The Rise Of Harlem's Princess 1-3 Boxset

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The Rise Of Harlem's Princess 1-3 Boxset Page 39

by Chrissy J

  Chapter 18

  All Over

  After me and Kendu got back together everything was going good between us, I just kept noticing that he had more business meeting that kept him away from home for two to three days. And those was the same days Story would be in LA, I told Hershey and she said I was tripping to even think my sister would stab me in the back and fuck my man, she pointed out that Story would be gone for two weeks at a time and Ken was out only for two days, I let it go. June couldn’t have come faster me and Hershey finally turn 21 years old my father threw us a banging party on a Yacht, he had some rapper’s there to perform and he got Trey Songs to sing me and Hershey happy birthday I had a ball Hershey couldn’t drink but we enjoyed ourselves to the fullest. Story and Street was on the outs come to find out this nigga was in Atlanta living a double life that nobody knew about, they wouldn’t tell me who the baby was by; but I had a feeling I already knew who the mother was and it was a damn shame. Army had a baby boy and gave him to Aunt Tasha, everybody was going crazy in our family. My father finally left my mother and got back with Mary, he left my mother with the house and a nice amount of money in a bank account for her. She wasn’t ready to give up her cash cow so she showed up and showed out. She tried fighting Mary every chance she got, Mary finally accepted MJ and her and my father was raising him just like they did with me, no body heard from Alex since they found her brother body burned off Hunts Point.

  “Diva can you meet me somewhere?” Eddie asked me one night, I just put the kids to sleep and Ken was out with Ha .

  “Eddie what do you want?” I asked

  “I just need to talk to you, meet me by Rucker’s.” he said hanging up, I put on some sweat pants and a t-shirt and my black and red Jordan number Seven’s. I put my hair up in a ponytail and left out the house Asia said she would watch the kids, I made sure I had my gun on me Eddie sounded funny and I got a funny vibe once I got to the park. I parked the car and stepped out the car.

  “Eddie are where you at?” I asked once he answered his phone

  “I’m coming right now, who with you?” he asked

  “Nigga why are you asking me all these question? You told me to meet you right? So, I came alone.” I told him hanging up.

  Me: Hershey I’m at Rucker’s park, Eddie wanted me to meet him so we can talk if you don’t hear from me in twenty minutes send the goons out and call my father I love you Chica.

  I sent Hershey a text and then I put my phone inside my pocket and fingered my gun, I didn’t see Eddie and Teddy creep up on me until I felt the cold steel pressed against the side of my head.

  “Diva I don’t want to hurt you but I’ll kill you if you make any movements.” Teddy said

  “For real Eddie you got your brother out here with a gun pressed to my head? What type of shit is this?” I asked looking at him he came and stood in front of me with his .44 bulldog gun aimed at my chest.

  “You chose to play this game Goddess when you took over the throne so now you have to play by the game rules, call your pops and tell him we want $1 million dollars and 20 keys within an hour or he can find your body floating in the Hudson river.” Eddie said with a wicked grin on his face, he didn’t look sane his hair was in a nappy fro and he had a beard his clothes was all baggy like he lost weight from the last time I seen him his eye’s was glossy like he was high off some kind of drug.

  “Eddie why are you doing this boo?” I asked him with tears in my eyes; it hurt me to see him like this.

  “I’m not your boo bitch, just do what I told you to do and maybe you can go home to your perfect little family with both my sons and those two bitches that you call daughters.” he yelled spit flew out his mouth.

  “Eddie,” I said

  “Diva do what he said,” Teddy said I knew Eddie put him up to this, so I had to get into Teddy head he was always the weak twin always following what Eddie said or did.

  “Teddy is you really going to let him kill the mother of your nephew?” I asked

  “This shit don’t have anything to do with that.” Teddy said I could feel his hand shaking because the gun was moving, ‘I hope his scary ass don’t shoot me by mistake’ I thought. Eddie dialed my father number.

  “Yo E what’s good?” my father picked up on the second ring.

