The Rise Of Harlem's Princess 1-3 Boxset

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The Rise Of Harlem's Princess 1-3 Boxset Page 29

by Chrissy J

  “She’s the maid, cook and whatever else I say she is. Don’t worry Shawty she can cook” he said laughing

  “So I’m supposed to eat all this by myself?” I asked looking at him he sat on the bed with me and we fed each other

  “Ha bringing Hershey over here so y’all could leave together” he said taking the tray from me, I shook my head drinking my orange juice.

  An hour later Hershey was walking in the house with Ha, we got ready to leave. Kendu walked behind me grabbing me by my waist.

  “When I’m going to see you again? I really enjoyed your company” he said to me wrapping those sexy ass arms around me

  “Whenever you get time call me, I’ll find time to spend with you” I said hugging him he kissed my forehead and we were on our way.


  Spending time with Diva was cool, I knew Shawty for a Lil minute but never took the time to step to her or spend time with her, her father and uncle were cool people that I fucked with back in the days when I first got in the game.

  “Yo it’s crazy how Diva look just like Story” Ha said passing me the blunt we was sitting in my spot after Diva and Hershey left

  “I know that shit had me bugging. Street never said Story had any other brothers and sisters and we’ve known Kim for a minute and I never seen her with any other kids besides Rah and Cookie” I said shaking my head, Street is our baby cousin from both my father and mother side

  “Yea I feel you, and I know you only kicking it with Diva because she remind you of Story young ass” Ha said laughing

  “Whatever nigga” I said sitting there thinking about the beautiful Story that I had a crush on since I saw her one day while I was passing by in Brooklyn, I knew nothing was going to happen between us because my Lil cousin scooped her up before I got a chance. Diva remind me of her every time I seen her. Diva was smart and sexy and she held her people down.

  “Hershey is gonna be my wifey, watch what I tell you King” Ha said breaking me outta my thoughts

  “What about Brie?” I asked him talking about his girlfriend of six years

  “Man she be on some bullshit, we just not seeing eye to eye right now and with her being in Atlanta it’s making it worse” he said rolling another blunt, I looked at my little brother and understood where he was coming from. I’ve been with my baby mother Soraya for five years. I love her to death but I fell out of love with her. She the type of girl that loved drama, and she do the craziest shit to piss anybody off. She kept the fact that I had a son from me until he was five months, she my ride or die chick we’ve been through so much shit that it’s going to be hard for me to try to end what we have. I wanted to see where this thing with Diva was going to go, I know she with her baby father but what she told me about him it was just a matter of time before he fucked up and she up in leave him. I wasn’t trying to step on no nigga toes, but I wanted Diva and whatever I wanted I got it.


  When we got home, boy did we both hear an earful. Eddie was pissed off because I stayed out all night and didn’t bother to call him, I just looked at him then I told him that’s how I be feeling. My father brought Lil man home and I couldn’t be happier to have my prince with me. We finally brought Fantasy home and it was bittersweet, I had a nice little thing set up for Kevin to see his daughter on the weekends. My father helped out with that, he made sure he came and picked both Lil man and Fantasy up on the weekends making it seem like he was taking both of them to his house but he was really dropping Fanny off to her father. Everything was going smooth in my house hold me and Eddie was getting along and I talked to both Kendu and Major every other day. November came and we started planning Lil man and Fantasy first birthday time was flying by fast it was already a year both my Lil man and my Princess was born. My father and mother rented a nice hall in Brooklyn to have their party. Their birthday landed on Thanksgiving again Nov, 25. So after the clowns, Elmo along with all the Disney Princess and the face painters were done with the kids entertainment we all sat down and had our Thanksgiving dinner, it was so nice to have all our friends and family in the same building without any bullshit popping off. After eating the kids ate cotton candy and popcorn they watched a magic show and jumped around in the bouncy house that my father paid for, my little brother was even there looking just like me and my father my mother should have gotten a reward for being the perfect girlfriend/ step mother. Kevin was there beaming with pride looking over Fantasy, Eddie wasn’t being an ass like he normally would do when Kevin was around.

