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Strawberry Donuts and Scandal

Page 10

by Cindy Bell

  Just as Brenda tucked her phone into her pocket it buzzed with a text. She pulled it out to check it. Once she saw that it was from Detective Crackle, she read it. He asked if she would have time to speak to him later that morning. She hesitated. What if he wanted to talk about Charlie? She knew she didn’t have much choice since she would have to face him eventually. After the chaos he’d witnessed in her home the night before, she wondered if his opinion of her had changed. Reluctantly, she texted back that she would be available. Then she started the truck. She had a feeling it was going to be a long and strange day.

  Chapter 12

  Brenda eased the truck into park, then went through the process of setting it up. Her thoughts shifted to Charlie, and how kind he had been to her that morning. Their marriage had always been based on teamwork. They propped each other up at every turn. Although he’d been shocked and hesitant over her desire to work with Joyce on the donut truck, he’d supported her despite his misgivings. Without question she wanted to support him, but she wasn’t sure how. If she told Detective Crackle exactly what she thought of his visit, then she could alienate him, and any chance of having updates about the investigation would go right out the window. Still, holding in her frustration was very difficult for her to do. When he showed up, she had no idea how she would react.

  “Morning Brenda.” Joyce’s voice drifted up the stairs, followed by her presence.

  “Joyce.” Brenda turned towards her and managed a brief smile. “How are you this morning?”

  “I’m more concerned about you. Are you okay?” Joyce walked over to her friend, her eyes already digging for the truth.

  “I will be.” She narrowed her eyes. “We had a visit from Detective Crackle last night.”

  “Oh, I was afraid of that.” She clasped her hands together. “That might be my fault.”

  “It’s okay, Joyce, it’s not your fault. I just feel like Detective Crackle is spinning his wheels and we need to find a way to get ahead of this.” She sunk her hands into the dough she had prepared and began to form a few balls into donuts.

  “I might have some information to help with that, but honestly I’m not sure what to make of it.” Joyce leaned back against the counter and recounted what she had seen and heard the night before. By the time she finished the first batch of donuts was in, and Brenda had a thoughtful look on her face.

  “Did Poppy seem scared to you?” Brenda washed her hands off, then used a towel to dry them.

  “It was hard to tell. Honestly, I didn’t think she was scared. It was almost as if they were in a bit of a fight. Nothing extreme, but it seemed as if Mark wanted something from her that maybe she wasn’t ready to give him.” Joyce brushed a wisp of her hair away from her eyes as she recalled the conversation from the night before. “I didn’t catch everything.”

  “I think we should consider that Poppy could still be in danger. If Mark did this, then he may be going after her to keep her quiet. If they were all friends then there is a good chance that Poppy at least suspects him, or will in time.” Brenda checked the donuts, then turned around to fill the napkin dispenser. “Unfortunately, I’m not sure that sending Detective Crackle into the mix is the best way to handle this either.”

  “I can understand that after what happened last night.” Joyce lowered her eyes as guilt twisted her stomach. “I’m really sorry about that, Brenda.”

  “There’s nothing to be sorry about.” Brenda met her friend’s eyes and held them. “Detective Crackle was just doing his job, I get that. But that’s the problem. He does his job, to the letter of the law, and when it comes to this situation I think there needs to be some flexibility in how we approach it.”

  “I agree.” Joyce pursed her lips as she considered their options. “As you recall, there were several people there at the protest. Everyone claims they saw nothing incriminating, but maybe that is because they didn’t understand what they saw.”

  “What do you mean?” Brenda lifted the donuts out of the oil and let them drain.

  “I’m not sure, but I’m convinced that someone in that crowd knows something that will help explain what happened to Alexa, and is not willing to talk about it, or doesn’t know it is relevant.”

  “Someone like me?” Melissa stepped off the last step into the truck. She glanced between the two women and offered a brief nod to each. “I realized last night that I did see something more on the day of the protest.”

  “But you were in the truck with us.” Brenda watched her with interest.

