Epic Love Stories--Complete Box Set

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Epic Love Stories--Complete Box Set Page 47

by Kelly Moore

  Chapter 13

  One month later, at the CMA Music Festival…

  * * *

  “I still can’t believe we’re here.” Lyla’s taking it all in as the security team leads us to their dressing rooms.

  Roadies are strategically placing equipment backstage, getting ready for their band's gig. Groupies are not allowed to hang around backstage at the outdoor arena at the Nissan Stadium. It’s strictly enforced by security personnel, including local policemen that’ve been hired to handle the expected tens of thousands of people attending the two-day festival.

  Lyla has her own bodyguard that doesn’t leave her side until she’s on stage. Their other guard follows Elliot and Joe around. Elliot grumbles about it, but he knows it makes Lyla feel better.

  In the month that Monster Music has been promoting Gypsy, Lyla’s song has hit number one on the charts and has not budged. Two of her other songs are sitting at the number two and three positions.

  Greg has already got them set up to open for some of the biggest names this year. He said he wouldn’t be surprised if they were the headliner for next year, once they get some more recordings under their belts.

  “Do you hear that? Listen to the crowds cheering.” Lyla is bouncing on her toes.

  Her security guard, Nick, opens the door to the dressing room and checks it out before he lets us inside.

  “Man, look at this spread of food they have in here.” Elliot picks up a croissant.

  The other guard stands outside the door, and I hear him asking for Identification. A few minutes later, Axel and his band storm in the room.

  “Hey, man. I heard your girl was going to be here.”

  “Yeah. They’ll be on the stage after the next band. How did your performance go?”

  “Awesome. We rocked the house.”

  “Monster Music is working out for you then?”

  “Yeah, once Mr. Bakker reamed me out about my attitude.”

  “He likes his peeps to make him look good. I’ve known him to cancel contracts over what he deems poor behavior.”

  He walks over to Lyla. “Congratulations on your song hitting number one.”

  “Thanks. I hear you’re doing well on the charts too.”

  “I wanted to tell you how sorry I am about what happened to you. I met Red once. He was a good guy.”

  Lyla’s smile slips momentarily, but she recovers pretty quickly. “He was.”

  “I’m going to grab something to eat. Good luck tonight.” He fist-bumps her.

  “Are you going to eat something before the show?” I fix a plate.

  “No, I’ll wait until afterward.” She walks over to the narrow couch and puts her purse down. Her back is to me. I hear glass clink together, and I turn around to see her pull a small bottle of liquor out of her bag.

  “I thought you weren’t doing that anymore,” I say behind her.

  “You’re right.” She shoves it back in her purse. “I’ll grab a bottle of water, and I’m going to go change clothes.” She steps up on her tiptoes and kisses me.

  I walk outside and check out the crowds of people. The arena is sold out, and spectators are shoulder to shoulder. Phones and cameras are being held in the air, snapping pictures like crazy. I can feel the bass from the speakers reverberating in my chest. The music is near deafening from where I stand.

  There are people swaying back and forth to the music, some drinking and stumbling as they shoulder their way through the jam-packed fans. Others are lost in the music.

  “This place is going to go crazy when she starts singing.” Elliot grasps my shoulder.

  “Hey. Everything okay?”

  “Yeah. I wanted to get a look at the crowd. This is more than I could ever have imagined.”

  “Do you think Lyla will be okay?”

  “I think the first time on that stage will be the hardest, but once she sees them eat up her music, she’ll be fine.”

  “We just have to keep the crowd settled down around her. After she’s fulfilled her obligations with the fans, there’s a plan in place to get her to the van before anyone could get to her.”

  “Good, because I think that would set her back.”

  I glance at my watch. “This band should be ending soon. Let's go make sure everything’s ready.”

  We head back in, and I find Lyla in a room in the back of the dressing room. Her bodyguard nods at me when I open her door.

  “Wow, you look beautiful.”

  She stands as shows off her legs in her suede short skirt and black sheer top. “I’m glad you approve.” She giggles.

  “Are you ready?” I wrap my arms around her waist.

  “Yes, thanks to you.”

  “Finish up, you have five minutes to be backstage.”

  I show my badge to the final security point to take a seat to the left of the stage behind the curtains. Lyla’s guard will be detailed in this area. The other one will be on the right side of the stage. The arena’s security team will be down on the floor in front of the stage. She’s aware that there is an area roped off in one corner of the arena where she’s to autograph items for fans. It’s in their contract, so there was no getting out of it.

  The band that’s performing takes their final bow and exits the stage. The lights on the stage go dark as roadies jump in and start changing out equipment, setting up for Gypsy. Fresh bottles of water are placed within the reach of each band member. The sun is starting to set, so they set up different lighting. A message board on the back of the stage lights up in bright yellow lights, Gypsy, and the debut song title – “I Don’t Want to Hurt Anymore.” They make one final adjustment to the speakers and amp positions, then they scatter off the stage.

  The guy emceeing the concert comes out and introduces Gypsy. A loud roar of applause fills the stadium. Elliot and Joe make it to the stage first. Lyla is escorted to the side of the stage by Nick. She nervously rubs her hands together and makes eye contact with me. I mouth the words “I love you,” and she smiles and makes her way to the center of the stage behind the microphone. She talks to the crowd and introduces herself and the band.

