Epic Love Stories--Complete Box Set

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Epic Love Stories--Complete Box Set Page 46

by Kelly Moore

  Damn. No wonder she’s so broken. She blames herself for the death of her son and husband. I understand why she wanted no part of this life.

  “I’m so sorry, baby.” I kiss her tears. “It wasn’t your fault.”

  She picks up the hem of her shirt and wipes her nose. “I almost killed her.”


  “The woman. I took the weapon from our bodyguard’s holster. I shot, but I missed. I would’ve emptied every bullet until I killed her, but the security team from the venue took me to the ground.”

  “What happened to her?”

  “She spent two years in jail for causing the accident, while I spent my days trying to live with losing both of them.”

  Her song makes complete sense to me now. It’s about the two of them. The verse that she’s sung over and over the last couple of days rings out in my mind.

  * * *

  I scream, curse, pray

  Beg to see your face every day

  Is anyone out there?

  To tell me I’ll be all right

  * * *

  “I don’t know how you survived it, but it’ll be all right now.

  “I almost didn’t.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The doctor gave me pills to help me sleep. I was drowning in my own sorrow, so one night I took the entire bottle. I just wanted out. I wanted to die with my husband and baby. If it weren’t for Elliot finding me, I wouldn’t be here. At first, I was really angry at him for saving me. After that, he was terrified of leaving me alone. He and Red had been best friends, and he was Jacob’s godfather. He felt their loss almost as much as I did. Eventually, he got me writing songs again. I used to write all of Red’s lyrics. Putting the words in those notebooks helped me to exist.”

  “That’s why you moved around a lot and refused to become a star. You didn’t want the fans.”

  She nods.

  “Why now, Lyla?”

  “I was born to sing. I gave up my dream for Red and Jacob so we could have a stable life, but I never could give up singing. It’s in my soul. I’m ready to take a chance again… because of you.”

  “I don’t want you to do anything that’s going to cause you pain.”

  “I will always have heartache over losing them. It’s a pain that has a permanent place inside me. I need to do this to have some kind of control over my future again. You’ll be there to help me, and Elliot is a bulldog when it comes to me.”

  “Now I totally get where he’s been coming from, and why you kept your distance from people.” I brush a piece of hair out of her face. “Why me?”

  “I don’t know…there was something about you the first night I saw you at the bar. When I pushed my sunglasses down, you saw me. At first, it scared the hell out of me.” She laughs. “But, the more I was around you, the more comfort I found in that feeling. You didn’t push me.”

  “And here I thought this whole time it was because I’m so dashingly handsome,” I tease.

  “That was a plus.” She kisses the tip of my nose. “Then, I fell in love with you.”

  “What the hell is going on here?” Elliot’s glare is on me. “Why the hell is she crying?” He glances over at the computer and sees Red’s face. “You had to snoop didn’t you!” His voice is raising, and his feet are barreling closer to me.

  Lyla jumps up and stops him with her hand on his chest. “It’s okay, Elliot. I’m okay.”

  His face is red, and his nostrils are flaring. He lifts his chin in the air. “Leave her past alone!”

  I stand. “Her past is part of her and ignoring it won’t change it.”

  “Ignoring it! Is that what the fuck you think we did!” He pushes past her and grabs me by the shirt. He has his fist drawn back to hit me.

  I lift my arms to my side. “I’m sorry, that’s not what I meant.”

  “Elliot! Let him go!” Lyla is tugging at his shoulder.

  He pushes me backward when he lets me loose. “She doesn’t need this shit brought up. It only makes her worse.” He runs a hand through his hair.

  Lyla is standing between us again. “It’s okay. I wanted him to know.” She reaches back and takes my hand. “It’s all out now. I don’t have to hide anymore.” She places her hand on his cheek. “Elliot, I love him.”

  He searches her eyes, and his defenses come down. “I’m sorry. I just don’t want you to relive any of it. I’ve been scared for years, thinking I’d walk in and find you on the floor again.”

