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The Rise Of Harlem's Princess 1-3 Boxset

Page 27

by Chrissy J

  “My baby cooked for me?” I asked getting off the bed, he smirked as I went into the bathroom and washed my face brushed my teeth and walked back out to the room Major asked what I had plan for the day while feeding me.

  “I don’t know if I want to do anything today, my head still hurt” I told him feeling my stomach turn I jumped off the bed running to the bathroom I threw up all the breakfast I ate ‘I need a pregnancy test ASAP’ I thought Major stood at the doorway looking at me

  “You alright Boo?” he asked wiping my face with a warm rag, he helped me to the bed while he cleaned up the bathroom I laid down and went back to sleep.

  Major went out to Rite Aid and brought me a pregnancy test and some Tums.

  “Sleepy head” Major said in my ear

  “Yes baby?” I asked opening my eye’s Major was standing there holding a bowl of soup, I sat up in the bed and ate the soup

  “Thanks, I feel a Lil better my head stopped hurting. Did my phone ring?” I asked after I finish eating

  “That shit been ringing off the hook, Trill said he was on his way over here” he said taking the bowel from me, I grabbed my phone off the night stand. I looked at my phone Eddie called three times, Kendu called twice and my father called five times making me worried I called my father back he answered on the first ring.

  “Well damn, it’s about time you called me back. When I’m going to see my grandchild?” he asked I looked up at the ceiling.

  “Daddy when I come back to New York I’ll bring him to see you” I said

  “Diva bring your ass to the house” he yelled through the phone, I asked him if he was in Virginia and he went in telling me if he was telling me to be somewhere then that meant he was in the same place I was at. After he finished yelling he hung up in my ear; I looked at the phone in confusion. I got off the bed making my way to the bathroom to jump inside the shower with Major on my trail. I told him my father was down in VA and I needed to go see him. Major nodded his head telling me as long as he got to see me that was all that mattered. “Of course you can see me” I said going into the bathroom I took a shower then I threw on the sweat suit I had on last night Major walked me to Trill Benz

  “Don’t forget to take the test’ he said hugging me

  “I am” I told him kissing him; I got inside the car and drove off calling Trill. He answered the phone on the first ring telling me what I already knew. That my father was in VA and he had Lil Man with him; I asked Trill where he was at and he told me him and Hershey just pulled up in front of Nana house, I told him to wait for me.

  I pulled up to Nana house in five minutes I didn’t even let Trill get out the car I turned the Benz off and got out jumping inside his Range Rover

  “What’s up bitch?” I asked Hershey pushing her from behind the seat

  “Nothing hoe, your father tripping out calling me early in the damn morning. How they let his ass out the hospital?” she asked turning in her seat

  “I don’t know, but I know that’s not him doing all that bullshit. You already know the deal. But I’m going to nip that shit in the bud today,” I said sitting back in the seat. Trill drove like he was a bat outta hell. We got to my father crib in ten minutes tops, me and Hershey got out the truck walking to the door. I rung the bell and we waited for the drama queen to open the door.

  “Well hello to you to Diva” my mother said opening the door

  “Hi” both Hershey and I said walking passed her. My father was sitting on the sofa with Lil Man in his arms. My baby was sound asleep in my daddy arms.

  “What’s so important you had to call me yelling and then Hershey?” I asked my father standing near the edge of the sofa with my hands on my hip, my father looked at me before standing up.

  “Meek come get the baby” he yelled Lil Eddie didn’t even move in his sleep from the bass of my father’s voice, my mother walked in the living room rolling her eyes at me I did the same to her. She took the baby and walked back out.

  “Diva who are you talking to? Sit your rabbit ass down” he yelled I stood there looking at him like he had two damn heads, I didn’t say anything to him as we both stared at each other. “Diva I think you should sit down” Hershey said my father never put his hands on me but the look he was giving me sent chills down my spine. He had a bitch a lil shook up.

