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Luke Walton

Page 14

by Jr. Horatio Alger

  "I did, but he has cleared himself, in my opinion. It is possible itwas one of the servants."

  At this moment Luke pulled his handkerchief from his side pocket andwith it came the morocco pocketbook, which fell on the carpet.

  Mrs. Merton uttered an exclamation of surprise.

  "Why, that is the very pocketbook!" she said.

  Luke stooped and picked it up, with an expression of bewilderment onhis face.

  "I don't understand it," he said. "I never saw that pocketbook beforein my life."

  "Please hand it to me."

  Luke did so.

  "Yes, that is the identical pocketbook," said the old lady.

  "And it came from my pocket?"


  "Is there any money in it, Mrs. Merton."

  Mrs. Merton opened it, and shook her head. That has been taken out,"she answered.

  "I hope you won't think I took the money," said Luke, with a troubledlook.

  "I know you did not. It was taken while we were out togetheryesterday. The last thing before I left the house I locked the drawer,and the pocketbook with the money inside was there. When I returned itwas gone."

  "That is very mysterious. I don't understand how the pocketbook camein my pocket."

  "Someone must have put it there who wished you to be suspected of thetheft."

  "Yes," said Luke, eagerly. "I see."

  Then he stopped suddenly, for what he was about to say would throwsuspicion upon Harold.

  "Well, go on!"

  "I don't know that I ought to speak. It might throw suspicion on aninnocent person."

  "Speak! It is due to me. I will judge on that point. Who has had thechance of putting the wallet into your pocket?"

  "I will speak if you insist upon it, Mrs. Merton," said Luke,reluctantly. "A few minutes since I met Harold on the street. We werebound in opposite directions. He surprised me by stopping me, andaddressing me quite cordially. We stood talking together two or threeminutes."

  "Did he have an opportunity of putting the wallet in your pocket?"

  "He might have done so, but I was not conscious of it."

  "Let me think!" said the old lady, slowly. "Harold knew where I keptmy money, for I opened the drawer in his presence the other day, andhe saw me take a bill from the pocketbook. I did not think him capableof robbing me."

  "Perhaps he did not," said Luke. "It may be explained in some otherway."

  "Can you think of any other way?" asked the old lady.

  "Suppose a servant had taken the money, and left the pocketbooksomewhere where Harold found it----"

  "Even in that case, why should he put it in your pocket?"

  "He does not like me. He might wish to throw suspicion upon me."

  "That would be very mean."

  "I think it would, but still he might not be a thief."

  "I would sooner excuse a thief. It is certainly disreputable to steal,but it is not necessarily mean or contemptible. Trying to throwsuspicion on an innocent person would be both."

  Luke remained silent, for nothing occurred to him to say. He did notwish to add to Mrs. Merton's resentment against Harold.

  After a moment's thought the old lady continued: "Leave the pocketbookwith me, and say nothing about what has happened till I give youleave."

  "Very well."

  Mrs. Merton took the pocketbook, replaced it in the drawer, andcarefully locked it.

  "Someone must have a key that will open this drawer," she said. "Ishould like to know who it is."

  "Do you think anyone will open it again?" asked Luke.

  "No; it will be supposed that I will no longer keep money there. Ithink, however, I will sooner or later find out who opened it."

  "I hope it won't prove to be Harold."

  "I hope so, too. I would not like to think so near a relative a thief.Well, Luke, I won't detain you here any longer. You may cometo-morrow, as usual."

  "It is lucky Mrs. Merton has confidence in me," thought Luke."Otherwise she might have supposed me to be the thief. What a meanfellow Harold Tracy is, to try to have an innocent boy suspected ofsuch a crime."

  As he was going out of the front door, Mrs. Tracy entered.

  She cast a withering glance at Luke.

  "Have you seen my aunt this morning?" she asked.

  "Yes, madam."

  "I wonder you had the face to stand in her presence."

  It must be said, in justification of Mrs. Tracy, that she reallybelieved that Luke had stolen Mrs. Merton's money.

  "I know of no reason why I should not," said Luke, calmly. "Will yoube kind enough to explain what you mean?"

  "You know well enough," retorted Mrs. Tracy, nodding her headvenomously.

  "Mrs. Merton appears to be well satisfied with me," said Luke,quietly. "When she is not, she will tell me so, and I shall never comeagain."

  "You are the most brazen boy I know of. Why it is that my aunt is soinfatuated with you, I can't for my part, pretend to understand."

  "If you will allow me, I will bid you good-morning," said Luke, withquiet dignity.

  Mrs. Tracy did not reply, and Luke left the house.

  "If I ever hated and despised a boy, it is that one!" said Mrs. Tracyto herself as she went upstairs to remove her street dress. "I wish Icould strip the mask from him, and get aunt to see him in his realcharacter. He is a sly, artful young adventurer. Ah, Felicie, come andassist me. By the way, I want you to watch that boy who has just goneout?"

  "Luke Walton?"

  "Yes; of course you have heard of my aunt's loss. I suspect that thisLuke Walton is the thief."

  "Is it possible, madam? Have you any evidence?"

  "No; but we may find some. What do you think?"

