Book Read Free


Page 4

by Nico Verwey

Chapter 4 - Little Demon, Little Angel

  I remember the pain that washed through the halls of the maternity ward at that hospital on the 15th of November 1969. The cries of anguish and pain sounded up as they pushed Leonard to the Neonatal Intensive Care. Marie and John saw this beautiful little baby boy all battered and bruised, just trying to breathe. They were stunned to see how much damage Annette inflicted on his little body. Their words dried up like rain in the desert and all they could hear was this little baby crying; with the heart monitor beeping as Leonard fought for every ounce of energy to keep his heart beating. “John, you satisfied now? Your little girl nearly killed our baby grandson! It is only by the grace of God that he has survived this. Hope you can live with yourself, but hear this John, that little boy will still love you even though you and Annette wished him dead! He is special and if you or your daughter even thinks of doing this to him again so help me....”

  John looked confused at his wife. “So Marie, you still plan on going through with your mad hatter idea?” Marie looked at him. “John, you are either in or out and as I have said, even if it costs us our marriage, I will not abandon that little baby even if you do!” “Well Marie the flat in the back of the yard is all yours. Hope you can live with yourself, you just buried our family!”

  Doctor Mustard came back with the Social Services Nurse. “I have phoned social services to come and collect Leonard. It is clear to me Annette does not want Leonard. I will have to make a case of abuse against her as well. Seems that she and old Squeal had something in common after all, the violence in them binds them together!” Marie looked at Doctor Mustard and the nurse. “That baby will not leave this hospital! He is mine and even if John and Annette abused him and nearly killed him I, Marie Botha, will take him and raise him as my own! O and miss, if you want to take him out of this hospital I will see you in the highest court and if I have too, I will beat you silly, he’s mine!”

  Doctor Mustard looked at Marie. “Marie, are you sure? We don’t want to take him away from you, but he deserves love and a good home!” Marie looked at them with fire in her eyes. “I love him as if I am his own mother and with all due respect, I will care for him even if it costs my last breath. His mommy and granddad may be useless and abusive but granny Marie will be mommy, daddy, grandma and grandpa! Just bring me the paperwork so that I can sign for him!” Doctor Mustard looked at the nurse. “Miss, can we do it like this?” The nurse took out the paperwork from the file she had with her. “Marie please sign here and here. I cannot find anything in the law or rules stipulated on my forms preventing me to assign you temporary custody. Now, remember Marie, this is for temporary custody only and you will be inspected and approved for full custody and adoption in three weeks time, okay? Please note that Annette is not allowed to handle or even come close to him, do you understand?”

  Marie smiled and walked away. “See you in three weeks!” John had to catch his breath after he witnessed this utter contempt for his God given rights as head of his home. John jogged to catch up with Marie. “Marie! Wait for me!” As he turned the corner he saw Marie standing at a door. He heard a young woman crying as if she was standing at an open grave. “Miss, are you okay?” asked Marie. Marie walked in and there on a bed sat a young woman. She could not have been more that 23 years old, sobbing holding on to a blue teddy baby vest. It looked like she was in an accident with cuts and bruises that reminded Marie of the night they brought Annette in after Squeal nearly killed her. “Miss, are you okay? Were you in an accident? Is your baby okay?”

  Marie took the young lady into her arms and held her tight as a mother would do with her daughter who was in pain. “How can I help you?” asked Marie. “My little grandson was born here today! He is so beautiful, a time to be rejoicing! Now come on, stop crying my girl and tell me what is going on.” The young woman looked up with the hurt and pain only death could have brought to her, “M...M...My name is Jillian, aunty. I lost my little boy here today. I look like this because my husband drank too much and decided it would be fun hitting me with a whip and his steel studded belt! I am so broken and the hurt in my soul outweighs the hurt of my body. My little boy is dead and that because his dad could not care about me or him!”

  Marie brought her closer. “Girl, I cannot take away your hurt but I can pray for you... Heavenly Father I bring Jillian to you in this night. You have her little boy back with you and all I can ask my Father is that you will hold him close and his mommy here on earth even closer! I pray for wisdom and healing my God and may Your love for the broken be shown to us in this night and the coming days! May You, our Heavenly Father, heal our hearts and give us peace, in Jesus name, Amen” “Thank you Aunty! May I ask what your name is?” Marie smiled. “Yes my dear, my name is Marie Botha. And if you need me or anything else, please phone me, my number is 839 5672. Now rest my dear, I will come and visit you tomorrow!”

