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The Werewolf Queen

Page 13

by Brandi Elledge

  Lil’s voice was tired. “Checkmate, Bitch.”

  “He’s bleeding out,” Camden said. “Find out where the key is and I’ll handle Zander.”

  Camden had Zander by the shirt collar. “I feel you poking at my head, but you’re not strong enough. It’s over. Tell us where Merek hid the key.” I cringed as Camden reared back a fist. I knew what was coming and by the looks of it, so did Zander.

  Stephan handed me Lil, and I gently cradled her to my chest. I watched as the vampire walked over to the pinned Chron. “Do you know where the key is?”

  Chron grunted in pain. “No.”

  Stephan smiled at me. “He is lying.”

  I felt an eyebrow reach my hairline. “Vampire trait?”

  Stephan gave me a wink. That vampire was as charismatic as he was hot. Too bad my damn body didn’t want him like it yearned for Camden.

  Camden shook Zander. “I have a feeling they are both thinking of the keys, so now would be the time to extract your information, Sadie.”

  I concentrated on reading Zander’s mind because Chron looked like he was about to pass out. Stephan removed one of the blades from Chron’s arm. He tossed it to Camden who caught it in midair. With an air of boredom, he held it against Zander’s throat.

  “Whoops,” Stephan said, “Chron is officially dead.”

  “Good thing we didn’t need him,” Stephan said. “Sadie, work your magic on blondie over here.”

  I was trying. If they would both just hush for a second, it would make my job a helluva lot easier. I made sure not to look at Chron, who was still pinned to the wall, with his pale blue eyes open. I tried not to shudder. I did not like death. Even if the dead person was someone who just tried to kill me. I stood in front of the other twin who had murder in his eyes, even with the King of Werewolves pressing a blade hard enough into his throat to draw blood.

  He was thinking of murdering us all right at the moment, and that just wouldn’t do. We needed him back on task. “The key, where is it?”

  “Go to hell,” he spat.

  He didn’t have to tell me because I now knew where it was. He was thinking about it.

  I gave Zander a wink. “Thanks.”

  Camden asked, “Are we good?”

  Considering that I knew neither man wanted to go hunting the Undertaker, I said, “Good news. It looks like there will be no reason to visit the Vampire Queen… yet. We have a key we can use for the portal. There is just one small problem.”

  Stephan groaned. “Please tell me the key is located in the middle of a harem of beautiful women, and you want me to go in single-handedly to retrieve it. In fact, I insist on not listening to any other problems that might come from your lips.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, sorry to disappoint, unless you alter your illusion a little bit. For example, substitute beautiful women for ugly ogres in a cave just down the road.”

  “Repeat that one more time,” Camden said.

  “There is a cave a mile away from here. When Merek used the key to open up the portal, there were three ogres that came over before he closed it. Zander here was able to control the ogres long enough to reinforce them magically with collared chains. They are currently surrounding the key in the cave.”

  “Merek is a weakling. How is he managing to keep—” He gave Zander a disgusted look. “To keep mediocre supernaturals in check?”

  Zander spat at his feet. “Go screw yourself.”

  The vampire looked offended. “Why the hell would I do that? I’m not desperate for feminine attention.”

  “It’s because Merek has everyone fooled into thinking he’s as powerful as his brother. You know, the one he offed.”

  Camden grunted as he removed the blade from Zander’s neck. “Do you want to live or die?” Zander lunged at the Werewolf King. I thought I heard Camden sigh before he reached out and grabbed Zander by the neck, twisting it at an awkward angle. “Guess that answers that.”

  I should have been used to all of this death but nope. My stomach rolled at another life lost.

  Lil was lying still in my hand, having passed out from the pain long ago. Camden came over and gently touched her broken body. I knew he was healing her but not enough that it would raise questions. From where Stephan stood, it looked like Camden was just affectionately touching her. I was smiling at him when a phone on Merek’s desk rang. We all looked at one another before Camden finally answered it. With all the power I’d siphoned, hearing the conversation was easy.


