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The Rise Of Harlem's Princess 1-3 Boxset

Page 46

by Chrissy J

“Yo Mike, calm down Bruh” I said into the speaker phone as I drove to Harlem

  “Calm down? Hell fucking no. Somebody out here gunning for my niece head and you want me to calm down? I’m about to go on a killing spree so motherfuckers better go into hiding or start digging their fucking grave.” Mike yelled into the phone ‘these niggas just woke up the beast’ I thought

  “Mike where you at Kid?” I asked my baby brother

  “I’m pulling up at Princess Crib, there’s fucking cops all over here. I know they not bringing my niece out the house on no fucking stretcher.” Mike yelled in my ear, I turned down Diva Blocked and was told I couldn’t go down the block.

  “That’s my daughter house” I yelled jumping out the car

  “Oh my God Mel, Is Princess ok?” Mary cried getting out the car behind me

  “Ma I don’t know” I said trying to stay calm and calm my wife down at the same time, we just found out Mary was finally carrying my baby. After all these years, she was finally having a baby of her own so I didn’t want her stressed or worried but I knew that was impossible if she knew something was wrong with our Princess.

  “Sir I’m going to have to ask to see your ID” the officer said, I pulled my State ID out and handed it to him. I still the old address as my address

  “It’s pretty messy up there, I hope your daughter is fine and nobody got hurt.” he said letting me and Mary through the police tape, we both ran up to the house just in time to see Diva laid out on the stretcher and Mike going crazy on the cops for not letting him through;

  “Ma go see if Princess hurt, I have to go calm this fool down before he get locked up.” I said walking over to Mike

  “Officer he’s my brother, I’m Diva Woods Father” I informed them

  “He need to watch his damn tone, all he had to do was wait until we had the victim inside the EMS and he could’ve gotten through.” the lady officer said letting Mike through, Mike looked like he was about to say some hot shit to her but decided not to.

  “Is Princess okay?” he asked walking to me

  “I don’t know, Mary over there now” I said Kendu walked out the house shaking his head, I seen death in his eyes and I only seen that twice since I’ve known him. He the type of nigga that move in silence and when he attack you wouldn’t even know what hit you.

  “K what the fuck happen?” Mike asked

  “We was on our way to go eat breakfast, I told her let’s take my car because I had some business to take care after we were done. She turned her car on and started walking towards it to grab her charger from the car before it blew up knocking her back.” Kendu said rubbing his hand across his face. I was just thankful that the kids were at Meek house with Asia.

  “Kendu we going to find out who behind this shit” I told him putting my hand on his shoulder.


  “E turn the news on” Teddy said walking in the living room of the house we was living in, I looked at him with a mean grill.

  “Nigga I’m watching the basketball game” I said turning the volume up some more

  “Nigga Diva on the news, somebody tried to blow her up.” Teddy said

  “What?” I asked

  “It’s on New York 1, Ma just called me” he said I turned to the news and the story was just coming on

  ‘We’re live in West Harlem where there appeared to be a car bombing, almost taking the life of twenty one year Diva Woods. Mother of three young children, Diva is currently out on bail and awaiting trial in the shooting of her Child’s Father Eddie Green; Police is questioning everyone at the moment and are asking you for your help. The Victim is in Stable condition, I’m Tracy Adams reporting live from West Harlem’ I sat there with my mouth wide open.

  “What the fuck is going on? I just spoke to Diva the other day now this shit.” I yelled throwing the remote at the wall

  “When you spoke to D?” Teddy asked

  “I called her to thank her for letting me spend time with Lil man and Jay-Jay, I want to know who’s after her.” I said standing up

  “I already got my ears to the street, when were you going to let me know you seen my nephews?” Teddy asked I knew he was hurt that he couldn’t be around his nephews or Fantasy for that matter. He loved Fantasy like she was my daughter and it was my entire fault.

  “My bad Teddy, I met up with Mel and Bookie and I saw the boys for an hour.” I told him

  “Hey baby, Teddy how are you doing?” Diamond said walking into the living room, Teddy sucked his teeth.

