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Dacia Wolf & the Dragon Lord

Page 25

by Mandi Oyster

  Baby dragons. That would be neat to see.

  Yes, it has been a long time since I have seen them. Longing floated through my mind along with Aurelia’s words. Keep your eyes open for anything else. If Draconian notices her flying around, he will try to make her his.

  My stomach twisted, fear and desperation clinging to my gut. Can you warn her? Let her know that Draconian is probably keeping an eye on me, and she is vulnerable right now. I didn’t want her eggs to be jeopardized, and I also didn’t want to have to face another dragon.


  I watched the graceful dragon through my telescope. One minute she was there, and the next she was gone.

  She was grateful for the warning, Aurelia’s voice sounded in my head. She teleported back to her lair.

  That helped set my mind at ease. Even though I had no idea how to fight them, fifteen dragons were better than sixteen.

  “Dacia, where’ve you been?” Cody sounded annoyed. “You’re always off in your own world.”

  I looked around to make sure nobody was paying attention to us. “I’m sorry,” I whispered. “There was a dragon.” I pointed to the sky where she had been flying. “Aurelia and I were discussing it.”

  “Why are we still here?” Panic rose in his voice.

  “She’s not one of Draconian’s.”

  “Let’s get done,” Cody said. “I’ve got a bad feeling, too.”

  “Too many things could happen … too much could go wrong.” I turned back to the telescope. “We’ve only got one more. Let’s find it. Hopefully, they’re about done, too.”

  While we waited for Professor Caiman to come verify our results, I felt Draconian’s presence. I can feel him, I thought to Aurelia. I don’t know where he is, though.

  Are you finished?

  We’re just waiting for Professor Caiman. What about you?

  As soon as she gets here, we are also done. We can walk out of sight and teleport back to the room.

  I don’t want to tell them, I thought to her. I don’t want them to worry.

  When Professor Caiman came over to check our telescope, she said, “You’re definitely in the right area, but until that cloud moves, I won’t be able to tell if that’s the Wild Duck Cluster for sure.”

  Aurelia, I thought, is there a cloud blocking M11 right now?

  No, Dacia, she responded. It is one of Draconian’s dragons. He must have sent him to look for the dragon you saw earlier.

  We’ve got to get out of here.

  “Well done,” Professor Caiman said. “You two are done. You can stick around and keep using the telescope, or you can head back.”

  “I think we’ll go back,” I said. “I haven’t been feeling very well today. As soon as Samantha, Dan and Aurelia are done, we’ll head back with them.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief when she checked their findings next and excused them. I grabbed Cody’s hand and hurried downstairs. I led them off the path, and when we were hidden out of sight, Aurelia and I teleported the others back to our room.

  “What was that about?” Samantha asked.

  “The cloud blocking M11 was one of Draconian’s dragons,” Aurelia answered. “He was not there for any of us, but we saw no reason to take a chance.”

  “Why was he there then?” Dan asked.

  “Another dragon had been flying there earlier. She was not under Draconian’s control,” Aurelia said.

  “Aurelia believes Draconian sent the dragon to recruit her.” I squeezed my forehead between my thumb and fingers and brought them together. “I felt Draconian’s presence right before Professor Caiman came over.”

  “Hopefully, Draconian and the dragon don’t find her,” Samantha said. “You don’t need any more enemies.”

  “No, I don’t,” I agreed.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Cody asked.

  “I couldn’t. Professor Caiman was standing there.”

  “You could’ve, Dacia, and you know it.” He tossed his hands up.

  “If I would’ve sent my thoughts to you, you wouldn’t have shown fear or said anything?” I couldn’t keep the doubt out of my voice.

  “I probably would’ve, but I’d’ve known what was happening.”

  “I thought I was doing what was best.” I grabbed my pajamas. “I’m going to bed.” I stomped out the door.


  When I got back, Cody walked over to me and put his arms around my shoulders. Part of me wanted to pull away from him, but the rest of me knew I needed him, knew I didn’t want to be angry and knew he was scared and meant well.

  “Please don’t be mad.” His voice was soft, the anger gone. “You’re doing what you feel is best, but we’re here to help. Don’t keep us in the dark.”

  “I’ll try, but … don’t expect me to tell you about Draconian or dragons in front of a bunch of people. Just trust me to keep you safe.”

  “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I think I’ll stay over here tonight,” Dan said. “I think I’d feel more comfortable not being alone.”

  I tried to smile at Dan, to reassure him. I’m not sure that’s the expression that came across, though. “You’re more than welcome to.”

  “Sleep on the couch tonight.” Cody rested his chin on my shoulder. “After all, it’s yours.”

  “I brought it over for you. Dacia needs you here more than she needs me,” Dan said.

  “I slept in Cookie Monster half the year. A few more nights won’t kill me.”

  “You two can work it out.” I pulled away. “I’m going to bed. Sleep good.”

  “You too, Dacia,” Cody said.

  Chapter 34

  Hardening My Resolve

  Aurelia and I stood in the auditorium at Kalmia Hall, facing each other. Fireballs erupted from my fingertips. She deflected each of them with ease.

