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The Rise Of Harlem's Princess 1-3 Boxset

Page 42

by Chrissy J

  “Happy birthday aunty Sparky” Asia said taking her from me, Sparkle loved her some Asia

  “Hey Jay-Jay, what aunty quarterback is doing?” I asked kissing Jaylon on his forehead, Asia put Sparkle in her high chair as I put Fantasy inside hers right before Kendu brought Lil man down stairs

  “I made pancakes, eggs and bacon. I know you have a lot of running around to do before the party, oh yea Aunt Tasha called” she told me making the kids their plate

  “Thanks sis, we have to be at Rita shop in an hour” I told her sitting down

  “Shawty me and the lil one’s going to get a shape up” Kendu said pouring himself some orange juice

  “Alright set me get his clothes out” I said

  “Already done, so once he eat I got him” he said, a hour later we all was walking out the house me, Asia, Fantasy and Sparkle got inside my Range Rover and Kendu and the boys got inside his Lexus.

  “Happy birthday bitch” I said once Story picked up

  “Thanks sis, where my Sparky at?” she asked

  “She right here your on speaker phone” I told her parking the car

  “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you Happy birthday to Sparky happy birthday to you” Story sang in the phone

  “Awe, Happy birthday Story” Asia said

  “Thanks Asia Boo, so where are y’all hoes?” Story asked

  “We just pulled up at Rita’s, what time you coming up here? You know Italy and Maya riding on the bus to the hall” I let her know

  “Bitch I’m at the crib in Harlem, Cookie on her way up here with Mony” Story said

  “Alright so meet me at the house when you’re done” I told her hanging up, we got out the car and walked inside the shop everybody stopped talking to look at me and Asia

  “Well damn, y’all bitches gonna stare at us all day?” I asked rolling my eyes

  “Princess cut it out” Rita said walking towards us

  “Hey RiRi you ready for us?” I asked hugging her

  “Yea come on to the back I know you in a rush, Happy birthday Sparkle” Rita said kissing Sparkle on her chubby cheek. After getting our hair and stuff done we left going to the Louis Vuitton store, I picked up Sparkle pink Louis Vuitton ballerina shoes with her pink Louis Vuitton bag. I only had to go to the tailor and pick up Sparkle pink and white ballroom dress along with Fantasy baby blue dress and Lil man white Armani suit that had to be hemmed up a little

  “They are going to look so cute walking inside the party like a real prince and princesses” Asia said smiling

  “They are the junior Prince and Princesses of Harlem trick” I joked, I got their stuff and we was on our way home when Asia dropped a bomb on me

  “Diva, Eddie has been calling me” she said with her voice cracking

  “How long has he been calling you? And why you never said anything?” I asked looking at her as we drove back into Harlem

  “He just started calling two weeks before you came home, plus I didn’t want to tell you because I knew it would only make you upset and question my loyalty” Asia said I looked at the road ahead of me and thought about what I was going to say next

  “Asia does your loyalty stand with me or Eddie?” I asked turning to look at her as we sat at a red light; I wanted to see what her answer would be

  “You don’t have to ask me that question Diva, my loyalty is with you and the FAM and I told Eddie that. I’m not going to jump out the window for a nigga that didn’t give two shits about me when I was carrying his son, I’m riding with you until the wheels fall off” Asia said the sincerity in her voice and the look in her eye told me she was talking from the heart and that she meant every word she spoke.

  “Asia no need to get all misty eye on me, I just wanted to see where your head was at. A war is about to come and I need to know who on my side or who against me” I told her parking the car in front of the house.

  We had an hour to get all the kids dressed plus our self before the party, both Sparkle and Fantasy was dressed looking like real princesses with their hair in big bouncy curls down to their shoulders. Both my princesses had the same princess tiara that I had when I turned sixteen but in a mini version to fit their head. These damn girls had on more diamonds then any grown woman I came across, Lil man was decked out in his white suit and his prince crown and his diamond chain Kendu brought him with his 2ct princess cut diamond stud in his left ear. You couldn’t tell him he wasn’t the shit, after making sure they were dressed I got in the shower and got back out I knew we was on a tight schedule. I got dress in a baby pink silk romper from Christian Dior with my white rhinestone Christian Louboutin; I styled my hair up in a high bun swapping my bang to the side with an up curl. I added a little pink eye liner with some pink and white eye shadow.

