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Dacia Wolf & the Dragon Lord

Page 9

by Mandi Oyster

  “I’ll come.”

  We stepped outside, and thoughts stopped whirring through my mind. I took a deep breath and tension released from my muscles.

  “Where to?” Cody asked. Being outside had the opposite effect on him. His shoulders were bunched. His voice was strained.

  I pointed to a bench by the door. “I just needed to get out for a bit.” Sitting next to him, I pulled his arm over my shoulders and laid my head against his chest.

  The breeze rustled through the aspen trees, blowing my hair across my face. Birds chirped, and students made trips to their cars, hauling in their possessions.

  Even though I was at ease, I kept an eye out for anything abnormal. Cody’s grasp on my shoulder never relaxed. Finally, I stood and reached my hand down to him. “Let’s go in.” We walked toward the door.

  “Hey!” someone shouted.

  Cody’s grip on my hand tightened. We continued walking. The door was only ten feet in front of us.


  He looked over his shoulder and loosened his fingers. Blood returned to my fingertips.

  “Hey, Justin,” Cody said as the two of them did a complicated handshake. “Didn’t know you were here for the summer.”

  Justin brushed his dark hair off his face revealing dark brown eyes. “Yeah, I dropped a coupla classes. I’m gonna try ‘em again.”

  While they talked, I saw Samantha pull into the parking lot. I was anxious to talk to Sarah, Samantha, and Dan about Aurelia, to get their opinions, and decide what to do.


  Samantha and Dan sat entwined together in Big Bird. Cody sat in Cookie Monster, and I paced while explaining Aurelia.

  Dan combed his fingers through Samantha’s hair, never taking his gaze off hers. I wondered if they’d heard a word, but I kept talking.

  When I finished, Dan said, “It sounds like she’s on your side.”

  “If she can help you,” Samantha said without looking away from Dan, “you should let her. It sounds like she’s had plenty of opportunities to hurt you if she’d wanted to.”

  I sat on the arm of Cody’s chair and pulled my hand through my hair. “That’s what I’ve been thinking.”

  Cody slipped his hand under the back of my shirt. His fingers brushed over my waist, making my skin tingle. “Keep your friends close.”

  “And hope she’s not an enemy?” I asked.

  Chapter 15


  I swatted at my phone, snoozing the alarm. Since we didn’t get cell service here, that was all it was good for these days. Classes started this morning, and I wasn’t looking forward to going. The next time my alarm went off, I flipped the blanket to the side and descended my loft’s ladder.

  “Morning, Dacia.” Cody stood and stretched his back. “How’d you sleep?”

  “Like I died.”

  “Strange—” Samantha yawned “—answer.”

  “Well, since I died twice in my dream, it seemed fitting.”

  Cody squeezed his eyes shut and pinched the bridge of his nose. “You don’t sound upset … why?”

  “Because”—I lifted my hands palms up—“last night I realized death isn’t the worst thing in the world. Death is peaceful.”

  He strode toward me and gripped my shoulders. “You can’t die.” His voice was husky, his eyes wide with fear.

  “I don’t want to.” I stepped closer to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. “But torture is a whole lot worse than death. And, we don’t have time to discuss my dream right now. We can talk about it on our way to class.”

  “Sure.” Samantha looked at Cody and shrugged.

  A few minutes after I returned to our room, there was a knock on the door.

  “That’s got to be Dan,” Samantha said. “Can you get it, Cody?”

  “Sure,” he answered, already on his way to the door. “Hey, Dan.”

  He looked around the room. “So, do you just stay here?”

  “Can’t say.” Cody shrugged. “Sarah wouldn’t like it.” He patted Big Bird. “Not great for sleeping.”

  Dan’s eyebrows pulled together. He looked up at Samantha’s loft. “So, uh, how long has this been going on?”

  “Sarah wouldn’t want me to answer.”

