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The Perfect Love Storm

Page 12

by Anna Black

  “You don’t mind, do you, baby?”

  “No, no, do your thing. I’ll go get a drink.”

  She smiled brightly and followed the photographer.

  Yes, you’re doing the right thing, Chase said to himself. She is just what I need.

  “Chase,” an unfamiliar voice called out. He turned to see Tony standing there.

  “Anthony, how are you? Sorry about your dad. I know it was a short time ago, but I hadn’t had a chance to see you and offer my condolences.”

  “I’m good and thank you. It was hard in the beginning, but I’m coping.”


  “So, this place turned out nice. I think Madison has done well for herself, considering all she’s been through.”

  “Yes, she has. She’s a trooper. Strong and a survivor. I think she can handle anything.”

  “Yeah, everything but heartache.”

  Chase knew where the conversation was going, so he dove in. “Meaning?”

  “I know you’ve managed to stick around for what, four or five months, which is probably a stretch for someone like you.”

  “What do you mean, someone like me, Anthony? You don’t know me like you think you do.”

  “No, I don’t know you, but your reputation speaks for itself. Now, Madison is a good woman, a great person from a good family. If you mean her any harm, I suggest you end it now and move on.”

  “Are you threatening me, Mr. Reed?”

  “No, I wouldn’t dare do that, Mr. Storm. But if you break her heart, I will show up at your door.”

  Chase almost laughed out loud in his face. “Let me say this, and let’s be clear. The only woman you need to be concerned about is your wife. I had my days of playing the field, but I was single. You, on the other hand, weren’t when you were creeping around Madison’s door. I’m not like you. I played the field when I was free to do so. I’d never do to Madison what you did to your wife, so you need not worry about me and my woman’s business. The image you have in your head of who you think I am—or was—is not the man I am today. When I decided to settle down, I decided it would be with Madison. So, go find your wife and stay out of my business, because I’m sure you wouldn’t want her to know just how protective you are of Madison.”

  Tony’s nostrils flared, and he gritted his teeth. Chase saw his fists ball up at his side, but then they heard a female’s voice.

  Tony turned in that direction. “Simone,” he said.

  “Hey, baby,” the pregnant woman approaching them said. “Can we go? My back is killing me.”

  “You must be Mrs. Reed,” Chase said.

  “Yes, I am.”

  “I’m Chase. Your husband was just over here telling me how happy he was for Madison and the reopening of her new place.”

  “Yes, it’s very nice. I finally had the chance to meet her. They dated back in high school,” she chuckled.

  “Did they?”

  “Yes, and it’s amazing that they are still friends after all these years.”

  “Yes, it is. Most women would feel a little weird.”

  “Nah, I know he loves me now. That was way back in high school,” she said rubbing her belly.

  “Well, I agree. Tony, you should be getting the little lady home. Looks like she needs to take a load off.”

  “Yeah. Come on, Simone, let’s go.” He gave Chase a look over his shoulder, and Chase waved with a big smile on his face.

  The evening continued with speeches from the different stylists that had worked there in the past and the current ones who were anxious to open. Finally, after Martha spoke, she turned it over to Madison.

  “Tonight has been a night, and I thank everyone who came out to our grand opening party. I want to give a huge thanks to Storm and Sons Construction for all the hard work you put into this place to make it fabulous, and I also want to thank my mom for trusting me with her baby. This salon holds hundreds of memories for the locals here in Tyler, young and old, and we are looking forward to creating new memories in the years to come. Again, thank you all,” she said.

  Everyone applauded, but Chase interrupted. “Hold on, hold on, hold on,” he yelled. “Everyone, hold on.”

  The room got quiet.

  “Baby?” Madison looked puzzled.