  A week after Thanksgiving that’s when I stepped into hell….

  Chapter 8

  When It Rains It Pours

  You know the saying ‘When it rains it pours’ well that’s what was happing to me and my fucked up life, one of my father’s spots got robbed. The stupid ass workers that was in the spot broke one of the rules never drink and get high while on the job, we took a lost for $40,000. I beat the living shit outta the two young dummies I would’ve killed them if Bookie and Hershey wasn’t there to stop me. I wanted to teach them a lesson and I got my shit across to their dumb asses. I had them working double shifts. Then the drama in my household was stressing me the fuck out. Eddie started his old tricks again. Thank god the doctors confirm that I wasn’t pregnant and I was clean from any STD, I brought boxes of condoms for Eddie. I didn’t trust him so he wasn’t raw dogging me.

  I was lying in bed with Lil man and Fantasy one night when I got a phone call on the house phone.

  “Hello” I picked up on the first ring so the ringer wouldn’t wake Lil man up

  “You have a collect call from Eddie Green, would you like to accept this call press 5. If you would like to block this call and any other calls from this number press 7” I pressed five

  “Ma I need you to bail me out” Eddie said when the call went through

  “What the hell happen? You know what don’t answer that. Where they have you at?” I asked sitting up on the bed

  “I had a fucking warrant for fucking child support, they pulled me over just to fuck with me on my way home from mom dukes crib” he said

  “So you’re in Brooklyn? Did you see the judge?” I asked

  “Nah we have to wait until the morning, look Goddess the phone about to cut off. Love you” he said and the phone hung up. I sat there pissed off this nigga in jail ain’t no telling if he was riding dirty, and that bitch Shady was going to get her ass beat once I got my hands on her, how the hell she gonna put him on child’s support when I make sure Eddie send her a money order for three thousand dollars a month plus pay her rent in the apartment he left her, this trick was getting that ass beat. I picked up the phone and called my father

  “What’s wrong Princess?” he answered

  “Eddie got locked up” I told him

  “What’s wrong with her? Is EJ and Fanny okay?” I heard my mother in the back ground asking

  “Meek they are all alright, E got locked up. Princess what he saying?” my father asked the sleep leaving his voice

  “He said he had a warrant for child’s support, and he won’t see the judge until the morning” I told him

  “Alright I’ll call Goldstein in the morning, get some sleep Princess” he said

  “Thank you daddy, love you” I said

  “Love you to Princess” he said hanging up. The next morning I was up bright in early I got myself Fantasy and Lil man dressed before driving to the court house in Brooklyn, Tammy was there waiting for me.

  “I hope they didn’t find nothing on his ass” she said hugging me then taking Lil man who damn near jumped out of my arms to get to his grandmother

  “He didn’t say anything like that; he sounded real calm on the phone. Wait until I get my hands on Shady” I told Tammy, my father lawyer walked out the court room before we could go in

  “He has already seen the judge. His bail was set for 10,000 and he will be on house arrest until his court date which is next month” Ms. Goldstein said

o when he’s coming home?” Tammy asked all she cared about was his money and if he went to jail how she was going to maintain the lifestyle Eddie got her used to

  “He should be out in a couple of hours maybe two, Diva I need you to go home and clean the house make sure there’s nothing in there to stop them from letting Eddie do his house arrest there” she told me winking at me I knew what she meant by cleaning the house,

  “Who posted his bail?” I asked

  “Your father, now go” she said hugging me again then leaving. I went home and cleaned the house from top to bottom, Kendu called me in the middle of me cooking

  “What you doing Shawty?” he asked

  “Cooking, I just finish cleaning the house. I’m waiting for some people to come check the crib, this nigga got locked up last night and the lawyer got him house arrest until next month when his court date” I said sitting on the stool in the kitchen.

  “That means lock down for you to” he chuckled I rolled my eyes while checking up on the babies who was knocked out in their play pen.