  “So you’re here all the time? With Sarah’s blessing?” Dan cocked his head. “Even while we were gone?”

  Samantha stopped mid-swipe of her mascara brush and looked over her shoulder. “Dacia has some rough nights. It’s good to have him here to help.”

  He shoved his hands in his pockets and rocked back on his heels, still looking at Samantha’s loft.

  She finished her makeup and clasped a clunky bracelet around her wrist. “The only problem is keeping it from Marcy.”

  “Well, that and the fact that Cody doesn’t sleep worth a damn in these chairs.” I leaned on Cookie Monster, making it rock. “They’re not bad for a nap, but they’re terrible for pulling all-nighters.”

  Dan finally pulled his gaze off Samantha’s loft. “The two of us were going to room together this fall.” He pointed to himself, then Cody. “I have a couch. We could bring it over and take the chairs to our room.”

  “That’d be great.” Cody massaged his neck. “Appreciate it.”

  “You have to promise to take care of Big Bird and Cookie Monster, though,” I said. “But I think it would be a good thing. Who knows how long these dreams will last.”

  “Did you have another one last night?” Dan asked.

  “I dreamed I died twice.” Seeing their somber faces, I couldn’t resist saying, “Seems like overkill, doesn’t it?”

  Samantha groaned. Dan chuckled. Cody pressed his lips together and shook his head.

  I threw my hands up. “Okay, not the time for jokes.”

  When we stepped into the hall, Aurelia joined us. “Good morning, guys!” Her sapphire shirt and pale gray slacks appeared to be designer quality.

  “Oh, hello,” I said.

  Samantha raised her eyebrows and shook her head. “You’re way too cheery for this time of day.”

  “I love mornings.” Aurelia smiled. “They are full of promise.”

  “You and I”—Samantha pointed at Aurelia, then herself—“don’t see eye to eye on that. Mornings are for sleeping.”

  “What classes are you taking?” I tugged on my faded green t-shirt, feeling a little shabby.

  “Astronomy,” she answered. “Then after lunch, I have calculus. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I have photography.”

  “You have my schedule.” Since she was here to keep an eye on me, it didn’t surprise me.

  The long walk to Kestrel Observatory would’ve been the perfect opportunity to talk to Cody, Samantha, and Dan about my dream. To get there, we had to walk past the majority of the buildings, through a forested area, and along Rose River. However, I didn’t know if I should discuss it with Aurelia there. I wanted to talk to Sarah about her first.

  The further we moved from the buildings, the fewer students we passed. When we stepped into the trees, it was like being transported. The campus disappeared behind the thick foliage. The only sounds were the woodland creatures and the roar of the river.

  Light filtered down through the leaves. Moss dotted with tiny white flowers covered downed trees. My fingers itched for a pencil and sketchpad.

  When we arrived at the observatory, Sarah stood by the door. “Hello.” She smiled at my companions, then focused on me. “Dacia, may I have a word with you?”

  “Sure.” I squeezed Cody’s hand. “Save me a seat.”

  Sarah and I walked out of earshot of the passing students. “I’m sorry I didn’t call you. I didn’t get back until late last night.”

  “That’s okay. I forgot you were gone when I call
ed.” I kicked a rock into a flowerbed. “I’ve got a lot to talk to you about, though. The others know most of it, but not all.”

  “Why don’t the three of you stop by after class?”

  “Well, can we make it the four of us?” I looked up at her. “I don’t want Dan to feel left out. I told him everything before he went home.”

  She clasped her hands in front of her chest. “Good, I am glad to hear that. After class then.”

  The classroom was set up like most science labs. Tables and chairs ran through the center. Small telescopes were set against the walls. A projector screen was at the front of the room.

  I sat between Cody and Aurelia a few rows from the front. “Dean Aspen would like to see us after class.” I pointed down the row from me to Samantha. Then leaning toward Aurelia, I said, “I’m going to tell her about our conversation. I’ll talk to you about it later.”

