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Neutral Zone Trap: The Dartmouth Cobras ~ An Off Ice Novel

Page 5

by Bianca Sommerland

  “I guess I’d have to see if the bank would approve or whatever?” Shit, why had he come here alone? One of his teammates likely would’ve come with him, only he didn’t feel close enough to anyone besides Hunt to ask. And all Hunt’s money was managed by his father, so he didn’t get to buy fun stuff at all.

  Bringing him along would be like rubbing it in his face.

  The car salesman, who’d introduced himself as Erik Patterson, gave Braxton a smile that was both encouraging, and understanding. “Your first new car is a big deal, son. Would you feel better if you had a parent here? Or maybe a friend you could talk this over with?”

  Braxton shook his head. “Both my parents are enlisted. My dad shipped out last month and my mom’s been running training exercises in the Ukraine for the past year.”

  “That’s impressive. I thank them both for their service.” Mr. Patterson stroked his jaw. “Let me tell you what I’ll tell my own boy when he’s your age. A car like this is a good investment. You can tell a lot about a man by the car he drives and this one says you’re successful and have good taste. You’re on the road a lot, so she’ll be kept in mint condition, only being used to make an impact now and then. In a few years you could sell her when you’re ready to settle down—assuming you’re not considering doing so already.”

  For some reason, that made him think of Ryan. Who’d disappeared and seemed to think he was too young to be serious about anything. He might want to see the man again, more than anything, but he also wanted to prove him wrong.

  Braxton was old enough to know what he wanted.

  And right now he wanted this damn car.

  He met Mr. Patterson’s eyes. “Show me where to sign.”

  The payments on the car, and the insurance he hadn’t considered, were going to bury him if he didn’t get a good contract soon. Seeing the actual numbers kept him up at night and he was pretty sure he’d made a horrible mistake.

  But he forced a smile as Vanek stepped up to his side. “Thanks. It’s the only one in the Maritimes. Pricey, but fucking worth it.”

  “I’d say.” Vanek let out a heavy sigh. “I love my car, but sometimes I wish I could just collect them, you know? But after being out of commission for so long, I try not to be stupid with my money. Not saying you were, but that’s some fucking confidence. Your agent must be a damn good negotiator.”

  “Yeah…” Braxton wasn’t sure how to respond to that. His agent wasn’t bad, but he seemed more concerned with Braxton having the right image than actually getting him brand deals or even talking about his new contract.

  A familiar voice jerked Braxton away from his thoughts and his lips parted as Ryan stepped into view with Laura Tallent, one of the two women in Tyler’s poly relationship. Laura was a cop, so it wasn’t a huge surprise that she knew Ryan.

  But he hadn’t been expecting to see either of them here.

  “…was there anything else on the security footage that we should look into?” Ryan didn’t seem to notice Braxton standing there as he turned to face Laura. “Nothing was stolen, so I assume the concern is the player’s safety?”

  “There was nothing concrete, just a break-in that didn’t set off the alarm. The perp took off the second someone came to investigate after catching them on camera and there was no way to identify them.” Laura took a few notes, motioning toward the round camera fixture imbedded in the cement ceiling above. “Security was already tight, but it’s been updated.”

  “Good. Well, I’ll file a report and have a team look into it, as well as increase patrols in the area. You can take the lead on this one, you’re already familiar with the case.” Ryan glanced over at Braxton and Vanek, his tone completely detached. “Have either of you seen anything suspicious?”

  Braxton quickly shook his head.

  Vanek frowned. “No, but should we be worried?”

  Focusing on Vanek, Ryan’s expression softened. “Not at all. As Officer Tallent pointed out, you have good security. This is simply precaution.”

  “Okay, cool.” Vanek nudged Braxton with his elbow. “Feel like giving me a ride? You can’t show me a car like that and force me to walk home.”

  Braxton grinned, looking across the parking lot to where the only other car, which belonged to Vanek, was parked. “Nice try.”

  “Oh fine, but next time?”

