The Rise Of Harlem's Princess 1-3 Boxset

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The Rise Of Harlem's Princess 1-3 Boxset Page 30

by Chrissy J

  “Raya I’ll be down there in two days” he said I threw on his robe and walked out the room I was hungry so I went to the kitchen. I poured me some Fruit punch juice and pulled the chocolate cover strawberries out the refrigerator, I stood near the counter. I was about to put the strawberry in my mouth when Kendu walked behind me.

  “What you doing down here?” he asked I turned to face him with the strawberry

  “You were on the phone so I came down here to give you your space, plus I was a little hungry” I said he picked me up sitting me on the counter he stood between my legs as I put the strawberry near his mouth, he took a bite then leaned into me so he could feed me the rest of the strawberry from his mouth I ate the strawberry and kissed him.

  “You greedy” he said laughing and kissing me again. We went back up to his room and fell back to sleep, A couple of hours later I was awakened out of my sleep to my phone ringing

  “Hello” I picked up on the second ring

  “Goddess Lil man in the hospital” Eddie said on the other end of the phone I sat straight up in the bed. Everything in my body froze, I just got one baby out the hospital after spending a coupling months in that bitch and I couldn’t handle having my son in the hospital. I tried to calm down because it felt like I couldn’t breathe; I asked Eddie what was wrong with our Prince. Kendu woke up sitting up in the bed and pulling me into his lap once he seen my body trembling.

  “I don’t know Goddess, all my mother said was Lil man stopped breathing in his sleep” he told me I jumped off the bed throwing my clothes on, I hung up on Eddie once he told me what hospital my son was in.

  “Shawty is everything alright?” Ken asked genuinely concern once I was fully dressed.

  “My son stopped breathing in his sleep” I said with tears rolling down my face, I knew god gave you test and he wouldn’t put too much on you that you couldn’t handle so I didn’t question what god was preparing me for. I just got my family back to normal with Fantasy being out the hospital.

  “Damn Shawty, is he alright?” he asked grabbing me in a bear hug

  “’I don’t know” I said crying into his chest, he walked me to my car and I called my father ass I drove off

  “What’s up Princess” My father answered

  “Daddy Lil man stopped breathing, Tammy took him to the hospital” I cried my vision my blurry

  “What hospital is he in? Where you at” my father yelled.

  “I’m driving into Brooklyn, he’s in Brooklyn hospital” I said

  “Say no more” he hung up on me I called Hershey and told her she started crying. I drove to Brooklyn Hospital when I got off the BQE, my father was pulling up behind me, and I paid for parking and ran into my father arms and started crying. I was scared that my baby didn’t make it, flashes kept popping up in my head.

  “Princess he’ll be alright” My father said wiping my face, after I calm down both my mother and father walked with me into the hospital. We were lead to the Pediatric ICU Tammy, Teddy and Ashley was sitting there.

  “What happen to my son?” I asked Tammy walking up to her

  “Everything was good, I fed him and Fanny some chicken gave them a bath and then laid them down on the bed with me. He was wheezing a little bit but not that bad, then he fell asleep” Tammy said wiping her face.

  “If you would have told my mother he have Asthma we wouldn’t be here” Ashley said rolling her eyes at me

  “Asthma My baby never had any signs of being an asthmatic, so come correct. Why you are even here step the fuck off” I said my father got in the middle of us

  “How long he wasn’t breathing for?” My father asked I looked at my mother who was taking her earrings off. She never got along with Tammy and she been inching to tear her ass up for the bullshit she put me through when Ashley threw it up in the air that Fantasy didn’t look like Eddie.

  “Mel, he wasn’t breathing for two to three minutes, Ashley you better watch your damn mouth” Tammy said giving her a look. My mother went up to the nurse station to inform them I was at the hospital and I wanted to speak with the doctor that treated Lil man, five minutes passed when an Indian doctor came to speak to me. He told me that Lil Eddie suffered from a massive Asthma attack, I asked him why I never notice the signs of him having Asthma he told me Many people do not know they have asthma, especially if their symptoms aren't severe. But any asthma symptom is serious and can become deadly, I stood there listening to the doctor explain what was wrong with my Lil Prince I was falling into pieces when he told me that Asthma can be deadly. Then he explain the common symptoms of Asthma like Coughing, especially at night, with exercise, or when laughing, Trouble breathing.