  “Hershey, you can sit but I’m standing right here” I said

  “Oh, so you think I won’t put hands on you?” my father asked walking towards me, while Hershey was trying to pull my arm for me to sit.

  “I know you not going to put hands on me, so what’s this about?” I asked folding my arms over my chest, my father stopped a few inches from me and smirked.

  “What was so important that you had to fly down here knowing you had business to take care of in NY?” he asked looking into my eyes with fire burning in his own.

  “One of my friend’s daughter was in the hospital so I came out here to see her, as far as the business in NY I have that handled already. Plus you had your girlfriend with you playing the happy fucking couple so I know you wasn’t missing me, Lil man or Fantasy” I said my mother walked back in the living room with Trill behind her.

  “Diva I’m two steps away from slapping your spoil ass” she said coming towards my face I stood there grinning. This lady just didn’t know how bad I wanted her to try to jump bad so I can lay her ass out.

  “That would be the day daughter and mother would get down and dirty, I wish you would. Don’t try to act like my mother now. That’s Mary job and has been for the past seventeen years. Hershey go get Lil man we out” I said daring my mother to jump bad with my eyes; Hershey and Trill made the move to go get the baby when my father spoke up. He told Hershey to leave Lil man where he was at; he grabbed my arm taking me out the living room to the kitchen.

  “Diva what’s wrong with you? Why you treat your mother like that?” he asked me still holding on to my arm, I looked at him like he grown two heads. Waiting for him to release my arms but I knew he didn’t move unless was to the beat of his drum.

  “You can get off my arm because you’re hurting me and second I don’t have anything wrong with me. I treat that lady the same way she treats me” I said looking at my father with a frown on my face, he let my arm go.

  “Diva that’s in the past, that’s your mother and we’re together now so you have to respect her the same way she has to respect you” he said about to hug me I moved away from him the look on his face showed hurt I never denied my father a hug or kiss.

  “You got that right y’all are together. I don’t have to deal with her and her racket ass. And when did you start calling me Diva?” I asked deepening the frown on my face, he smiled shaking his head at me like I just said something funny.

  “My Princess mad?” he asked coming to me

  “Yea I’m mad, first I had to find out I have a brother then this shit with you and her. Mary was more of a mother to me than her” I said. He shook his head before saying both me and my mother would never get along. I opened my mouth to speak when my mother came walking inside the kitchen speaking like we asked her for her two cents. “Because she thinks you’re her man instead of her father, I told you to stop spoiling her. She wants you all to herself” my mother said walking in the kitchen

  “Who was talking to you? I remember my father leaving you in the living room, Yo I’m out I see you whenever you get back to NY because I’m going to say some shit that’s going to hurt her feelings” I said grilling her. My father became the peace maker real quick both he and my uncle knew my mouth was deadly when I went HAM on somebody. Looking up at my mother then my father I wondered why he would even take her ratchet ass back. After my father told me to leave Lil man down there with them I nodded my head in agreement, my father pulled me in a hug, hugging me then kissing my forehead and my mother stood there with an angry expression after sucking her teeth.

  “I want to know what shit she have to say, because you see sweetie, I have my man” she said
r />   “Yea for how long, because everybody knows if and when Mary reappears you’re going to be history once again. You are worrying about what I have to say, when you need to be worrying about that nigga that you laid down with to make my brothers. Nigga got a thing for little girls and he don’t mind giving them shit so he can have his way. Daddy I’m out, love you” I said kissing him on the cheek. My father pulled back some to look in my face, I knew he was trying to find out if Whitey ever tried some shit with me and as tempted as I was to tell him about that night that Whitey laced my weed I knew I couldn’t, I was hot in the ass and I always felt like I had one up on my mother because her baby father couldn’t stop lusting over me, but I wouldn’t hurt her soul like that so I never brought it up until now.