  “Yo Eddie I’m out” he said walking out the living room and going to up to his room, Teddy couldn’t stand Diamond he said she had a sneaky vibe going on and he didn’t trust her.

  “What’s his problem? Every time I come in a room and he there, he just up in leave.” she said rolling her eyes

  “Don’t pay him any mind, he just upset about some shit that happen to Diva.” I told her sitting back down she climb on top of my lap.

  “What happen to her now?” she asked in a nasty tone

  “Nothing that you should be worried about, so what did the doctors say?” I asked looking at her, she started smiling

  “That you’re going to be a daddy,” she told me kissing my lips, I just sat there numb. I didn’t want this chick carrying my seed; she was already starting to get on my nerves, my mother couldn’t stand her for nothing in the world. My mom’s felt the same way Teddy felt about Diamond.

  “How far are you?” I asked

  “Two months, are you happy?” she asked looking into my eyes

  “D I don’t want you to take this the wrong way; you know I love you right?” I asked she shook her head up and down

  “I’m not ready for another baby, so I need you to make an appointment to get rid of it.” I said I didn’t even see when she raised her hand to slap me; I felt the sting from the slap.

  “You got some fucking nerve nigga, you want me to kill our baby why?” she yelled getting off me

  “Calm your ass down, and watch who you put your fucking hands on.” I yelled my voice boom through the living room

  “Why are you doing this Eddie? Why don’t you want me to keep our baby?” she asked

  “I just told you we’re not ready for no damn baby, I’m in hiding from the GMM and don’t think I don’t know about your late night disappearing acts. We are not ready for no baby so get rid of it, it’s bad enough I can’t be around my two sons as it is now and you want to come and drop a bomb about you being pregnant.” I yelled standing up.

  “You don’t want me having this baby because it’s not by that bitch Diva. Let’s be real Eddie, you still in love with her even after she shot and tried to kill you.” Diamond said

  “I don’t have to explain why I don’t want this baby; I told you get rid of it. You got until the end of the week.” I said walking out the living room, Ashley was standing the door shaking her head at me.

  “Eddie you have to let Diva go, y’all are never going to get back together.” she said

  “Ashley mind you’re fucking business and let me worry about my own fucking problems.” I said

  “Whatever Eddie I’m just saying don’t push Diamond to side thinking you and Diva have a chance.” Ashley said walking into the kitchen. I walked out the house and got inside my car driving off to New York.



  “Yo we have to leave” Trill said walking into the room, I looked up from breast feeding Royal

  “What’s going on Miles?” I asked

  “Some body put a bomb under Diva car” he said

  “Did you just say Bomb? Where was Diva? is she alright?” I asked getting off the bed

  “Watch how you are handling my son” Trill said giving me the evil eye, he was still salty about the results from the DNA test.

  “Trill answer me” I yelled making Royal jump and start crying

  “Go get ready, give me my seed.” he said I sucked my teeth and rolled my eyes

ot until you tell me my sister is fine and nobody was inside the car when the bomb went off.” I said looking into his face, ‘damn I love this nigga’ I thought. Trill was one of the last real niggas left, he still wanted me in his life and he still claimed Royal as his son even though the test proved he wasn’t his father. Since I wouldn’t dare disrespect him by calling the baby his first name, we all just called him his middle name.

  “Hershey please go get ready, all I know is there was a bomb put under the Range and Diva in the hospital. I’ll know more once we get there.” he said

  “Oh my god Trill, did they say if she was alive? I can’t lose my best friend.” I cried Trill wrapped his arms around me pulling me into his chest.

  “Baby she’s fine, she probably had to go get checked out. You know how the cops be, just calm down. Kendu Jet is waiting for us so we got to get a move on it.” he said kissing my forehead.

