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Leaving Home

Page 7

by Chase, T. A.

  After grunting, Peter said, “I’m not sure that’s such a good thing. At least not with my

  family. They’d rather just kick the embarrassing people out than support them.”

  “See, I just don’t understand the mindset of people who would do that. Why doesn’t

  someone stand up to whoever is calling the shots?”

  “Because no one talks back to my grandfather. He holds the purse strings, and if you

  don’t tow the line he will cut you off. And it’s a clean break. Trust me on that.” Peter’s eyes darkened with annoyance and sadness.

  “What’s going on, Peter? I’m getting the feeling that there’s more to this story than your grandfather telling the rest of them to shun you. From what I can see, that happened a while ago, and you’ve found a new group of friends to be your family.” Chaz clenched his hands to keep from entwining their fingers.

  He hadn’t told anyone on the tour that he was gay, though some had figured it out, but,

  like most good people, they said nothing because it wasn’t any of their business. Being gay might be more acceptable in this day and age than it had been, but there were still a lot of places where two guys holding hands could be dangerous.

  Also, he wasn’t the type of guy who went in for public displays of affection. Even a one-

  night stand was a private experience that no one else needed to know about, or watch


  He watched Peter pushing his vegetables around his plate, thinking he was probably

  working out how much to tell him, or even whether to talk about it at all with Chaz. Like Peter had said earlier, it wasn’t like they were best friends or anything. Yet sometimes it was easier to tell a stranger deeply personal things, because they were less likely to judge you, since they didn’t know you. At least, that’s what Chaz thought.

  He snorted to himself. If he really thought that, he should be spilling his guts to Peter, yet all he’d done was dodge Peter’s questions and comments.

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  Chapter Five

  “My mom has cancer, and it’s really bad. She’s in hospital here in Cheyenne. That’s

  why I was here yesterday and drove you back into town myself today.” Peter shook his head.

  “I don’t know why I did it. She wouldn’t see me yesterday, so what made me think she’d

  change her mind overnight?”

  “Wow… That sucks, Peter. I’m sorry about that. I can’t believe she doesn’t want to see

  you. Are you her only child?”

  Peter bit his lip, fighting back his tears. God, crying on top of telling Chaz he wanted to wait for a serious relationship before having sex would cement Peter’s girl card. Anyway, tears wouldn’t fix anything. After five years of not talking to them, he would’ve thought her rejection would’ve been easy to take. He was an idiot.

  “Yes. I’m the only grandchild as well. That we know of, I should say. My grandfather

  kicked my Uncle Roscoe out long ago. See, there’s precedent for this sort of thing in my

  family. Uncle Roscoe might have kids, but no one’s ever talked about him, so I have no idea.”

  Peter thought about his uncle’s call earlier in the day.

  “Do you think he’s still alive?” Chaz frowned. “I can’t imagine not talking to someone

  in my family. I have like a gazillion cousins and seven nieces and nephews between my older brothers. I talk to each of them at least once a month, and my mother every day. If I didn’t, she’d probably hunt me down to kick my ass.”

  “It’s good to know that about your mother. At one time, I used to think my mom would

  be the same way, but as I got older I realised she wasn’t that warm a person. My entire

  family is pretty cold. And in answer to your question, yes, I know he’s still alive.”

  He motioned to the waitress to bring him their bill. He was ready to go back to the

  ranch—he didn’t want to run the risk of meeting any member of his family at the moment.

  “I think we should head back to the ranch. I have some more work I need to do, and

  you can go for a ride if you’d like. Randy keeps several horses around just for that purpose.”

  It was time to change the subject, or just end the conversation. He found he wanted to

  go home and lick his wounds. Being denied yet again at the reception desk at the hospital

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  had hurt more than he’d thought it would, since he’d thought he’d been prepared for such an eventuality.

  “All right. I’ll follow you. Going for a ride would be nice. You should think about

  joining me.”

  Chaz might be agreeing, but something in the tone of his voice told Peter the topic of

  Peter’s family wasn’t closed. Chaz probably had a lot more to say on it, though Peter didn’t know why the man thought he was an expert. Just because he seemed to have a rather well-adjusted family didn’t mean he knew anything about Peter’s circumstances.

  “Maybe tomorrow. I have to work.” Peter waved away the money Chaz held out to

  him. “Lunch is on me. You can buy dinner some other time.”

  “At least there will be another date. I’ll look on that as a good thing.”

  Peter blushed again as Chaz leered at him. Damn it! Peter wished his face wouldn’t do that. It was hard to act casual or experienced when he turned red every time Chaz said

  something suggestive.

  Well, he didn’t actually have to act like he’d done it before. Chaz had quickly got that

  confession out of him, and he didn’t really like that he’d admitted to being a virgin. It made him feel like a child.