  “Daddy I need you to bring a million candy apples and 20 bags of cotton candy within an hour to the Polo grounds, Ebony having a party for her son and she needs them.” I said in code.

  “Princess for real?” he asked I could the disappointment in his voice, he couldn’t believe that Eddie was doing this. Shit neither could I, I didn’t know Eddie was so much in his feelings about us not being together.

  “Yes, daddy please bring it so I can go home to my babies, she called me at the last minute and I came to Rucker’s to meet her and now her bulldog going crazy and she got nine right behind me.” I told him (Eddie got his .44 bulldog pointing at me and Teddy got his nine on the side of my head)

  “Say no more, Yo E I’ll holla at you in twenty minutes.” my father said hanging up.

  “Good girl,” Eddie said hanging up the phone.

  “Fuck you, you bum ass nigga. When my father come you really think he going to hand you a million dollars and 20 keys? You must be getting high to think some shit like that.” I said

  “You know what Teddy, I want to fuck this bitch before I kill her.” Eddie said putting the gun in his waist then walking towards me Teddy moved the gun from my head and I ran I didn’t get far before Eddie caught up to me and punched me in the face three times.

  “Where you trying to run to bitch?” he asked punching me again, all I remember from that night is me reaching in my sweater and pulling the trigger four times after that everything went black.

  I woke up in the hospital with my wrist handcuffed to the bed rail.

  “What the fuck?” I yelled opening my left eye, two detectives was standing there.

  “How are you feeling Ms. Woods? I’m detective Moore and this my partner Detective Grimes we here to ask you a few questions” he said.

  “Why I’m handcuff? and where is my father?” I asked

  “Your father has been notified, we’re here to ask you some questions.” Detective Moore said

  “I don’t even know what you want to know, how I got here?” I asked looking at them

  “You were brought here two hours ago, a female called 911 when she heard shots was fired the cops found you and an Eddie Green on the ground covered in blood.”

  “What? Is Eddie okay?” I asked

  “He’s in surgery as we speak; he was shot twice in the chest.”

  “I want my lawyer,” I said they left my room and my father and Ms. Goldstein walked in, from the looks on both of their faces I knew I was in some deep shit.

  “Princess are you alright?” My father asked hugging me.

  “I’m fine daddy, I can’t believe Eddie held me at gun point and was trying to rob me.” I cried

  “Trisha what she being charged with?” My father asked the lawyer

  “Right now, Diva you’re being charged with attempted Murder and carrying a fire arm without a license.” Ms. Goldstein said

  “This shit is not happening,” I said shaking my head.

  So after being in the hospital for four hours I was discharged into police custody, now I’m sitting in this dirty ass jail cell with my baby father blood on my hands, I don’t know what is going on with Eddie. I don’t know if he lived or if he died in surgery. Kendu didn’t come to the hospital to see me and I don’t know what’s going on with my kids. I’m 21 years old and I’m sitting in jail on an attempted murder charge… What a fucked up way to go out and over a no good ass nigga that couldn’t deal with the fact that we was over and I moved on with my life.


  ‘Damn did I really shoot Eddie?’ I asked myself as I sat in the stinking ass jail cell; I looked around me and shook my head at the scene that was taking place in my life. To the left of me I seen a whi
te chick that had a black eye and looked like a straight hooker, to the right of me was a dope fiend leaning to the side. I shook my head once again wondering how the fuck I got myself in here. The answer ranged loud in clear Eddie! My love for his trifling ass got me jammed up in a fucking jail cell on an attempted murder charge, I still didn’t know if he made it out of surgery with his sorry ass life. The shit that hurt me the most was the fact that he tried robbing me, fuck the ass whopping he put on me before I shot him. All the shit we been through he had the nerve to try and rob me, that shit hurt me more than anything he ever put me through.