  “Thank you, Dacia.” She inclined her head. “I appreciate it.”

  Vivian Caiman walked into the room with an air of authority about her. She was of average height and build with short black hair and a dark complexion. I had a difficult time paying attention to her. I wanted to talk to Sarah and was anxious to get out.

  When we arrived at her office, Sarah was waiting for us. Cody and I sat on one couch. Samantha and Dan sat on the other. Sarah’s desk chair was in the room, but she stood.

  Rubbing her hands together, she said, “Well, I’m now the only person who knows where Nefarious is being kept. I moved the vase. Then I stuck a sealed envelope somewhere, so that if something happens to me, one of you will know where to find it.”

  “Why?” Cody asked.

  “If Draconian got into Dacia’s head the other night, I don’t want any of you to be in danger. First and foremost, I am the Dean of this college, and I cannot stand back and watch my students get hurt.” She paced with her hands behind her back. “Now, Dacia, what did you want to talk about?”

  I told her about my conversation with Aurelia and about our concerns. Then I rehashed my latest dream. They all placed too much emphasis on the fact that I died, but what I couldn’t make them understand was that there were worse things than death.

  “So … what should I do about Aurelia?” I asked.

  Sarah rubbed her chin. “Maybe I should have a talk with her and see if that helps me make a decision.”

  “That’s a great idea.” Samantha leaned forward with her elbows on her knees. “You’re a good judge of character. Aurelia seems to be nice, but what are her intentions, and how does she know?”

  Dan nodded. “I’ve been hanging around with them for quite some time, and they did a good job of hiding it from me.” He lifted his hand, and his next words came out rushed. “Not that I’m upset.”

  “I’ll talk to her.” Sarah spun the ring around her finger. “Why don’t you get lunch before your next classes? Be careful.”

  A gentle breeze rustled the trees. The light flickered through the leaves, dancing across the ground. The earthy scent of the forest mixed with pine lingered on the wind.

  We were halfway to Wisteria Hall when Draconian’s voice rumbled in my head. Do you want to see your friends get hurt? It could be arranged.

  My blood ran cold. Dread crept up my spine, then clenched my heart. I bent forward, spitting the oxygen from my lungs.

  “You okay?” Cody looked back at me.

  “Run!” The word came out on a raspy breath.

  They just stood there, looking at me.

  “He’s here!” I spun around, searching for Draconian and his dragons, searching for a way out.

  Cody stepped toward me, his hand outstretched.

  “Go!” I pointed toward the dorm.

  I grabbed my backpack straps and started jogging. The others quickly caught up. Whether to humor me or because they realized I was serious, I could only guess.

  A shadow darkened the ground. The beat of giant wings chased us. A crimson dragon swooped down, grabbed Cody by the shoulders, and flew off with him hanging from its talons. A moss-colored dragon plunged from the sky. I pushed Samantha to the ground.

  The dragon flew into me. I skidded across the pavement, scraping my hands and knees, and landed on the grass. Looking up at the sky, spots swam in front of my eyes.

  “Samantha!” Anguish filled Dan’s voice.

  My lungs struggled to fill. By the time I staggered to my feet, Samantha was gone.

  Chapter 16

  Daring Rescue

  “What am I supposed to do now?” My heart plummeted, dropping me to my knees. I stared through the broken branches at the empty sky. Losing Cody was like the day losing the sun or the night losing the stars. One could not exist without the other. The realization that I would not … could not live without him filled me with determination. I had to do something. I had to find some way to get him back, to have him safe. It didn’t matter what happened to me. Without him, I was nothing.

  Dan’s mouth hung open, and his wide eyes stared into the distance.

  I shoved my finger into Dan’s chest. “Get out! Now! Do you want to be next?”

  He grabbed my arms and shook me. “This is your fault!” He clutched his head. “Why didn’t you stop them?”

  “Not now, Dan.” I made sure he was looking at me. “Get back to Sarah’s. This isn’t over.”