  Marie gave her a big hug and turned around to leave when Jillian’s husband, Jan walked in. “Yes, yes my girl how’s our critter? You did manage to offload him, you good for nothing woman!” Jillian started crying, “No Jan, he’s dead, you killed him!” Jan looked at her and lifted his hand to smack her. “You good for nothing witch! If you are the one who carried him and failed to deliver, how dare you accuse me?!” His hand came flying towards her and at that moment Marie jumped in front of Jillian. “If you touch one hair on her head I will get the police to lock you up!” Jan did not care who was in front of him and his hand knocked Marie on her jaw. The pain shot through Marie’s head and she fell to the ground like a bag of potatoes.

  Jan got ready to give Jillian the smack that Marie just took for her. As he stepped into the slap, John grabbed his hand. “Now son, if you want a hiding from a man, just ask. I am more than willing to oblige and give you the hiding your daddy was too weak minded to give you. If I catch you ever hitting Jillian, or my wife, for that matter, again you will be in hospital, jail or graveyard! You understand me?!” Jan looked at John with his bloodshot eyes and whiskey breath. “You know old man, I can still take you, I am not too drunk! O yes Jillian, these people will not be there to save you every time, you dumb bitch!” He turned around and nearly knocked the table over in the room as he walked out.

  Jillian jumped out of her bed. “Aunty Marie you okay? I am so, so sorry for Jan’s actions! Please forgive me!” Marie still dazed by the slap smiled. “Man, that Jan packs a punch! Don’t apologize for Jan my dear Jillian; he is drunk and not thinking straight. His actions are not your fault baby girl. It was Jan who hit me, not you! I am just glad John was here to help; otherwise I think you and me would have been much worse off. I am going to leave now, but I will ask my police friend, Inspector Venter, to send a constable to come and protect you, just in case Jan decides to come back. Sleep now my child, I will see you tomorrow.” With that Marie and John left the room and went home.

  They arrived home, Marie with a big smile and John with hate and hurt in his heart. He could not think or even understand how his wife, who is the mother of their child, could choose to take the side of a baby, that was born not even six hours back, above them, her husband and her daughter. He could not understand that she has forgotten what Squeal did to their daughter and then still choose to take Squeal’s seed as her own and defend that demon above their daughter.

  The next morning the phone rang. “Hello Marie! Doctor Mustard speaking. Annette is refusing to give Leonard milk! We need to make a plan. Please can you come and talk to her?” “Yes Doc, will be there in a jiffy.” She put down the receiver and called. “John! We need to go to the hospital Annette is refusing to give Leonard milk. I need to go and talk to her!” “Marie, I just want to say this, if you are going to threaten our daughter or force her to give that demon food, I will step in as her legal guardian and refuse! She is my little girl as Leonard is your little boy. Remember your choice yesterday. Don’t even try!”

  They arrived at the hospital and Marie walked to Annette’s room. “Good morning Annette
! I hear that you don’t want to give Leonard milk?” Annette smiled. “O mommy dearest, he is yours! You give him food! I brought him into this world and kept to my side of the deal, now he is YOURS! Get out of me and my daddy’s face and life!” Marie was shocked. “You see mommy, the ‘L’ on my hand is gone, you know the one that hurt so much, and I am free to do what I want as I agreed with that strange man in my dreams. Now that I am done, I can do what I want and make plans for myself and that demon baby is not part of my plans!”

  Doctor Mustard came in. “Annette, Leonard needs milk and if I have to force you, I will!” John walked past Doctor Mustard and stopped and looked him in the eye as he took his place in front of Annette. “Go ahead Doc, let’s see you try!” Marie looked at him and in that moment a divinely inspired idea hit her. “Doc, we don’t need her. Give me ten minutes and I will be back!” “Okay Marie, but whatever you want to do, we need to do in quick, Leonard is starving and for a sick and battered little one, he is mighty hungry!”

  Marie walked down the hall to Jillian’s room. “Good morning Jillian, did you sleep okay?” “Yes aunty. The police at my door looked well after me!” “Jillian I have a favour to ask. My grandson’s mom is refusing to feed him. The reason I will explain when we have time. I know your baby has passed away, but...” Jillian’s eye lit up. “Aunt Marie, yes I will help you! Jan sent me a letter, written on an old dirty piece of paper this morning to say that he is done with me and I need to fetch my things by the end of today. I need a place to live and if I can live with you, just until I have something else, we can help one another!” Marie smiled. “Wow! I did not even think of it like that, but the flat I live in has two bedrooms and a small room where we can make the nursery for Leonard. There is more than enough space. This is great! I think let’s do it, roomy!” Jillian looked up to heaven. “You see aunty; God heard your prayer last night. Thank you God! Aunty let them bring Leonard to me. I will treat him as my own son. He must be hungry! O yes and I have all the baby things like a cot and clothes so we need not buy him anything.” As the laughter rolled out into the hall Jillian said: “You see aunty, I withdrew Jan’s savings from the bank before he decided to hit me and bought all the baby things I would have needed. The suppliers are just waiting for the formal address to deliver. I will phone them and tell them to phone aunty to get the address. This is going to be so much fun!”

