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The Werewolf Queen

Page 21

by Brandi Elledge

  Sweat beaded Camden’s upper lip. “Can you sense her? If she’s close, you should be able to read her mind.”

  My body wanted to hibernate, but I closed my eyes and tried. “She’s in a tunnel. It’s underground. Not too far from here. There is also water. Can you hear it flowing?”

  “I’ll find it,” he said.

  “Good because that’s all I got. I’m all tapped out.”

  “That’s normal. The first time I healed myself I slept for three days straight. I’m shocked you woke up so soon after that demon broke your neck. He died a slow, painful death by the way.” He stood with me in his arms. “I’m not letting you out of my sight. Hold on tight.”

  “Where did Stephan go?”

  “Too much blood. He was scared he would hurt my werewolves. Lil left to check on Kong and to prepare for the hurt wolves. They all heal at a fast rate, but some might need medical attention to help the healing process go quicker. All the demons are dead but Celia is missing.”

  Every step he took jostled me, and I couldn’t help but wish sleep would claim me. “Thank you for watching over me while I was—what was I? Not dead, but what?”

  “Healing. That’s what you were doing, and I would do anything for you,” he said, as we went down some narrow steps. My eyes closed until I heard a door squeaking open. We were in a tunnel. I couldn’t lift my head off of his chest, but I could hear him wading through water. He stopped walking after a few minutes.

  “Up ahead the tunnel branches off, and I’ve lost her scent.” His blue-green eyes peered down at me. “Should we go left or right?”

  “Left.” I remembered what Jo had said about my birthday present. It was for me to go left. She got her own self kidnapped, refused my attempt at rescuing her, and then gave me the birthday gift of how to find her. Next time, I was going to ask her for some cookware.

  We finally caught up to the demon who was playing a cat and mouse game with Jo.

  She was barely evading him. She cocked a hip out. “Jeez, guys, it’s about time. I was scared the both of you stopped for a make-out session along the way.”

  I wished I could stand, so I could knuckle punch her. “I’m assuming you saw me injured?”

  “Dude, that was so twenty minutes ago.” She ducked, just as the demon took a swing at her. “Do you think it’s possible we could focus on the threat at hand?”

  Camden placed me on my feet. I grabbed hold of a wrought iron ladder leading up to whatever street was above us. Once he made sure I wasn’t going to crumble, he let go of me. Jo dodged the demon once again.

  The demon must have been young because he didn’t understand what kind of threat Camden was and that was his mistake. Camden quickly came up behind the demon and grabbed him by his neck, ramming the demon’s face multiple times into the stone wall. In his signature move, he punched his hand through the demon’s chest, coming away with a heart.

  Jo wrinkled up her nose in disgust. “Yeah, so I’ve had visions of him doing that before, but in person, it is way more intense. Do you have hand wipes?” Camden just stared at her without blinking as he wiped his hands on his pants’ legs. “Yeah, okay, that’s not sanitary, but it looks like we’re in a sewer, so who am I to judge?”

  Camden glared at Jo. “You risked her life with your stunt!”

  She waved a hand at him like he was being dramatic. “No, I didn’t. I would know if she was going to die. Duh! Plus, I had to do this.”

  I rested my head against one of the rungs of the ladder. “You’re always so sympathetic to Ariana and all of her meddling. I think the least you can do is hear Jo out.”

  “Aww. Thanks, bestie.” She batted her long, black eyelashes at me. “So, this had to happen because one, this forced you lovebirds back together. Which, by the way, you still haven’t fully committed to this bond. Shall we? I’m ordained.”

  I snorted. “No, you’re not.”

  Camden looked at me and I shrugged. Should we tell her? Maybe but I was willing to see where this went. She really needed to get a better hold on these visions. Especially if she was going to be meddling like Ariana.

  She nodded. “You’re right. I’m not. Plus, it’s not the time and sure as hell not the place. Can you imagine telling the grandkids about this? It would go like, ‘So we were in this rat-infested tunnel that smelled like the back end of a donkey, and we took our vows right then and there beside a heartless demon and a hot ass witch.’”