  “The first song I want to sing for y’all tonight was written for someone I love very deeply.” She takes the microphone from the stand and glances my way, then back to the crowd. The band starts to play an upbeat melody.

  * * *

  It Belongs to You

  * * *

  It’s two a.m., and I lie here awake

  The hurt no longer overtakes

  I smile with a vision of your face

  Falling in love in this space.

  * * *

  Time no longer stands still

  I finally made it over the hill

  The ache remains in my soul

  But love slowly replaces the hole.

  * * *

  Mmmm…baby, I’m ready to be yours

  You tell me you love me

  And I haven’t been able to say the words

  But I’m ready for your love

  I’m letting my love out, and it belongs to you.

  Mmmm…baby, it belongs to you.

  * * *

  You fill me with so much joy

  I no longer feel the need to be coy

  My heart weeps with a need

  That only you can heed.

  * * *

  My arms are open and waiting

  With a need, with a craving

  To keep you close to my side

  To one day be your bride.

  * * *

  Mmmm…baby, I’m ready to be yours

  You tell me you love me

  And I haven’t been able to say the words

  But I’m ready for your love

  I’m letting my love out, and it belongs to you.

  Mmmm…baby, it belongs to you.

  * * *

  I’m lost in her words and barely hear the sound of the crowd roaring, their feet stomping, and screaming her name. Lights are waving in the air, chanting for more. My eye
s burn with tears behind them. I want nothing more than walk out on the stage right now and hold her as close as I can to me. “She finished the song,” I whisper to myself.

  When she sings the last note, she has her head lowered. She looks up and then over at me again. I know we’re in a crowd of thousands, but the song was sung solely to me.

  Elliot switches gears and the next song starts, our moment gone, but one that I will always remember.

  The fans grow louder and louder with each song she sings. When they get to “I Don’t Want to Hurt Anymore,” the lights go out except one that remains only on her. Out in the stadium, all I can see are lights waving and the swaying of hands in the air. Tens of thousands of people are quiet as she sings. You can see every emotion of every word on her face. She’s making the fans feel every single word with her. I’ve never seen anything like it. I have chill bumps running up and down my body. Without realizing it, I’ve lain my hand over my heart. I close my eyes and savor this moment for her. She deserves this after the heartache she’s been through. Her music is healing her and touching the hearts of many.

  The lone light goes out, and the crowd goes wild, screaming her name and wanting more. Her guard walks out onto the stage and ushers her off. I’m on my feet falling in behind them. Nick has her tucked into his side, and they’re moving quickly. They don’t stop until he has her back inside the dressing room where the next band up is hanging out.

  When she turns in my direction, she has a wide smile, and her eyes are filled with a sparkle. “That was amazing.” Her arms fly around my neck, and she plants a kiss on my lips.

  “That song, baby…” I moan in her mouth. “You finished it.”

  “For you.” She kisses me repeatedly very quickly. “I meant every word.”

  I lean out of her grasp to look into her eyes. “You want to be my bride?”

  She nods.

  “Let’s do it.”

  Before she can respond again, the organizer of the festival peeks her head in and tells Lyla she needs to get to her autograph booth.

  “Will you stay with me?”

  I know this is the part that scares her the most. “I’ll be there the entire time.”

  A wall of a security team escorts us down to the area that’s roped off from the rest of the stadium. They have a table set up for her under a white tent. T-shirts that Greg had designed for Gypsy hang on a makeshift board.

  One side of the table has event staff selling the shirts and collecting the money. The fans move through a roped-off line to get their items signed.

  Lyla’s knee is bouncing under the table. It’s been her only telltale sign of nervousness tonight. I keep seeing her look out, but not making eye contact. I know who she’s looking for, but there is no way she’s here. I walk behind her and place my hands on her shoulder. I lean down and whisper in her ear. “You’re safe, baby.” I feel her shoulders relax beneath my hands, and she starts being friendlier to the fans and interacting with them. They love her. Each of them telling her how much they love her music.

  When her committed one hour is up, Nick and I get her out of there. Elliot and Joe have already gathered their things, and they head to the van with the name of their band now printed on the side. Several groupies are hanging out by it, waiting for a glimpse of Gypsy. Nick and I sandwich Lyla between us, placing her in the back of a black four-door limo parked four cars behind the van before anyone can see her.

  “That was so exciting. Thanks for helping me get through the autographs,” she says as soon as we’re all buckled. The driver pulls out, and she rests her head on my shoulder. “Normally after a show, I’m psyched and can’t sleep, but I’m exhausted. Would you mind if we went home?”

  Home. I love that she considers my place her home. She did give up her Airbnb when her contract ended with Boomer last week. I kiss the top of her head. “Home sounds good to me.”

  She’s sound asleep when we make it back. I don’t have the heart to wake her, so I unbuckle her, slip my hands under her, and carry her all the way upstairs and tuck her into bed.

  She immediately curls on her side and hugs my pillow.