  “Okay baby girl that is a deal! When can I come and fetch you? There is a lot to be done!” Jillian smiled, “I am out just after 3 o’ clock if the doctor agrees and I don’t have too many things with me, so a car is okay!” Marie looked at her, “You know what, I will ask my friend, Inspector Venter, to send the police to your house to get your things and deliver the protection order at the same time. Jan, my dear, will never ever touch you again, not if I can help it! Okay see you then, I need to get back to Doctor Mustard, love you baby girl!”

  Marie ran to Doctor Mustard laughing. “Doc, you can take Leonard to Jillian in room six. Her little boy passed on last night and she cannot go home because her husband threw her out of their house. We have an agreement that she will be Leonard’s surrogate mommy and I will give her a place to live for now! O glory I am so excited!” Doctor Mustard looked perplexed. “She agreed to this? Well okay, I will send a nurse with Leonard to her to show her what to do and how to handle him. He is still weak and we need to be careful, but I think his first miracle in life just happened!”

  John growled. “You agreed to what? You may live for free but I will not provide any food for you or that girl! Do you hear me Marie!” Marie smiled. “You know John you are not the alpha and the omega in my life, God is that! That is if you still can remember that he exists. I have been helping on a part time base at one of our church’s dentist’s, do you remember? He actually offered me a fulltime job after hearing about our situation from Pastor Pieter. He offered me an assistant and financial lady position that will more than pay for our keep in the flat at the back. I will even pay the water and lights, plus I insist on rent, then I don’t owe you one red cent!” John forgot about the offer that was made and felt like a criminal for doing this to his wife. “As I said, you look after the food and groceries, I will look after the rest, OKAY!” he answered with a stupid look on his face.

  I think this must have been the start of Leonard’s life passion. Although Jillian thought that she helped Leonard, the little boy helped her by filling the gap her little boy left when he passed on. From the first moment Leonard put his little head against her body, Jillian was in love with him and o he loved the milk and his soft and warm mommy. His grandma enjoyed playing with him and for a while, things could not have been better. The little baby with his blond hair and sky blue eyes grew quickly.

  The first three weeks flew by and in no time it was time for the welfare to come and do their inspection. The appointment was made very early on a Tuesday morning. A knock on the door, two hours before the appointment, left Marie as nervous as a cat in a dog kennel. Marie opened the door. “Good morning miss, please come in.” In front of Marie stood Miss Groenewald, the welfare assessor for the Northern Cape. This lady had the reputation of a pit-bull and hardly ever gave custody to grandparents.

  “Good morning, Mrs Marie Botha, I presume?” Her high pitched voice could have frozen the blood in any human’s veins. “I am here to inspect your situation and before you ask, I DON’T DO FAVOURS!” Marie smiled, “None asked Miss Groenewald, as I said, please come in. Please excuse us as Jillian and I go on with the daily activities. I need to get ready for work. You have free access to anything in our house; just mind the mess of the early morning rush.” Miss Groenewald walked through the house and looked everywhere. She looked under the beds, how clean Leonards clothes were, his condition and even how clean Jillian and Marie were.

  Miss Groenewald, after more than an hour’s observation and searching, called Marie and Jillian. “Okay, you two...” she said in a stern voice. “I have completed my investigation and for the first time in my career I can smile...” as the ice in her facial expression melted. “I was concerned about this little baby and asked for this case not intending to approve this adoption, but after seeing this, his home, I can say that you are a blessing to my heart and if all people did this to children, I would be out of a job. Well done girls, I approve the adoption without any reservation and will be back from time to time, just to come and visit and be part of this great blessing. Hope that is okay with you two?” Marie smiled, “You are most welcome my dear and by the way, please call me Marie and this is Jillian!” Miss Groenewald smiled with a small tear in her eye, “Thank you, I will see you again! O yes, my name is Joan!” and with that she left.

  It was not long before Leonard started to sit and baby talk. He could sit and play with a telephone for hours and you would think he is in a very important business call. He would take a matchbox Marie painted and pretend it is a car and play for hours on end. It was when he got upset that Jillian started noticing something different. When Leonard got upset for some or other reason, his eyes would change to one eye blue and the other green. Leonard would also become very violent and would throw things around. The only thing that would calm him was a song she and Marie would sing. Leonard’s favourite was Amazing Grace and he would sleep in just a few minutes when hearing the song. Luckily for Marie and Jillian, this behaviour did not occur often. Marie and Jillian one day looked at one another and started laughing during one of these tantrums and said: “Our little angel with the crazy eyes!”