  Chase held up a hand. “I have one thing I’d like to add. I won’t take up a lot of your time, I promise,” he said. The crowd murmured. “My name is Chase Storm. Most of you know me as the fourth-born son of Legend and Estelle Storm. Over the years, I’ve been labeled as the town bad boy, a player, ladies’ man, gigolo, and womanizer, yadda yadda yadda. I’ve heard it all.” There were more whispers, but he continued. “Well, that was all true about me up until almost six months ago. My brothers and my parents and the lovely ladies of my family all suggested that I settle down and find a good woman. And let me tell you, for a very long time, I wasn’t trying to hear any of them. That was . . . until I met Madison. She . . .” He paused, looking at her. “She sat down with me at my parents’ anniversary party and argued with me on every subject we discussed. If I said right, she said left. If I said up, she said down. But she had this quality, this confidence, which captured me, and I just had to see her again. For the first time, I found someone I wanted to talk to and get to know.” He smiled at her, and she smiled back.

  Chase slowly approached Madison and went down on one knee in front of her. Her face froze in a look of shock, and he could imagine their audience looked the same. All but Madison’s dad was surprised by this because Chase had talked to him before purchasing the ring.

  “Madison, you’ve changed my life. I am the man I was meant to be because of you, and I will love you to the end of the earth if you’d accept my ring and be my wife.” He opened the box.

  She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out at first. “I-I-I,” she stuttered. Finally, she gave up trying and nodded.

  Chase grinned and pushed the ring on her finger before coming up and hugging her tightly. He kissed her as the room exploded in conversation.

  “You mean this?” Madison asked. “You really mean it?”

  “Of course, I do, Madison. You’re the one. I told you that.”

  “I am.” She smiled. “I am,” she said again.

  She wrapped her arms around him and gave him a slow and passionate kiss. When they pulled apart, the crowd surrounded them, and Madison was bombarded by her mother and her future sisters-in-law, all trying to see the ring. They surrounded her, and Chase lost sight of her.

  He started to work his way to her but was pulled away by his brothers and father. They forced him outside.

  “Dude, you proposed?” Travis asked. Chase could see they were all thinking the same thing.

  “Yes. I told you, I love her.”

  “Okay, Chase,” Lance said. He stood stiffly with his fists balled up at his side. He was ready to put a beating on his baby brother if that’s what it took. Chase was only in it for the money, and he couldn’t stand by and watch him do something so horrible to Madison. She didn’t deserve heartbreak, and he hated that they had chosen her for their wager. “This has gone far enough. We can’t let you do this to Madison. Did you see her face?”

  “Guys, listen. For real, I know what I’m doing. This is no joke; this is no game. I really love her.”

  Their dad paced. “Son, if you take this girl to the altar and marry her and then leave her in a year, you will pay back every cent.”

  “Dad, this is so not about the money.”

  “Cut the crap, Chase,” Damon yelled. “This isn’t funny anymore. I mean, I don’t want you to hurt that woman.”

  Chase was tired of trying to convince them. “Fine; fuck it. Think what y’all want to think.

  I’m going back in to enjoy my night with my fiancée. You can sit out here and go back and forth for all I care. I’m marrying her because I want to, not because of you.”

  Just then, Madison stepped out. “Baby, are you okay?”

  Chase took a few de
ep breaths and calmed himself. He didn’t want to upset Madison or give her any reason to question him. “Yeah, baby, I’m fine. Just having a little meeting with the Storm men.”

  She looked at them. “Don’t worry, guys, I’m going to take care of him and make him happy.”

  “I know you will, baby. Let’s go back inside to the party.” Chase grabbed her by the waist and escorted her back in.

  “So, what do we do?” Travis asked.

  “There’s nothing we can do,” Lance said. “Chase is going to marry her, get the money, and then dump her.”

  “Why did we do this, guys? Madison is a good girl. She doesn’t deserve this,” Travis said.

  “Maybe we should warn her,” Damon suggested.

  Their father spoke up. “We do nothing. Let’s leave him to do whatever he does. We started this, so we have to finish it. Maybe he does love her; maybe it’s for the money. For whatever reason, he proposed, so we have to wait it out. Next month, you fellas give him what you promised, and on their wedding day, I give what I promised. What happens after that is out of our hands.”