  “Trill I love you” I said kissing his lips and giving Royal to him

  “I love you too” he said

  “Now go get ready, I got him” he said getting Royal baby bag and grabbing his clothes, I went into the bathroom and got dressed. Fuck taking a shower I needed to get to New York ASAP, what the fuck was going on? First niggas was shooting at my sis and now somebody had the nerve to put a bomb in her car, what if she had Sparkle or the twins with her? I thought to myself. I heard my cell phone ringing and I ran out the bathroom to get it.

  “Ha please tell me Diva is alive and the babies weren’t with her?” I asked as soon as I picked up my phone

  “Calm down baby, Diva is in the hospital and the kids wasn’t with her.” he said making me breathe easy

  “Oh my god what is going on up there? Where was Ken?” I asked wiping the tears from my face

  “Baby I can’t talk over this phone, go to the airport King Jet is waiting for you.” Ha said

  “Ok babe we’re leaving now, I love you and please tell my sister I’m on my way.” I said

  “I love you too, and you should be up here by time she wake up.” he said and we hung up.


  “Mommy” I heard a small voice say to me, I turned around and seen a little boy running towards me. Once he got closer to me I looked into his beautiful face and broke down, this lil angel was my baby boy Jordan.

  “Mommy you came to play with me?” Jordan asked, he was the spitting image of Kevin with curly cinnamon hair.

  “Oh my god Yes mommy came to play with you, come here Jordan.” I called out to my son I bent down on my knees and he ran to me.

  ‘If am I dead? I want to stay right here with my baby’ I thought looking around the place was like a big playground my son had on all white, Jordan ran to me and I embraced him. Kissing all over his face

  “Look at you Jordan, oh my god mommy has missed you so much.” I cried hugging him tight

  “Mommy you can’t stay, you have to go back and be with my Lil brother and sisters.” Jordan said pulling my face to his and kissing me.

  “I want to stay here with you” I said rubbing his face

  “No mommy, Sparkle, Fantasy and Lil man need you. Plus, I have uncle Rock here with me.” Jordan said looking behind him, I looked up and seen my uncle walking towards me smiling.

  “Hey Princess, I’ve seen you grown up to be so pretty and strong minded like your father.” he laughed

  “Uncle Rock, I’ve missed you so much.” I said running into his arms

  “It’s time for you to go back home, I hate seeing my brother hurt. Tell my daughters I love them and I’m so proud of the woman you all become, oh yeah tell Mel I always knew he had another baby out there. And I’m not shocked that the baby was by Kim and tell him he got another son on the way.” he laughed making me smile.

  “I love you uncle Rock” I said everything faded away, and I open my eyes to find my father and Mary standing over me.

  “Hey Ma, Daddy” I said in a weak voice

  “You’re going to have me with a head full of gray hair,” my father joked kissing my forehead

  “I’ll make sure you have a cabinet full of black dye.” I laughed

  “How are you feeling Princess?” Mary asked rubbing my head

  “I feel like I got hit by a Mack truck,” I told them

  “About time your ass woke up, you know how to scare a motherfucker.” Hershey said walking to my bed, I smiled at my Homie.

  “Shit that shit scared the shit out of me, and y’all know I’m no punk bitch.” I said trying to laugh but my chest was hurting.

  “You scared all of us Princess, it’s time for you to move out that house.” Mary said

  “Ma I’m not moving out my house, I’m not about to let motherfuckers think they ran me out of Harlem and my home.” I said

  “Princess too many people know where you rest your head; I don’t care how you feel about what other motherfuckers going to think. They’re not my damn daughter and they didn’t have two attempts on their life, think about the babies.” Mary said looking at me I knew she was right.

  “Ma please calm down, I’ll think about the move. Where are my babies?” I asked

  “I just got off the phone with Asia, she at your mother house. I sent Cam and Marley over there to keep an eye on them.” Kendu said walking into my room, I smiled real big. I thought I wasn’t going to be able to see his or my babies’ faces again.

  “Thank you babe, when they saying I can go home? I feel fine.” I lied I was ready to kill something and sitting in this hospital wasn’t the move. I wanted to know what the streets were talking about.

