Neutral Zone Trap: The Dartmouth Cobras ~ An Off Ice Novel

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Neutral Zone Trap: The Dartmouth Cobras ~ An Off Ice Novel Page 13

by Bianca Sommerland

  The way Ryan tensed made it obvious that he wasn’t thrilled with the idea of leaving at all, but his tone was pleasant when he regarded the nurse. “I appreciate that. I still think I’d be fine just staying up to watch over him.”

  “Mhm.” Amanda lowered her dark brows at him, the elastic from the mask leaving red marks on her light brown skin. “But he needs his rest. And so, I suspect, do you, Detective. If you want to be well enough to take care of him, it’s best to reduce any risks.”

  “Risks?” Braxton tried to pull his hand away from Ryan’s, but didn’t have the strength to get far. “What’s wrong with me? Am I going to make him sick? Or my team?”

  Shaking her head, Amanda jotted a few things on the chart with a pen from her pocket. “No, but several of your teammates who might have shared your water bottles during recent practices will be given a prophylaxis treatment as a precaution.”

  It was rare bottle mix ups happened for this exact reason, but not impossible. Braxton winced as he thought of how quick the rookies could be sometimes to grab whatever bottle was closest. “So this is contagious, but only...only certain ways?”

  “Yes. Bacterial meningitis tends to spread quickly through dorms and other shared living spaces. It’s very serious, but the doctor said this was caught early, which gives you a better chance at a full recovery.” Amanda checked the line on his IV. “Right now, the most important thing is for you to sleep and let the antibiotics do their work.”

  Braxton nodded, relaxing back against the pillows. “How soon will I be able to get back on the ice?”

  Amusement shone in Amanda’s eyes as she exchanged a look with Ryan, holding up her hand when he huffed. “Let’s get you through the hard part first. Doctor Davids will consult with the team doctors on your recovery plan, depending on how things go over the next few days. I can say you should be able to go home by the end of the week.”

  “Thank you, Amanda.” Braxton’s cheeks heated even as the nurse inclined her head, then left the room. For some reason, it felt like he should be calling her something else. Something more official. But his last nurse had insisted on just using her first name. He licked his dry lips, then turned his attention to Ryan. “Sir...I’m…” His eyes teared again. “I’m sorry, I know I’m being all pathetic, but I’m so glad you’re here. I was so fucking scared.”

  Clasping his hand, Ryan reached out with the other to wipe away the tears that spilled down Braxton’s cheeks with his fingertips. “Nothing could’ve kept me away when I found out something was wrong. I hoped I wasn’t overstepping by asking my sister to get in touch with your coach, but at the same time…” He chuckled. “It wouldn’t be the first time one of us used those tactics. Fair play and all.”

  The reminder of when Braxton had gotten in touch with Laura so he could talk to Ryan was embarrassing as hell, but it didn’t bother him all that much if these were the results. Just having Ryan close was worth anything he’d have to face next. It was the touch, the voice of the man he’d given his heart to—almost too fast—gave him all the strength he’d ever need.

  His brow furrowed as another thought occurred to him. “You weren’t out at work. How did you explain coming all the way here, taking time off—”

  “I didn’t have to, I had plenty of personal time off to collect on. And Sloan told me my being here will be kept private as well.” Ryan’s gaze turned serious. “I intend to be open with everyone at the station, and with my family, but that’s my choice. You’re under no obligation to say anything to anyone unless, or until you’re ready.”

  Eyes already drifting shut, his whole body weighed down, Braxton shook his head. “I want them to know. The guys will come before they leave for the next game. You’ll be here. I won’t lie to them…” He inhaled slowly. “But the nurse said you have to go…”

  Tone low, soothing, Ryan held his hand, stroking his palm with his thumb. “Not until you’re asleep, and I might even be back before you wake up again. We’ll talk about this more tomorrow. For now, do you want to hear about the meal my mother’s planning for the next family barbeque? It’s always a huge feast. Once she knows about you, she’s going to insist I bring you. I can’t wait for you to meet both my parents. And my father makes the absolute best ribs on the grill. Almost as good as my mom’s. Expect them to ask you what you think, it’s their own little competition and she’s still the reigning champion…”

  As Braxton drifted off, he could practically smell the food as Ryan described it in detail. Hear the laughter of his family members. See the sun set over the ocean while the salty air brushed against his skin. All the fear that had been clinging to him lost its hold, leaving only Ryan’s, even when Braxton sensed he was gone.