  “I love you, Lyla,” I whisper and climb in with her.

  Chapter 14

  “I do,” I say as I place the silver band with our names engraved on the inside on her finger. Lyla didn’t want a fancy ring or to wait to get married.

  One week after the concert, she had convinced Boomer to close the bar one night for us to get married in the place we met. It only took her two days to get everything lined up.

  White twinkling lights are strung up across the ceiling. Round tables are covered in cloths and strewn with confetti. Simple yellow flower centerpieces adorn each table. She’s kept the guest count to only a few, but she wanted it beautiful.

  Her gown is a pale shade of blue; at times, it almost looks white. It drapes over her collarbone off the shoulder. It’s long and slender and hugs her shape nicely. Her hair is down with soft curls at the ends, and her shiny lips have been calling my name since she stepped out onto the dance floor to say I do with me.

  “You may kiss the bride,” Boomer says. He got ordained online so he could marry us. I kiss my wife for the very first time, and cheers are heard over our shoulders. We part and turn, and holding her hand, we take a glass of champagne that’s being handed to us by Tyler.

  “I never imagined that getting your sorry ass here to listen to her sing would end up in you marrying this woman,” Tyler toasts, chuckling, and clinks our glasses.

  “Me either.” I join in his laughter.

  “Seriously. Congrats, man. I couldn’t be happier for you. I thought you’d never get married. You’ve inspired me so much, that Megan and I are tying the knot.”

  “That’s great. Congratulations, man.” I clink my glass with his.

  He turns his glass to Lyla. “You’ve not only married my best friend, but you have an exciting career ahead of you. You’re one lucky lady.”

  She taps his glass and takes a sip of her champagne. “Thank you.”

  “Go mingle for a minute. I want to put some music on and get my sexy wife out on the dance floor.”

  I take off my suit jacket and throw it on the back of a chair. Boomer was able to get a DJ at the last minute. “Here is the mix I want you to play in between a few of the songs you’ve picked out.”

  He takes it from me. “Thanks for letting me be here tonight. It’s an honor to play at Gypsy’s wedding. That girl is going to go far. I’ve gotten more requests for her songs than anyone else’s. She’s charmed a flood of people.”

  “I’ll let her know.”

  I find her huddled in the corner with Elliot and Joe. “Hey, no shoptalk tonight.” I come up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist.

  “I was making sure she had the flight schedule for tomorrow,” Elliot says.

  “I’ll make sure she’s on the plane, but tonight, I get to enjoy my wife.” I drag her onto the dance floor.

  “I’m sorry we aren’t getting a honeymoon.” She places her hand in one of mine. My other hand lays on the small of her back as we sway to the music. “I just didn’t want to wait to get married until the tour was done.”

  “It’s okay. We’ll have plenty of time for a honeymoon.”

  “Are you going to be able to come to Seattle for any of the concerts?”

  “Not this trip. I have clients lined up for the next couple of weeks. You’ll only be gone for a few days.”

  “Then it’s off to…where?” She squints.

  “Right now, it could be to the moon, and I don’t care. I want to spend the time we have lost in each other.”

  “I can do that.” She rests her head on my chest, and I grow hard between us. She giggles. “I think we better get lost soon before you embarrass yourself.”

  I reach between us and adjust the tightness of my pants. “I will never be embarrassed that my wife turns me on.”

  She looks around the bar. “Everyone seems to be preoccup
ied.” She slips her hand between us and presses her hand firmly on my cock.

  “That doesn’t mean you have to make it more apparent.” My voice cracks. I snatch her hand in mine and drag her off the dance floor. I storm to the dressing room with her on my heels. I slam the door behind us and lock it. I press her up against the wall, capturing her lips with mine. “Now, you can make me as hard as you want.”

  To my total surprise, she pushes me off her and grabs my shirt collar, pressing me to the wall. She releases me and slides her hands down my shirt, untucking it. She goes down to her knees, unbuckling my slacks. “I’ve dreamt about doing this to you.” She looks up at me under hooded eyes. I watch her every move.

  She releases me from my boxers. My cock plops out and lands on her awaiting lips. Her red lipstick looks sexy on the tip of my dick. She licks a few times, and then I disappear inside her mouth. I brace my hands on her shoulders and enjoy each and every suck. She slides her hands between my hands and applies pressure as she squeezes my balls.

  “Lyla,” I hiss, and my head falls back, making a thumping noise on the wall.

  She stops, and I look down. “I like when you watch me,” she says and resumes her sweet torture. She bares her teeth but not to the point of pain. My legs start to shake and sweat forms on my forehead. I don’t know how much longer I can hold out.

  “Baby, if you don’t want me to come in your mouth, you need to stop.” I run my hand through her hair.

  She answers me by sucking me in to the core. I lose my mind as the sensation builds, and I release inside her beautiful mouth. She doesn’t let up until she licks up every drop.

  She stands, and I go to touch her, but she stops me. “This was for you…my husband.” She places me back in my pants and zips me up. “But when we get home, it’s your turn.” She licks her lips.

  I grab her, kissing her deeply. I taste the saltiness of myself on her tongue. “I’ll have no problem giving you everything you need.”


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