  With Annette things did not go so well though. Her dad tried to get her back to school, but all Annette wanted to do was to go out at night. Eventually John had to put his foot down. “Annette it is clear to me you are not going to finish school. A clever girl like you wasting the only thing you have left and that is your mind! I have arranged an interview for work at Eskom as a secretary. You need to be there at ten ’o clock!” Annette just smiled. “O daddy, daddy of mine, with this face? NO WAY!” John looked at her
. “Well, I have also arranged a visit at the beauty salon for you for today. The girls there have a few tricks they want to teach you and by the way, your scarring is so light that you have to look close if you want to see it. The cream Doctor Mustard gave you has worked its magic!”

  Annette laughed, “Yes dad, the cream worked! Whoop dee doo! What tricks?” John smiled: “Let me go and show you!” They arrived at the salon at about ten ’o clock the morning, “Here is my little girl, give her the full make over and remember spare no expense!” Annette was taken in and her hair was washed, dyed and styled to the latest style. The best part for Annette was when she got taught how to use make-up to hide the fine scarring still left. She could not believe how beautiful she looked again and that after only a few minutes of make-up. John came back from shopping, after buying all the make-up as prescribed by the salon for his little girl.

  If John only knew how this new found freedom would cost him and his little girl. “O thank you daddy! I look beautiful again! Thank you, thank you!” Annette stood before the mirror and could not get enough of her looks. Annette smiled and looked up and shouted. “You see this Squeal, You see this! I have won, not you!”

  Annette had a party on that night at the new nightclub in town called, “King by Night”. She was dressed to kill and looking at her, you would not say she went through the horror she did only a year ago. Annette’s reputation was that of a party animal and she did not care to show off her curves, and now her face, to get the boys all uptight, looking and begging for more. That night she met Sam, a snake from the pit of hell, but charming as an angel. “Hello beautiful!” Sam greeted her. “A beautiful little thing like you, how could I miss you?” Annette was flattered. It was the first time in a year that any boy looked at her, never mind calling her beautiful. “Come sit here my girl, I have a drink for you!” “Sorry sir, I don’t drink.” answered Annette. “Don’t worry my girl, it’s only orange juice. Just want to talk to you, my girl, I won’t bite!”

  That night Annette made the second biggest mistake of her life that would define her as a worthless desperate woman. Sam, an old customer, ordered her an orange juice and vodka. The taste was a little off, but with the chewing gum that Annette was chewing, she did not even taste the difference. After the third drink, Annette was plastered and could barely stand on her feet. Annette asked Sam to take her home, but Sammy boy had other ideas. It is not every day you get an opportunity like this with a beautiful drunk lady. He took her home and made her some coffee. “I can’t take you home like this; your dad will kill me.” Annette smiled, “I know what you want, you sly fox!” Sam smiled, “And what would that be, my princess?” “You want to screw me! Just like all the boys’ at the club! I will make you a deal Sammy; you can screw me for one hour but...” Sam smiled unbuttoning his shirt, “But what?” “You must give me 50 rand, then you get something and I get something!” “Are you sure my princess? You are not in a good place now!” Annette smiled, “Come on big boy you want me or not?”

  The next morning Annette woke up and looked at Sam, “What happened, where am I?” Sam smiled, “You came home with me girl and we had ourselves a hell of a time.” Annette wanted to jump up and run away, but Sam pushed her down, “I had to pay you, but girl you are so worth it! I will pay over and over for this pleasure baby!” Annette looked shocked, “You mean I asked you money like a prostitute? How much did I ask?” Sam smiled. “You are expensive girl, 50 rand goes a long way out there, but as I said, that hour was insane!”

  Annette fell back into bed and it was as if her brain went into overdrive. “If I got 50 rand for an hour last night, I could make in two weeks what my dad makes in a month at his work! That means my time is my own.” With these thought Annette was hooked on the high life. She fell asleep not even thinking of the interview that her dad arranged for her. As she drifted off again she could sense she was not alone. “Hallo Annette!” a voice called in the darkness. “I just came to say thank you for your help with Leonard. I have taken away the “L” on your hand and I think I need to reward you some more for all that you have done. You had a taste of what could be last night, all pleasure and little work, well if you can call laying on you back work. Looks like this type of job is just right for you and we are going to make lots and lots of money for you. I will take the scars on your face away as well, we can’t sell damaged merchandise girl!” Out of the darkness, the man that caused her so much pain, Lucifer, appeared smiling with his yellow teeth gleaming and his breath reeking of death and decay. “You and me baby, how about it?” Annette, strangely enough was not scared of this thing anymore. “Okay, we can give it a go for now. Show me what you have kind sir!” and with that Annette agreed on a life filled with wealth, luxury, pain, hurt and sickness.