  Like he’d predicted, Ryan was there again when Braxton opened his eyes. Wearing a mask again, but that was okay if it kept him safe. The doctor came and went, explaining the test results and Braxton’s ongoing treatment, most of which was hard to follow, but Ryan seemed locked on the man’s every word. He asked questions Braxton hadn’t even thought of, about long term recovery and things to watch out for.

  While Braxton was napping, Ryan must’ve slipped out, because the next time he opened his eyes his phone and iPad were on the tray next to him. And Ryan had a thick, navy blue robe he wrapped around Braxton’s shoulders when he got up to use the bathroom and stretch his legs.

  Standing for any length of time made him feel like he’d been doing nonstop shifts on the ice, but Ryan was right there, supporting him, only giving him a hard look once when Braxton said he didn’t have to.

  “You agreed to submit to me, did you not?” That deep, low voice, one that reached somewhere inside Braxton beyond the last of his weak resistance, accompanied Ryan picking him right up to lay him back on the bed and tuck him in. “That includes more than sex and spankings, my boy. I’m not a doctor, I can’t make you all better. This is what I can do for you, and you will let me do it.”

  Braxton grinned, resting on the pillows as Ryan tucked him back in. “Yes, sir. But I bet, if you could, you’d tell this thing to get the fuck out of me and order me to get better.”

  “The language on you.” Ryan’s eyes were smiling again, the mask blowing out with his laugh. “If I had that power, you’re damn right I would. I will, however, tend to your every need because it’s my right. Now scooch over, there’s a movie I want to watch with you. Have you seen Bird Box?”

  Wrinkling his nose, Braxton shook his head. “I heard it was really bad.”

  “It’s not Grammy worthy, but it’s entertaining. And you haven’t seen it, so it’ll pass the time. You like so many different types of movies, but suspense seems to keep your attention more than anything.” Ryan spoke as though him having noticed that was the most normal thing in the world, helping Braxton slide over so he could squeeze in next to him. “You can choose the next movie. Something unexpected you want me to give a chance.”

  “How about The General’s Daughter?” Braxton ducked his head when Ryan blinked. “’s one of my mom’s favorites. I used to reject older movies…” He snorted at the look Ryan gave him at the ‘older’. “After I graduated high school and my parents were gone more, I wanted to share everything that interested them whenever they were around. I ended up finding some new favorites. Finally gave in and watched West Side Story with my dad, which made him really happy.”

  Expression softening, Ryan squeezed his hand. “Did you enjoy it?”

  Nodding, Braxton sat up as much as he could, trying to adjust the pillows, then holding still when Ryan took over. He got comfortable. “Sometimes I hum the songs to myself when I’m working out. And my dance instructor was thrilled when I asked if I could learn some of the moves.”

  “You dance?” Ryan glanced over at him as he set up the iPad on its little stand holder. “I should’ve expected that after seeing you up on that stage, but not that kind of dancing.”

  “Mhm.” Braxton smiled, resting his head against Ryan’s shoulder. “Whe
n the team started working with the ice girls on figure skating, I wanted a bit of a leg up. So I added dancing to my training.” He paused, a wave of shyness hitting him, but forced himself to ask the question on the tip of his tongue. “Would to come watch sometime?”

  Arm around him, Ryan didn’t hesitate before he nodded. “I’d love to. I also want to start coming to some games. It’ll save my TV from getting things thrown at it when I want to go after a guy for a dirty hit.”

  The mental image of Ryan getting all worked up while watching him play warmed Braxton’s heart. The passion fans had for the game was always special, but this was different. Closer to home.

  For the rest of the day, time both seemed to drag on and go too fast. The drag was because Braxton couldn’t wait for the doctor to come say it was okay for Ryan to take his mask off. As much as having Ryan here made Braxton so damn happy, seeing the mask was a reminder of the potential danger. He wanted to beg Ryan to stay as much as he felt like he should tell him to go.