  Draconian’s laughter reverberated through my skull. “My pets do love their new toys.” He walked toward us, his navy robe billowed behind him.

  “Bring them back,” I said through clenched teeth.

  Dan’s gaze darted through the trees. “Who are you talking to?”

  I thrusted my hands forward, but Dan looked straight through Draconian, staring into the trees beyond him. I grabbed Dan’s shirt and pulled him behind me. “Don’t move.” Then I focused on Draconian. “Why can’t he see you or hear you?”

  A malicious smile twisted his lips. “It’s so much more fun if your friends believe you’re unhinged.” He stepped closer. “Don’t you agree?”

  I tightened my grip on Dan’s shirt, afraid Draconian might still try to take him, too.

  Draconian tapped his lips. “Maybe they’re not so much toys as dinner.”

  My chest tightened.

  “Give me what I want, and you can have them back.” He advanced, his mouth twisted in a cruel imitation of a grin. “I don’t think they can handle torture as well as you. What do you think? Should we find out?” In a puff of smoke, he was gone.

  “Come on.” I turned around and grabbed Dan’s shoulder. “I’ve got to save them.”

  “How?” His hands tightened into fists.

  I tugged my fingers through my hair. “I don’t know.” My voice sounded hollow. “But I have to try.”

  We ran back to Sarah’s, passing her receptionist without a word, and barged in. I breathed a sigh of relief when I realized she was alone in her office.

  Dan plopped down on the couch and stared at his hands. “I couldn’t hold onto her. The dragon ripped her right out of my grasp.” When he looked up, his eyes were wet with tears. “We need to get them back.”

  “What?” Sarah looked from him to me. Her eyebrows pinched together. “Hold onto who?”

  I crumpled onto the couch and explained what happened. Sarah’s face remained calm, but fear danced behind her eyes.

  “I can’t understand why he didn’t take me.” I walked to the window. “I was right there. He could’ve taken me with him or his dragons could’ve taken me.”

  “Maybe now would be a good time to talk to Aurelia.” Sarah placed her hand on my shoulder. “If you think she might have been sent here to help you, it might be a good time to find out.”

  I rolled my neck from side to side. “Okay.”

  “Teleport to your room now.” She squ
eezed my shoulder. “Dan can stay here.”

  Without another word, I closed my eyes and pictured myself in my room. I threw my backpack down and ran across the hall to Aurelia’s room. I pounded on the door until she opened it. “They’re gone.” I stumbled forward. “He took them.”

  She pulled me inside. Plants filled the room, hiding the walls, growing all the way to the ceiling. A green couch blended in with the foliage. “I know.”

  A huge weight dropped into my stomach, nearly knocking me to the ground. I shouldn’t have trusted her. She knew where we’d be. “How?”

  She waved her hand. “I came here to protect you.”

  “So why didn’t you save them?” I narrowed my eyes. Anger bubbled up inside me.

  “You were being watched when it happened.” Her voice was annoyingly calm and even. “I was unable to get there in time. I hoped you would come to me for help.” She faced me and held her hands out. “And here you are.”

  I looked at her outstretched hands, then at her face. Seeing no malice in her eyes, I realized I needed her whether I trusted her or not. “Can you help me get them back? He’s going to torture them. I can’t let that happen.”

  She wiggled her fingers, and I placed my hands in hers. As soon as I did, I felt like I was caught in a whirlwind. Everything around me spun out of control. When it stopped, we stood in the treasure room of Draconian’s castle.

  I bent over, bracing one hand against the wall to keep from falling. When the urge to throw up passed, I stood. “I’ve been here before. Draconian’s dungeon is behind that wall. I can’t …” I shook my head. “I hoped I would never see this place again.”

  Aurelia walked up to the wall and put her hands against it. “It is dark on the other side of this wall, but there are most assuredly two life forms in there.”

  “Life forms?” Who talks like that?


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