  Sam dropped Annette off at her home well after twelve ’o clock that afternoon. “Annette! Where the hell were you? The interviewer waited for more than an hour for you because he is a good friend of mine! You have wasted this opportunity and a chance to get a job! Explain yourself!” Annette smiled. “Daddy, I will not need that job anymore. I got one last night and I have completed my first night shift. See, I made 50 rand just for one night! O, I am going to enjoy my new work...” John nearly fell over when he saw the money. “What job is this that pays this much money for one night?” Annette smiled and walked to the bathroom to take a long steamy bath to relax, clean up and then go to sleep. She planned a long night and if she had anything to do with it, it would be filled with lots of money. Annette’s reputation ran through Kimberley and the surrounding district like wildfire. She had a booking for each night of the week and made 350 rand per week. She bought new clothes and even a car. It was not long before the house and home that John provided irritated her. If it was not her room that was old it was Leonard that she could not stand. Nothing was right and John could not keep up with the fights and tantrums.

  One evening Annette looked at her dad. “Dad? I have decided I am going to move!” John looked shocked at his daughter but could understand. “Yes Annette it is okay, nothing is good enough here in any case. I bought the bricks and sand to build a wall so you don’t need to look at your mom and Leonard, which was not good enough either. I have grown tired of trying to accommodate you and I miss your mom more that I will cry about you or your issues. You have my blessing, go and always remember that your dad loves you and that you will have a home to come back to when you need it.” Annette laughed. “Back to this hell hole? Not in my lifetime daddy!” John looked at his daughter with the profound feeling of loss. “When will you be out?” “Well I have been looking around and can be out by month end. Don’t worry dad, this will be good for you and me!” John looked at his daughter and could not help wondering if it would really be as good as she said.

  Time passed way too quickly for John. Annette moved out to her new flat and John was surprised to see with what luxury it was fitted out with. “Wow Annette, where did you get this kind of money to do this?” Annette smiled: “Dad let’s just say my business is booming and I am doing very, very well!” With a shock John realized that his little girl was the new girl in town everybody was talking about. The tears streamed down his cheeks, his words and fight taken out of his soul as he walked out. The same tears ignited a fire in his soul and the hate erupted like a volcano. He hated God, Leonard, Squeal and everything that was connected to them.

  John stormed into the flat at the back of the yard with his fist at the ready. “Where is that demon!” he screamed. Jillian and Marie came running out as John picked up little Leonard and slapped the little boy. “John Botha not one more slap, you hear me!”Marie shouted. But John was not prepared for what happened next. Leonard’s eyes changed in front of his own and this little baby grabbed John around the neck and with the four teeth he had, bit John’s nose so hard it started bleeding! “Marie just take him, I am bleeding, help!” John never had the stomach for blood and fell to his knees.

  Marie started laughing and I still don’t know if
it was out of shock, pleasure or because it looked so funny, but she laughed. “Yes John, you see, you will not bully this little one! He has sorted you out himself! Watch out, next time it may be worse! But tell me, why are you so angry at Leonard?” John looked at her with his face full of blood. “Our daughter has moved out Marie and I think the new job she has been talking about is the new madam of the district, selling her body for money!” Marie looked at him in shock. “What? Well, cannot say I am too surprised John. After Squeal, Annette was never the same again. I have laid her at my God’s feet and I know he will make a way in the desert and protect her from evil.”

  John walked to his house and poured himself a stiff drink. “I cannot believe Marie is still hooked on that God thing. Our lives are falling apart and all she can think of is God, God, and God...” “John, you think that drink will help? Let me look at your nose and let me rather help you, okay?” Marie smiled as she walked in. “Marie not now, just let me be!” “Now, now big man I will get Leonard to come and bite you again if you want a fight!” Marie giggled as she walked to the medicine cabinet. “You know John; I miss my husband very much and wish he would come back to me!” John looked at Marie, “Say what? Ouch that hurt!” “Come now sit still! John you know that I love you, but Leonard is my first priority. I love that little boy. He looks just like you with his big blue eyes and curly blond hair. I still have photos of you as old as he and man you could have been a carbon copy of each other.” “Don’t come with that to me Marie, his dad hurt our daughter and now you tell me he looks like me?”

  Marie smiled down at John as he took a sip of his whiskey. “Well, all I am saying is, if you want me back you need to accept Leonard. We are a package, otherwise my dear we are going to have a problem.” John looked at her with a glint of hope in his eyes, “I

  love you too Marie, but Leonard will take me time to accept and then there is Jillian...” “What about her?” Marie asked with coldness in her voice. “Don’t you worry about Jillian! She will stay in the flat and I will look after her. Her job is to look after Leonard during the day when I am at work. Her husband has filed for divorce, so she is now also my daughter and she will stay here, she is like Leonard’s adopted mommy. I adopted her too and what a daughter she has become to me.”