  There’s nothing wrong with being innocent, Peter. Max’s voice drifted into his memories. It was a conversation they’d had before Max had quit working for Tony and moved down to

  Texas to be with Derek.

  As he pulled out cash to pay, he remembered how embarrassed he’d been when Max

  had asked him about dating. Max had felt like he needed to talk to Peter about being careful and not being taken advantage of by men who were only looking for a good time. Of course, Max had drunk several beers by then, so his advice had slowly slid into more intimate

  things, and while Peter had thought he would die from embarrassment, he’d also been

  curious about some of the things Max had spoken about.

  “Now I want to know what thought brought that particular look to your face,” Chaz


  Peter jerked when he realised he’d drifted off into trying to imagine some of Max’s

  descriptions. He coughed softly and wiggled in his seat.

  “There wasn’t any thought. Let’s head out. Do you have to stop for anything before we


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  He tossed the money on the table before standing. Chaz followed him as he strolled

  through the restaurant towards the front door.

  “Hey, Chaz and Peter. I didn’t know you guys knew each other.”

  Peter turned to see Cody Harwood, one of Tony’s riding buddies, standing by the

  hostess stand. Peter pasted on a smile before offering his hand for Cody to shake.

  “Cody, I didn’t know you were going to be riding during Frontier Days.”

  Cody grimaced as he shook Peter’s hand. “I thought I’d give it a try, but unfortunately I don’t have the strength I used to have. That second back injury ruined it for me. I’m going to have to retire.”

  Peter knew how much that decision had to have hurt Cody. Like most of the rodeo

  riders, bull riding was in Cody’s blood, and finding something to take its place would be very difficult.

  “I’m sorry to hear that, Cody. H
ave you decided what you’re going to do?” Peter asked.

  Cody turned to look at him after greeting Chaz. “Not sure. Guess I’ll start looking for

  jobs at ranches. They’re about the only places that’ll take on a busted-up old bull rider.”

  “I feel for you, man. I’m not sure what I’ll be doing when I decide to hang up my vest.”

  Chaz gently slapped Cody on his shoulder.

  “It was hard to do, but I finally had to face the truth. Plus the doctors keep telling me that every time I ride I run the risk of dislodging something and being paralysed. I can’t have that happen to me. I need to help my parents, though I’m not good at farm work.”

  Peter gasped. “Cody, do you remember Max Furlo? He was Tony’s foreman.”

  Cody nodded. “Yeah. I heard he quit to go live in Austin with Derek St Martin. Man,

  when St Martin came out, women’s hearts broke all over the world.”

  Laughing, Peter agreed. “Yes, but they’re both happy. Anyway, Max and Derek own a

  ranch outside of Austin. Derek’s music studio is there, but they also run a large herd of Black Angus cattle along with a herd of horses. Max is considering breeding Appaloosas. He’s

  already got some fine stock.”

  “And what does that have to do with me? I can ride, if I’m careful, and I’m pretty good

  with horses,” Cody informed them.

  “That’s good. Max told me the other day they were looking to hire some more guys.

  Business is going really well for them. The only downside is you might have to deal with

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  some snobby music types. Derek’s recording company is getting bigger every day, and he

  brings the musicians to the ranch to record their albums.”

  Cody’s expression was far happier than it had been when they’d started talking. “Do

  you think Max would take me on?”

  “I can’t guarantee he will, but it never hurts to ask. Plus you’re a friend, so if he doesn’t have anything for you, I’m sure Max will do what he can to find you a job.” Peter pulled out his phone. “Tell you what. Give me your phone number, and I’ll give Max a call. If he’s

  interested, he’ll contact you. Does that work?”

  Cody gave him a quick hug. “Yes, Peter. That works perfectly. I should’ve thought of

  talking to Tony. How he’s doing?”

  Peter punched in Cody’s number, then said, “He’s doing well. Took advantage of the

  break to head to Germany with the others to watch Juan compete in some horse shows.”

  Chaz spoke up. “We need to head out, Peter.”

  “Right. It was great seeing you, Cody, and Max should be getting a hold of you in the

  next day or so.”

  “Awesome. Catch you in Tulsa, Chaz. I’m going to try and ride there, and if it doesn’t

  work, I’ll be announcing my retirement.”

  “Have a safe trip there. I’ll see you in a couple of weeks.” Chaz smiled before he left the restaurant.

  Peter started to follow, but Cody laid his hand on his arm to stop him. “What’s up,

  Cody? Do you need something else?”

  Cody shook his head. “Sorry, Peter. It’s just I didn’t know you were friends with Chaz.”

  “We’re recent friends. He’s going to stay at the ranch until he heads out for Tulsa.

  Didn’t seem like he wanted to hang around in town where he might run into people.” He

  saw the concern in Cody’s eyes. “Why?”