  “Funny. So, what’s the second reason?” Camden asked.

  “Did I say I had more reasons?” At Camden’s glare, she said, “Whoa kidding. Kidding. Easy, big fellow. So secondly, the Demon King had to lose his crown, and he had to lose it to his daughter. Why? Sorry folks, that has to remain a cliffhanger. You might—”

  “Set Carmen on a different path,” I groaned. I was really starting to hate that saying.

  “Dude, you’re so getting it. Another reason is Celia would have remained in Hell with the Demon King until he tired of her, and that was not to be her fate. Also, I would like to point out at this time that if the Demon King hadn’t kidnapped me, he would have joined forces with someone that I cannot mention, and dude, let me tell you,” she said, pointing at Camden, “you would have lost so many werewolves. Like totally tragic. So that red-horned freak had to die and quickly. You don’t have to thank me with words. I take gift cards and wine in the box because I’m classy like that.”

  Camden scowled again, and I was terrified that he was going to harm my best friend. “Camden, let’s go home.”

  Jo winced. “Yeah, about that. We should get out of the tunnel, but the night is not quite over.”

  “Okay, Miss Riddles, but you should know something. We’re mates.”

  Jo’s face was priceless. “You’re kidding me.”

  “Why would she kid about that?” Camden said.

  Obviously, he was still angry over her endangering me. “Man,” Jo said, “this sucks. You would think I would have seen that tidbit. I so need to watch some training videos or something. Oh well. The rest still had to happen, so whatever.”

  Camden mumbled something under his breath as we climbed up the ladder to exit the tunnel. I was pretty sure he was plotting ways to kill Jo. My friend, being the awesome psychic she was, had a fifty percent chance of knowing that, so I wasn’t too worried. And by the way she was humming, I would say she wasn’t too concerned either. As soon as we were clear of the tunnel, I realized this night would never end.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  The street we were on was completely devoid of any humans. Cecil had wrapped the whole block in magic, repelling tourists. He stood there with a cocky grin splitting his freckled face. His red hair had recently been trimmed, and it was gelled back from his forehead. Behind him stood ten supernaturals, including Celia. According to their auras, they were mostly witches. Wait, why was Celia smirking? We’d defeated the Demon King, and she was standing there bruised and dirty and smirking. What was I missing?

  “Welcome to the party,” Cecil said. “I’m not sure if you know Fredrick?” A tall, muscular man stepped forward. His buzz cut and blank stare made him look like ex-military. His hands were clasped in front of him. “Fredrick here used to be in your father’s pack before he defected. I will be assisting him with leading your pack after we kill you tonight. He is the one that will take your throne and wear your crown.”

  Camden laughed. “Is that right? You and what army?”

  “Funny you should ask. Celia? If you don’t mind. Give me the object that I’ve had hidden away for some time now.”

  Celia gave us both an evil smile before she procured a black key from behind her back. She held it up to a thin piece of shimmering air. Oh, great. Just what we needed. The portal was open, and there was no telling what would come over first.

  “Go, teleport you and Jo to somewhere safe,” Camden said.

  “Yeah, you probably don’t need a psychic to tell you that she’s not going to leave you high and dry,” Jo said.
“Besides, she’s immortal now.”

  Camden let out a growl as he morphed into his larger version. Jo was in her custom head to toe black leather. Her heavy boot tapped on the ground like she was impatient for the so-called party to begin. I wouldn’t trade places with my bestie for all the gold in the world. I didn’t want to see the future. Hell, at this very moment I didn’t like the present too much. But with that being said, it irritated me to no end that she knew exactly how this was going to go down. I was so tired of the damn fighting. At least I would be getting no more nosebleeds, but I still wanted to rest for at least twenty-four hours. Was that too much to ask?

  Jo sighed. “Pay attention, it begins in five, four, three, two—”

  A witch threw a magic ball at us, but thanks to Jo, she knew it was coming and easily maneuvered both of us around it. The ball hit the ground and exploded. The way the concrete sizzled it was clear the ball held acid.