  And the last was why every minute seemed to be eating away at their time together. There was no way this could last.

  He was greedy, expecting more when he’d already been given so much.


  “What’s that look?” Mask off from the second the doctor came in and told him it was okay, Ryan frowned at him. He approached the bed, cupping Braxton’s cheek in his hand. “You didn’t hold back with the doctor, did you? Your recovery won’t go faster because you’re trying to tough it out.”

  Braxton shook his head. “No, sir. I still feel like death warmed over and everything’s sore. Not as bad as yesterday, though. And a lot of the symptoms they were worried about never happened. That old earache I kept getting isn’t something I’m going to ignore anymore.”

  “Good.” Ryan searched his gaze, concern in his eyes. “Then what is it?”

  Sighing, Braxton stopped trying to look away. “I love having you with me all the time and it’s selfish and I’m a jerk for even thinking about it. I’m just wishing we could have more of this. When I’m not sick. And before you say anything, I don’t want this whole thing having scared you be what has you considering—”

  Calloused fingers pressed to Braxton’s lips as Ryan let out a soft laugh. “I already was. Before you got sick, so no, that’s not what has me considering anything. I do want you close so I can take care of you. The idea of you being alone in your apartment? I can’t handle that. I won’t force you to come home with me if you’re not ready for that, but I will insist you get someone to stay with you—or at least check on you regularly. I’d like to discuss you moving in with me at some point. When you’re feeling better and—”

  “Yes.” Braxton grinned, taking some satisfaction in being the one to cut off Ryan this time, secretly hoping his Dom was racking up infractions he’d have to pay for later. “I want to go home with you while I recover. I want to talk about living together. I’ll keep my apartment for a few months—it’s more fair to my roommate anyway. But I want to do this. I can’t think of anything I want more.”

  Exhaling slowly, Ryan leaned in to press a kiss to his forehead. “There will be a lot more talking, but this is enough for now. I’ll be honest, I feel a lot better knowing you’ll be with me. I’m going to use up all the time off I have—don’t argue with me, it’s not your decision and I need to do this.”

  “I wouldn’t dare argue with you, sir.” Braxton accepted the glass of water Ryan handed him, taking a few sips before giving it back so his Dom could place it on the rolling tray now pushed over beside the bed. “Can I tell you how good I’m going to be to make sure you want to keep me?”

  That got him a chuckle. “I plan to keep you either way, my boy. If you’re ever naughty, I’ll set you straight. If you’re good, you’ll be rewarded. No matter what, you’ll be mine.”

  Whatever uncertainty remained faded to nothing at Ryan’s words. Braxton stopped trying to force himself to stay awake, to hoard every moment like he’d miss it when it was gone. This wasn’t something he was reaching for alone, not anymore.

  Not for a while now.

  It was something he and Ryan were building together. They’d already laid down the foundation.

  And nothing had ever felt more solid in his life.

  Chapter 18

  “Don’t you dare lift a finger.” Ryan crossed the kitchen in the afternoon sun, biting back a smile at the way Braxton groaned. They’d been back for a week, and with Braxton’s strength beginning to return his need to serve had him all too ready to push himself, too hard, too fast.

  No way was Ryan having it. He’d seen Doms get lazy, accepting their sub’s need to please and giving very little in return. A power exchange was only one part of a relationship. A deeply woven one, but not all about giving and following orders. Taking control needed to include taking care of the person who handed it over. Seeing to their needs.

  And right now, Braxton needed a firm reminder that it was both Ryan’s responsibility and pleasure to give him the time he needed for a full recovery. With constant checkups and meetings with the team doctors while they worked out the expected timeline for beginning physical therapy and his slow return to practicing with the team, Braxton was already doing plenty. But for a young man used to being on the move nonstop, it probably didn’t seem like much.

  Sitting on the edge of a chair, looking like it was a struggle to stay there, Braxton gave him what came very close to a pout. “Sir, these are my friends coming over. I don’t want to make more work for you. Maybe this was a bad idea.”

  Brow lifted, Ryan held Braxton’s gaze as he leaned over him, one hand braced on the table. “It was my idea, love. Are you saying your Dom was wrong?”

