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Christmas in Evergreen

Page 18

by Nancy Naigle

  “She’s looking for someone who loves Christmas as much as she does,” Michelle said.

  “You deserve to find that,” Allie said as they walked over to where Santa would be arriving soon.

  But no sooner had the words come out of her mouth than a man about Hannah’s age bumped into her, nearly knocking her off her feet.

  “Oh!” Hannah squealed as he caught her by the arm, steadying her before she could fall.

  And not only was he very handsome, but he was wearing the very same royal blue Christmas sweater Hannah had on.

  “Oh, sorry. I’m so sorry…” the man said.

  Allie couldn’t believe two people who didn’t even know each other could possibly end up with a royal blue sweater with ho-ho-ho Santa in the middle surrounded by six appliqued snowflakes. If she hadn’t just seen it with her own eyes, she’d never have believed it.

  “Excuse me,” Hannah said, but the man didn’t move on. Instead he stood there seemingly entranced by Hannah.

  “That’s okay, it’s…”

  She glanced at his sweater, then tugged on her own, laughing when she realized they matched. “Hey?” She pointed to his, and he pointed to hers.

  “I’m Hannah.”


  Allie grabbed Michelle’s arm. Was this what love at first sight looked like? Hannah must have truly wished for someone with all of her heart.

  “Hi.” Hannah’s smile was contagious.

  The man never took his eyes off of her, either. “Do you want to get some hot chocolate? Or apple cider?” Charlie pointed to the refreshments booth.

  “Yeah,” she said sweetly. “I’d love that.” She flashed a hopeful grin toward Allie and Michelle as she followed him.

  Michelle nudged Allie. That snow globe had come through again.

  “Merry Christmas, everyone!” Carol held Joe’s hand, walking toward Michelle and Allie, with Henry and Ezra following along. “It’s just magical!”

  Michelle pulled her hands together like a prayer. “Henry, thank you for letting us do the festival here. You saved Christmas!”

  “Ah, no…” Henry reveled in the idea of it all. “You think?”

  Michelle nodded in appreciation.

  “Michelle, everything looks amazing,” Joe said.

  “Thanks.” She was enjoying all of the cheer around her.

  “Isn’t it amazing, Ezra?” Joe encouraged a response.

  “Well, actually, there’s…” Ezra wrinkled his forehead, almost grimacing, then busted out into a big smile. “Not a single thing I’d change.”

  “There you go,” Allie said.

  Maybe Michelle and Ezra would find a common ground after all. There was no doubt this year’s festival was the best ever, and it wasn’t the same old festival either. The new location and last-minute changes had worked out for the best, giving both Ezra and Michelle their way.

  “And,” Ezra said, spinning around and focusing on Allie, “I just heard the great news that Evergreen’s veterinarian is staying put.”

  “Yes, she is.” It was as if a million pounds had been lifted from her. Unpacking was going to be a welcome task.

  “I just wish we could’ve convinced that doctor to stay,” Ezra said.

  That empty spot near her heart ached. “Yeah, me too.” If I’d been braver… If I’d said something to Ryan about what I was feeling… Could things have turned out differently? “But he’s probably in Florida by now.” She gulped, an enormous sadness taking over her mood.

  Mom clung to Dad’s arm. Allie would be lucky to find a love like theirs someday.

  “Ho, ho, ho.” Nick, in full Santa gear, came into the barn chasing away her sorrow. He climbed to the stage in front of the huge holiday throne, carrying a big red bag piped in glittery gold. “Merry Christmas,” he shouted with a wave of his arm.

  Children and adults edged closer to the stage, cheering and shouting.

  “Woo-hoo,” Allie yelled.

  “Santa has presents!” He sat in the huge wooden chair, with the rich red velvet upholstery and his initials in gold at the top. “Children first!” He opened the bag, and kids lined up on either side of him to get their surprises. The adults watched as Santa handed out presents, encouraging best behavior for another year.

  Allie slipped outside for some air. The sky was clear, a million stars twinkling above giving the holiday decor inside the barn a run for best in show. She tugged her wool jacket tighter around her, finally feeling at home. Where she was supposed to be.

  “Merry Christmas, Allie,” Nick said.

  She spun around. “Oh, Merry Christmas, Santa.” She must’ve been out here longer than she’d expected. “You were great in there. The kids love you.”

  His cheeks rose as he smiled, making his eyes seem to shimmer under his fluffy white eyebrows. “They are the true spirit of Christmas, but I have to ask you. Did your Christmas wish come true?”

  “Oh? I think it did.” She nodded, then shrugged. “Maybe not in the way that I hoped, but I think I learned something.”

  “And what’s that, my dear?” The white fuzzy ball on the end of his red hat swung over his shoulder.

  “Sometimes you end up exactly where you’re supposed to be.”

  “I guess that’s why it’s called Christmas magic.”

  “Maybe,” she said. “Can I offer you a ride into town?”

  With a twinkle in his eye, he said, “No. I have my own transportation.” He laughed, then jogged off as spry as a teenager.

  “Allie!” The voice came from beyond the big trees near the main lane.