  A tight feeling in the chest and wheezing which is a squeaky or whistling sound could be heard and those were signs of an Asthmatic. My father thanked the doctor and asked can we see Lil man, the doctor said we can see him and if I had any more question to let the nurse page him. I walked in the room where my baby was hooked up to machines, and he had a tube in his mouth and an oxygen mask over his nose. I broke down near his bed. Tammy left along with Hershey to go get all the kids’ stuff that was left at Tammy house. Teddy drove and dropped Fantasy off to Eddie when everything was happening

  “Hey Lil man, Papa here” my father said his voice was cracking I looked up and seen him wipe a tear from his eye, my mother already was crying stroking Lil man head. I took his hand into mine and rubbed it along my face then kissed his hand.

  “Hey Lil Man, mommy here and I’m not going nowhere until I take you home with me. I love you Man-Man” I said kissing his forehead, I hated to see my son, My Prince so weak. He open his eye’s giving me a big smile when he seen me causing me to smile for the first time since I got the call from Eddie and coming to the hospital.

  After two weeks in the hospital they discharged him, he had to have three treatments a day and take steroids to make his lungs stronger a nurse came to the house twice a week to make sure he was recovering well. During those two weeks I had my father pick Fanny up and drop her off to Kevin so he can bond more with his daughter he didn’t mind at all. Kevin loved being around his daughters together, I called every day to talk to both him and Fantasy. My baby girl was my pride and joy she could make the evilest person melt with her smile and gray eyes.

  “Princess did you start your Christmas shopping yet?” my father asked once I picked up the phone I just finished putting little clips and barrettes in Fantasy curly hair and I was getting ready to do some braids in Lil man head.

  “No daddy, I’m going out tomorrow. Eddie had to go see some lady today so I’m stuck in the house until he comes home” I told him

  “Okay just checking, your mother going to make me broke if she keeps shopping” he laughed

  “I bet, you got her spoiled so now you have to deal with that” I laughed with him, I checked on Fantasy who was sitting on the sofa watching Winnie the Pooh.

  “How it’s been since Eddie been home?” he asked

  “Its pure hell, that nigga is driving me crazy. I can’t wait for his next court date so we can see if they going to take that damn thing off his ankle” I said blowing air out of my mouth and laughing. My father said he hoped the judge let Eddie know what was going to happen at his next court day. I couldn’t agree more, Eddie was driving me crazy. Him being on house arrest and me not really doing anything all day but stay in the house was making me sick. He just did the dumbest shit and irked the shit out of my nerves; some days it seemed like I was raising three kids instead of two. I know I was being mean to Eddie; I was tired of seeing him in the house all damn day. He would just sit in front of our 50’ flat screen playing Call of Duty and talking shit on his phone.

  My father asked what the kids were doing; I told him that Fantasy just finished getting her hair done and she was watching Winnie the Pooh while Lil Man was about to get his hair braided. He informed me that my mother wanted them for the weekend and I was okay with it. Taking care of two 1 year olds was a handful. Kevin h
elped out with Fantasy whenever I needed him to and Hershey would even come and take them for a few hours. Eddie only wanted to help out with Lil Man; he really didn’t do too much with Fantasy like holding her for long periods of times or really bonding with her. He talked a good game when other people was around but when they were gone and we all was alone he would have Lil man and I dealt with Fanny which I didn’t mind she my Princess. Eddie thought he was hurting her or me but he was wrong. My baby girl had a wonderful father; Kevin made sure we didn’t want for shit even when I told him I didn’t need anything from him he still made sure I had. He even let me keep Harmony a few times out of the week when he was out in the streets taking care of business. Eddie didn’t say shit and even if her did it would go in ear and out the other. The house we lived in was mine not his and I could have anybody in that bitch if I felt like it. I stopped fucking with Barkeem since the night me and Ashely had the big blow up and I was happy he found somebody to chill with and be happy with. Me and Kendu was talking and getting to know each other more. As far as Kevin and I there was nothing happening, he was talking to some chick and he seems content. Eddie walked in the house asking if I cooked while walking into the living room he bent down to kiss me then sat next to Fantasy who was in the middle of us. I told him I didn’t get a chance to take anything out and we should order pizza because my father was coming to get the kids in a few, getting up and sitting on his lap, he took his Champion sweater off and grabbed me in a bear hug. He kissed and nibbled on my neck saying we were going to have the crib all to ourselves; I nodded yes and closed my eyes as his finger messaged my scalp. I felt his dick go hard against my ass and I moved on him.