  “CG, you will find Cecil, but he needs to remain alive.”

  “May I ask why?”

  Ariana sighed. “Without him, several others will fall off their course. We need him to right their paths.”

  “If you’re sure, Ariana.”

  “I am.”

  After he hung up, I was fuming. “You’re seriously not thinking of listening to her, are you? She alerted Merek and suggested you take those vows. I could have been killed!”

  “But you weren’t.” I glared at him, and he held up both hands. “It’s the truth. If she thought you would’ve died here, she wouldn’t have let you come. Some people are supposed to play a role in this war—”

  “You mean her game,” I interrupted.

  “I mean that she cares for the key players. They are her chosen ones. The ones she trusts more than anyone to guard the seven keys, and she wants all of them to be on the right path. If she thinks keeping Cecil alive will help the key players to win this war, so be it.”

  Stephan sighed like he was dying his second death. “Please don’t tell me that she cares for the key players, because that woman has done everything but bake me a cake in the last week. I’m just waiting for an invite to watch reruns on the Hallmark channel with her. Next thing you know, she’ll be planning my wedding.”

  I was pissed. Whatever her reasons were, I didn’t like her. “Let’s just go.”

  We opened the study door to a completely confused and disoriented Garren and Evan. Apparently, Zander had given them a command as he passed by them. The poor werewolves were ordered not to move. They couldn’t even blink until Zander died, then they were free from his command. Their ego was bruised but they were fine. After we gathered our crew and left the house, Stephan put a hand around my bicep to stop me. “None of my business, but I do think Ariana is trying to help all of us.”

  “You’re right. It’s none of your business,” I said, as I sidestepped him to the car.

  Stephan turned to Lil, who was awake now and looking like she felt much better. “Is it just me, or is she getting sassy?”

  “That child has always had potential to be a smartass. Just wait and see,” she said.

  I was exhausted, but we were far from being in the clear, and I was sick of death. Despite the blood trickling from my nose, I convinced Camden and Stephan to let me use Zander’s power. Every one of Merek’s goons let us pass, thanks to my newly acquired ability. They were like confused zombies as we passed by. I wasn’t sure how long it would last, so we hurried outside. We all loaded back into the Hummer to head to the cave. I knew one thing: Camden might have promised that soothsayer he wouldn’t harm anyone, but I hadn’t made any promises. As soon as I was seated, I glanced at Camden’s profile and thought of what I would personally do to Ariana if she killed someone I lov—um… liked. Liked strongly.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Finding the cave wasn’t the hard part. The hard part was convincing Lil to stay in the car. She wasn’t healed completely and looked exhausted. We would all be worrying over her, and we didn’t need the added distraction.

  “Three werewolves, a handsome vampire, and a manipulator walk into the woods—”

  “Stephan, please,” I grumbled, as I tripped over a branch.

  “Too early for jokes?” Stephan asked.

  Camden held up a hand, stopping us at the entrance of the cave. “Let’s be quick about retrieving the key. In and out. Sadie, stay back a safe distance to use your powers.

  I wasn’t sure what I expected when we entered the cave, but what was before us made me speechless. Three ugly beasts made a triangle around a black object on the ground in the middle. All three ogres were giants. There were collars around their necks connecting to metal chains bolted into the cave walls. I looked around for the beanstalk. Two of the ogres were viciously trying to reach us. I assumed to grind our bones for their bread. The third ogre sat with his back against the wall, his knees drawn up to his chest, and head in his hands. He looked pitiful. Camden targeted the largest of the ogres, and Stephan charged the other. The two werewolves, Garren and Evan, went for the one sitting down.

  I stopped them with one word. “No.” This one was different than the other two. He wasn’t salivating from the mouth or pounding his chest ready to fight. He looked… broken.