  “Understand me John, I never ever threw our daughter to the wolves, or stopped loving her for that matter, but I could not let her keep on doing what she did to Leonard even though I understood completely. I still love Annette and you John, but I have two new children and I hope you can grow to love them as well.” John smiled as he took another sip. “Let's say for now I am open to the idea. As I said, it will take time, but I promise to give it a bash. Just one question Marie?” Marie smiled and kissed him on his forehead. “When you are ready my husband, only when you are ready, we will come back. O, yes and your question?” John looked confused. “Did you see his eyes? One blue and one green! That looked so evil.” Marie laughed. “Jip we have met his alter ego a few weeks back, but he only comes out to play when Leonard is upset.”

  “Okay, we have managed to stop the bleeding now, hope your nose feels better my big baby!” John smiled. “Yes it feels okay. I have forgotten how soft your hands can be Marie. Well seeing that we have new ground between us Marie, how about you and your two new children have a barbeque with me tonight, maybe we can start that getting to know one another thing we spoke of.” Marie nodded and smiled, because she knew that the prayers she sent up to her Heavenly Father were heard. That night John met Jillian as a new daughter in the house and held his grandson for the first time since his birth, with more love than contempt. The tears flowed over his cheeks and he nearly kissed Leonard to death. He played with him and when Leonard started crying he gave him back to Jillian as quick as a flash. He had enough of the biting and the kicking thing. For the first time in months this family had some peace in their lives.

  One thing worried John though, he loved watching Leonard play and sometimes it would be like he was talking to someone next to him. Sometimes he would have those crazy eyes and sometimes he would play till he fell asleep under the orange tree in the backyard. He also could see the difference in how Leonard acted when his eyes changed and Squeal emerged, as John would call him. He discussed it with Marie a few times and even with a psychologist and they both said it would come right and Leonard would grow out of it.

  It was the day when Leonard said his first word that John turned as white as snow. They were busy with a barbeque, “Lucif, Lucif...” Marie jumped up, “You heard that? He said Lucif!” John was out of breath. “Yes Marie I heard! Squeal called himself that before he attacked our daughter that night!” Marie looked at him. “It can’t be! He does not know that name!” John now full of goose bumps. “I have seen him playing and you would swear there is someone or something talking to him.”

  Marie smiled. “Maybe he heard it in church.” What neither John nor Marie new was that Lucifer himself came to visit Leonard to come and see if he was okay and to teach him. He taught Leonard in his ways and Leonard was an eager learner. Leonard could speak way before any of the kids that he was compared too. He could do spelling and maths before any of the same aged kids could. Marie and Jillian could not keep up with the flash cards and books.

  Leonard grew up fast and it was not long before he could walk. Grandma Marie moved back to the house and Leonard and Jillian lived in the back. John warmed up to this little person and when he expected it the least he would catch himself smiling at Leonard and yes, even loved him. Leonard enjoyed his granddad and when allowed he would jump on him and even turn his workshop into a mess.

  How can anybody forget the first fishing trip John took Leonard on? They went down to the stream on their way to the Vaal River and got ten cent river crabs. The fish bait they had made the night before smelled sweet in the car. They arrived at the river bank and John took out their rods and traced his rods up. He put on some bait and cast it in as far as he could. He looked at Leonard. “Come on boy get traced up.” Leonard looked at John. “Grandpa I don’t know how to do the knots!” John smiled. “Okay, my boy let me show you. You see you take this line and put it through the hole in the sinker, like this you see?” Leonard smiled, “Yes grandpa!” “Okay my boy, now you take the line and pull it through until it is as long as your thumb on the other side, you see? Next you twirl the line together and then, if you have six or seven twirls done, you put the line through the little hole at the bottom and pull tight as you hold on to the loose end, like this, you see?”