  “No…” Braxton frowned. “But you’ve taught me enough that I would if you were.”

  “Good boy.” Ryan gently patted Braxton’s cheek. “One day, I’ll have a few of my friends over and you can show me all those cooking skills YouTube has taught you. Tonight, I’ll finish tidying up and then we’re ordering pizza. Keeping things simple.”

  “Yes, sir.” Braxton’s head came up at a knock at the door. Standing too fast, he swayed a bit. “They’re early, I—”

  Shaking his head, Ryan lifted Braxton into his arms to carry him into the living room. He spoke loud enough for the men to hear him outside. “It’s not locked, you can come in!”

  The way Braxton’s face reddened as his teammate came in just in time to see him being lowered to the sofa was too fucking cute. He ducked his head against Ryan’s arm, and Ryan stayed close, giving him a moment to compose himself.

  More perceptive than Ryan would’ve given him credit for, Scott immediately began the small talk. “This is a nice place you guys have here. Casey, baby, take off your shoes, you’ve been jumping in mud puddles.”

  “Sorry, Demmy.” The little girl gazed up at her second...step-father? A dimple showed under the dirt on her cheek as she began undoing the velcro on her little pink shoes. “Don’t tell Daddy, he’ll be sad that I ruined my new dress.”

  Scott made a dismissive sound. “No he won’t, baby. He’ll be happy you were having fun. I’ll show you when we get home how easy it is to get the dirt off in the washing machine.” Crouched down in front of the child, Scott glanced over at Ryan. “I hope you don’t mind that I brought her? Becky had a meeting and Zach’s been house hunting.”

  “Not at all.” Ryan adjusted a blanket over Braxton, then went over to greet the three men and...the little lady. He grinned as he put the movie the situation brought to mind on the lists of the ones he wanted to watch with Braxton. When Casey held out her hand to shake his, he bent down to her level like Scott had. He didn’t know much about kids, but it seemed reasonable not to tower over them when welcoming them into your home. “I hope you like pizza and soda? I also made brownies for dessert. Braxton’s still building up his appetite, so I really don’t want them to go to waste.”

  Giving him a serious look, Casey nodded. “You can co
unt on me, Mister Detective.”

  “You can call me Ryan.” Ryan motioned everyone into the living room. “Does anyone want some root beer? I’ll call for the pizza now. I wasn’t expecting you for another twenty minutes, so the timing’s a bit off. Excuse the mess.”

  Luke gave him a dry look as everyone accepted the offer. He sat on one of the two armchairs, grunting when Casey jumped up onto his lap. “This place is practically spotless. Don’t be all stiff and proper. We came as soon as we could because we wanted to see how Braxton’s doing.” His gaze met Braxton’s. “That was a close one. I wish you’d told us you weren’t feeling good sooner.”

  Moving his feet as Tyler sat on the sofa while giving him a concerned look, Braxton shook his head. “Honestly, I thought it was game nerves. Or maybe that I was catching a cold. It hit me hard out of nowhere. I promise, I’d’ve told you.”

  “From what I’ve read about meningitis, it’s a good thing you got to the hospital so fast. The team doctor’s have been keeping a close eye on everyone. Oriana sent her son to stay with Silver for a few days, she was so worried.” Tyler rubbed his hands over his jean clad thighs, his brow furrowed. “It’s not too soon for us to visit, is it?”

  Braxton shook his head. “No, the doctor said I’m not contagious anymore—he’s not sure I ever was, but they wanted to be careful.” He eyed Casey, who’d taken over the remote and put a cartoon on Netflix, while apparently explaining the entire plot to Luke. “You can’t be that worried, or you wouldn’t have brought her?”

  “No, and she’s had all her vaccines. Oriana said some weren’t as common when we were younger, which might be why you were vulnerable.” Scott took the other armchair, closest to Braxton, then leaned forward to squeeze his shoulder. “I’m damn happy you pulled through, kid. But I know you. I get you’ll worry about keeping your spot, but there’s a bunch of dick rookies they keep sending up that no one wants around. You’ve got nothing to worry about. Take your time and make an awesome comeback next season.”


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