  “Your stamina is improving.” Aurelia lifted her hand and froze four fireballs. They dropped to the ground with a thud.

  I lowered my hands and yawned. “Isn’t there anything new you could teach me?”

  “I could show you how to close your mind to keep others from being able to sense your presence,” she said. “However, I am not sure that would be the brightest thing to do right now … maybe after the fight.”

  “So, basically, I’m left with what I already know.” I closed my eyes and tugged my hand through my hair. “That’s great.”

  “When we first met, your powers were more formidable than I had anticipated.” Aurelia stepped toward me. “Your skills are advanced for your age. If you continue progressing at this rate, you will be one of the most powerful magicians I have ever heard of in just a matter of years.” She patted my shoulder. “I am sorry, but I have no more to offer.”

  I scrubbed my hand over my face. I’d hoped Aurelia would be able to teach me something that would help me defeat Draconian, but I’d have to figure it out on my own.

  On our way to pick up the others from class, Aurelia walked tall with her head held high. I studied the cracks in the sidewalks, my shoulders slumped and my hands stuffed in my pockets.

  “Dacia, you okay?” Cody asked when he stepped out of Primrose Hall.

  I lifted my shoulders half-heartedly and headed toward the dorm without saying a word. Cody walked beside me. Samantha, Dan, and Aurelia fell in behind us, talking quietly. Their voices turned to fuzz inside my head. Cody’s hand slid around my forearm, jerking me to a stop.

  “Aurelia, take Samantha and Dan back?” His voice lifted into a question. He pointed at me, then at himself. “We need a minute.”

  She took a long, slow breath and made her decision. “I think Dacia could use some time alone with you, too. It will be good for her,” she said as if I wasn’t even there.

  She was right—physically, I was w
alking along beside them, but mentally, I was light-years away.

  Cody took my hand and led me to a bench. He sat and pulled me onto his lap. I curled up against him, and he held me, nuzzling his face in my hair. His arms shielded me from all of the nightmares, like nothing could harm me as long as I stayed there.

  “I hate seeing you so upset,” he breathed in my ear.

  I buried my head deeper into his chest. I didn’t want him to see the tears streaming down my face or the hopelessness in my eyes. I knew this wasn’t how I should be spending what little time I had left. I should be living … enjoying myself. This will be the last time I let grief overwhelm me before I battle Draconian, I vowed to myself. This is the last time self-pity will control me.

  “I’m sorry, Cody,” I said when I found my voice.

  “Don’t be. You hold it all in. At some point, it has to come out. You can’t always be brave and strong. Sometimes, you have to be … vulnerable. Believe it or not, you’re not Wonder Woman.”

  I cupped my hand on his jaw, rubbing my thumb along his cheek. “You’re good at making excuses for me.”

  “It’s not an excuse. You’re human. There’s only so much you can take.” He brushed my hair back, and let his hand linger on my face. “I don’t know how you do it.”

  I watched students walk by. One guy dribbled a basketball, between his legs and behind his back. He nodded at Cody as he went by. “Why don’t you play basketball or hang out with your friends anymore?”

  “You need me more.” He held my eyes with his. “You mean more to me than anything, and I’m not about to let you go through this alone.”

  “You still need your life.”

  “You’re my life. You’re all I need.”

  “But … I might not always be here.” I brushed my fingers along his hairline and over his ear. Birds chirped, jumping from branch to branch in the pine trees. “You need to go on with your life if that happens.”

  “If you’re gone, mine won’t be worth living.” Cody covered my hand with his. “If Draconian defeats you, I want him to kill me, too. I can’t live without you, Dacia. I don’t—I don’t want to try. I don’t even want to imagine what life would be like without you.”

  “Please … don’t say that, Cody.” My chest tightened. The thought of a world without him in it was more than I could bear. I bit my lip, pulling it into my mouth. The wind blew my hair back, and Cody brushed it off his face. “I don’t think I can beat him. If I don’t, I want you, Samantha, and Dan to get out of here and never turn back. You’ll find somebody else … somebody better for you. Don’t let him kill you.”

  “You think I’d find someone else?” His eyes narrowed, and he drew in a quick breath. “There’s no one else. If something happens to you, I lose half of myself … the better half.”

  “I’m sorry, Cody.” Tears threatened to flow. “I can’t imagine the world without you. If something happens to me, you can’t be lost, too.”

  “If something happens … if you don’t make it, there won’t be anything left of me worth saving.” He wiped tears from my eyes. “I love you, and I can’t live without you. Don’t you see that?”

  “I wouldn’t be able to live without you either. I guess I just don’t know why you feel so strongly about me.”

  “Because you are beautiful and wonderful and perfect and unique,” he answered as if it was obvious. “You are my heart and soul. Why can’t you see that?”

  “Nobody’s ever cared about me like this before. I don’t see how you can. Every girl here stares at you when you walk by. They all wonder what you’re doing with me. I wonder what you’re doing with me.”

  “Loving you. And, hoping you love me half as much in return.”

