Book Read Free


Page 14

by Eden Rose

  Keeley is stretched out on her side of the bed and laying on her stomach. The sheet is lying easily over her ass without much care.

  Gently, I slide off of the bed and go about putting my ass in some boxers in case Luke is up or something. I don’t want to have to have that talk with him about parts and all of that shit.

  Plus, I’m his uncle. Not my job to tell him that.

  After I go to the kitchen to pop in some Pop Tarts in the toaster, I hear Ruth clear her throat behind me. “Wyatt, I need to talk to you about some stuff. And it’s rather difficult for me to do it.”


  I reach over and grab my breakfast and a piece of paper towel to walk towards my office so we could have a conversation. “What’s going on?” I ask her as soon as we are in there.

  I’m still pissed at her for coming after Keeley like she did especially when my girl is still healing. She didn’t need the stress from my bitchy sister causing more problems than what was needed.

  “I don’t want her to live here anymore.”

  My head snaps back and I almost choke on a piece of my snack. “Excuse me?” I ask her hoping that I heard her wrong.

  She takes a seat in the chair off to the right of my desk with her unruly hair in a haphazard up-thingy. I could tell that she hadn’t been sleeping because she was still wearing the clothes from yesterday.

  “You heard me. I don’t want her here anymore. I get that you feel some sort of guilt for breaking up their marriage but she’s a live wire. You saw how she punched me in the face for no reason.”

  I grunt out a noise. “What the fuck are you talking about? You are the one that came out and told her all of this bull shit. Do you not understand the amount of pain that she’s going through?”

  Ruth plays with the hem of her shirt and then tugs at it. “You don’t understand how it feels to have that fucking crazy person around my son!”

  “So, is that what this is about?”

  She shakes her head and then nods it carefully. “I’m not jealous if that is what you are implying!”

  I scoff and then look at her as she’s trying to back track what she had said. “What do you expect me to do? Do you expect me to break up with her and kick her out? How am I supposed to tell her that I don’t love her anymore?”

  My chest is rising and falling from the exertion of saying that bull shit outloud. I know it’s not the truth but it still feels like a knife is being stabbed in my chest. “Because we both know that’s not the truth! You are a fucking bitch, Ruth. A real big bitch. After everything that I have done for you… You’re constantly making messes and make me clean them up. I’m done doing it.”

  “What are you talking about? Are you willing to break up the only family that you have left to be with some bitch?” She’s yelling at me and any other time I would have put her out and told her to not talk to me like that, but I don’t. I want her out of my house.

  “I want you out.” I say the words clearly and concisely.

  “Where am I supposed to go?” She blubbers and covers her face.

  I know what you are thinking and it’s that I’m an asshole. I’m not. Ruth keeps fucking up and I keep cleaning it up every time she does something like this. I’m done.

  I shake my head get off the floor. Once I’m at my full height, I walk over to my breakfast snack and begin to eat it again. “It’s not my problem. Luke can stay here if he wants but it’s time for you to leave. I can’t keep putting my life on hold because you refuse to grow up. It’s not fair to me and it’s not fair to Keeley. You fucked her husband. Had a kid with him,” I tick them off on my fingers to show the mood I’m in. “I can’t… I can’t do this.”

  Ruth shoots off the chair and comes running at me with her fists out like she’s about to punch me. “You can’t do that! Fuck you, Wyatt! You’re a selfish asshole! And you’re a murderer! I hate you!”

  As she’s screaming in my face, I can smell the alcohol on her breath and it makes me wince from it. “Don’t you dare spit that bull shit at me, Ruth! And the only reason why I killed Jose was because of you and your dumb lies! His blood is on your hands and not mine.”

  My mind becomes foggy as I remember stabbing the man that Ruth said raped and beat her. I stabbed him over and over again. When my hand grew tired, I left him bleeding out on the floor and I ran. The police were chasing me and when they finally caught up to me they couldn’t do anything. All they had on me was hear-say and none of it stuck. The only thing that they got me on was truancy and even that didn’t stick.

  “No! You’re all shacked up with the lawyer and you can’t even remember where you come from.”

  My hand flinches and I feel the urge to punch her in the face for everything that she is saying. Even though it’s all true, I don’t want her spitting this out in front of Keeley. The last thing she needs to know is that I was a murderer as well.

  Luke bursts into the office with tears down his face and he points towards the outside. “What’s going on, little buddy?” I ask him as I squat to pick him up.

  “Cupcakes… She left…!”

  My heart wrenches in my chest as I process what he just said. Did he just say that Keeley left? I’m hoping that’s not the case because she shouldn’t be going anywhere at all. She’s on so much medication that it’s dangerous for her to be behind the wheel.

  “Where did she go?” I ask him and hold him close to my chest. I look at Ruth who shakes her head in a way to tell me that she has no idea what happened either.

  “Wyatt, I don’t know where she went. I was in here talking to you…”


  And just like that, everything came to my mind. She was listening to the conversation that I was having with Ruth and she must have got scared. Hell, I don’t know!

  “I need to find Keeley!”