  “Yes I see grandpa! What then?” Leonard asked with anticipation in his voice. “Okay Leonard, then the sinker is on and you pull the line as long as from the tip of your finger to the middle of your chest and snip it off. You then do the same with this loose end were the swivel must come as you did with the sinker; you see this one with the two holes. It’s called a swivel!” Leonard did as grandpa showed him and did it perfect. As he finished, the fish started biting and John showed Leonard how to know when to strike. John caught the first carp and Leonard could not wait to catch his own fish. It was not long after that Leonard’s fishing rods where ready to cast. “Grandpa please teach me how to throw in my lines into the water!” John took the rod and wanted to throw it in for Leonard. “Grandpaaaaa, show me, I want to do it myself!” John smiled, “Okay, okay my boy! You first role the line up until the swivel is almost at the top. Then you take your finger like this and pull the line to the rod holding it firm. Then you flip over this shiny thing on the reel and then take the rod back. You aim where you want to throw and then you bring the rod forward and you let the line go. The sinker will then let the line go to where you aimed for. Let me show you on my rod and then you practise a bit.” Leonard looked how John put bait on his hooks. He looked intensely at how John rolled the line up just right and flipped over the reel clip. Then John brought the rod forward nice and slow for Leonard to see. Leonard was so excited and grabbed his rod. He did as John did but just could not get the lin
e in. John laughed hard and nearly fell off his chair. This frustrated Leonard endlessly and he got very upset. “Grandpa I can’t get it right!” He looked at John and as if John got a flash back from the past he saw the blue and green eyes. Leonard wanted to throw his rod in the water, but John quickly stopped him. “Leonard stop, stop my boy. You see, you want to throw your bait into tomorrow to get where I am. The fish is everywhere in the water my boy. Okay now try again and put these maze pips on.” Leonard gave it one last try and he did it a bit slower as granddad said and made a nice cast. It was still a bit off the mark, but it was in. It was as if God knew that if this did not work that there would have been hell to play. At that moment while Leonard was putting his little ball of fish bait on like John did to show when the fish bit, his line suddenly got stiff as a guitar string and a fish took his line and started running with it.

  “Grandpa! My rod, HELP ME!” Leonard ran to stop the rod from going into the water. “Hey my boy! Your first fish! Ha, ha, ha, you caught him, now you need to get him out!” John laughed so hard his stomach muscles started to cramp. Leonard now crying. “Grandpa, please! The fish is going to pull me in to the water! Help me please!” John got up and walked to Leonard. “No my boy the fish will not drag you into the water; just do what I tell you too, okay?” “Yes grandpa, just help me!” Leonard screamed. “Now let’s loosen this little knob, you see. If the fish wants to run, it can go and it will give the fish line, but not too much. We call it a drag and it makes the fish tired. Okay and then you don’t need to keep on striking; the fish is already hooked and the hook is in his mouth, so just keep your rod up and let your reel and rod do the work. Now you understand my boy?” Leonard still with tears in his eyes. “Yes Grandpa, but don’t leave me, just in case the fish is as big as the river!” It was in that moment that John realised that this little man was from his blood, part of his heart and that they are one, even though he was made by a bad, bad person. He had old Squeal’s bad side in him, as he met that side a few times when his eyes turned blue and green, but the love this little boy had in him for everybody, irrespective of what they did to him would conquer all the bad.

  What seemed like hours to Leonard was actually about six minutes and he had his first carp on the side. Not big at all, but to Leonard it could have been a whale. “Well done my boy! We can take this one home to show grandma. We will cut off his one fin so we can see that it was your fish, okay?” Leonard was smiling from ear to ear and even though he did not catch one more fish that day, he had his own fish. Leonard learned that day at the fish water how to keep going and to never give up. It may take some time to achieve something, but it is always worth the wait.

  It was clear that Leonard was a genius, or at least very clever. Leonard grew to a small boy with a mind of his own. When Granddad said no, he would do the opposite, when Marie said no, he would run to Jillian for a yes and if she said no, he would go to granddad. He knew exactly how to play the game between the adults. What kept Leonard honest was going to church. Yes there he would here of this amazing God, that rules the world and he actually was a bit scared of him. When his teacher Lucifer would visit, Leonard would ask him about this great God but all he got back was. “Don’t believe everything these people tell you my boy! There is nothing like God!”

  On his sixth birthday Leonard had a visit from his teacher again. “Hallo my child!” Lucifer said, “Hope you are well. You are turning six tomorrow and I just wanted to say congratulations. As a present from me I am sending your mommy, yes the real one! She will be here to bring you a present. Will you like that?” “O yes sir! Grandma and Grandpa have told me so much about her. She is beautiful and can sing...” “That is true my boy but she has change a little bit in the last few years. Let’s say it’s due to the wear and tear of her job! The same job that kept her away from you my son.” “No matter sir, I still love her like God told me too!” Lucifer jumped up, “Who told you what? You never ever talk about that name, GOD again, you hear me, YOU HEAR ME!” growled Lucifer. “Okay, sir never ever again!” Leonard had to get away from this angry teacher of his. “Sir, do you mind if I go and play?” Lucifer grinned. “Yes my boy, go and play. Granddad dropped some sand for the extra room for the house! It is the perfect place to go and play my boy.” Leonard walked to the sand and started building bridges and roads for his cars. “Leonard! Get off of the sand please. You are wasting it and I don’t know if I have enough”, called John. “Leonard I am talking to you!” John never ever in his life had patience for children that did not want to listen to him. It flashed through his mind how Annette got a hiding for just not bringing him a glass of water. How one of her friends got a smack on the bum for not going to sleep when he said so. The anger in him rose up and he could only see Squeal in front of him, when Leonard ignored him. He would remember his little girl and the hurt. He would forget how much he enjoyed this little man when he took him fishing. All the good would leave John and on a few occasions Marie had to jump in between John and Leonard to stop John from killing Leonard. On this day Marie was not close to stop John and Jillian was out with her ex-husband on a date. It was only John and the demon in front of him.