  Another ball flew at us, and we barely had time to get out of the way. Embarrassment colored her face. “Sorry. Didn’t see that one.”

  We both watched as Camden engaged with Fredrick.

  I started to join the fray but Jo stopped me.

  “Dude! This is a portal for witches gone bad. We’ve got this, let those walls down, baby. Let them crash and go kick some butt.”

  “Got it.”

  I ran across the uneven stones when Celia appeared in front of me. She tossed the key to her brother. He sneered at his sibling. “What are you waiting for? Kill her!” Such a sweet family!

  “There is nothing I would rather do than watch the breath leave your body,” she said.

  “It seems like you might have some anger issues you should probably work out.” I dodged a ball of fire she sent at my face. “There are definitely some unresolved feelings you should talk to someone about. Just not me because I have things to do.”

  Her hands heated with another ball. “I will kill you.” The first of the Degenerates came through the portal; they looked confused but ecstatic. I had no time to waste. Calling Stephan’s aura to me, I flashed behind Celia and used his vampire strength to throw her against the ground. She rolled over on her stomach and hurled something. A small, golden dagger. I used my mind to stop the blade just before it entered my chest. Karma happened as I made Celia fly backwards with a wave of my hand thanks to Lil’s powers. She stopped when a street sign impaled her body. The metal buried itself in her chest. The same spot she’d initially intended for me. Blood seeped through her shirt as she took her last breath. Her brother let out a scream, as he made his way to his fallen sister.

  I flashed behind someone else but not before I saw Jo whispering something to Cecil. After I had fought two more witches, I noticed Cecil was gone. Ugh. This whole keeping the slimeball alive was going to be my undoing. Camden elbowed one of Fredrick’s werewolves in the face while he kicked the witch in front of him in the chest. Hmm. He must have already disposed of Fredrick. That was my boy.

  “I have to close the portal!” His bellow carried out over all of the fighting. “I can use our key, but we need to hurry.”

  He fought his way to the open portal. He took out the black key as several supernaturals ran towards him. He was trying to close the portal with the key that now had all fifty or so supernaturals’ attention. Someone knocked the key out of Camden’s hand, and I watched in horror as a witch picked it up and took off. Someone attacked her, and then it was a free for all. We had lost the key, the portal was still open, and there was a possibility we wouldn’t make it out of this alive.

  “Watch out!” Jo screamed as a male witch grabbed me by my throat and started squeezing. I teleported to the other end of the magically contained space with him in tow. As he was trying not to get sick, I used Camden’s strength to throw him into a parked car that, unfortunately for the owner, was also trapped in the magical bubble. Jo’s heavy boots clomped towards me, as she dodged fiery balls aimed at her.

  She halted mid-step and shouted at the witch, “You can take your balls and shove them! Today isn’t my day to die, freak.”

  I used mind control on the witch she was yelling at, convincing him to throw her fireballs at the witches behind him.

  A fireball smacked me in my middle. I rolled to all fours. “Seriously, Jo! You have got to get better at your visions.”

  Jo stood over me, fighting every witch that came towards us the only way she knew how. By knowing where they were going to attack and moving us like chess pieces on a board game. “Shh. I’m concentrating.”

  I looked across the bubble to where Camden should be but couldn’t see him. But my body recognized that my mate was fine. I could hear his heartbeat as if it was mine. Thanks to my mate, my vision was better than it had ever been, along with my hearing. I felt invincible. As I climbed to my feet, I felt victorious. With a flick of my wrist, I sent the witch hitting Jo into the side of a tree.

  My walls came crashing down. The power resting inside of me was no longer hard to control. It was as if everything had clicked into place. Now, my power was so easy to wield. I needed to move an object. One in particular. Using my mind, I called the key to me. It came soaring out from underneath a haystack of witches all scrambling for the it. The key landed in my palm. My mind quickly separated the witches and rogue werewolves from Camden and Jo. I gathered the Degenerates up and had each and every one of them floating in the air before I dribbled them like basketballs on the road. It was almost comical. Now, I had their attention. They were no longer in charge of their bodies. Their mouths gaped open as I lined them up like little ducks.