  “Hell no, that shit don’t mean shit for me. What you doing tonight?” I asked

  “I was trying to see you tonight?” he said

  I told him we still can see each other before we hung up, the people came by to check the house and approved everything. An hour later Eddie was walking in the house with his whole family. Including Eddie little sister. I really didn’t want that hoe in my house but I bit my tongue from spazzing out and kicking her hating ass out.

  “Goddess I’m home” he said walking inside the kitchen, I got off the stool walking into his arms.

  “I’m glad your home boo” I said kissing him, he picked me up sitting me on the counter;

  “All I kept thinking about was you, Lil Man and our Princess I don’t want to be away from y’all” he said wiping the tears that began rolling down my face.

  “Me either boo, I love you” I said kissing him again, I did love Eddie it was just his ways and his cheating that turned me off

  “I love you to Goddess” he said nibbling on my neck, Tammy walked in the kitchen clearing her throat

  “Y’all have all night for that” she joked making me smile

  “I know we do Ma, Boo did the people tell you everything that pertains to the house arrest?” I asked getting off the counter

  “Yea, I can’t go no fucking where but to the store and right back in this bitch” he said pissed.

  Everybody ate and Tammy took both Fantasy and Lil man with her. I told Eddie my cousin was having something in his crib in Jersey and I had to be there. He didn’t bitch or complain he told me to go have fun. He said he needed to make some business calls and that would take all night. I went up to my room jumped in and out the shower and threw on my Juicy Couture Black skinny leg jeans with a Pink fitted Juicy Couture t-shirt with my Pink and Black Manolo Blahnik 6’ heels. I pulled my long hair up in a tight pony tail fixed my bang to the side and sprayed some Love Spell from Victoria Secret all over my body, I put my pink diamond studs in my ear grabbed my pink Gucci bag and was walking out the room

  “Boo I’m ghost” I said walking into the living room, Eddie looked up from texting on his phone

  “Alright Goddess, be careful aye tell Mel to holla at me” he said I walked over to him and kissed him

  “I got you boo” I told him walking out the door, I jumped inside my Lexus and drove off I called Hershey she told me she was going to Ha crib, I told her what I told Eddie to get out the house and she said Mel was going to kick our asses because she used him as her excuse to. I called Mel and told him the deal, after telling me I owed him he agreed.

  I drove into Queens going to Kendu house; I had butterflies in my stomach. It was something about Kendu that scared me not in a bad way but in a good way. Messing with Kendu was going to be new he wasn’t like Eddie or Kevin shit not even Major was his level. Kendu was in his own world and I was going be sitting pretty right next to him. I pulled my phone out my purse to call him.

  “Ken I’m out front” I said hanging up the phone, I looked up to see him walking out the front door with a big smile on his face. He open my car door picking me up out my seat, he carried me inside the house.

  “What you put on me?” he asked kissing me on the lips

  “I didn’t put anything on you yet” I said laughing

  “You got jokes?” he asked laughing with me than sitting down next to me he removed my heels and began rubbing my feet while I lit a blunt.

  “So where you been? You went MIA on a chick” I said passing him the blunt

  “I went down to Atlanta to see my kids and sisters, I tried calling you but your phone kept going to voice mail” he said standing up; I asked him where he was going he told me he was going to the kitchen to check on the steaks he had in the oven. I sat on the sofa smoking and watching ‘Down To Earth’ with Chris Rock “Just in a world of your own” Kendu said coming out the kitchen with our plates, I looked up at him with a grin on my face. We sat there eating and talking until Kendu’s phone rang

  “Yo” he answered on the second ring, whoever was on the other end had him smiling hard

  “Hi Princess, what you doing up this late? Where your brother?” he asked smiling even more I sat there staring at him, you could tell he loved his kids a great deal and that made me smile.

  “Okay Paris I love you, goodnight” he said hanging up, he started laughing

  “That little girl has a mind of a grown ass woman, she sitting there with her older brother and cousin. I asked her what she doing up she going to say ‘daddy mommy took me to the mall and brought me a new touch screen phone I just wanted to call you and tell you I love you, oh yea and so you could know about my phone’ she a trip” he said I had to laugh with him.