  “I have always loved you—I will always love you.”

  I leaned my head back against his shoulder. It broke my heart knowing that if I failed, Draconian would probably kill him, too. That was the hardest thing about going into this battle. All of my friends might pay because my morals stood in the way of me killing Draconian. Just the fact that I knew this should’ve made it easier for me to decide to kill him, but it went against the very essence of my being to take another life, no matter how evil that life was.

  I was pulled out of my reverie when Cody’s hands slid up my neck, tilting my head back. His lips crashed against mine, desperate, starving. I clutched his shirt, pulling him toward me. He pulled away, leaving me breathless. When I regained control of myself, I looked at him with raised eyebrows.

  The light danced in his eyes, softening them. His fingers drew intricate designs on my arms and back. His breath was ragged, his voice husky. “If we only have a week, we should make the most of it.” He kissed my forehead, my nose, my cheek, and my ear. I grabbed his head and pulled his lips to mine.

  We sat in silence, my head resting against his shoulder. His heartbeat, a steady rhythm, helped me feel at ease. The warmth of his body chased the chill from me. I wanted him to hold me tighter, to pull me closer, but that would have been impossible. I was already as close to him as I could be.

  Bees buzzed, zipping from flower to flower. Butterflies flitted through the air. Clouds drifted across the sky. For a moment, everything seemed perfect.

  Cody broke the silence. His chest bounced against my ear. “Anything you want to do?”

  “I’m pretty comfortable here.”

  “We’re not alone much. We should take advantage.”

  I looked into his eyes and laughed without humor. “I doubt we’re alone now. I’m sure Arion is keeping an eye on us.”

  “Yeah.” He rubbed his chin. “Outta sight and all.”

  “If he wasn’t able to, I imagine Aurelia took the others back to the dorm and then came to watch us herself.” I stretched out on the bench with my head on Cody’s lap. He brushed his fingers through my hair. Once again, I found myself wondering why life couldn’t always be this easy. Why had fate dealt me such a difficult hand to play?

  A small voice in the back of my head asked me, If this hadn’t been your hand, would you be here with Cody—like this—right now?

  “Probably not,” I mumbled.

  “What was that, Dacia?”

  “Sorry.” Heat flooded my cheeks. “I was just talking to myself.”

  “About what?”

  “I was, uh … trying to make sense of my life.”

  “Having any luck?”

  I shrugged. “Not too much. But without Nefarious, there might not be an us.”

  A wave of emotions washed over me. I knew what I wanted out of life. I wanted to marry Cody, have his children and grow old with him. I wanted to watch our grandchildren grow up. None of this could happen if I didn’t defeat Draconian. Maybe for this … maybe for Cody, I could find the strength to kill Draconian. If nothing else, I had to try. I couldn’t give up my future before it had a chance to happen.

  Cody and I spent most of the day alone. We wandered around campus, holding hands and enjoying each other’s company. Every so often, we sat on a bench, and he held me. It was during each of these moments that I felt my resolve strengthen. I could do it—for Cody—I could defeat Draconian. I could face fifteen dragons and walk away. I had to.

  Chapter 35

  Death Is An Option

  The mountain clearing is beautiful, the perfect place for a picnic. It shouldn’t be the scene of a battle, but that’s what it is today. Wildflowers are trampled beneath dragon feet. Draconian’s laughter hushes the birds. The trees surrounding us have been singed by dragon flame.

  “Your confidence is incredible,” Draconian says. “Where did this come from?”

  “I made my mind up,” I answer like I don’t have a care in the world. “I won’t let you steal my future.”

  “Whatever it takes?” His eyebrows rise, and he nods. “You really th
ink you can stop me?”

  “Yep.” I make a popping sound at the end of the word.

  “I have a different future planned for you.” He lifts his hands in front of him, and I fall to the ground. Draconian turns and walks away from me. “First I’ll kill Cody. You’ll be suicidal for a while, but I’m patient. You’ll get over him … with my help. That anger will make you stronger.” He spins around and smirks at me.

  Channeling my strength, I push myself up. “Leave him out of this!”

  “It’s too late for me to do that.” His laugh is vicious.

  I follow his gaze and see three dragons heading my way. Cody dangles from the talons of the black dragon. Blood stains his shirt, dripping from the hem. I’m not sure how much longer he has to live. A blue dragon and a red one fly over the clearing. Samantha and Dan hang limply from their talons.

  “Give me Nefarious, and I will let your friends go. I’ll even let you heal them before I take you away.”

  “How about I kill you instead?”

  I don’t give him a chance to answer. I remember my lesson on the beach with Aurelia and discharge lightning bolt after lightning bolt in his direction.

  Draconian disappears, re-emerging across the room. His black and silver robe is singed. Fear dances through his gray eyes.

  I fling more bolts of lightning at him, not giving him a chance to retaliate. I need to keep him occupied while I figure out how to free my friends.

  He teleports, again and again, looking more haggard each time he appears.

  A roaring rushes toward me. I think about fire until I turn into flames. Just as I do, the fireball passes through my chest.


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