  Lance agreed. “Pop is right. There’s nothing we can do. If we warn her and he’s for real, we’ll ruin it for him.”

  “I know,” Travis said. “So, we wait?” Damon said.

  Lance sighed. “I’m afraid so.”

  After everyone was gone, Chase stayed behind with Madison so she could lock up. “Baby, leave that,” he said when she started straightening the room up. “The cleaning crew will be here bright and early to handle all of this. You don’t have to clean a thing.”

  “I know, but I hate to leave this beautiful place in such disarray. Did you really have to order two more cases of champagne? Look at all these bottles.”

  “I know, but I’m ready to get you home.” He pulled her into his arms.

  She smiled. “Why?”

  “You know why. It’s been a month since you’ve started your pills, so tonight, I can feel all of you.”

  “I know you want to, baby, but I think we should give it another month.”

  He frowned. “Why?”

  “You know why.”

  “We’ve talked about this, Madi. I know children are not at the top of your list, and I’m not anxious to be a father, but I want to be close to you. I want that connection that lovers have when they are skin-to-skin. I can’t forget that night and how good you felt and how soft and wet your pussy was. Baby, I want to feel you again. If we get pregnant, it’s meant to be. You will be a great mom,” he said.

  She pulled away. “I don’t want more children.”

  He thought his ears were deceiving him. “What? Say that again.”

  “I . . .” She spoke in a whisper. “I’m just . . .”

  “Come on.” He grabbed her purse and keys and escorted her to the door. “Let’s go home and talk about this, baby.” He turned out the lights and locked up for her. “Leave your truck. We’ll get it tomorrow.”

  On the short ride home, they were quiet. He glanced over at her and saw her playing with her engagement ring and staring out the window.

  He pulled into his drive and got out and helped her out. “Thank you, baby,” she said.

  Madison kicked off her shoes and headed for the kitchen when they went inside. Chase loosened his tie and went to the bedroom. He took off his suit, and when he came out of his walk-in closet, in his briefs, she was sitting on the love seat with a glass of champagne.

  “Did you pour me one?” he asked.

  “On your nightstand.”

  He walked over to retrieve it and went over to sit with her. She had removed all of her jewelry except her new engagement ring but still wore her dress.

  “Baby, talk to me. Tell me the truth. Why don’t you want kids?”

  Her eyes welled, and she sniffled. “I’m afraid,” she said.

  “Afraid of what, babe?”

  “Losing them. God gave me two beautiful little boys and let me fall deeply in love with them, and then he took them back.” A tear fell, and she took a drink. “What if he doesn’t see me fit to be a mother . . . or even a wife?”

  “Wow, baby. That is a heavy thing to carry in your heart. I’m not a religious guy, and you know that, but you also know I believe in God. I don’t know all the scriptures and all the things that a man of God would say right now, but I do know what I’ve learned over the years, Madi.” He turned her to face him. “God is not cruel. My mother told me that God is a God of restoration. When you lose something, Madison, it may not be because of something you did or didn’t do. You thought you’d never love again, but here we are, and I know you love me. I’ll never attempt to compare your love for Dre to your love for me because the love you’ve given me is enough.

  “If God gives you another child and something happens, God has his reasons. He’s in control, baby, and we can’t stop living or falling in love or having children because we lost a child or children or a spouse. It’s not fair to hold up our future for things that happened in our past. It’s not fair to you or me. So, please, let’s go with it and hope for the best. If you prefer to continue to use condoms, I’ll respect that for now, Madison, but if you go through with this and marry me, I want children with you.”

  She was quiet for a few moments. “What if—”

  He put his finger over her lips. “What if we have five more and they all grow up and make us grandparents? We don’t know, Madison, but I’m willing to go on this adventure of the unknowing with you because I love you.”

  She smiled. “I love you too.”