  “And how old is she? Where her mother? And how many kids do she have?” I asked cutting my steak, he laughed

  “Raya in her room with King, Leek not her biological son she was with this cat from Atlanta for two years. He got killed last year in his will he left his son to her. She have two boys and two girls, Queenie is her niece her mother got killed two years ago. Raya and her best friends got custody of her” he told me taking my plate

  “I give it to her, she’s a strong ass person” I said leaving the subject alone, I didn’t want to talk about his baby mother or any other woman when I was with him. Kendu walked out the dining room with our empty plates, when he came back we went upstairs to his room. I asked for a T-shirt while stripping out of my clothes. Kendu had his back to me getting me a shirt; I stood there in my bra and panties with a smirk on my face. He turned around to find me standing there smirking at him.

  “Why you have to do me like that?” he asked walking towards me;

  “What I did?” I asked looking at him. He ran his finger down the middle of my breast to my belly button sending chills down my spine, I looked up into his eye’s we both didn’t have to say anything with words we both knew what we wanted. He picked me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist as we began kissing; he unsnapped my bra and threw it to the other side of the room. My breast was free and standing at attention Kendu put my nipples in his mouth one by one I moaned helping him out his wife beater. I kissed his tattoo covered chest he laid me on the bed and kicked off his timbs and pants. He climbed on the bed on top of me and began sucking my nipples I don’t know what trick he was doing with his tongue but just him sucking my breast I was Cumming, he licked and kissed my neck going back to my nipples then going down to my kitty cat. I thought I seen stars when his tongue finally made contact with my pearl; I had two powerful orgasms that had my legs shaking like jello.

  “Ken” I moaned I had his head locked between my thighs, he grabbed my waist tight sucking all my juices. In all my eighteen years I never had a nigga suck a nut outta me. When he finally raised his head up from between my legs his mouth was glazed like a doughnut.

  “You ready for me Shawty?” he asked taking his boxers off and stroking his dick that was stan
ding at attention, he looked at me with those sexy ass eyes they was Hazel today with little specks of green.

  “Lay down and let me take care of you” I said pulling him down on the bed he laid on his back handing me the magnum condom, boy when I got up close to his dick I had to do a double take Major and Eddie was packing a good 9 ½ but this nigga had the whole package I’m talking about a good 11 ½ and he was thick. I licked around the head then took him in my mouth. I sucked him off for ten minutes before I put the condom on him; I climbed on top of him and eased down on him inch by inch

  “Damn your pussy tight” he grunted closing his eyes he grabbed my waist bringing me down fully on him, I rode him feeling him inside my stomach.

  “Damn bae” I moaned riding him faster he flipped me on my back sliding back inside me, I creamed all over his dick.

  “Yea baby, your pussy feels good, keep Cumming on my dick” he said going faster, looking at him through my half open eyes I had to bite my bottom lip feeling another orgasm come over me.

  “Turn around” he said sliding from inside me; I got on all four turning my head to look at him. He slapped my ass cheek making them jiggle he got behind me sliding back inside me, I threw that ass back If Maria was on call all she would’ve heard was straight fucking and moans. We went at it for two hours straight, we went in the shower and he oiled my body down and I laid in his arms I fell in a deep comfortable sleep with no care in the world.

  Around three in the morning I woke up, Kendu had his arms wrapped around me tight. I tried to get up off the bed without waking him but I failed. He tightens his hold on me and asked where I was trying to run off to I looked at his face his eyes were both closed but I could tell he was up his breathing pattern changed. I whispered to him that I had to use the bathroom, he whispered for me to don’t keep him waiting long then he let me go. I smiled getting off the bed, I walked inside the bathroom. I used the bathroom and washed my hands then brushed my teeth before walking out the bathroom. When I walked in the room Kendu was sitting on the edge of the bed talking on the phone.


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