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The Standby Guy (Men of Lakeside)

Page 15

by Natasha Moore

  Carter sighed. “Well, we thought it might take a while.”

  “Oh, and did you know big brother and his new wife should be back home tomorrow morning?”

  “I thought they were going to be gone a whole week.”

  “Me, too. Mom didn’t say anything more about it than that. I wouldn’t be surprised if Noah called her to check on the business while he was on his honeymoon.”

  “And when Mom told him about Pop, he decided he was needed here.”

  “Because that’s the kind of guy he is.”

  “Why do you make that sound like it’s a bad thing?”

  “No, not bad. He’s always been the perfect one and, you know, I’m the wild one.”

  That about summed it up. “What am I?”

  “Just the middle one. Sucks, doesn’t it?”

  Sometimes, yeah, but Carter wasn’t going to say it out loud. Especially not to his baby wild-one brother. The guy who was doing a surprisingly great job being a single dad. “Hey, how’s Holly’s first week of middle school going?”

  “She was nervous as hell to begin with, but it’s getting better as the week goes on.”

  “Glad to hear it.”

  “Hey, how about the Sean-man? How’s he doing?”

  “Good. I think.” But now he wondered if he shouldn’t be taking Kat’s concerns more seriously. “Katie’s got the feeling something’s wrong, but I’m not getting that vibe when I talk to him.”

  “She’s not usually one to panic, is she?”



  That didn’t sound good. “Think I should be worried?”


  “Great. I’ll give him a call tonight.”

  “It’s probably nothing, but it’s good to let him know he can talk to you.”

  “He knows that.” Doesn’t he? “I’ll let you know what Katie says about Pop.”

  “Thanks. Talk to you later.”

  Carter called Katie, but she didn’t answer. Maybe she wasn’t interested in another awkward conversation, either. He left a message about Pop and then called Sean. He didn’t answer, either. After he left another message, Carter turned on the TV while he waited for someone to call him back.


  The inside of the Bullfrog looked nothing like what Katie expected. From the green and froggy exterior, she thought it would look like a fishing camp-slash-sports bar, but instead, the shadowy interior had the sleek look of what she thought of as a singles bar. Not that she’d been in one before. But wasn’t that what she was going to be doing for the rest of her life? Trying new things? Scary things? Exciting? Uncomfortable?

  The three sides of the gleaming bar wrapped around tall shelves of liquor bottles and three energetic, amiable bartenders dressed in black. The lights from the pendants hanging from the high ceiling reflected in the etched mirrors behind the colorful bottles. Intimate seating areas crowded the rest of the floor space. Cozy circles of four chairs. Tiny tables for two in shadowy alcoves.

  There seemed to be people of all ages drinking, chatting, and laughing. The barstools were nearly full. Most of the people sitting there looked much younger than her. A group of four women probably in their forties laughed at whatever a couple of young guys said. A sense of anticipation laced the tone of the laughter and the cut of their skimpy clothes.

  Or was it she who felt a little frantic, more than a little reckless? Katie thought she’d jump into this plan with a sense of eagerness. She was confident and strong, and she’d enjoy herself. Own it. Control it.

  Instead, she glanced around with a sense of awkwardness. Did everyone look at her and know she had a one-night stand on her mind? Could they tell she’d put on new underwear beneath the bright-purple dress she hadn’t worn since her mother’s fourth wedding?

  Had she made a big mistake?

  Katie nearly turned around and left, but then she made her feet take her across the floor. She wove around those tiny tables where the couples’ knees touched as they leaned in close enough to hear each other speak, then took an empty stool at the bar.

  A good-looking bartender with a crooked smile and a dimple in his chin nodded to let her know he’d seen her and then finished shaking some kind of fancy cocktail. He took her wine order next, and when he brought it to her, she thanked him and said, “Looks like you’re keeping busy tonight.”