  “Squeal! I told you to get off!” before Leonard could move off the sand, John grabbed a green tree branch and stripped all the leaves off. He took the branch back behind his back and released the fury of his anger onto the little boy. Fortunately for Leonard, John could only get one hit in. As the whip hit Leonard’s leg it opened a cut on the side of his leg. The sap of the branch poured into the cut and burned like a fire coal you have stepped on. He jumped up and ran. John tried to catch Leonard, but the little boy ran circles around him. When Marie found Leonard he was crying in his granddad’s orange tree. She called him, “Leonard come here my boy!” Leonard walked slowly towards Marie. “Leonard let me see what your Granddad did to you.” She looked at the wound and put a little antiseptic on cotton and wiped it clean. “There you go my boy, you will be okay! Can you and I make a deal?” Leonard looked at her. “Yes grandma! It hurt so much when granddad hit me and I thought granddad was going to kill me! Does he hate me grandma?” “No, he does not hate you, but he gets so mad when children don’t listen to him! Please Leonard, when he speaks to you just listen to him. If he does something to you with reason I cannot protect you, okay!”

  As they were talking, John walked out and sat next to Leonard. “I am sorry I hit you so hard my boy. I had no right to do this but next time you must listen to me, okay?” Leonard put his arms around Grandpa John and cried. “Granddad, I will never ever do something like this again. I love you Grandpa.” John held this little bundle of joy in his arms and cuddled him till Leonard fell asleep.

  Leonard woke up the next morning still with the mark on his leg but smiling because today was his birthday. He knew his friends would come and visit him, but for him the knowledge off his mom coming made him so happy! The doorbell rang and Marie went to open the door. There, in front of her stood her little girl, not so little anymore. Marie nearly fainted and called John. John came round the corner and gasped. In front of him stood a woman that resembled their little girl, but was bent out of shape and neglected. You could see the last six years etched into her face. The sex, drugs and high life took its toll. Her clothes were sleazy and she looked like a low class hooker on the corner down the street.

  Annette left her dad’s house six years ago with a bad attitude and stars in her eyes. She knew she would make lots of money, but did not reckon that her body would rebel against the abuse. She started with uppers to get her energy up for her working nights and in the morning downers to go to sleep. This did not help her for long and Sam then introduced her to heroin. He now was not only her boyfriend, but her pimp and supplier. The drugs ravaged her body and mind while Sam raked in the money. Sam got more girls working for him and not long after that he became rich and powerful. Annette looked at her father and mother: “Well are you not going to invite your little girl in, or am I too sleazy and low cla
ss to be invited in?” John and Marie looked at one another. “Yes, yes Annette please do come in. Sorry, we did not expect you here!” Annette grinned at them with her mascara smeared, her lipstick put on skew and her hair looking like some bird made its nest in it. “Well mommy and daddy, I just brought Leonard a present. He is my son after all. I hear he has become a beautiful little boy and I want to see him. I will leave as soon as I have given him his present okay?” John and Marie looked at one another, “Annette, it’s not as if we don’t want to, but....” Leonard came charging around the corner. “Mommy! My mommy you are here!” He jumped into her arms and gave her a big hug. Annette nearly fell over. “My boy! Let me look at you. Wow you have grown, you little piece of crap!”

  John stepped in and took Leonard. “Annette please, leave now!” “Daddy, why are you choosing him? Why did you throw me away? Daddy...!” John looked at her, “Annette, you moved out and threw me away for the high life, remember? Your son gave me love even though I nearly killed him. He has proven me wrong, maybe if you give him a chance my girl; he will prove you wrong as well!” Annette looked at her mom and dad: “I will rather kill him than love him!”

  Annette took the present she bought Leonard and threw it at him. The corner of the box hit Leonard against his forehead and cut Leonard open. The cut was deep and Marie ran to get the first aid kit. She put a cotton ball on the cut and taped it to Leonards head. “Annette, get the hell of our property!”

  Leonard did not understand why his real mommy did this to him, but he knew that he must have been bad for her to do this to him. Marie and John jumped in the car to take Leonard to Doctor Mustard for some stitches. Leonard turned down his window with tears in his eyes and his heart broken, he screamed at Annette as they drove away: “I am sorry mommy, I am sorry mommy! I did not mean to be naughty mommy, sorry Mommy! I love you mommy, I love you please come back mommy, please come back!”



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