  “Cinnamon Woods” the Officer shouted walking to the holding cell breaking me out my thoughts ‘why the fuck he has to call me that, why he just couldn’t call me Diva Woods?’ I thought looking at his sloppy fat ass walk to the cell and open it

  “Yea?” I asked standing up

  “You got a lawyer visit, let’s go.” he said putting the cuffs on my wrist, we walked out the back where the holding cells were to a room that was no bigger than my bathroom at the crib, I looked inside and seen Trisha sitting down looking over some paper work. She looked up once she heard the door open “Thank you, can you remove those cuffs from her wrist?” she asked the Officer he raised his bushy ass eyebrows at her

  “Are you sure?” he asked looking at me like I was a straight killer

  “I’m sure,” Trisha said giving him a cold stare, he did what he was asked

  “Ten minutes,” he told her leaving us in the room, once I heard the door close I started firing questions at her

  “Diva slow down,” she laughed but I didn’t see shit funny I asked the most important question why was I still sitting in here? Where my father? And who had my kids fighting tears that were trying to escape from my eyes; she informed me that my father was out front with damn near the whole family, Asia had the kids. She said she was trying to get me to see the judge tonight so she could see if I can get bail; “Did Eddie make it out of Surgery?” I asked looking at her waiting for the answer she blew air out her mouth while shaking her head.

  “He made it out of Surgery but its touch and go, he’s in ICU.” she informed me I shook my head and wiped my eyes, I really almost killed my baby father. Damn, I told her give it to me straight up don’t bullshit me. How much time I’m looking at? I needed to know what my options were. “They trying to start with 10 to 15 years, if he dies then they are going to charge you with a Murder charge and that starts with anywhere from 15 to 25 years to life.” she said I put my head down, I didn’t want her to see me cry and think I was some weak bitch she started talking again,

  “Diva look at me, I’m not going to let that happen. We have your phone and I have all the texts and the voicemail Eddie left asking you to meet him, we have proof that he beat you the marks on your face and neck didn’t put themselves on your body.” she said I looked up at her I told her I didn’t want to be away from my babies.

  “You’re not, we are going for self-defense. We have two witness that are willing to testify on your behalf that Eddie lured you to the park under the impression that he wanted to talk about Lil man.” she said that was all the news I needed to hear, the officer came back yelling the ten minutes was up both me and Trisha rolled our eyes,

  “Diva try not to get in trouble while you’re in here, we going to get you out.” Tasha said standing up, I said okay while wiping the tears from my face. I had to put my game face back on; I wasn’t going to let these bitches in here see me sweat. The Officer put the medal bracelets back on my wrist and we walked out the room and back to the holding cell, I walked inside the big holding cell and had to hold my nose because of the smell.

  “Your father said to keep your head up and your eyes open.” the Officer said before taking the cuffs off of me and closing the cell door, I turned around to face him he winked at me and walked off. I stood there staring at the females that was inside the cell with me ‘This shit is for the birds’ I thought

  “If it isn’t Harlem’s Princess,” I heard a female say I looked to my left and seen a group of females grilling me, all the other females stopped talking and looked at me

  “Oh, that bitch don’t have all that mouth without her side kick.” the female said standing up and coming from behind the group of bitches that was hiding her, when I saw her face I laughed smiling for the first time since coming into this hell hole.

  “Bitch please,” I said

  “Diva sit your whack ass down,” Tima said walking to me and hugging me

  “What your ass doing in here?” I asked once the other females seen there was no beef between us they resumed back to what they were doing.

  “You know me I’m always in some shit, I was riding with this nigga I met and the cops pulled us over. Come to find out this nigga had a dirty ass gun on him, when the cops asked whose gun it belonged to his punk ass said it was mine.” she said shaking her head

  “What? That’s some grimy shit,” I said pissed off for her

  “That’s what I said, you know Bookie is pissed off.” she said Bookie is her son father, he started messing around with her while she was a freshman in High school she two years older than me and Hershey, Bookie didn’t find out her real age until after she had their son.

  “I bet he is, you know that nigga is going to fuck you up.” I laughed

  “Fuck who up? Please that nigga know I would fuck him up.” she joked but both us knew Bookie was going to beat the brakes off of her when she went home, he didn’t play those kind of games when it came to her and other niggas.