  “Alright Chica lets go, the bus just got here” Hershey said coming in my dressing room

  “How I look Hersh?” I asked turning around for her to see the whole outfit

  “I love it; you know I’m mad I can’t wear mines. You working it honey” she said

  “Hersh you look so pretty pregnant and the pink really bring out your skin tone” I told her putting my diamond hoop earrings on

  “Thanks Chica, you know all of us wearing pink right?” she asked

  “Yes I know that’s how I wanted. All the females in the family had to wear some kind of pink” I said grabbing my Gucci bag along with Sparkle, Fantasy and Lil man change of clothes.

  “Come on I’m ready to eat” Hershey joked looking to cute in her Gucci summer dress with the back out stopping near her ass crack

  “Ha didn’t say anything about that crack showing in the back?” I joked

  “Please the whole time I was getting dress” she said causing us both to laugh.

  Major got to my house just as we were getting on the bus,

  “Y’all went all out for baby girl” he said hugging me and giving Kendu a pound

  “You know I had to do it big for my Princess first birthday” Kendu said laughing while he held Sparkle who was smiling at Major, I seen the look in Major eyes he still believed that there was a chance that Sparkle could be his but never said anything else about it.

  “Hi Ms. London” I said bending down to hug her

  “Hi Diva I missed you” she said hugging me tight

  “I missed you to Lil mama, you ready to have fun?” I asked taking her hand in mine

  “Yes” she said she was wearing pink also, Gucci from head to toe. Me and Jackie spoke and then we was off to Brooklyn to the Rose Castle that we rented out for the day, the party bus was made just for kids. It had everything a child would play with and more, once we got to the hall Kendu put on Sparkle glass shoes he had made to fit her feet Fantasy, Sparkle and Lil man walked inside hand and hand with Sparkle being in the middle of her big brother and sister everybody was snapping picture after picture of them. My father was just all smiles when he seen both his daughters and granddaughters together, the party went off without no drama and no bullshit. I changed the kid’s outfits after an hour, Sparkle and Fantasy wanted to get into everything and I was like a big kid doing everything with her the little girls had a ball with the Medi and Pedi area. Even Soraya came to the party and brought Paris and Queenie along with her home girls and King, everybody ate the adults drank and we all watched the clown and the characters from Yo Gabba Gabba perform. Kendu hated that show but the kids loved it, we sung happy birthday to Sparkle and then Story who was rocking the hell out of a Oscar de la Renta pink strapless dress with a bow detail and some pink 6’ Oscar de La Renta shoes, her hair was flat iron straight and she was looking just like Brooklyn’s Princess and my daddy’s baby girl.

  “You look so beautiful baby sis, did I tell you that?” I asked hugging her, I knew I would have to go away to jail if the DA found enough evidence against I wanted to spend enough time with my family and kill that bitch that shot me I wasn’t done with her and before I went back to prison I was going to make it my business to leave Ed
die and whoever else a clear message and that was to never underestimate or fuck with Harlem’s Princess.

  Chapter 24

  After Sparkle birthday, I jumped back into the family business while trying to open my salon and club, I picked out the spot where I wanted the salon to be and that was on Lenox Ave and 125th street, and the club was in the Bronx near Webster Ave. We paid the contractors and both me and Hershey gave them our designs on what we wanted both of them to look like, Hershey was in her eighth month and put on bed rest so she couldn’t do too much and I wasn’t letting her, Harlem my baby cousin came into fold, I had her over seeing everything plus she was gun happy that bitch can put together and take a gun apart under a minute, she learned that from her crazy ass Jamaican uncle Jake. Now that was a crazy ass rude boy, straight Shotta he didn’t give a fuck who he killed and who saw him do the kill. He taught Harlem about pressure points and knifes, it always made me wonder why her dingy ass never killed Mason abusing ass. I guess love is blind because we both were blinded by love.