  He chuckled. He had a nice laugh but not as nice as Carter’s. He probably wasn’t much younger than her, but he had a ring on his left hand. “Tonight? This is light. Friday and Saturday, it’ll be three deep at the bar.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” She took a sip of the crisp Pinot Grigio. “Nice. Thanks.” The bartender smiled and left her alone to wonder what her next step should be. She’d made lame small talk with the bartender but hadn’t embarrassed herself, so that was a plus. Now what did she do?

  How could she glance around at the other people sitting at the bar without appearing to be checking them out? Or was she supposed to be obvious about it? Otherwise, how did she meet a man she’d want to fling with?

  “Hello there.”

  Katie froze with the glass at her lips. She took a long drink before turning to get a look at the man who’d come up next to her. His hair was a shiny silver, and his blue eyes were piercing. He was probably a few years older than her, and he would have been good looking except for his smile. It was like he was trying too hard. Maybe her smile looked just as fake.

  “Hello.” Her mind suddenly went blank, and she took another sip of wine.

  “I’m Steve. Come here often?”

  Katie almost groaned. Somehow, she thought she might hear some new pickup lines tonight. “No.”

  “I didn’t think so. A woman as gorgeous as you, I’d remember if I’d seen you here before.”

  That’s because she’d never been here before. And the gorgeous line felt like overkill. “I’ve never seen you anywhere. I’ve always thought it’s strange that I’ve lived in this area my whole life and I don’t recognize three-quarters of the people I see when I’m out.”

  He squinted his eyes when he frowned. “I’m from Cleveland. I’m just here for a few weeks for work.”

  “Well, no wonder you’ve never seen me here before.”

  If Steve was here on business, he’d be the perfect one-night stand, wouldn’t he? He’d be gone soon, and she’d never run into him on the street or in the grocery store. But there was something about him she didn’t like. Maybe the lack of imagination when it came to the pickup line. Probably the smile that smacked of desperation.

  He sidled closer and placed his hand on her back. “I’ll buy you a drink.” He waved the bartender over.

  Katie shifted away. If there’d been any spark to begin with, she’d probably appreciate him moving in, but she felt nothing but the unwelcome weight of his arm. She certainly didn’t want his hands on her, so she leaned forward. “No. No, thank you. I’m leaving soon, and I don’t want another drink.”

  He leaned in over her shoulder. She could smell the gin on his breath. “What’s your hurry? Let’s get to know each other a little better before you take off.”

  She swiveled on her stool, nudging him away with her foot as she came around to face him. “I’m doing you a favor, Steve. Go spend your money on someone who might actually go home with you tonight. Because it isn’t going to be me.”

  He grumbled, but he turned and walked away. She felt pretty proud of herself for speaking her mind, but if all the encounters were going to be like this one, she might as well go home now. She didn’t want to give up yet, though. It had to get better, right?

  Katie didn’t care anymore if she looked obvious as she glanced around. It was true. She didn’t know anyone here. There were one or two faces that looked a little familiar, as if she’d seen them in a coffee shop or had taken their senior picture five or ten years ago. Probably if she met someone here she wanted to have a fling with, she wouldn’t have to worry about seeing them again.
br />   How did someone look interested without appearing needy?

  The bartender came up to her with another glass of wine. “I didn’t order that.”

  “The guy on the corner in the tie-dyed shirt would like to buy you a drink.”

  Katie followed the bartender’s nod. The guy looked like an old hippy. Faded-blond hair hung to his shoulders, and the shirt looked like it had been in his dresser drawer since the sixties. She tried to picture Carter with hair like that, and the image made her want to laugh. Old Hippie might be a very nice man, but she felt no attraction. And not the slightest desire for him to come over so she could get to know him better.

  She’d never been sent a drink before. Surely there would be some kind of obligation if she accepted. “Can I refuse it?”

  “Of course. Happens all the time.”

  ‘Yeah, I’m not interested.” She was striking out so far, but she wasn’t going to latch onto the first guy she saw. Or the second.