  So many thoughts were rolling through my head as I tried to quiet them. But fuck! What if she got into an accident or something because she fell asleep behind the wheel? What if she ran off because she’s not taking her medicine or...?


  Olivia’s house is peaceful compared to the hostile environment from Wyatt’s house. I know I should start thinking of it as my house, too, but I can’t. It’s not my house.

  My house has been on the market now for two weeks and not one person had made a bid on it. Granted, the price is a lot higher than what was needed but we had to figure out a way to get Jerry out of debt.

  Upon my many hours of being laid up in the bed or couch, I have done some research regarding these situations. Needless to say, all I have come up with was the fact that Jerry had truly fucked himself over and there is nothing that I can do to help him.

  I mean, if I wanted to. Which is still undecided.

  I walk into Olivia’s house and she meets me immediately with a hug and a glass of wine. Only for a brief moment do I consider the effects that drinking alcohol and taking the cocktail of medicine that I’m on. Oh well. I should be fine.

  “Pumpkin, what happened?”

  I walk over to her couch and plop down on it and feel relaxed for the first time all day. The constant stress from being around Ruth has started to wear down on me. “Ruth is a bitch!” I don’t need to provide more clarification than that because Olivia nods her head.

  She shuffles to her couch and sits next to me with her own glass of wine. “What happened?”

  “She told Wyatt that I was crazy and she didn’t want me anywhere near her son! Does she honestly think that it’s a picnic for me to be living in the same house as the woman that fucked my husband? Had a kid with him? I could ensure you that it’s not fun.”

  For the next hour I discuss what happened over at Wyatt’s house and how Ruth has been a complete bitch to me. Of course, my best friend understood how I’m feeling because she’s amazing.

  We are well into our second bottle when the doorbell rings and then I hear it fling open. I jerk in my seat and see Shana standing there with a huge smile on her face and th
e look of someone that has a secret. “Hey, hookers!”

  “Hey!” Olivia and I both call out and Shana comes strolling into the living room.

  “I figured we would need more wine,” she calls to us and reaches into her purse before plopping down on the couch. She pulls out two more bottles of wine.

  “I love you,” I whisper to her.

  After Shana is caught up to speed on the current predicament of my life, we are now into bottle three. Shana is a notorious heavy drinker and she’s dancing in circles around the couch with a glass of wine in her hands.

  “I’ll tell you what I want, what I really, really want!” She starts singing out loud.

  Olivia and I stand up and begin to sing along with her. “Oh, I’ll tell you what I want!”


  I knew where Keeley was and I didn’t even have to call her to know that she was at Olivia’s or Shana’s. Since I knew where they lived from hacking into Keeley’s computer, I pull up to Shana’s little cottage first.

  Not going to lie, I expected her to live in a much bigger house than the one that she lives in. It’s rather small compared to mine and I’m wondering how it can hold the amount of attitude that the girl has. There’s cobblestones all around the front of the house and a well manicured lawn that is stretched out in front.

  And it looks quiet as hell.

  I don’t even bother getting out of my car because if Keeley is there, than they wouldn’t be that quiet. They would be loud and talking about how much I suck. Or how much of a bitch Ruth is.

  I drive to the next house, and Olivia’s house is right around the corner from Shana’s. Her house is bigger than Shana’s but the yard isn’t as nicely done.

  And just what I thought, it’s loud in there. I can hear them from the outside and I immediately park my car and begin walking up the driveway to the front. I look through the windows and see all three of the girls dancing together in a circle hug. It kind of looks like a junior high dance.

  Damn, they are drunk.

  Quickly, I ring the doorbell and then step back from the door in order for them to answer it. There are three faces that are pressed against the door’s window and I notice my girl’s face first.

  “Keeley, answer the door. I need to talk to you.”

  She shakes her head and then she flicks me off. If I wouldn’t have been so angry that she took off and didn’t let me talk to her, I would have laughed.

  “Cupcake, answer the fucking door.”

  Again, she shakes her head.

  “All right. I will just talk to you and you listen. You overheard the wrong thing. I kicked Ruth out because I want a life with you. She won’t be a problem anymore and you need to come home.”

  “How do I know you aren’t lying?” She asks through the door.

  I press my hand on the window of the door and she presses her hand on the window where mine is. It’s a geeky move, but it makes me feel as if I’m closer to her. “I love you, Keeley. Quit playing games and open the door so I can talk to you about this.”

  I’m standing outside of Olivia’s door for about five minutes while I hear them arguing about something inside. Just as I’m about to give up and leave, the door opens and Keeley’s running at me.

  Before she even gets to me, I have my hands out and I’m grabbing her face to kiss her. My fingers are gripping into the flesh of her cheeks and I’m holding her close enough for me to kiss her. When our lips meet, I hold her closer to me.

  “Don’t ever walk out on me again,” I say to her harshly. “If you do, I’m going to find you and bring your ass home.”

  Keeley nods her head, and I bend down at the waist to pick her up. Once she’s secured against me she yells out bye to her friends and I walk out to my car.

  Fuck her car. She can get it later.