  He leaned over and kissed her. He wanted her. He wanted to feel her, and unless she said the word, he had no intention of wearing a condom. After intense foreplay, he was finally inside of her. Flesh to flesh, skin to skin. It was more intense, more satisfying this time. He heard himself call out her name several times. He exploded inside of her just as her orgasm hit, and she called out his name.

  “Are you okay, baby?” he asked afterward.

  She turned over and rested her head on his chest. “I’m perfect, Mr. Storm. Just perfect.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Madison sat in her closed-in porch and looked at the lake and sipped her wine. She had the soft sounds of the Isley Brothers playing on her iPod dock and thoughts of Chase running through her mind. She told herself that it was okay to love again and that having more kids would be perfectly fine.

  She’d found herself talking aloud to her dead husband and sons, assuring them that no one would replace them or make her forget them. At times, she thought she was crazy, but she just felt a little guilty. She knew they were dead and gone, but she had moments when she felt like she was betraying them.

  “Hey, lady,” Deena, called out, interrupting her thoughts.

  “Deena, you scared me.”

  “I was out front ringing the bell for five minutes. Since I heard music, I decided to come around and go through your French doors. You always keep them open.”

  “Yes, and I’m sorry. Time got away from me, and I forgot you said you’d be by with the bridal books.”

  “Yes, ma’am, and after I fix a glass of whatever you’re drinking, we can look through some of these. Carla is a great planner. She did all of our weddings. You’re going to love her.”

  “I hope so. I’ll go in and get you a drink. Have a seat. I’ll be right back.”

  Madison went inside and poured Deena a glass of wine and brought it out along with a tray of fruit, cheese, and crackers for them.

  “Oh, thank you, girl. I need a snack like nobody’s business.”

  “Me too. So, what do you have for me?” Madison asked.

  Deena handed over the magazines. “Go through them and highlight some of your ideas. When you meet with Carla, you can show her your taste. You know, give her something to work with.”

  Madison put the books to the side. “I will.” She looked out at the lake.

  “So, are you sure you’re ready?”

  “I guess. Honestly, I have
my moments when I feel like I should stay single and never have another child, but then I think that if it were me who had died, I’d want Dre to find someone else.”

  “Yes, sad but true. Life goes on. And you are still young. You need love in your life, and a couple more kids will make you happy, Madi.”

  “You think so?”

  “I know so. But who’d have thought it would be Chase? I can honestly say that I’ve seen a change in him. He really loves you, Madi. When he talks about you, his eyes sparkle. He wears a smile all the time. I’ve never seen him like that, ever. Travis and I still debate about it.”

  “Debate? Why?”

  “Well, Travis thinks he’s going through a phase; doesn’t think he’s sincere. But I told him that Chase of all people would not have turned in his player card if he wasn’t truly ready.”

  “Well, I sure hope you’re right because if he is playing, I’m going to gut him like a fish,” she joked. They both laughed.

  “I know that’s real.” Deena held up her drink, and they clanked glasses. “I’m just happy for you both. You needed a love, someone exciting and with character. Chase certainly has character, and he needed someone like you to bring him down a notch, to show him real, wholesome love. Them hoes he was running behind back in the day were no good for him.”

  “Still, I can’t see that Chase. Lord knows I’m glad I didn’t know him, because if I had, I might have never gone out with him.”

  “That’s for damn sure,” Deena said and sipped. “Oh, before I forget, Gina is giving Lance a birthday party Saturday after next at her house. I’m not sure if Chase mentioned it. I’m not even sure if he knows, but we need all the sisters, including you, now that you’re going to be one of us, to make a couple of dishes. You need to call Gina and asked what she needs you to make. Be prepared to make two large pans of whatever you’re assigned because the Storms do nothing small. The guys are going to grill.”

  “Okay, let me call her,” Madison said. She dialed the number and put Gina on the speaker. “Hey, Gina, I’m sitting here with Deena, and she was telling me about Lance’s party. Do you know what you need me to make?”

  “Oh, girl, I’m so glad you called. I’m sitting here with Mom and Tasha now. Why don’t you and Deena come over?”


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