  A burst of laughter rose above the din of conversations going on around her. She turned to see the four fortysomething women still flirting with the twentysomething men. There were a lot of empty glasses littering the low table in the center.

  They were having a good time. They were all certainly old enough to know what they were doing. Katie wondered if she wasn’t being too uptight about the whole thing. Was she being too picky? What had she expected to do with that confidence she wanted to find?

  It was obvious. Instead of waiting for men to approach her, she should be going after the ones who seemed promising herself. Sure, she’d have to risk rejection, but she could choose her type of man. No used car–salesman smiles. No wrinkled T-shirts. She glanced around, trying to find a guy who was not too young, who had broad shoulders and warm brown eyes.

  The phone in the purse on her lap vibrated, interrupting her perusal. She was just about to pull it out to see who was trying to contact her when she heard a deep, smooth voice.


  Katie whirled around to see the guy from the parking lot taking the barstool next to hers. He was cute and smelled really good. His smile appeared genuine, and he was wearing a pressed button-down shirt. His shoulders were broad, and his eyes were chocolate brown. But he was definitely too young. Then she thought of the women across the room. Maybe he wasn’t too young after all. “Hi there.”

  “I’m glad to see you made it inside,” he told her. “Important phone call?”

  “Very.” Of course she wasn’t going to tell him she wasn’t on the phone when he saw her in the parking lot. She’d never admit to anyone that she was trying to talk herself into getting out of the car.

  “Can I buy you a drink?”

  She almost laughed. “Did you know you’re the third guy to offer to buy me a drink tonight?”

  “I’m not surprised.” Amusement shown in his deep-brown eyes. “Did you accept any of them?”

  “Not yet.”

  He had a nice smile, but it wasn’t as nice as Carter’s. She mentally rolled her eyes at herself. Would she compare every man she met to Carter? Apparently, she was in the wrong frame of mind for picking up a guy tonight. There was a distinct possibility she’d never be in that frame of mind.

  “I think you should accept one from me.”

  His hopeful, eager expression made her want to smile. “One drink is my limit when I’m driving.”

  “I could drive you home.”

  Sure he could. “How much have you had to drink tonight?”

  “I’m the designated driver tonight. Soft drinks only.”


  “I’m supposed to be my buddy’s wingman, but he already hooked up with an old girlfriend. I was on my way out when I saw you. Are you waiting for someone?”

  She should have asked Ginny to be her wingman. Wingwoman. But Ginny still thought Katie and Carter were really dating, so that wouldn’t have worked. In the meantime, Parking Lot Guy still waited patiently for her to answer his question.

  “No. I’m here alone.” But she wouldn’t mind spending some time with this pleasant, handsome young man. “I’m Katie, by the way.”

  He smiled again. Nope, still not as great as Carter’s. “I’m Landon.”

  “I’m curious about this place. It’s my first time here and not what I expected at all. Doesn’t look like it would be called the Bullfrog, does it?”

  “I guess it used to be a bar for fishermen, but over the years, it was gradually taken over by a different crowd.” He settled on the stool, but he shifted back instead of invading her personal space. “You haven’t answered my first question, Katie.”

  “Which was?”

  “Will you let me buy you a drink?”

  Why not? Her wineglass was almost empty. “A ginger ale, please.”

  Landon smiled and gestured to the bartender. “Two ginger ales.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Didn’t you say yesterday that you and Katie Dixon were dating?”

  As they made their way outside, Carter glanced back at Todd, who was directing the back half of the dolly carrying a heavy bookcase. They wouldn’t even have room in the box truck for all the bookcases they could salvage from the building. “Yeah. Why?”

  “Well, darn, boss, I don’t know if I should say anything or not.” Todd’s hangdog expression was not encouraging.

  “Then you shouldn’t have brought it up in the first place.” Surely Beckett or Ginny would have called him if Katie had gotten hurt or was in trouble. He’d been concerned, though, when he woke this morning and saw she’d never gotten back to him after he left the message about Pop. He should have called her then, but he’d overslept after waiting up for her call. Sean had never called him back, either.