  “I know you have. You’ve watched after me long enough and picked up the pieces so many times for me. I’m so sorry you had to do that. I realize how much you loved Red and Jacob too.” Her tears stream again. “I will always miss them. God knows I’d change places with them in a minute. I’d love to see Jacob’s beautiful face again. When I lay in bed at night and try to picture him, I forget what he looks like, and it becomes more than I can bear at times.”

  That explains why she drinks in the middle of the night still. She drinks to forget what she’s forgotten.

  Elliot sticks out his hand to me. “I’m sorry, Jameson.”

  “There’s nothing to be sorry for, man. You’ve been there for her, and for that, I’m grateful.” I shake his hand.

  Joe walks through the door, carrying equipment. He stops in his tracks and looks at us. “What did I miss?”

  Lyla, who is all puffy eyed, hugs him. “Nothing, Joe.” She laughs.

  “I’ll help you get set up.” Elliot grabs one of the bags from his shoulder.

  I step up behind Lyla and tuck my arms between hers and pull her toward me. “How about you go upstairs and wash your face, or better yet get a warm shower.” I move my hands to her shoulders and massage them. “It might help you to relax before we get started.”

  She looks over her shoulder and pouts out her lips to me, and I place a quick kiss on them. “I think I’ll do that.” She takes one step toward the door, and I playfully smack her on the ass. She places her hand on her bum and giggles.

  I set up the control room while Elliot and Joe position things where they want it in the live room. As they’re finishing up, Lyla bounces down the stairs in a fresh change of clothes, but her hair is dry.

  “Did you decide against the hot shower?”

  “Yeah. I’m really anxious to get started.” She rubs her hands down her jeans.

  “I think they’re all ready for you in there.”

  She turns toward the door.

  “Lyla.” I stop her, and she walks back over to me.

  “Are you okay?”

  “For the first time in a long time, I feel like I will be.” She plasters on a beautiful smile and almost has a skip to her step when she joins them in the live room.

  Chapter 12

  We’ve barely left the recording studio in the last three days. We’re all beat and desperately in need of a break from one another. I will say, Lyla seems happier. I haven’t seen that darkness in her eyes since she told me about Red and Jacob. I don’t know whether exhaustion has taken over or if she’s truly a lot better because I haven’t felt the bed dip at night with her getting up, and she’s still tangled up with me in the morning.

  Every song is as close to perfect as we can get it. Elliot wrote the music to Lyla’s song, “I Don’t Want to Hurt Anymore.” They all voted to use it as their lead song, and I couldn’t agree more. Her voice is raspy and soulful when she sings it. And, watching her, I feel every word. It will tug at the hearts of her fans, which she’s going to have so many of. I wouldn’t be surprised if this time next year she’s nominated as the best newcomer and song of the year. I fully expect several of her songs to hit the top charts in different genres.

  “Is it all wrapped up tight?” Elliot is stretching out his arms.

  “Yeah. You guys get out of here. I’m going to make a few minor adjustments and then make a phone call.”

  “How long do you think before we’re going to hear anything back?”

  “As soon as one of them
listens to her sing.” I laugh.

  “You’re awful confident.” Lyla is bending over with her arms dangling down and rolling her shoulders.

  “I know good when I hear it.”

  “I don’t know about you guys, but I’m going to bed for the next twenty-four hours.” She lifts her head and gazes at me. When she sees my expression and reads my thoughts, a slow smile spreads on her lips.

  She’s been so tired, she’s collapsed into bed every night. It’s been tough watching her sing because it makes me horny as hell. Her voice does something to me. I have plans for the two of us this morning. She’s right; they don’t have anything to do with getting out of bed.

  The guys grab their gear and head out.

  “I’m going to go upstairs and get a shower. Do you want to join me?” She bites the inside of her lip.

  “Let me make the changes I need and send a few emails with your music to the head honcho of Monster Music. Give me thirty minutes tops, and I’ll be up.”