  They both looked at each other before they nervously allowed me to approach the ogre sitting down. Using my father’s abilities, I searched his mind. I was shocked at his thoughts. Hurt and anger over the loss of his family. The injustice of his whole family being sent to a portal just because his uncle had done something horrible. Memory after memory popped into my head of his loving mother and his fierce brothers. The joyful memories were mixed with the painful ones. The Lux had dragged his baby brother away from his mother, and she was crying and pleading. That was what he had been doing so close to the open portal. Searching for his baby brother. Now, he felt he had failed them all. His pain was almost too much to bear. Tears trailed my face as I sat crossed legged in front of the giant.

  “I’ll help you find them.” His sad brown eyes lifted to mine and I whispered, “Friend.”

  His voice was hoarse. “Friend?”

  “Yes, and I’ll help you. You have my promise.”

  Confusion marred his wide face, and I winced to see that Camden and Stephan had fought and won their battle with the other two ogres. “Were they part of your family?”

  The ogre shook his head. “Bad.”

  “They were bad ogres?”

  He nodded as Camden and Stephan strode towards me.

  Camden shouted, “What are you doing? Get away from him!”

  I stood up to protect him, even though sitting down the ogre was still taller than me. I fanned my arms out. “Do not touch him.”

  “Now is not the time for you to take on a pet,” Camden said.

  Stephan straightened his cuffs. “And if you insist on a pet, you should adopt a kitten or something equally cuddly, not something that could smash your head like a grape.”

  Now, the ogre decided to pipe up. “Grape?”

  Camden gave me a knowing look as he crossed his muscular arms over his chest. “Why don’t you step away from the ogre, and we can talk about this.”

  “You are not hurting him, so there is nothing to talk about, Camden.”

  “Camden,” rolled off the ogre’s tongue, like he was trying it out.

  “To you, I’m CG,” Camden said with a death stare.

  I faced the ogre again. Using Chron’s skills, I forced the steel collar around the ogre’s neck to open. He sighed when he was finally freed from the chains.

  Stephan sputtered, “Did she just?”

  “Yep, yep she did,” Camden replied.

  I was glad to see the boys bonding, even at my expense. The ogre held out a hand for me, and I placed my small one in his huge catcher’s mitt.

  He stood. “Friend?”

  “Yes.” I smiled up at him. “Friend.”

  Camden pinched his forehead. “Twenty bucks says I have to kill him in the first twenty-four hours.”

  Stephan nodded. “I say the first twelve.”

  Garren and Evan were backing up from the ogre with a look of horror on their faces. Changing the subject of the ogre’s life expectancy, I asked, “So, you have the key?” Camden pulled out a small, black ball from his pocket.

  It was about the size of a baseball.

  “That’s what the key looks like?” I asked. Back in school, there were no pictures of the infamous keys that opened the portals.

  He turned the key, and it split into two halves. He placed each half in his pocket. It wasn’t the most secure spot, but I guess it was the best he had. “Yes, and now we need to go. Who knows how long your control over Merek’s guards will last?”

  Stephan asked, “What’s the plan?”

  “You’re free to go,” Camden said.

  Stephan laughed. “I’ve always been free to go, magic spell or not. However, Ariana told me to stay, and there is something about her that is extremely creepy but reassuring at the same time. I’m feeling conflicted.”

  Camden pinched the bridge of his nose again. He looked like a man on the edge. “I need to find Cecil and return him and Celia to their father.”

  “You never vowed not to kill Merek,” I said.

  “No, I did not.” Camden headed towards the mouth of the cave. “After all of this is said and done, everyone except Cecil is fair game. I only vowed to return Cecil and Celia to him alive. Once she is returned, anything can happen.”

  I had to bite my tongue. I didn’t agree with Ariana on Cecil’s lifespan, but my opinions weren’t needed right now.

  “I only have a few hours to enter portal fourteen. Stephan, you drive Garren, Evan, and Lil back to the estate. Sadie can teleport me to the location and then teleport herself back to all of you.”

  Stephan nodded as he headed towards the car. I rested a hand on Camden. “Wait a second. I’m going with you through the portal, and we’re not leaving the ogre behind.”