  “You are so nasty, come on Lil Man so mommy can braid your hair. Boo can you pack his Meds and his pump?” I asked Eddie got up and went upstairs. I put some cornrows in Lil man hair, I was braiding the last braid when the doorbell rang. I didn’t have to pack anything for the kids because they both had their own room at my father’s house with a closet full of clothes. I knew it was my father at the door, I picked both of my babies up on each hip and walked to the door

  “Grandpa” Lil Eddie and Fantasy said clapping their hands I open the door and my father was standing there with my uncle.

  “Yes grandpa, hi daddy” I said Fanny was trying to jump out my arms into my father’s open arms. I was the Queen of the castle but Fantasy was the Princess and she had everybody wrapped around her baby finger. Everybody tended to her every want and needed, she’s my miracle baby.

  “Hey Princess, come here Grandpa Fanny Panny” my father said taking the baby from me while my uncle took Lil man. We all walked into the living; I hugged my uncle and he started his normal questions. What I been up to and he hope I wasn’t out fighting over no nigga. I had to nip it in the bud; I told him that me fighting Asia was old and I didn’t feel like talking about her and all the bullshit. I asked how my aunt Tina was doing; he laughed saying she was getting on his nerve. My father and I started cracking up.

  “I know what you mean, between Diva and Meek I’m going to be broke. That lady can spend money” My father said I rolled my eyes

  “Well that’s what you wanted, she hit the jackpot” I said

  “Stop doing that” my father said looking at me, my uncle shook his head

  “Mel, she has a point, do Meek love you for you or your money?” uncle Mike asked my father waiting for him to answer the question.

  “Yo I never asked myself that question, she always fussing when I talk to Diva about money and shit” he said

  “You should’ve known that, she never liked the way you spoiled Diva so now that Princess is half way grown she feel like you don’t have to take care of her” My uncle said laying all the cards on the table, my father didn’t say anything Eddie walked in the living room with a wife beater and basketball shorts.

  “What’s good Mel, Mike?” he asked giving them dap and sitting the baby bag down my father looked at him and chuckled.

  “Nigga we need to talk, I heard what happen at Rucker’s and I’m not feeling this Asia chick” My father said Eddie looked at me I threw my hands up shaking my head, I really wanted no parts to this conversation.

  “Mel it’s nothing, I took care of that, that bitch don’t know how to take its over easy” he said

  “Yo I’m going to take your word, but if that bitch come at my Princess again in any way we going to have some problems. My baby girl not going to be fighting over no nigga, she has two babies to take care of. If you feel like being with this other chick then bounce but you’re not going to be playing mine” My father said calm as ever, he stood up. I finish putting the babies Burberry snow suit on them, Eddie grabbed the baby bag and didn’t say anything he kept staring at me. My father and uncle left with the kids leaving me and Eddie alone.

  “I knew that bullshit was going to come back to bite me in the ass” Eddie said going back into the living room and lighting a blunt

  “Boo that shit is old news, can we enjoy each other?” I asked taking my shirt and sweat pants off, Eddie blew smoke out his nose and smirked. I walked over to him and pulled his shorts down his dick was hard as a rock. I sucked him off then put the condom on him that I had inside my bra; after making sure the condom was on I climbed on top of him. He grabbed hold of my waist and grind with me, twenty minutes into it Eddie cell started ringing he ignored it the first two times but I couldn’t take the ringing I was trying to bust a nut. I grabbed his phone before he could. I looked at the screen and Asia name popped up three times, I got off of him.

