked like a well-oiled fighting machine.

  Lil swatted me on the ear. “Are you eyeing up the boss?”

  “Eww. What? No.” Well, maybe. Crap. I had to keep that in check.

  “I think you were,” Lil said. Stephan laughed, until I gave him a murderous look.

  “No, I wasn’t.” I definitely was. “Guess I should go stretch. Thanks for the support.”

  I kept my eyes down as I headed over to the mat. Lusting after an engaged man. What was wrong with me? Even if he was single, I shouldn’t be lusting after him. He was stuffy and just not my type.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him stretching. His shirt raised up an inch to show his tan belly. I turned to face the wall while I stretched. It was safer. Yeah, definitely not my type.

  “Sadie, are you ready to start?”

  “Yes, Camden, I am ready.”

  At the sound of his first name, he tilted his head sideways. His eyes trailed my body head to toe and back up, a corner of his mouth tilting. He seemed to be thrilled that I called him by his real name. Note to self, he shall be Camden from here on out. I had to stop noticing the golden flecks in his blue-green eyes and start focusing on training, so I didn’t die in some battle.

  Closing my eyes, I found my center, slowing everything down in my mind. Once I was focused, I began looking around the room at all the different auras. I was getting better and better at calling their auras to me. Lil’s was the familiar bright yellow, Stephan’s was red, and the werewolves were different shades of orange. When my eyes landed back on Camden, I studied his aura that resembled a rainbow. Very strange. So far there had been only one color for each supernatural, but he had so many different vibrant colors. I wondered if his brother’s were as colorful. After I was done kicking his butt, I was going to have to ask him about his strange aura that looked like skittles.

  I started slowly circling him, but before I could come up with a plan, he charged at me. I pulled power from Lil, and the next thing I knew I was in the air, hovering over Camden. My arms flapped beside me. “Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. I’m freaking flying!”


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