  “Sure.” Braxton wouldn’t have minded bringing Vanek for a drive now, but Ryan was here. He finally had a chance to talk to him.

  But he couldn’t in front of his teammate. He liked Vanek, but he didn’t know him well enough to risk exposing himself. And there was no way he could pretend there was nothing going on between him and Ryan.

  Taking his time stuffing his sports bag in the trunk, Braxton waited until Vanek was gone before looking for Ryan again. His pulse raced when he saw him standing alone at the far end of the lot, Laura nowhere to be seen.

  Cutting across the long expanse as fast as he could without running, he approached Ryan, hesitating when the man went perfectly still.

  “This isn’t a good time, Braxton.”

  “Fine. But you said you’d call and you don’t have my number.” Braxton folded his arms over his chest, feeling foolish for even approaching the man. “I thought I should fix that.”

  “Did you?” Ryan turned, looking from Braxton, to the car, his lips thinning slightly. “I’m not sure what was unclear about our last exchange. We had fun, but this—” He motioned from himself, to Braxton, “—doesn’t work. Our lifestyles don’t mesh. Even if I was interested in a relationship, it wouldn’t be with a man almost fourteen years younger than me who lacks basic common sense.”

  Braxton’s jaw hardened. “How do you figure?”

  “A million dollar car. Who told you that was a good idea?” Ryan lifted a hand and shook his head. “You know what, it doesn’t matter. It’s none of my business. But whatever you think you want from me, you can find somewhere else.”

  Taking a step back, Braxton stared at the other man. “Fuck, I wasn’t gonna ask you to marry me. Maybe you think I’m pathetic or—”

  “I don’t think that.”

  “Then what?”

  “Braxton…” Ryan pressed his eyes shut and rubbed his hand over his face. “We can’t have this conversation now. I’m tempted to tell you all the reasons that car was a mistake. And why you should stop going to that club when you still don’t know what you want.”

  Warmth filled Braxton’s chest as he considered Ryan’s words. He’d been checking up on Braxton. Knew he’d been going to the club. As much as he tried to deny it, he cared. He wanted Braxton in his life.

  Braxton just had to find a way to prove he fit there.

  And he would.

  “I’ll take the lecture. But you’re right, you’re working and you can’t give it to me now. So call me when you can.”

  One brow arched, Ryan met his eyes. “You’re incorrigible.”

  “No, I take people at their word. And you said you’d call.”

  “Fine.” Ryan pulled out a notepad and pen. “Give me your number. Then get out of here before I forget I’m on the clock and bend you over my knee.”

  “Now I’m confused.” Braxton leaned close and lowered his voice. “Are you trying to get me to stay?”

  Ryan chuckled. “No, brat. You need to leave. But clearly you won’t let this go until we talk, so we shall. But don’t push me. If I decide you need to be punished, you will not enjoy it.”


  “Your number, Braxton.”

  Taking the hint, Braxton gave Ryan his number, chewing on his bottom lip when Ryan fixed him with a heated stare. He’d expected this to be a lot harder, but even after two weeks, a few minutes with Ryan showed him nothing had changed.

  And as much as Ryan wanted to deny it, they weren’t done.

  Not even close.

  Chapter 5

  “Did the kid give you anything useful?”

  Sitting in the passage seat of his sister’s unit,
Ryan schooled his features and shook his head. Laura knew him too well for him to say much until he had his own thoughts sorted out and he wasn’t even close. What the fuck had he been thinking, tagging along on one of her cases to the damn place where Braxton played and practiced? He’d known there was a chance he’d see the man.

  Self-denial wasn’t usually his thing. Maybe he’d wanted to see Braxton.

  But it had been a mistake, because now he couldn’t get the guy out of his head. He’d been doing fine, focusing on work and leaving the past in the past where it belonged. His time with Braxton had to be nothing but a memorable night.

  He hadn’t counted on how memorable, but he’d compartmentalized any wayward emotions as he always did, refusing to let the ‘what ifs’ sink in.