  “What you doing Goddess? I was about to cum” he said trying to grab me back on him

  “Why don’t you call this bitch back and cum in her mouth” I said throwing the phone at him, I walked in my room with Eddie following behind me

  “Diva” Eddie yelled, I walked into the bathroom turning the shower on

  “Why does she keep calling you? You must still be fucking her” I yelled getting in the shower

  “I don’t know why she calling me, come on Goddess we was doing good let that shit mess up our vibe” he said trying to get in the shower with me.

  Chapter 9

  Welcome To Miami

  “Eddie I’m done with the bullshit and all the lies, I already told you if that’s where you want to be then go and leave me the fuck alone” I said turning the shower off and getting out I wrapped a towel around me and walked into my room, I put on my baby pink Juicy Couture sweat suit with my hot pink Uggs Boots.

  “Where you going?” he asked

  “I don’t know yet” I yelled at him putting my earrings in my ear and spraying some Chanel 5 on my body, I grabbed my wallet and walked out the room and the house. I jumped into my red Range Rover my father gave me and drove off towards Hershey crib.

  “Book how things looking on the block?” I asked Bookie when he answered his phone.

  “Everything is everything over here” he informed me

  “Aight keep me posted” I said

  “Fo’ sho” he said disconnecting the call, I parked down the block from Hershey building and walked. I rung the bell, I knew she finally brought her ass home instead of staying at Teddy house

  “Who is dat?” I heard Sandy ask

  “Diva” I said she buzzed the door, I walked up to the third floor breathing all hard. Sandy was waiting for me with the door open wearing a big smile on her face.

  “I see this hoe had to come home for me to see you” Sandy said

  “Aww Sandy I’m sorry” I said hugging her, I walked in the crib. I saw a light skin girl sitting in the living room with some boxers and a wife beater.

  “Diva this Destiny, Des this Diva Hershey best friend” Sandy said

  “Hi” I said she waved and turned back to the TV

  “Where Bar and Keem?” I asked Home girl head snapped back around to face me and Sandy, both of us were sizing each other up. I didn’t know which brother she belonged to.

  “Bar just went to the store and Keem upstate
again, Hershey Ann in her room with her friend” Sandy said

  “What friend?” I asked walking towards the back where Hershey room was, I knocked on the door

  “Hold on” Hershey yelled

  “Hoe open the door” I said she open the door with a smile on her face, she hugged me and moved away from the door so I can go inside. I walked in the room and seen Ha sitting on the bed rolling up.

  “Sandy told me you had company so I came to be nosy, what’s up Ha?” I said

  “Nothing chilling with my boo today” he said

  “I hear that, I’m going to leave y’all alone. Hersh walk me to the door” I said walking out her room

  “Where is my god babies?” Hershey asked closing her door, we walked to the kitchen and started talking, I told her my father came and got the kids for the weekend. Then I told her everything that happen between me and Eddie when we were alone and how Asia kept blowing his phone. She was laughing so hard when I told her I left him hard as hell and hoped he get blue balls. “I knew you was in here somewhere, I smelled you” Barkeem said walking up to us, he grabbed me in a bear hug.

  “What’s good Boo?” he asked kissing my cheek

  “Nothing living life, how you been?” I asked

  “Barkeem you forgot my chips baby” Destiny said walking into the kitchen; she looked me up and down rolling her eyes. I grilled her hard as hell;

  “Why you can’t go get your own fucking chips, your legs don’t look broke to me” Hershey snapped at her

  “Who is this chick? Did I miss something over here?” I asked grilling her

  “I’m his baby mother” Destiny said

  “Oh I hear that, Congrats Bar. Hershey you going to be a auntie” I joked

  “Whatever bitch, I only have one nephew and niece. Can y’all excuse us?” Hershey asked looking at them and rolling her eyes.


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