  “Okay. I’ll start without you.” She winks.

  “The shower?” My eyebrows raise.

  “Mmmm, and other things.”

  “This can wait.” I hop out of my chair and chase her upstairs.

  One thing led to another and another with Lyla yesterday, and I never got back down to the studio. I’m not complaining by any means, but I hate leaving things hanging. After I’ve completed the changes, I send out some emails and attach the recording of her lead song to Greg Bakker. He’s the ultimate record label maker. He’s made more stars than any other company.

  The email is not enough. I pick up my phone and give him a call. He picks up on the second ring.

  “Jameson Wilde, you never call me.”

  “Hi, Greg. I sent you an email, but I wanted to follow up with a call. I got a client that you’re going to want to snatch up. She’s the best thing I’ve heard in a really long time. Unique as they come.”

  “I’ll open the email and move her to the top of my list. I have a meeting in five minutes. Thanks for sending me Stormy Weather. I think they’re going to do well if Axel doesn’t become more of a prima donna. The boy took off someone’s head when they didn’t have the right water in his dressing room.”

  “I’m sure you can persuade him to behave.” I laugh.

  “Yeah. I gotta go but I promise I’ll listen to what you sent me, and I’ll get back with you.”

  “Thanks, Greg.”

  I go back upstairs to find Lyla at the coffee pot. “What do you say to us getting out of here today?”

  “Too bad you don’t have a motorcycle. We could go riding.”

  I grab her and swing her around. “I could go buy one if that’s what you want.”

  She giggles. “You don’t have to go to that extreme. There’s snow in the mountains. How about we go tubing?”

  “Tubing.” I pull back and look at her. “Don’t you know how to ski or snowboard?”

  “No, and I don’t think at this point I want to learn and risk breaking a bone. What do you have against tubing?”

  “Nothing. If that’s what you want to do, then I’m game.”

  “Great. It’ll be a nice break from the last couple of days.” She smacks her lips with mine, then wiggles free. “I’m going to drink this entire pot of coffee before we do anything.”

  “Okay.” I laugh. “I’ll go get ready while you selfishly hog the brew.”

  “God that was fun!” The snow left on Lyla’s sock hat flies in my face when she pulls it off her head. She giggles, and I blink back the flakes on my eyelashes. She shrugs. “Sorry.”

  “I don’t happen to think you are.” I take off, chasing her around the car. She’s snorting so hard she trips face-first in the snow. I stand over her, snickering. “Serves you right.”

  My phone, which I left in the car during snow tubing, is ringing. I touch the door for it to unlock and grab it.

  “Boy, you’ve found a gold mine.”

  It’s Greg. “So, you listened to her demo?”

  “I want more, and I want her in here as quickly as possible, along with her band. Did you send this to anyone else?”

  “Only you. The others are cued up in my email in case you had lost your touch and didn’t pick them up.” I chuckle.

  “I want to sign them and get them into the CMA Music Festival.”

  “That’s only a month away. Are you going to be able to work them into the schedule of artists lined up?”

  “You let me worry about that. Just get them in here.” His words are final as I hear the line go dead.

  Lyla is brushing the snow off her. “Who was that?”

  “It’s the man that’s going to make Gypsy famous.” I pick her up and swing her around in my arms. We fall to the ground together, and she takes out her phone.

  “I want a picture of this moment.” She reverses the camera to selfie mode and snaps a picture of the two of us. I swipe it out of her hand and send it to my phone.

  I help her up and take great pleasure in brushing the snow off her, and she does the same to me. She’s all smiles and has never been more beautiful to me.

  We get in the car, and she immediately calls Elliot and Joe to tell them the news. I put my finger up to stop talking for a moment.


  “He’s working you into the CMA Music Festival next month.”

  She lets out a squeal and tells the boys. “I think the last month at Boomer’s, every song should be practiced for the concert.”