  “What are you talking about little girl? Whitey fuck with grown woman not little girls.” She said trying to come back with that whack shit she just spit. I just shook my head chuckling,

  “If you tell it, but on the real. Daddy I’m gone, and no you have to worry about that nigga ever trying to do that shit with me, but that’s what the word is out on the streets.” I said

  I heard my mother say Bitch while she started walking towards me. My father gave her a deadly stare before telling me to watch my mouth; he asked if I needed money I shook my head no and walked out the kitchen. Hershey stood up when I walked in the living room; she asked me if I was ready to go. I grabbed my purse and Hershey stood up following me to the room where Lil man was sleep. I kissed his sleeping face and Hershey did the same. “Princess be careful I’ll be home in a week, if you need anything call Uncle Mike” my father said;

  “Mel she not no baby” my mother said giving me the evil eye

  “To him I’m going to always be his leading lady and number one baby, get used to it” I said laughing my father smirked pulling out his black card, he joked about me leaving him broke before hugging both me and Hershey. “Love you Princess, don’t forget that” he said walking us to the door while my mother stood there rolling her eyes, she’ll always be number four. Granny number one me second and Mary third yup that was the order in my father’s book. Trill was upset that I was taking Hershey back home but he’ll get over it I told him Money before pleasure.

  The flight back to New York was fast, Eddie was waiting for me when I walked out the airport. I was happy to be back in New York I wanted to go see my daughter. I couldn’t wait to bring her home from the hospital. I walked into Eddie waiting arms and kissed his lips; he whispered in my ear saying how much he missed me. I told him I missed him to while we all walked to his car that was double parked in front of the airport. He had one thing on his mind and that was tearing my lil ass up in the bedroom; I was looking forward to it.

  Eddie dropped Hershey off at Teddy house and drove us home. Once we got inside the crib Eddie was all over me he took my Gucci jacket off and I took his off, he picked me up against the wall once I was completely naked as we tongued each other down, Eddie slipped into my wetness.

  “Damn Goddess” he said hitting me with deep strokes.

  “Eddie” I moaned kissing his face

  “Goddess I’m about to cum” he moaned in my ear;

  “Me too Boo” I yelled creaming all over his dick, Eddie came right after me. Eddie started walking up the stairs when I got on my knees, Eddie got behind me and began fucking me long and hard as he grabbed my waist pounding into my wet pussy.

  “Who pussy is this?” he asked while I threw my ass back at him

  “Yours boo, damn I love the shit outta you” I yelled busting my nut the same time he did, I laid on the stairs with him

  “Eddie get your heavy ass off me” I laughed pushing him with my elbow, Eddie stood up picking me up with him

  “Come on Goddess, you look spent. When your pops bringing my Lil man home?” he asked laying me on the bed

  “He said he is coming back home in a week” I told him closing my eyes just like that I was out.

  A week came and went and my father still wasn’t in New York with my son, I knew it was my mother doing. Eddie was getting pissed off because he wanted his son home. Fantasy was due to come home in two days and everybody couldn’t be more than happy when we all got the news from her doctor saying she was in good health and gain ten pounds.

  “Daddy when you bringing Lil man home?” I asked when he picked up the phone;

  “Princess we’ll be home tomorrow, what’s wrong?” he asked.

  “Oh nothing, Eddie misses him that’s all. Plus Fantasy coming home and I want both my babies’ home with me. So I’ll see y’all tomorrow” I said; he asked what plans I had for the day and I informed him that me and Hershey was taking our bikes out to hit up the Rucker’s being that it was the last Basketball game for the summer. “Y’all going to show off, damn the summer flew by fast. Just be careful” he said laughing we hung the phone, Eddie walked in the room with his Gucci book bag.

  “What’s good for the day Goddess?” he asked bending down to kiss me I looked at him;

  “Nothing, me and Hershey going to take the bikes out and go to Rucker’s. What you have plan for today?” I asked getting off the bed Eddie looked at my body and licked his lips

  “You know I hate when you get on that damn bike, I don’t know why your father and uncle brought y’all those shits for y’all birthday” he said going into the safe, Eddie was pissed off when the motorcycle’s got dropped off on me and Hershey birthday we was in August now and me and Hershey only rode on the bikes once.