  “I was during the protest, but earlier in the day I had encountered Mark and Alexa. I saw them filming a video. Alexa was asking Mark questions about the last protest, and whether he was expecting anything to get out of hand this time. He said he wasn’t, and that he was sure that despite how passionate people were about protecting their food, they could still keep cool heads and prevent destruction from happening.” Melissa sighed and crossed her arms. “You know I was a huge fan of Alexa, so I hung around and listened. It felt like I was getting an exclusive vlog, I couldn’t help it.”

  “Okay, that’s understandable. But why are you bringing it up now?” Brenda tilted her head to the side and looked deeper into Melissa’s eyes. “Was there something else you overheard?”

  “When Alexa turned the camera off, Mark suggested they get more film of Vanessa’s truck and her customers. Maybe even try to get some video testimonies from some of the customers.” Melissa bit into her bottom lip, then frowned. “I just didn’t think it had anything to do with the murder. But ever since Vanessa was taken in for questioning, I’ve wondered if maybe she caught them filming and figured out what they were planning.”

  “So, you think they wanted the video to further embarrass her?” Joyce raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure about that?”

  “The way they were talking about it, yes, I’m sure about it. They wanted to create a big scandal.” Melissa frowned. “It made me so uncomfortable. It’s just not the type of person that I thought Alexa was.”

  “And you never mentioned any of this to the police?” Brenda crossed her arms.

  “No, I just didn’t think it was important. I think that the final video she filmed had to do with Vanessa,” Melissa said.

  “I agree.” Brenda nodded. “I think she was probably going to apologize to her, because she found out Vanessa didn’t have a clue what Country Grocery Place is up to. Vanessa presumed that the ingredients she would have to use would adhere to her current philosophy. That the products were going to be organic and vegan. She trusted them. She was naïve. She’s just a regular business owner who is trying to survive.”

  “I suppose it’s possible Alexa’s convictions didn’t extend further than the camera lens.” Joyce shook her head. “I’m not so sure she was actually preparing to apologize. She might have just been setting Vanessa up.”

  “That’s what I thought, too.” Melissa nodded.

  “Do you have the picture you found last night, the one taken outside Country Grocery Place?” Brenda looked at Joyce.

  “Yes.” Joyce pulled out her phone and showed it to Brenda.

  “That’s the owner?” Brenda’s eyes widened as she looked at the tall man with broad shoulders.

  “Yes, from what I can tell.” Joyce nodded.

  “I think I’ve seen him before, but I can’t be sure.” Brenda looked closer at the picture. “In the parking lot, the morning Alexa was murdered. He looked so relaxed in all of the chaos.”

  “Really?” Joyce’s heart raced. “Maybe he paid someone to take Alexa out and he was there to see the proof and give himself an alibi. You better call the detective and let him know. This could change everything.”

  “I will. He is coming in to see me this morning, but I’ll call him first.” Brenda nodded. “I’m not sure it’s him though, but any little bit of information could lead to a lot more.”

  “Speaking of which, I’m going to have a conversation with Poppy. Once and for all, I want to hear her side of all of thi
s. If she is in danger, she needs to be warned. Even if Mark isn’t the murderer, he seems to be the center of all of this, and we know that he’s the one who took down the videos on Alexa’s vlog.” Joyce picked up her purse. “You don’t mind do you, Brenda?”

  “No, I don’t mind, but I don’t think you should go by yourself.” She glanced over at Melissa, then back at Joyce. “Why don’t you just wait until after we close down for the day.”

  “I can’t, Brenda. At this point we believe that Kevin wasn’t involved, and neither of us really think that Vanessa had anything to do with it. The owner is someone to look into. But I am worried about Mark, and if he was involved I don’t think we have time to waste. I saw him at the motel. He knows where she’s staying, and if she begins to suspect him, then he might do something to hurt her. Brenda, I will never be able to forgive myself if I don’t go make sure that Poppy is okay.”

  “I understand.” Brenda placed her hands on her shoulders. “If you just wait until after morning rush, I’ll go with you.”