  "I haven't thought much about the matter. It seems to me verymysterious."

  When Felicie left the presence of her mistress she smiled curiously.

  "What would Madam Tracy say if she knew it was her own son?" shesoliloquized. "He is a young cur, but she thinks him an angel."



  Harold had been compelled to give up half his money, but he still hadthirty dollars left. How should he invest it? That was the problemthat occupied his thoughts. Thus far he had not derived so muchsatisfaction from the possession of the money as he had anticipated.One thing, at any rate, he resolved. He would not spend it uponothers, but wholly upon himself.

  He stepped into a billiard saloon to enjoy his favorite pastime. Inthe absence of any companion he played a game with a man employed inthe establishment, and, naturally, got beaten, though he was givenodds. At the end of an hour he owed sixty cents, and decided not tocontinue.

  "You play too well for me," he said, in a tone of disappointment.

  "You had bad luck," answered his opponent, soothingly. "However, I canmore than make it up to you."

  "How?" inquired Harold, becoming interested.

  "A friend of mine has pawned his watch for fifteen dollars. It is avaluable gold watch--cost seventy-five. He could have got more on it,but expected to redeem it. He has been in bad luck, and finds it nouse. He has put the ticket in my hands, and is willing to sell it forten dollars. That will only make the watch cost twenty-five. It's abig bargain for somebody."

  Harold was much interested. He had always wanted a gold watch, and haddropped more than one hint to that effect within the hearing of AuntEliza, but the old lady had always said: "When you are eighteen, itwill be time enough to think of a gold watch. Till then, your silverwatch will do."

  Harold took a different view of the matter, and his desire for a goldwatch had greatly increased since a school friend about his own agehad one. For this reason he was considerably excited by the chancethat seems to present itself.

  "You are sure the watch is a valuable one?" he asked.

  "Yes; I have seen it myself."

  "Then why don't you buy the ticket yourself?"

  "I haven't the money. If I had, I wouldn't let anybody else have it.

  "Let me see the ticket."

  The other produced it from his vest pocket, but, of course, this threwno light upon the quality of the watch.

  "I can secure the watch, and have nearly five dollars left," thoughtHarold. "It is surely worth double the price it will cost me, and thenI shall have something to show for my money."

  On the other hand, his possession of the watch would excite surpriseat home, and he would be called upon to explain how he obtained it.This, however, did not trouble Harold.

  "I've a great mind to take it," he said, slowly.

  "You can't do any better. To tell the truth, I hate to let it go, butI don't see any prospect of my being able to get it out myself, and myfriend needs the money."

  Harold hesitated a moment, then yielded to the inducement offered.

  "Give me the ticket," he said. "Here is the money."

  As he spoke, he produced a ten-dollar bill. In return, the ticket washanded to him.

  The pawnbroker, whose name was found on the ticket, was located lessthan fifteen minutes walk from the billiard saloon. Harold, eager tosecure the watch, went directly there.

  "Well, young man, what can I do for you?" asked a small man, withwrinkled face and blinking eyes.

  "I want to redeem my watch. Here is the ticket."

  The old man glanced at the ticket, then went to a safe, and took outthe watch. Here were kept the articles of small bulk and large value.

  Harold took out fifteen dollars which he had put in his vest pocketfor the purpose, and tendered them to the pawnbroker.

  "I want a dollar and a half more," said the old man.

  "What for?" asked Harold, in surprise.

  "One month's interest. You don't think I do business for nothing, doyou?"

  "Isn't that high?" asked Harold, and not without reason.

  "It's our regular charge, young man. Ten per cent a month--that's whatwe all charge."

  This statement was correct. Though the New York pawnbroker is allowedto charge but three per cent a month, his Chicago associate chargesmore than three times as much.

  There was nothing for it but to comply with the terms demanded, andHarold reluctantly handed out the extra sum.

  "You ought to have a watch chain, my friend," said the pawnbroker.

  "I should like one, but I cannot afford it."

  "I can give you a superior article--rolled gold--for a dollar."

  "Let me see it!"

  The chain was displayed. It looked very well; and certainly set offthe watch to better advantage.

  Harold paid down the dollar, and went out of the pawn broker's with agold watch, and chain of the same color, with only two dollars left ofhis ill-gotten money. This was somewhat inconvenient, but he rejoicedin the possession of the watch and chain.

  "Now Ralph Kennedy can't crow over me," he soliloquized. "I've got agold watch as well as he."

  As he left the pawnbroker's, he did not observe a familiar face andfigure on the opposite side of the street. It was Warner Powell, hismother's brother, who recognized, with no little surprise, his nephew,coming from such a place.

  "What on earth has carried Harold to a pawn broker's?" he askedhimself.

  Then he caught sight of the watch chain, and got a view of the watch,as Harold drew it out ostentatiously to view his new acquisition.

  "There is some mystery here," he said to himself. "I mustinvestigate."

  He waited till Harold was at a safe distance, then crossed the street,and entered the pawnbroker's.

  "There was a boy just went out of here," he said to the old man.

  "Suppose there was," returned the pawnbroker, suspiciously.

  "What was he doing here?"