  “Boo you know I’m good, stop worrying. Oh yea daddy said he’ll see us tomorrow” I said sitting on his lap.

  “I can’t wait to see my Lil nigga” he said kissing my neck up to my lips

  “So what do you have plan for today?” I asked again kissing him back

  “Nothing, me and the crew might hit Rucker’s so don’t be showing off too much” he laughed, he gave me a nice little quickie and we both jumped in the shower. Hershey hit my phone ten minutes after I got out the shower asking what time she should come to the house so we can leave. I told her to bring her ass on now it wasn’t going to take me long to throw on my outfit. Oiling my body I put on my Juicy Couture shorts with my red open back Gucci shirt and my red Gucci sneakers, I put my hair up in a ponytail fixing my bang then I put my diamond earrings in my ear. I grabbed my blue and pink diamond tennis bracelet and necklace Kevin brought me for my birthday and put it on.

  “That’s what you wearing?” Eddie asked sitting up in the bed to get a good look at me

  “Yea, Is there something wrong with what I have on?” I asked spraying some Daisy by Marc Jacobs on my neck and body.

  “Dem shorts are too short, don’t make me have to kill somebody today” he said; I gave him a kiss telling him not to worry about the shorts before going to the door and opening to find Hershey standing there with Teddy. I hugged both of them before walking out with Hershey.

  Me and Hershey walked to the garage to our bikes. Both of us had the new Suzuki GSX-R750 sports bike, my father had mine painted Baby pink and light purple. On the side of the bike the guy that did the paint job spray painted Harlem’s Princess, Hershey bike was baby blue and pink with Hershey Kisses on the side. We put our helmet’s on and started our bikes. We got to Rucker’s in no time.

  “Ahh damn if it isn’t Harlem’s very own Princess” the DJ said turning the music down some

  “Damn and look at Hershey kisses y’all” he said laughing causing me and Hershey to laugh

  “That nigga is too funny, it’s packed out this bitch” Hershey said we got off our bikes turning them off, and we started walking around.

  We were in the third week of August and it was always crazy shit popping off at the Rucker’s park. Everybody came from all over for the Basketball tournaments that were always held in the summer. Hershey gutted a Dutch and began rolling up when I smelled that smell I knew all too well.

  “Your man let you walk out the crib like that?” I heard a familiar voice say I turned around to fin
d Kevin standing there

  “He ain’t my daddy” I said smiling.

  “That’s what he think” he joked smirking I hugged him, he hugged me tight.

  “I’ve missed you Diva, I’m happy our baby girl coming home” he whispered in my ear

  “Me to, I can’t wait for her to come home” I said pulling out of his embrace. Kevin told me my uncle Mike was somewhere in the park I nodded my head while Hershey passed me the blunt.

  “Yea, well I’ll catch up with y’all later” he said hugging me and Hershey, we weren’t there an hour when Asia and her Lil goon squad walked in the park we made eye contact and she looked away

  “That bitch think she got it like that” Hershey said rolling her eyes at Asia and her Lil weak ass goons. I just shook my head laughing at her bum ass.

  “I see her, pass the dutchie pon the left-hand side” I said we both laughed, I heard my phone ring and I saw Kendu name flash on the screen

  “Diva” I answered my phone

  “I see you still hiding from me” Kendu said on the other end

  “Now tell me how am I hiding from you?” I asked passing the blunt back to Hershey

  “Every time I try to link up with you I can never reach you, now what’s up with that?” he asked I was about to respond when I felt somebody tap my shoulder, I turned around and he was standing there looking fine as hell I hung up my phone he did the same

  “I told you I be busy, I should be saying your hiding from me” I said hugging him


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