  “Who had DJ?” I asked

  “My momma, I didn’t even want to call Bookie ass you know how he gets. I know Harlem is hot right now.” she said giving me the side eye

  “Word? What happen?” I asked

  “Bitch don’t act like your innocent ass don’t know what’s going on in your hood.” she joked


  “I heard Eddie got shot trying to rob somebody, I didn’t get all the info because the cops pulled us over and I had to hang up my phone, wait Diva tell me you not in here for trying to kill E?” she asked whispering

  “What? Eddie got shot?” I asked I put my acting skills to use; there was no why in hell I was going to tell her what happen. Friend or no friend I didn’t trust bitches except Hershey.

  ‘Damn I didn’t get to speak to my Hershey Ann’ I thought

  “You didn’t know he got shot? They said somebody shot him twice in the chest close range.” she said rubbing my back

  “I really need to get the fuck out here,” I said

  “What the hell you in here for?” she asked

  “Me and some bitch got into a fight at the supermarket and she had to be taken to the hospital” I lied

  “You need help, you should be out of here by the morning” she laughed

  ‘I hope I am out here by morning’ I said to myself. The whole night me and Tima talked all the females kept grilling us and wouldn’t get up from the little seat that was in the holding cell, Tima was about to go HAM on a few bitches for coming out the side of their neck but I calmed her down.

  “Cinnamon Woods, Fatima Harris, Jewel Ortega and Cynthia Brooks stand you’re going to see the judge” the same Officer from the night before said we all was hand cuffed and chained up together like we was some fucking animals

  “How the fuck they going to see the judge before me? I was here before all these bitches” a black chick said standing up

  “Don’t ask no questions, you’ll see the judge when it’s your time” he said closing the cell door; we followed him with another Officer behind us. They took us up some stairs into another holding cell and we had to wait for our case to be called Tima case was called thirty minutes after we was inside the holding cell

  “See you on the outside Princess” she said I nodded my head to her; it didn’t take long for the Officer to bring her back. She looked tight

  “That fucking judge is a fucking asshole, he didn’t give me bail
” she said sitting down next to me

  “That’s crazy, what he was talking about then?” I asked

  “He/she cuz that’s what that bitch is that is out there, said I have to be held without bail until the finger prints come back from the gun. But girl it seems like the whole fucking Harlem out there in that bitch, you sure you only had a fight?” she asked looking at me, before I could answer the court Officer called my name. I started sweating my nerves were all over the place, I was cuffed and chained again and we walked out to the court room from the back. When I walked in the court room it was shocking to see everybody that I loved plus half of my hood there ready to support me. I stood near Tasha while the judge looked at me

  “Cinnamon Woods how do you plead?” the Judge asked

  “Not guilty your honor, my client is a mother of three young children she’s currently in NYU for business management. She comes from a loving family and she have’s no prior arrest on her record, I’m asking bail be granted so she can go home to her young children. As you can see her mother and father are in the front” Trisha said the judge looked at the papers in front of her

  “Your honor I ask that she be held without bail until trail, she tried killing someone” the lady DA said standing up

  “In self Defense, the victim is her oldest child father” Trisha argued

  “Self-defense?” the judge asked

  “Yes your honor as you can see my client had to be taken to the hospital where she was arrested and brought to jail after being treated for cuts and bruises the victim put on her” Trisha said

  “That don’t give her the right to shoot him twice in the chest at close range, he’s in ICU fighting for his life and if he dies we’ll be going for Murder in the first degree” the DA said I heard a gasped behind me I turn my head a little and seen both Mary and my Mother crying.

  “No bail, DA Evans I’m giving you two months to come up with a strong case. Ms. Goldstein if the Victim doesn’t live between now and her next court date the charges will go from Attempted murder to Murder in the first degree” the Judge said I felt my knees buckle when the judge said I had to remain in jail for two months, two months that I would be away from my babies, my family and my man.


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