  I had to meet Bookie and the crew he got to help me out with my plan but first I had to meet with Trisha at Amy Ruth on west 116th street in Harlem for lunch, she wanted to go over some things regarding the case plus she had the info about who was going to be testifying on my behalf and who was testifying against me, so it was a must that I met up with her

  “Hey doll” she said standing up when she seen me enter the restaurant

  “Hey Trish, what’s going on?” I asked hugging her then sitting down across from her I picked up the menu, some people didn’t know this but Tasha and my father grew up together in the hood. Trisha grew up in Wagner Projects with her alcoholic father and dope fiend mother , both her and my father met when they were both in junior high and they friendship been strong ever since. Everybody in the crew treated her like a sister and looked out for her growing up, when she graduated from high school and told my father she been accepted in Harvard but had to come up with ten thousand dollars for books and her dorm he didn’t hesitate to give it to her. Once she got her degree in law she went to Yale for her undergrad and then passed the lawyer’s bar ever since then she was the crew lawyer and beat every case that came her way.

  “I spoke to Mel and I told him that Asia, Hershey and Teddy are testifying on your behalf” she said I shook my head not believing what I just heard, Teddy was testifying on my behalf against his brother.

  “What? Are you sure? He really is going to testify against his brother for me?” I asked

  “Yup, he wrote down everything that happen even the part where they held you at gun point and Eddie beating you up. Asia testimony is really based on you leaving the house after showing her the text for Eddie asking you to meet him at the Rucker’s, Hershey have the message from you the night everything happen. So the case is looking good in our favor, your phone records are in evidence and I gotten a phone call yesterday informing me that Eddie was dropping the charges against you. The DA case is weak the only thing we have to worry about is the gun charge and I’m going for five years’ probation” she told me I sat there unable to talk ‘what Eddie have up his sleeve? He want to drop the charges against me?’ I asked myself.

  “Wow Trisha this is a lot for me to swallow, Eddie must have a motive if he wants to drop the charges” I said

  “Nope he never wanted to cooperate with the cops let alone the DA to help build a case against you, he probably wants to see his son and he trying to make amends. I don’t know what’s going on in his crazy ass mind but I do know this you have an angel watching over you, so try to stay out of trouble” she said leaving the subject alone. We ordered our food and talked while we ate, I left after spending two hours with Trisha. I drove to E179th and Tremont Ave in the Bronx to meet up with Bookie.

  “Book I’m outside” I said into my phone after parking my car

  “I’m coming out now” he said I hung up the phone and looked at the time I had to go to my father’s house for dinner then take my ass home before nine so I had to make this meeting short, I looked up and seen Bookie with Tre behind him. I got out the car and we walked inside the building going up to the third floor, we walked inside the apartment and there had to be about twenty dudes sitting down around a round table

  “Ight Boss lady is here shut that noise up” Bookie spoke with authority the room grew silent

  “Thanks Book, I’m just going to say what I have to say because I have other shit to handle. It was brought to my attention that Eddie little sister and Star was the ones behind my shooting, I don’t want them dead yet I want someone to get close to Ashley and see what she tells them. I need someone to grain her trust I don’t care if you have to fuck her or spend money on this bitch I just need the info, I need to know if Eddie had anything to do with this shit” I said looking at each in every one of them, there was no smiling or joking around

  “What about that nigga Teddy?” one of the guys asked

  “Teddy is not a part of it” I told them I wasn’t going to tell them he was testifying on my behalf.

  “Why you think that?” another one asked

  “Because I know, now whoever don’t want to be a part of the shit I have planned can leave right fucking now, because it’s about to get ugly and I need some soldiers that are willing to ride with me” I said nobody said anything.