  She spun toward it—and then realized her wishful thinking was playing tricks on her. Melancholy settled over her like a dark cloud, but then she caught movement in her peripheral and saw Zoe running toward her.

  Allie hoped it wasn’t her imagination. She blinked only once, then Zoe was flinging herself into Allie’s arms. “You came back!” Overcome with emotion, she choked the words out.

  “We missed you,” Zoe said.

  She leaned back and looked into the girl’s eyes. “I missed you, too.” Her heart pounded as if she’d just spent an hour on the ice rink.

  Ryan walked up. His expression soft. Inviting. Without a word, he smiled.

  Hannah called from the barn door. “Zoe? You’re here. Do you want to be in the choir still? We go on in a couple of minutes.”

  “Can I, Dad?”

  “Go have fun,” Ryan said.

  Hannah led Zoe inside, and Allie took three steps back.

  She cocked her head. “What are you doing here?” She was getting a second chance.

  “Heard you might be looking for a small town doctor.”

  Her hopes soared. “Oh, careful.” She checked to see who was around. “Don’t let Ezra hear you say that. He’ll never let you leave.” Or maybe she should run and grab Ezra right now!

  He raised his shoulder in an easy laugh.

  Why are they here? “Did your flight get canceled again?”

  “Yes.” He nodded, then shook his head. “But that’s not why we came back.”

  “It’s not?” Please say you’re staying.

  “No. This has been completely unexpected and amazing….” his words were filled with raw emotion, “…a magical Christmas for both Zoe and me.” He stopped, swallowing hard. “Because of you.”

  Me too. She wanted to savor every word he was saying, but she also wanted him to know she felt the same way. Before he could say anything else, she blurted out, “I’m not moving to Washington, D.C.”

  “I know.”


  “Because this is where you’re supposed to be.”

  He was right. How did he figure out so quickly what she had ha
d to work so hard to find out?

  “Allie, I don’t know if this is where I’m supposed to be or not, but I need to find out.” He stepped toward her. “Because something keeps bringing me back here.” He was close enough to kiss her.

  Playfully she tipped her chin toward him, her pulse rushing so fast she’d give the little drummer boy a run for his money. “Is it a magical Christmas snow globe?”


  Snow fell, and he pulled her close, pressing his lips to hers. She rose up on her toes, kissing him back.

  As they took a breath, smiling into each other’s eyes, the sound of jingling sleigh bells filled the night, followed by Santa exclaiming, “Ho, ho, ho. Merry Christmas.”

  It had almost sounded like Santa had flown across the sky above them. That was better than fireworks!

  She laid the palm of her hand on Ryan’s chest as he held her. Her heart completely filled with joy.

  “Dashing through the snow…” rose from inside the barn.

  “Let’s go listen.” Allie tugged him toward the joyous sound. “Come on.”

  They stepped inside, arm in arm.

  Zoe waved from the middle of the small group of carolers.

  Allie and Ryan both waved back.

  Michelle, Barbara, and Ezra stood off to the side. Allie flashed them a smile of excitement, then overheard Michelle say to Ezra, “Looks like you got your doctor,” as she lifted a big snowflake-shaped cookie to her lips.

  Allie squeezed Ryan’s arm. Yes. Dr. B would be the perfect addition to Evergreen. She looked up into his kind face. The perfect addition to her life.

  The carolers finished with a resounding, “—one-horse open sleigh.”

  Applause filled the barn, echoing from the metal building like thunder.

  “Oh my gosh,” Ryan said, clapping with all the joy of a proud father.

  Zoe beamed with pride on stage.

  Allie had tears blurring her vision as the kids sang another song.

  It couldn’t be a more perfect Christmas Eve.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  On Christmas day, Joe and Carol Shaw hosted a special holiday dinner at the Chris Kringle Kitchen for their closest friends and loved ones.

  The stuffed turkey was baked to perfection and garnished with fresh seasonal fruits. Homemade gravy and cranberry sauce, potatoes both white and sweet, and everyone’s favorite veggies and casseroles filled the long table.

  Joe sat at the head of the table with Carol to his left and Barbara across from her. Hannah and her new beau Charlie sat across from each other in matching red holiday sweaters. Michelle and Ezra were still bickering, but mostly poking fun with each other now that the festival was behind them and it had been an amazing success.

  Zoe, Ryan, and Allie all sat together at the end of the table, thankful for the wonderful blessings the holiday had brought. Ryan leaned over and kissed Allie, with the magical snow globe just behind them on the place of honor next to the register.

  Joe raised his punch cup in the air. “A toast!”

  They all followed suit.

  “To family. To friends. To Evergreen,” Joe said. A melodic wave of Merry Christmas wishes flowed across the table as their glasses met and rang.

  Everyone agreed that the Christmas feast that year was truly special.

  Surrounded by family and friends old and new, the spirit of the holidays was all around them. Ryan rose from the table and picked up the snow globe. He knew exactly what he’d be wishing for this year.