  “They are keeping you overnight, they want to keep an eye on you because you hit your head kind of hard on the ground after the car exploded.” Mary said I noticed she had a nice glow going on

  “Ma is there anything you want to tell me?” I asked looking at her; she looked at my father who was smiling.

  “We finally having a baby Princess,” Mary said smiling hard, I couldn’t stop the smile that grew on my face. I was so happy for the both of them, mainly Mary.

  “Awe congrats y’all, I’m so happy for y’all.” Hershey said hugging my father and Mary

  “Damn that means I have to share you again?” I asked faking an attitude

  “Cut it out,” My father said walking back to my bed

  “Congrats Ma, I’m so happy for you.” I said wiping the tears I didn’t even know escape eyes.

  “I’m happy too Princess,” Mary said

  “Once again Mary Poppins we end up pregnant the same time,” my mother said walking into my room, Mary head snapped towards my mother.

  “Meek go play in traffic, damn can today not be about you. Our daughter is laid up in a fucking hospital bed and you want to start some shit.” Mary said

  “Our daughter? Bitch the last time I checked me and Mel fucked to make her, not you.” my mother laughed walking to my bed.

  “Meek not today, Princess me and Ma going to be outside.” my father said kissing my forehead and shaking his head at my mother.

  “Ok daddy, oh yea Uncle Rock told me to tell you that you have another son on the way.” I said my father stopped in his tracks, turning to look back at me.

  “What?” he asked

  “I saw Uncle Rock along Jordan, and he told me to tell you that among other things.” I said looking at Hershey who was sitting down next to Ha

  “We’ll talk,” my father said walking out….


  The doctor’s finally discharged me after three days; to say I was pissed off would be an understatement. Kendu tried talking me to calm down but I wanted to go home, when I got to my house I almost cried half of my shit was in boxes and packed up.

  “Ken what’s going on?” I asked looking at him

  “Your pops had some movers bring all these boxes and Hershey and the clan came over here and packed your shit.” he said trying not to laugh.

  “This shit is not funny Kendu,”

  “Oh, now I’m Kendu?” he asked wrapping his
arms around me

  “Where are we supposed to live?” I asked

  “We going to stay at my crib for now until we find a crib for all of us” Ken said kissing the back of my neck.

  “I don’t want to leave my crib,” I said feeling the tears come to my eyes, I stood there thinking about all the memories I had there and then the heart ache I went through with Eddie was in this very house.

  “Pretty girl I know you don’t, but it’s for the better. Think about the kids.” he said.

  After being in Kendu house for a week, the real estate agent called and told me she had a house that she thought I would like. I along with my father and Ken drove to Orange County in Jersey, we pulled up to a gate and the Agent was standing right in front of the gate waiting for us.

  “How you doing today Ms. Woods?” she asked

  “I’m doing fine, so this is it?” I asked

  “Yes follow me” she said punching the code inside the panel for the gate to open, we drove up to the front of the house and Ken parked and we got out

  “Damn this shit is nice” Ken said looking around; we followed the agent inside the Mini Mansion

  “as you can see this is 3,400 sq. ft. of living space it’s 9 bedrooms 4.5 Baths not including the full bathroom inside the Master suite. You have a 4 car garage and a 2,900 sq. ft. Unfinished basement, as you can see this is a beautiful home. The back yard has an in ground swimming pool and its child protected” she told us, we toured the house and I fell in love.

  “What’s the asking price?” I asked

  “The asking price is $500,000, with $250,000 down” she informed me, I turned to my father who was shaking his head up and down.

  “Do you want it Princess?” my father asked

  “Yes, I want it, it’s beautiful and I already know what I want to put in each room.” I laughed and so did the guys, they both knew I was about to go fuck up some comma’s.

  “Do you have the paper work?” my father asked

  “Yes, I have them on me once they are signed all I need is my supervisor to signed underneath both our signature.” she told us, my father pulled out his check book and begin writing.


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