  "Is that any of your business?"

  "My friend, I have nothing to do with you, and no complaint to makeagainst you, but the boy is my nephew, and I want to know whether hegot a watch and chain here."

  "Yes; he presented a ticket, and I gave him the watch."

  "Is it one he pawned himself?"

  "I don't know. He had the ticket. I can't remember everybody thatdeals with me."

  "Can you tell me how much the watch and chain were pawned for?"

  "The watch was pawned for fifteen dollars. I sold him the chain for adollar."

  "All right. Thank you."

  "It's all right?"

  "Yes, so far as you are concerned. How long had the watch been in?"

  "For three weeks."

  Warner Powell left the shop, after obtaining all the information herequired.

  "It is Harold who robbed Aunt Eliza," he said to himself. "I begin tothink my precious nephew is a rogue."

  Meanwhile, Harold, eager to ascertain the value of his watch, steppedinto a jeweler's.

  "Can you tell me the value of this watch?" he inquired.

  The jeweler opened it, and after a brief examination, said: "When newit probably cost thirty-five dollars."

  Harold's countenance fell.

  "I was told that it was a seventy-five dollar watch," he said.

  "Then you were cheated."

  "But how can such a large watch be afforded for thirty-five dollars?"

  "It is low-grade gold, not over ten carats, and the works are cheap.Yet, it'll keep fair time."

  Harold was very much disappointed.



  When he came to think it over, Harold gradually recovered hiscomplacence. It was a gold watch, after all, and no one would knowthat the gold was low grade. He met one or two acquaintances, whoimmediately took notice of the chain and asked to see the watch. Theycomplimented him on it, and this gave him satisfaction.

  When he reached home, he went directly upstairs to his room, and onlycame down when he heard the supper bell.

  As he entered the dining room his mother was the first to notice thewatch chain.

  "Have you been buying a watch chain, Harold?" she asked.

  "I have something besides," said Harold, and he produced the watch.

  Mrs. Tracy uttered an exclamation of surprise, and Mrs. Merton andWarner exchanged significant glances.

  "How came you by the watch and chain?" asked Mrs. Tracy, uneasily.

  "They were given to me," answered Harold.

  "But that is very strange. Aunt Eliza, you have not given Harold awatch, have you?"

  "No, Louisa. I think a silver watch is good enough for a boy of hisage."

  "Why don't you ask me, Louisa?" said Warner, smiling.

  "I don't imagine your circumstances will admit of such a gift."

  "You are right. I wish they did. Harold, we are all anxious to knowthe name of the benevolent individual who has made you such a handsomepresent. If you think he has any more to spare, I should be glad ifyou would introduce me."

  "I will explain," said Harold, glibly. "I was walking along DearbornStreet about two o'clock, when I saw a gentleman a little in advanceof me. He had come from the Commercial Bank, I judge, for it was notfar from there I came across him. By some carelessness he twitched awallet stuffed with notes from his pocket. A rough-looking fellowsprang to get it, but I was too quick for him. I picked it up, andhurrying forward, handed it to the gentleman. He seemed surprised andpleased.

  "'My boy,' he said, 'you have done me a great service. That walletcontained fifteen hundred dollars. I should have lost it but for you.Accept this watch and chain as a mark of my deep gratitude.'

  "With that, he took the watch from his pocket, and handed it to me. Iwas not sure whether I ought to take it, but I have long wanted a goldwatch, and he seemed well able to afford the gift, so I took it."

  Mrs. Tracy never thought of doubting this plausible story.

  "Harold," she said, "I am proud of you. I think there was no objectionto accepting the watch. What do you say, Aunt Eliza?"

  "Let me look at the watch, Harold," said the old lady, not replying toher niece's question.

  Harold passed it over complacently. He rather plumed himself on theingenious
story he had invented.

  "What do you think of it, Warner?" asked Mrs. Merton, passing it toher nephew.

  "It is rather a cheap watch for a rich man to carry," answered Warner,taking it in his hand and opening it.

  "I am sure it is quite a handsome watch," said Mrs. Tracy.

  "Yes, it is large and showy, but it is low-grade gold."

  "Of course, I don't know anything about that," said Harold. "At anyrate, it is gold and good enough for me."

  "No doubt of that," said the old lady, dryly.

  "Rich men don't always carry expensive watches," said Mrs. Tracy."They are often plain in their tastes."

  "This watch is rather showy," said Warner. "It can't be calledplain."

  "At any rate, Harold has reason to be satisfied. I am glad he obtainedthe watch in so creditable a manner. If it had been your protege, AuntEliza, I suspect he would have kept the money,"

  "I don't think so, Louisa," said Mrs. Merton, quietly. "I have perfectconfidence in Luke's honesty."

  "In spite of your lost pocketbook?"

  "Yes; there is nothing to connect Luke with that."

  Harold thought he ought to get the advantage of the trick played uponLuke in the morning.

  "I don't know as I ought to say anything," he said, hesitating, "but Imet Luke this morning, and if I am not very much mistaken, I saw inhis pocket a wallet that looked very much like aunt's. You know hewears a sack coat, and has a pocket on each side."


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