  The banner for the 49th Annual Evergreen Christmas Festival hung high above the entrance of the barn at Henry Holloway’s farm. Not the new barn like last year, but the old one. Henry’s son and daughter-in-law had helped Henry move his operation into the new barn at the beginning of the year, and they’d taken over the old barn. They’d repurposed it into a wonderful rustic hall, The Barn at H2 Farms, for hosting parties, events, and weddings. It hadn’t taken but two events for word to spread like wildfire about the great setting, and since they used all local vendors, the pricing was competitive, too. Already there were weddings and parties booked two and three years out. Plus, the town of Evergreen had signed a contract to have the Christmas Festival there for the next four years.

  With more space at the new location, Ezra got his wish to add several new features for a not-your-parents’-festival, and Allie and Michelle agreed to co-chair the event.

  Allie marked off two more tasks from the project plan. “Michelle, did you hear back from the guy with the camel? He was supposed to be here two hours ago.”

  “Yes. He called an hour ago,” Michelle said. “He got slowed down in traffic and had to take a detour that took him out of cell phone range. He’ll be here any minute.”

  “Thank goodness. People are so excited to see that camel.” Allie had known a real-life camel would be a draw, but the interest had been crazy. People had been talking about it since the first day they’d advertised it. The camel was part of the live Nativity that would start at five o’clock, but parents were already asking to see it three hours early.

  “I know.” Michelle cocked her head. “But I’m going to tell you right now, I’m keeping my distance from that giant thing. You couldn’t cast me in that live Nativity scene with live animals for all the cookies in Connecticut.”

  “Oh, come on. They’re all pets. You’d be fine.”

  “You’d be fine,” Michelle said. “I’d be terrified.”

  “Well, no worries, because you don’t have to be near any of the livestock. That’s my area.”


  “I think we’ve got everything ready, then.” Allie double-checked her project plan again. “I need to run on over to the petting zoo and check in on Zoe. She’s with Snowflake over there.”

  “Sure thing. I’ll hold down things in here.”

  “Hey, you two,” Ezra said as he walked into their temporary office in the barn. “How’s everything?”

  “Right on schedule, Ezra,” Michelle said.

  “Excellent. I’m going to do a live Internet broadcast for the app.” He ran his fingers through his hair.

  Michelle laughed, and Allie knew what was going through her best friend’s mind. They’d finally had to compromise and let Ezra run with his big mobile app idea. Allie had to admit that the app had turned out to be helpful. They’d even sold tickets through it this year. Plus, the project had kept Ezra out of their hair for the most part, since he was managing the app for the town until they could one day afford to compensate someone to do it.

  “Come on. You two get in here. I want you to be in the feed.” Without giving them a moment to protest, he held up his phone in selfie mode, standing right in front of them with his arm extended. The flash came on, and he started talking.

  “Mayor Ezra Green here on sight at The Barn at H2 Farms for the 49th Evergreen Christmas Festival which kicked off just a couple of hours ago with games and a petting zoo for the kids. The live Nativity scene will be in place at five o’clock, and the festival will be in full swing by six. Get your family and friends together, and come on out and enjoy the fun before Santa comes tonight.” He turned the camera angle toward Allie and Michelle. “And be sure to thank these two lovely ladies, Dr. Allie Shaw and Michelle Lansing, when you see them. This festival would not be the success it is without these two working tirelessly for the people of Evergreen and our neighboring communities. This is Mayor Ezra Green saying Merry Christmas. See you soon!”

  Allie had to give it to Ezra. He’d brought a new energy to this town, and he was turning out to be a good mayor.

  “Thanks!” Ezra put his phone in his pocket. “I’m going to get this up on the Internet. You two were great.”

  “That man has more energy…” Michelle said.

  “Yeah, yeah. But at least that app has kept him pretty much out of our way. For that, I’m forever grateful.”

  “You’ve got a point.” Michelle drew a cross in the air. “I take it back.”

  “I’m out of here.” Allie walked out to the far end of the barn where the panels had been set up for the petting zoo. Old gumball machines were filled with animal food for the kids to feed the animals. 4H and FFA students were on hand to help out, answer questions and ensure a safe environment for the animals and the visitors.

  Allie passed a pen of goats, one with chickens, one with a couple of Henry’s draft horses, and one with sheep. Buttercup had her own stall, too.

  In the next stall, Zoe stood next to Snowflake. She’d put a bright red ribbon around the calf’s neck, and she wore a matching one in her hair.

  She watched as Zoe talked to a group of children about Snowflake. About being here the day Snowflake was born and all the things she’d been working with Snowflake on over the year. She talked about how much weight Snowflake had gained and shared general bovine facts, too.

  Allie was so proud of her. They’d signed her up for 4H this year and she’d shown Snowflake at the county fair, taking first place in the novice showmanship class.

  Today, Zoe displayed confidence about the information she was sharing.

  Zoe noticed her standing behind the other parents and paused to give Allie an animated wave.

  Allie blew her a kiss followed by a thumb’s up.

  A woman standing nearby nudged Allie’s arm. “That’s my little boy right there. We’re from Montpelier. He’s never been this close to a real cow before. Your daughter is amazing. So intelligent, and kind. You must be so proud.”

  She started to correct her about her relationship with Zoe, but then didn’t. “Thank you. We’re very proud of her.” She couldn’t be prouder if she was her own daughter.


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