  “I can’t.” Joyce narrowed her eyes. “I’m sorry, Brenda, but my instincts are telling me I need to go now. Please, don’t try any of that overprotective nonsense with me right now. I’m going, and I’ll be perfectly fine on my own.” She started down the steps of the truck.

  “Joyce!” Brenda frowned as she followed after her. “Just be sure to keep your distance, all right? If Mark is there, make sure you are careful. Call me and let me know what is going on. Okay?”

  “I will.” Joyce glanced back up at her as she stepped off the truck. “I’ll be fine, Brenda. I promise.”

  Brenda watched her walk away, and wanted to believe her final words, but her own instincts told her something very different.

  To Brenda’s relief Detective Crackle didn’t answer his phone, she wasn’t in the mood to speak to him after last night and she hoped that he didn’t come to speak to her like he said he would. She left a message about the possibility that the owner of Country Grocery Place was in the parking lot when Alexa’s body was dumped. Shortly after she hung up there was a rush of customers. Despite being distracted by her concern for Joyce, Brenda managed to keep up with serving the customers. When she saw one in particular approach the truck, her heart skipped a beat. She stared at him for a second to be sure he was who she thought he was.

  Mark paused in front of the window and stared back at her.

  “Can I get a couple of original glazed please?” Mark nodded. “I only eat organic, but I promised these to a friend.”

  “Sure.” Brenda looked at Melissa.

  Melissa nodded slightly, her gaze lingered on Mark as well.

  “Thanks.” Mark looked over his shoulder, then back at them. “I’m in a hurry.”

  “Here you go.” Brenda handed him the box.

  “Oh wait, I remember you.” He smiled as he met Brenda’s eyes. “Where’s your friend?”

  “She’s not here right now.” Brenda cleared her throat. “She’s going to be sorry that she missed you.”

  “I bet.” Mark quirked an eyebrow. “Maybe I’ll do a review on your truck. Would you like that?”

  “Of course.” Brenda’s heart fluttered as she didn’t know what else to say. “That would be great.”

  “I’ll try to get it done before I leave today. But right now I have to run.” He tipped his head to her, then walked off.

  It wasn’t until he left that she realized that she hadn’t charged him. Did she just hand over free donuts to the person that killed Alexa?

  “That was strange.” Melissa stood beside her with her arms crossed. “What was he talking about?”

  “It’s a long story.” Brenda sighed as she watched him disappear into the crowd. If he was leaving, there was very little time left to prove that he was involved in Alexa’s death. She pulled out her phone to send a text to Joyce. There was still a chance that he would go after Poppy before he left. However, before she could type anything out, someone knocked on the counter in front of her. She jumped at the sound and looked up into Detective Crackle’s eyes.

  “Are you free?”

  Brenda’s throat went dry as she thought of all of the reasons she should avoid a conversation with him. Then she reminded herself that he was the best chance they had of getting the murder solved.

  “Sure, Detective. Melissa, I’m going to step out for just a minute.” Brenda glanced over at her. “I’ll be right outside if you need anything.”

  “Okay.” Melissa avoided looking directly at the detective.

  Brenda pretended not to notice, but she still wondered why Melissa was so nervous around Detective Crackle. Perhaps it was because of his intimidating nature, or that she simply didn’t know him very well. Either way, it wasn’t what she needed to focus on at the moment.

  When Brenda stepped off the truck Detective Crackle greeted her at the door.

  “Thanks for taking some time out.” He gestured for her to walk beside him.

  “I don’t want to get too far from the truck. Melissa can handle it I’m sure, but it’s better to be cautious.” She frowned.

  “I got your message. You were right the owner of Country Grocery Place was at the parking lot the day of the murder. We interviewed him on the day and he claimed that he had a meeting with the owner of the sushi truck. We are still trying to confirm it.” Detective Crackle slid his hands into his pockets. “I also have an update to give you on the case.”

  “What’s the update?”