  “Did something happen to Katie?” They settled the bookcase up against the wall of the box truck.

  Todd shoved his hands in his pockets. “My brother, Danny, told me he saw her last night.”

  “Did she get hurt? Was she in an accident?”

  “No. No. Nothing like that. Just…shit, I don’t want to get you all mad, but I guess you have the right to know.”

  Mike shouted over whatever Todd was going to say. “Move out of the way. We’re coming in with another bookcase.”

  Carter pulled Todd to the side so Mike and Phil could get in the back of the truck. “Todd, what is it?”

  Todd sighed. “Danny said he saw Katie out at the Bullfrog last night flirting with some guys.”

  Shit. So Katie took her mojo out for a spin while he was out of town. Carter knew he didn’t have any right to feel the jealous burn that flared in his chest. She hadn’t made any secret of her intentions. Or what his part had been in her plans. But the thought of her going to bed with another man—

  “Flirting?” Mike looked outraged on Carter’s behalf. “Is your brother sure it was Katie? I can’t imagine her cheating on Carter.”

  “Katie wouldn’t cheat on Carter,” Phil insisted.

  Carter could tell them he and Katie weren’t really dating, but it would sound like he was making excuses after their conversation the day before. And he’d been confident the Katie he knew wouldn’t hook up with a complete stranger. But now he was beginning to have his doubts.

  “She probably wanted to get out of the house and go somewhere new. Now that Sean’s off to college, she’s all about trying new things.” He started to push the dolly out of the truck. “Let’s get back to work.”

  “Um, boss?”

  Carter stopped and turned around.

  “Danny said he saw her talking and laughing with some young guy who bought her drinks at the bar all night long. And then…” Todd pressed his lips together like he didn’t want to tell him the rest of the story.

  “Spit it out,” Carter snapped.

  Todd cleared his throat. “She left the bar with him.”

  Carter growled and stomped out of the back of the truck. The other guys jumped out of his way. He yanked his phone out of his pocket as he went.

>   “Looks like break time, guys,” Mike said. “Grab some water and be back inside in fifteen.”

  Carter strode down the sidewalk half a block, out of eavesdropping distance. He’d go a little crazy if Katie didn’t answer this time.

  When she did, she sounded out of breath. “Hey.”

  “What the hell, Kat?”

  “Hello to you, too.” Her indignant tone switched in a second to light and chatty. “I’m over at Gloria’s, planning the photo shoot I have scheduled for a week from tomorrow. Remember, her ninetieth birthday party is next Saturday? We’re invited. Remember?”

  “And how are you going to explain that you’ve been out flirting and letting guys buy you drinks when your boyfriend is out of town?”

  There was a long pause before she spoke. “Carter, I’d love to talk to you about that, but Gloria and I are having some iced tea right now, so I’m going to have to call you back.”

  He didn’t give a damn at that moment. “You were seen leaving the bar with this guy so there’s already a rumor going around that you’re cheating on me. You cheating on me, Kat?”

  “I’m not…” She huffed. “Hold on.” He heard her murmur something to Gloria, probably excusing herself to take the call. A moment later, she spoke again, her voice low. “I didn’t think anyone I knew would see me there.”

  “It’s a small world. You couldn’t have waited until we could officially break up?”

  “I just… Maybe we should tell everyone we broke up and be done with it.”

  Be done with it? Carter’s throat closed up. Whatever it was that had tightened his chest to begin with changed into something that lay even heavier, making it hard to breathe. “Is that what you want?”

  “Yes. No.” Her voice lowered to a whisper. “I don’t know. It’s not like we’re really together. It’s just been for appearances.”

  “We agreed to keep it up until after Gloria’s party, didn’t we? And I told the guys yesterday and even this morning that we were still dating. How did I know you were going to go out in public and pick up a guy—a young guy—so you could check another item off your damn list? The hell with appearances.”


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