  Trying to focus on the paperwork in his lap, he was grateful when Laura continued speaking, accepting his nod as answer enough. “I’m happy he and Tyler didn’t stick around. I was hoping not to see any of the players. I swear our captain gives me any cases involving the team just to mess with me.”

  Ryan frowned and glanced over at his sister. “Why would he do that?”

  Laura's expression hardened. “Because he suspects my relationship is more…complicated than I let off. He knows I’m with Chicklet, but Tyler’s always around. Both he and Chicklet are discreet, but there’s this undercurrent… It’s hard to explain. And I have no intention of ever doing so. But while the captain won’t risk the PR mess of making things difficult because I’m a lesbian, he has no problem using how uncomfortable I am around the team against me.”

  “Why are you uncomfortable around them?” Ryan liked Laura’s girlfriend, Chicklet, and other than being young and unruly, Chicklet’s boyfriend, Tyler, seemed harmless enough.

  But ‘complicated’ was putting it lightly. Laura was a damn fine officer, and had managed to balance her relationship and her job for years. Tyler becoming part of it seemed to be getting to her more and more, but she didn’t open up much about why. The young man had gotten himself arrested, which obviously didn’t help, and yet, she’d mentioned the team.

  His jaw hardened. He’d agreed not to give Tyler the big brother third degree because the man and Laura weren’t technically involved, but like hell would Ryan let any of those other assholes mess with his sister. He might be having a chat with the police captain while he was at it.

  “Stop it, Ryan.” Laura let out a light laugh and backhanded his shoulder. “I can already see you going into protective mode. I’m fine. I just have no interest in dealing with a bunch of athletes with big salaries and a total disregard for the rules. They have the money to get out of whatever bullshit they pull, to throw around on expensive cars and any random thing they might want. I can’t relate, even while having one of them in my own home.”

  Nodding slowly, Ryan thought back on Braxton with his outrageous car and how, in that moment, he’d realized they lived two completely different lifestyles. That didn’t mesh.

  He could have fun with Braxton for a little while, but then what? The man might insist he didn’t want anything serious—did he really mean it?

  There was only one way to find out. He’d promised to talk to Braxton, and he would.

  As soon as he figured out how to lay the ground rules. The last thing he wanted was to be stuck in a situation like Laura was in. As a submissive, maybe she didn’t feel she had as much of a say. Or that she’d waited too long to bring it up with Chicklet now. So far she hadn’t wanted to discuss it, but when she was, he’d gently nudge her toward better communicating her needs.

  And wish Chicklet the best of luck because he couldn’t imagine trying to manage two submissives.

  He still wasn’t sure he wanted one.

  Not that he could tell if Braxton would be into the lifestyle at all. If he wasn’t that would make keeping things short term easy. If he was…

  No. Still no.

  Relationships weren’t for Ryan. But he might consider playing with Braxton for a little while if the man could deal with hooking up now and then. If he didn’t get attached.

  Ryan had managed when he’d been Braxton’s age. Sure, he’d had his moments when he looked at the older man by his side and imagined an ideal future, but his life had revolved around school and joining the police force. Braxton’s revolved around playing professional hockey.

  If nothing else, that might be the one reason they could have something casual. Something enjoyable for them both.

  He’d find out soon enough.

  The week had finally come to an end. Ryan never watched the clock, but after the hours of paperwork he’d put in after what seemed like nonstop chaos, he was eager to get his tired ass home. Days like this had been nothing when he was in his twenties, and he was still in good shape in his mid-thirties, but the excited rush of it all had long passed.

  He could use a few days off. Maybe at his parent’s place, away from the city. Time to clear his head and stop hearing the sound of sirens, the screams of perps who insisted they were innocent, the smell of smoke which had become far too familiar with the most recent string of arson cases.

  Movement at his side drew his attention away from his last file and he smiled as Laura came to stand beside him. She’d had a rough week too. Hopefully, he could convince her to come with him to visit their parents. He couldn’t remember the last time she’d taken more than a day off.

  Before he could say a word, she held out her phone.