  “We’ve ruled Kevin out as a suspect. It turns out he did have an alibi for that morning he just didn’t want to share it. He arrived at the town square, just before the body was dumped.” Detective Crackle sighed. “It is also looking less likely that Vanessa was involved. Although she doesn’t have an alibi and she could have got someone else to dump the body, the text on her phone from Alexa asking her to meet up early that morning does appear to be genuine. Also, we found some notes on Alexa’s computer that indicate she intended to protect Vanessa rather than expose her.”

  “That gives Vanessa a lot less motive.” Brenda narrowed her eyes. “Unless she assumed that Alexa still planned to attack her.”

  “Yes, that possibility is still there. My instincts are telling me that she didn’t harm Alexa, though. I must rely on the evidence, but I’m having a difficult time envisioning her as a murderer.” Detective Crackle lowered his head and kicked the toe of his shoe against the pavement. “Listen, Brenda, I want you to know that Charlie isn’t a suspect, either. I realize I could have handled that situation more delicately. I’m sorry for invading your home in that way.” He glanced up at her.

  “Don’t worry about it.” Brenda swallowed hard to hide her true feelings about the situation. “I’m sorry you had to see us on such a rough night.”

  “Where’s Joyce?” Detective Crackle looked back at the truck. “I noticed she wasn’t inside.”

  “Oh, she went off for a bit.” Brenda almost told him where, then hesitated. She wanted to give Joyce a chance to talk with Poppy, and if Detective Crackle interrupted that conversation, she might not be as forthcoming. “Listen Detective, Mark was just here. My instincts are telling me he’s involved in all of this. He deleted the videos, he was in a bit of a feud with Alexa, and he doesn’t seem like the type to want to share the limelight.”

  “I don’t disagree with you. However, the evidence hasn’t lined up just yet.” Detective Crackle ran a hand along his chin, then sighed. “He’s a slippery fellow.”

  “He’s about to get even more slippery.” Brenda met his eyes. “He said that he was leaving today.”

  “That’s not good.” He gritted his teeth. “I’d better get my hands on him before he takes off. I do want to find out more about his relationship with Alexa.”

  “I hope you can find him.” Brenda shivered. “I just wish all of this was over.”

  “Me, too.” Detective Crackle pulled off his hat, waved it in front of his face to swat away a fly, then set it back on his head. “To be
honest with you, Brenda, I’m not sure that we will solve this. There simply isn’t enough evidence.”

  “What about the car? Did you ever find it?” Brenda’s stomach clenched at the memory of seeing that car pulling away.

  “No. I placed a call to all of the local auto shops. I thought if the taillights weren’t working on the car, maybe someone took it in for repair. I didn’t find the car, I’m going to try the car rental places next. It’s a long shot, but hopefully it will lead to something.”

  “Good luck, Detective. I hope that you find something.” Brenda started back towards the truck.

  “Thank you!” He called out to her. “Oh, and when you see Joyce, please ask her to call me. There’s something I need to discuss with her.”

  “Sure, I will.” Brenda nodded to him, then headed up the steps into the truck. She stepped inside just as a cloud of smoke drifted out. As she coughed and waved her hand through it, she heard a commotion farther inside the truck. “Melissa?”

  “I’m so sorry!” She gasped as she tossed a pile of very burnt donuts into the sink. “There were no flames, I swear.”

  “What happened?” Brenda coughed again and flipped on the fan to blow some of the smoke out of the truck.

  “I got distracted. I’m so sorry, Brenda. I didn’t mean to.” Melissa grabbed a piece of paper to fan the smoke.

  “It’s okay.” Brenda smiled as she touched her shoulder. “We’ve all burnt a few donuts.”

  Although she hoped to reassure the young woman, she noticed her fearful expression. With no one lined up at the truck, she couldn’t help but wonder what might have distracted her.

  Chapter 13

  Joyce drove towards the motel with a bit of a chip on her shoulder. She couldn’t help being annoyed with Brenda. She loved her friend, but she didn’t like to be treated as if she was incapable of anything. The best way to remind her of just how capable she was, was to solve this crime. She parked in the second row of spaces, then climbed out of the car. As she approached the motel room she didn’t see any sign of Mark’s car. That gave her some relief. However, that relief was short-lived.


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