  I teleported to the portal. “Thanks for visiting, but now it is time to go back. I understand that sometimes we can be misjudged. I have a friend that didn’t deserve to be sent through a portal. If you feel as if you have been misjudged for your crimes, please speak up.” Before anyone could speak, I held up a hand. “Know that I can and will read your mind. If you lie to me, I will personally redeposit you to portal forty-nine.” The expressions on their faces were pure horror. Good. They knew I wasn’t playing. No one said a word and after a moment, I moved every single one through the open portal and quickly sealed it after the last one crossed over. I had controlled multiple beings at once while crossing powers. I wasn’t bleeding or dizzy. In fact I felt energized.

  Jo clapped, and Camden smiled as he walked towards me. I tossed him the key, and he snatched it in midair. When he stood right in front of me, he grabbed me by the back of the neck and kissed me so hard, Jo let out catcalls. His lips pulled back from mine. “Hello, my queen.”

  “Oh, I do like the sound of that.”

  “You did good, real good.” His turquoise eyes glinted with happiness. “Shall we go home?”

  Home. That sounded unbelievably good. But there was something I needed to do first. “I have to go to portal forty-two before we go back home. There are some ogres I need to free. Then we can finally rest.”

  “Dude, you’re like indestructible now,” Jo said. “We can rule the world, and I do mean we because you’re going to need a sidekick. I know you have the ogre, but my vocabulary is better. I say we go to the beach. You can use your mind control on everyone. Convince them they need to clear the area, and then we will have the whole place to ourselves. Or maybe you can convince Timmy that he needs to relieve his bladder every time he goes out into public? Oh, dude, think of the things we can do with your fantastic powers. This is going to be epic.”

  I laughed at her ramblings. Camden swooped me up and twirled me around, and then he was kissing me again. Somewhere in the distance, I could still hear Jo planning out the things we were going to do.

  We had the key. I had my mate and he had me. My friends and family were safe, and my powers were steady, true, and strong. Indestructible? Maybe. Grateful? More than anything. I was where I needed to be and with the person I was meant for.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  I woke up in Camden’s huge bed, wearing nothing but one of his T-shirts. I would never get tire
d of his scent. Who needed an exotic island when your mate smelled of ocean, wind, and the promise of tomorrow? I threw the covers off of me and padded barefoot to the kitchen where I heard noises. A disheveled, bare-chested Camden was making breakfast. Another thing I would never get used to… waking up next to my mate. It had been four months since I had become Camden’s mate. My granny and father were coming for a visit today, and I was so excited to see them. No one had been able to get a hold of my brother, but I had it on good authority that he was fine, if not a little perturbed he’d been forced to work with a demon. My brother was stubborn and Carmen was bossy. Their teamwork had to be less than ideal.

  Cecil was still missing, but apparently that was all part of the big plan. I wanted to see his head on a spike, but whatever. We had found all of Kong’s family. Just remembering the portal we had to go into gave me the willies. I hoped to never revisit that portal again. Jo insisted I retrieve the missing ogres while wearing all black, because it was authoritative and total badass. Camden insisted I wear the family crown, so others would know it was the Werewolf Queen that was all powerful, so I had to teleport home before we could go collect his family, but it was worth it. I rocked that crown. It took us hours, but we finally brought over the ogres who’d been misjudged.

  Now, at least twenty ogres inhabited Camden’s woods. I thought Camden would object, but he just smiled and said he would do whatever made me happy. I didn’t tell him this, but I was hoping I would see baby ogres running around one day.

  Ariana was training Jo, and my best friend seemed to be able to control her powers better now. Stephan had left months ago. I missed that vampire, but I had a feeling I would be seeing him again. Well, mainly because Jo said so.

  I sat at one of the barstools as Camden loaded me up a plate with fresh eggs. “Good morning, beautiful.”


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