  “The hockey player you spoke to in the parking lot earlier this week. He wants to talk to you.”

  She sounded so worn out it took a moment for her words to register over his concern. Then he stared at the phone.

  Braxton had…called his sister?

  What. The. Actual. Fuck?

  He took the phone. Tried his best to tamp down his rage. Maybe Braxton had a good reason to call. Had something happened at the forum? Another break in?

  It better be a goddamn break in. Or someone better be dying.

  “Hello?” His tone was calm. Level. Maybe a bit hard, but he was doing his best not to assume the worst.

  “Uh…hey.” Braxton hesitated. “This was a mistake.”

  “Was it now?” Ryan’s jaw clenched. Laura was still close, so he had to make the call sound normal. Unimportant. “Is there any new information that I should be aware of?”


  Think, Hamilton. What could he be calling about that would make sense to your sister? He leaned back in his chair, trying to release the tension in his shoulders and relax his voice. “Are you sure your bike was there the whole time?”

  “I…” Braxton cleared his throat. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have called, but I was waiting to hear from you.”

  “I see.” Ryan hadn’t considered the young man might be watching his phone all week, expecting it to ring. Maybe he should have, but he’d convinced himself they were on the same page.

  I was so fucking wrong.

  “Did you even mean it when you said you’d call? If you didn’t, why didn’t you just tell me to fuck off? I can take a hint you know.” Braxton sounded irritated by the long pause. “I just… Shit. You’re pissed now, aren’t you?”

  Damn right he was, but he couldn’t say that. Not now. Probably not ever. He’d already led Braxton on without meaning to.

  But Braxton said he could take a hint. So he’d give him that.

  “I understand, but there’s not much I can do. It isn’t my department. If we find your bike, you’ll hear from us. But it seems unlikely at this point.” Was that too vague? Fuck, he didn’t need this shit in his life. Braxton wanted more than he could give. He didn’t want to hurt the kid, but they were done. “Please don’t call this number again. There’s a proper procedure to follow. If you need an update, you’ll have to ask someone else.”

  The line was so quiet for so long Ryan wondered if Braxton had hung up. That would be best. A clean cut. There was nothing more to say.

  Then he heard a deep breath. “If I had
waited, would you have called me?”

  Pressing his eyes shut, Ryan sighed. Honesty might help Braxton with his next relationship. Or…well, not like they’d had a relationship, but this phone call had destroyed the chance they could have anything.

  “Yes. But that doesn’t matter now.” Ryan shot his sister a quick smile at her concerned look. “Goodbye.”

  Chapter 6

  The best thing Braxton could do was forget about Ryan, but he couldn’t. He’d messed up by calling him. He should’ve waited.

  Instead, he’d told Vanek he wanted to ask the detective they’d seen at the forum for some more information—which got him a weird look from his teammate, but the man had simply given him Laura’s number. What Braxton had expected from the call, he couldn’t say.

  Not Ryan shutting him down, that was for sure.

  So what now? He groaned as he pushed himself to catch up with White, who he’d called that morning, asking if the man wanted to go for a run. Hunt had been making himself scarce ever since things in the locker room had gotten tense and comments about people being gay were whispered more often. Braxton hoped he hadn’t done anything to freak his friend out.

  Yeah, he’d had a crush on Hunt, but as far as he knew, the man was straight. He wouldn’t intentionally do anything to make him uncomfortable and their friendship meant more than anything. Focusing on Ryan, on what he thought they might have was better.

  But still pointless.

  Maybe he was meant to be alone. Maybe Ryan was right and he should just have fun. Not think too much about with who. Not care if they ghosted him the next day.

  “Pick up the pace rookie.” White turned around, running backwards as he waited for Braxton to join him along the pier, which was almost completely cleared of snow. “You usually run with Hunt and he’s a beast. You ain’t hurting, are you?”

  A little? But Braxton forced a smile, knowing that wasn’t what White meant. “I’m good, just not sleeping as much as I should. Fucking excited to make the playoffs!”


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