  The call came after 10 p.m. and woke me up out of a dead sleep. Whomever said that nothing good happens after 10 at night is correct. There is absolutely nothing that could be good about this and I’m regretting even answering the phone.

  Due to the medications that I’m taking now to help regulate my Bipolar cause me to be confused if I get woken up. The nice thing about the medications is that I am able to sleep and get the full eight hours that are needed to be a functional person.

  I roll over in Wyatt and my bed to slap at my phone since I think it’s my alarm clock. The constant buzzing from the vibrations should have been enough to make me realize that it’s not my alarm clock. However, like I said, I’m pretty out of it.

  “Cupcake, your phone is ringing. Who is it?” Wyatt asks me as he drags me closer to his chest.

  I stab at the REJECT button and then place the phone face down. “I don’t know but it’s too late to answer unknown phone calls.”

  Wyatt begins to kiss my shoulders and the back of my neck as I snuggle deeper into him. He’s so comfortable being as muscular as he is. I murmur in the back of my throat as he sucks in the sensitive flesh of right below my ear.

  Just when I think we are about to get to the good stuff, the phone rings and completely shatters the moment. Again, I stab the REJECT button and then wiggle my hips against his hardening dick. That seems to the trick because now he’s pushing the tip of his dick in between my thighs.

  “Oh, fuckkkkkk....” I stutter out and begin to open my legs to him.

  The very tip of his dick breaches the entry of my pussy when the phone rings for the third time and I’ve had enough. Whomever is on the phone is about to get the tongue lashing of their lives. Not only are the interrupting some lazy sex, but they are also calling me too late at night.

  “What?” I growl into the phone and Wyatt rubs my hip. Since I’m still wanting to continue what we were doing, I push my hips further into his groin and then do a swivel.

  The sigh that escapes my mouth is audible, I’m sure, as he slides in more.

  “Is this Keeley Johnson?” A rough voice asks me through the phone and totally halts all of what I’m doing. The official feel of the conversation has me on edge now and I’m curious as to why they are calling.

  “Yes, this is she. How may I help you?”

  The man on the other end of the phone takes a deep breath and then continues the conversation. “We were hoping that we could stop by your boyfriend’s house and ask you a couple of questions. Are you available in the morning?”

  I’m an attorney. Patience is not my thing and it never has been. The thought that this man wanted to wait until the morning to discuss something is beyond me.

  “May I ask who this is?” I’m being polite since I’m not sure if it’s a potential client or something. I doubt it because they know not to call me so late.

  “Pardon me. My name is Officer Rewalt and it’s very important that I speak to as soon as possible.”

  I swallow loudly and pull myself off of Wyatt. It’s not a good idea to be trying to get busy while you are on the phone with a cop and it has me freaking out a little.

  “What is this regarding?” I question. Carefully, I push myself out of bed sit up against the head board. Wyatt takes this time to also sit up and rub my thigh with his hand.

  His movements become more controlled and more lovingly as I wait for answers. “What’s going on?”

  I shake my head to discourage him from asking me any questions. Hell, I’m not even sure what is going on right now.

  “Sorry about that. Well, it would be best for us to meet in person.”

  Nipping that in the butt, I frantically shake my head and then look up to the ceiling. “Look, I appreciate your job, but I’m not going anywhere or having anyone in my house that I don’t know. Now, tell me. What the hell is going on?”


  My patience is wearing thin and I hope I don’t snap.

  “Fine,” the officer snaps out and then takes a deep breath. “There was a… unfortunate event that happened at your old house and it’s important that we speak to you right away.”

  “Oh, Jesus.
What did Jerry do now?” I ask and squeeze my eyes closed. I don’t know if I want to know or if I don’t.

  The truth is, over the past month, it has been nice with him jail and him leaving me alone. I haven’t been receiving any phone calls or anything regarding our divorce or the division of the assets of our home. It’s been surprisingly very peaceful.

  And also with Ruth and Luke not living here, I’ve been on cloud nine. Wyatt and I have been living like newlyweds and it’s amazing to be the center of his attention at all times. There are times that we have Luke over, and even though it’s awkward for me at times, I have to keep reminding myself that he wasn’t the one that encouraged my husband to cheat on me.

  “Ms. Johnson, I’m sorry to tell you this over the phone. Jerry’s dead.”

  I drop the phone down to the bed and shake my head frantically. Wyatt reaches over and tries to get me to tell him what just happened but I can’t speak. It’s no use. The words won’t come out of my mouth and I can feel myself getting worried.


  Keeley’s face turns ashen and I can tell that she’s worried about something. “What’s wrong, cupcake?” I whisper to her as I slide out from underneath the blankets.

  I place my hands on her shoulders and give her a tight squeeze to get her to look at me. When she does, her eyes are deadly pale. There’s no spark in them. No light or life. Nothing.

  Knowing that she’s not going to talk to me, I pick up her phone that was dropped to the bed and place it to my ear. All I could hear is someone in the background asking for Keeley. “She’s not talking about whatever you said. Tell me right now why my woman is so upset?” I demand.


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