  “Teddy is off limits, no one is to touch him” I said walking out the apartment with Bookie behind me;

  “Book make sure one of those niggas get on Ashley ASAP, I want to handle these bitches before my next court date” I said

  “I got you Princess” he said opening my car door

  “How is Tima?” I asked

  “She alright, Trisha working on getting her home and the gun charge drop” he told me

  “Alright keep me posted” I said starting the car up Bookie closed the door and I pulled off driving to my father house, I knew I had to be careful with what I had plan for Ashley and Star. I didn’t want to kill them I just wanted to punish them to the point where they’re going to wish they were dead. I got to my father house in Yonkers where him and Mary moved to after he split with my mother, being that I was in the Bronx the drive to my father house was a good ten minutes. I pulled up in his drive way and seen Story Purple Range Rover parked next to my father’s black Lexus, I got out the car and walked up to the door where Mary was opening it for me.

  “Hi Princess”

  “Hi Ma” I said hugging her and walking in the house

  “You know your father seen you driving up as soon as he seen you turn that damn corner” she laughed

  “I bet he did, where he at?” I asked putting my bag down

  “He in the den with your sister and Uncle” she told me I walked to the back of the house where his den was at

  “I’m here” I sang walking inside I was greeted by clouds of weed smoke

  “About time, what took you so long? Daddy was boring me to death” Story joked standing up to hug me

  “I had to meet Trisha and Bookie, Hey daddy. Uncle Mike” I said hugging them both

  “Tasha told you the good news?” my father asked sitting back down behind his desk

  “Yea she told me, I don’t like the five year probation shit but I can’t complain about it as long as I’m home I don’t care” I told them taking the blunt from Story

  “That punk ass nigga Eddie called me today” my uncle said getting pissed off that he had to say his name.

  “What he talking about?” I asked getting comfortable in the seat next to my daddy.

  “He want to talk to you about seeing Lil man, he said he tried calling Mel”

  “Please that nigga better not think about seeing my son ever again, he has a daddy” I told them

  “D I think you should sit down and talk to him, he did go and drop the charges against you” Story said I shook my head

  “It’s his fault I’m going back to court fighting for my freedom now, if I see his ass I might finish the job” I said getting heatedr />
  “Princess he still Lil man father, I’m not making decisions for you I just want you to have a clear head and go see what he talking about. This shit seems fishy to me, now he wants to drop the charges when you’re out of jail” my father said I sat back and in deep thought ‘was I ready to see Eddie again?’ I asked myself I knew the day was going to come when I had to face him but now that reality was smacking me in the face I wasn’t sure if I wanted to see him.

  “I don’t know daddy, it seem like everything is happening so fast I don’t think I’m ready to see Eddie face to face yet” I said looking at all of them

  “Well let’s call that bitch ass nigga then, I want to know what he want to talk to you about anyway” Uncle Mike said pulling his phone out his pocket he hit Eddie number and waited for him to pick up


  “I got someone that want to talk to you” Mike said hitting the speaker button

  “What do you want Eddie?” I asked blowing smoke out my mouth

  “I just wanted to apologize for all the bullshit I put you through and for the fucked up way I came at you the night I got shot, I want to apologize for being the reason that you was taken away from our son for a month in a half. I’m just sorry all this shit happen behind my greed and feelings” he said everybody was quiet Story had a shock look on her face, my father sat back shaking his head in approval but Uncle Mike wasn’t buying the bullshit.

  “So you didn’t have anything to do with the shooting that took place outside my house while I had the twins and my daughter with me?” I asked

  “Hell no, I would never put your daughter and the twins life in danger, most of all I won’t put your life in danger like I did before. Goddess I love you and it took me a long time to realize that, I want you to be happy and alive. You’re still the mother of my son and the only female I would ever love” he said his voice was filled with so much compassion I grabbed my uncle phone and took him off speaker.

  “Look Eddie you cut me deep with the shit you pulled, you were going to kill me and Rape me again. How I’m supposed to accept your apology and move on from this?” I asked I felt the tears come to my eyes.


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