  I was going to suggest canceling the rest of their time at the Brew’s Brothers, but that’s actually a really great idea.

  She hangs up and watches the snow on the mountains disappear as we head back to the city. “I don’t want to lose you,” she says out of the blue and looks down, gazing at her empty hands.

  “What are you talking about?” I reach over and take her hand.

  “I got a taste of how crazy this business could be with Red. Life on the road makes it hard. You have your recording studio.”

  “I’ve just found you. I’m not giving you up. We’ll find a way to work it out.” I kiss her fingertips.

  “What about security?”

  She doesn’t have to explain her fear. “I’ll hire a team to protect you.”

  “That didn’t help Red and Jacob,” she whispers.

  “I’ll keep you safe, Lyla. I promise.”

  “Okay. I trust you.” She picks up her phone and looks at the picture she took of the two us. “I love this.”

  “I love you. I never thought I’d fall in love, and with you, it came like a thief in the night with one purpose, to steal my heart. I’ve never felt this way about another person. You own my heart, Lyla Flynn.”

  Her eyes are watering as she leans over and places a soft sweet kiss on my cheek. “Thank you for loving me. I’ve been unlovable for years. You made me want to love again.”

  I pull the car over to the side of the road and kiss her. “I’m so glad you chose me, baby.” Our combined breaths fog up the window. “If we weren’t on the side of a busy highway, I’d take you right here.”

  She licks her lips. “Then you better hurry up and get us home.”

  I release her and make my way back on to the road. “I need to call Greg back with a time he can meet with the three of you.”

  “Is tomorrow morning too soon?”

  I smile. “Not at all. I’ll call him when we get back and set up a ten o’clock meeting.”

  “The guys are so excited. Elliot has dreamt of this for years. He had a taste of it with Red. Do you know he was offered a leading guitar role with one of the major bands after Red died?”

  “He never mentioned it.”

  “He turned it down because of me. I think he felt like I couldn’t bear losing another person in my life. He was right, but I’ve always felt guilty that I needed him. He’s stuck by me through all my all-night benders of drinking. I’d lose days at a time, not wanting to face any of my days. I’d be angry every morning I
woke up. He forced me to live, and at times I hated him for that. Him giving up his chance, for me, is the only reason I’m still here.”

  “I’ll be sure to thank him. He’s going to be bigger than he ever imagined.”

  “Thanks to you.”

  “Thanks to your pipes.” l laugh.

  After I’ve locked up my car in the parking garage, we walk hand in hand across the street to my place. We strip our clothes off on the way upstairs and take a long, hot shower, enjoying each other's bodies.

  While Lyla concocts something for dinner, I call Greg and let him know of the plans. I also send him the rest of the recordings of her songs.

  “I made a few phone calls, and she’ll be opening for the biggest country singer scheduled at the concert. Your boys from Stormy Weather might not be happy because I bumped them down a couple notches, but she’s going to be well worth it. The crowd is going to make her an instant star.”

  “Wow. I can’t believe you pulled that off so quickly.”

  “She’s going to make me millions. I’ll fight for anything that gets her face and songs out there.”

  I check over my shoulder to make sure Lyla is not in earshot. “Do you remember Red Flynn?”

  “Yeah. He was that kid that was a rising star that was killed before he had a chance to see it.”

  “Lyla’s last name is Flynn.” My voice is hushed.

  “Oh, man. She was married to Red?”

  “Yes. I need to make sure fans can’t get to her. It terrifies her.”

  “I’ll get the best men I know to protect her.”

  “I appreciate it, man. We’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

  “Be prepared to receive a big fat paycheck.”

  “About that. I’m contacting my attorney when I’m done with you. I want to set up a foundation in the name of Jacob Flynn, so hold on to that money until I have more specifics on it.”

  “Jameson?” I hear his chair creak through the phone. “You’re in love with this girl, aren’t you?”

  “You could say that.” I chuckle. “Wait until you meet her.” I hang up.


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