  “No, you’re not, and I don’t know what to do about him.”

  “Um, yes, I am.” Keeping my voice calm, I said, “Ariana told me that as long as we stayed together, I would be safe.” Truth. “She also said I was to go with you after our meeting with Merek.” Lie.

  He studied me for a second. “She said this?” I nodded. “Well, then, there must be a reason she needs us to stick together. And she said that you would live?”

  What was one more lie? “Yes, she swore it.”

  The vampire stood directly behind Camden, and my eyes met his. He knew I was lying. I wondered if that was a skill all vampires had or just the prince. As impressive as that was, what was more interesting was that he didn’t rat me out.

  Stephan did point at the ogre who was now eating leaves off of a tree. “That is not riding back with me, even if he could fit in the car.”

  I scoffed. “Of course not. He will stay with me.”

  Camden sighed. “Sadie—”

  “Don’t Sadie me. I’ve witnessed first hand the horrors that he went through. He is not like the other ogres but because he is one, he has been lumped in with the Degenerates. Do you know where portal forty-two leads?”

  “Yes,” Camden said. “The portals are labeled one through forty-two. The lower ranked a supernatural is in power means they got sent to a lower numbered portal. If a Degenerate is sent to a higher portal number, then they are perceived to be the strongest and most evil of the supernatural world.” He pointed at the ogre who had taken a limb off of the tree, so he could eat the leaves better. “That ogre might be strong, but no one would have sent him into the realm of suffering.”

  Stephan put his hands in his pockets and rocked back on his heels. “I agree. I might be a forty-nine, but that ogre is a solid ten.”

  I huffed. “Well, then someone screwed up because that is where he was. Portal forty-two.”

  Both boys studied the ogre for several minutes before Camden said, “If he threatens you in any way, I will kill him.”

  “He won’t.” I was almost a hundred percent positive. “So, I’ll agree.”

  Camden’s brow raised. “I wasn’t asking.”

  We all hiked through the woods together until we reached the Hummer. After quick goodbyes, we watched our friends pull back onto the road. They had a long drive ahead of them, but soon they would be back at Camden’s estate safe and sound.

  The ogre waved g
oodbye, and that gesture had me smiling and Camden scowling.

  To break the tension, I asked Camden, “So, where is this portal fourteen?”

  “Have you ever been to Key West, Florida?” I shook my head. “Usually, one can only teleport to where they have been, and we need to go to a hole-in-the-wall bar in Key West.”

  “I’ve seen pictures of a sandy beach in Key West. Does that count?”

  “It’ll have to work. Try to teleport me first. And then after we complete our mission, we will come back for the ogre.”

  I squinted at him. “No way. He’s coming with us.” I grabbed the ogre’s hand. “I’ll teleport him first then come back for you.”

  Camden shouted, “Don’t you even think about going by yourself—”

  For a second, I thought my organs were going to explode as I teleported us to a beach. I took a moment to breathe in the saltwater and listen to the seagulls before I started to hide the ogre.

  “Look mommy! That statue looks real,” a small boy with freckles said as he and his parents headed to the beach.

  The dad laughed. “Yeah, real ugly. I swear, artists today can make total crap and call it a masterpiece.”

  The mom swatted the husband’s arm. “Don’t say crap in front of Sean.”

  “Um, but you just did,” the dad said.

  We waited for them to get farther away before I turned to the ogre. “Don’t move okay? They will think you’re just a statue.” A bird came and landed on his shoulder, and his eyes swiveled in fright to look at the creature. “It’s okay. It’s just a pelican; it won’t hurt you. I’ll be right back. Don’t move!”

  I went back for Camden, who was pacing when I returned. When he saw me, he grabbed me and hugged me. “Don’t ever do that again.”

  He was squeezing the life out of me. “Easy, big guy. I’m fine, but Key West might not be if we don’t get back to the ogre.”

  Stepping back from me, his eyes traveled my body to make sure I really was okay. “Let’s go, then.”


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