  After dropping his gaze, Cody took a deep breath. “He’s not doing well. A lot of people

  have noticed he hasn’t been on his A-game the last couple of events. I know he’s in constant pain. Hell, it’s easy to tell when I’ve got back problems just like him.”

  Peter turned to look out of the window to see Chaz standing next to his truck. Chaz

  seemed to be putting something in his mouth, then tipped his head back as he swallowed.

  Damn, the man was taking another pill. How many had he already taken since he’d got back

  to the hotel?

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  He wasn’t happy about the thought of Chaz driving under the influence of anything,

  but he couldn’t tell Chaz not to drive when the man wouldn’t admit he had a problem.

  “I wish I could say something, Cody, but I can’t. Whatever I might know is personal,

  and I don’t have permission to say anything.” Peter frowned.

  Cody huffed. “I totally understand, and not saying something is the same as saying it.

  Don’t worry, though, I’m not going to mention it to anyone, but could you let Chaz know

  that people are watching him, and that he needs to be careful? Maybe thinking about

  retirement is a good idea for him as well.”

  “Thanks, Cody. I’ll tell him. Keep an eye out for Max’s call. Trust me, I’m pretty sure

  he’ll be calling within the next day or two.” He shook Cody’s hand again before going

  outside to join Chaz by his truck.

  “What else did Cody have to say?” Chaz asked when Peter stopped next to him.

  “I’ll tell you when we get back to the ranch. I’m over there.” Peter pointed to where his black Ford F-150 was parked.

  “Okay, I’ll be right behind you.” Chaz didn’t look pleased, but Peter didn’t care.

  Peter walked over to his truck before climbing in. He turned the Bluetooth function in

  his phone on, then started his vehicle. He had it dial Max’s number and pulled out onto the street while waiting for his friend to answer.

  “Hey there, honey, how are you doing?” Max’s accented voice came over the speakers.

  Smiling, Peter said, “Does Derek know you call someone else honey?”

  “Sure he does, and, since you’re the only other one I call that, he’s fine with it,” Max

  told him.

  “Why is that? Why isn’t he jealous of the fact that you use an endearment like that

  when you talk to me?” Peter knew how possessive Derek was at times, yet he never seemed

  to get angry or upset when Max and Peter talked.

  Max laughed. “Peter, Derek trusts me, and he knows I think of you more as a little

  brother than as someone I want to sleep with. I mean, you’re hot and all, but you’re not my type.”

  Disappointment and a little bit of sadness coursed through Peter for a second. Then he

  shook it off. He’d always known Max wasn’t attracted to him. Once Max had hooked up with

  Derek, Peter knew it would never happen, but he couldn’t help having a little bit of hope that it could be possible.

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  “Yeah. Story of my life,” he muttered.


  “Nothing. Hey, I just ran into Cody Harwood, Tony’s old travelling partner.” Peter

  pulled onto the highway, then checked the mirror to make sure Chaz’s red truck was behind him.

  “Yeah. He’s the bull rider who’s had a few back injuries. How’s he doing?” Max asked.

  Peter sighed. “Not well, I’m afraid. He’s probably going to have to retire in the next

  couple of months. He doesn’t have the strength to ride bulls anymore. Also, he’s running the risk of permanent paralysis.”

  Max hummed. “That’s not good. What do you want me to do about it?”

  “Now what makes you think I want you to do anything? I could just be calling to tell

  you about my day.” Peter smirked, even though he knew Max couldn’t see him.

  “While you know I’m more than happy to talk to you about anything you want, and

  you can tell me about your day all you’d like, I’m not stupid. You cal
led me for a reason, Peter.” Max sounded amused.

  “All right. I’m apparently not as subtle as Les is.”

  Max burst out laughing. “Les is as subtle as a sledgehammer when he wants someone

  to help him out with something.”

  “You said the other day you were looking for more hands to work the ranch. I was

  wondering if you had a job for him. He says he’s good with horses.” He didn’t doubt Cody’s word. Peter just didn’t know if Cody’s back could take too much punishment from working

  on a ranch.

  Max was silent for a moment before saying, “You’re right, I do need more men. I guess I

  could give him a call and we could chat. He seems like a good guy, so I’m willing to give him a chance.”

  “Thanks a lot, Max. Here’s Cody’s number.” He gave it to Max. “I told him you’d be

  contacting him in the next day or two. I’m not sure there’s a huge hurry. He’s going to Tulsa for the next PBR event. I just hope he doesn’t do anything to himself.”

  “You’re welcome, Peter. I’ll call you next week. The guys are coming back in two weeks


  Peter nodded, then said, “Yes. Juan’s show is over with on Friday, but they all wanted

  to do some sightseeing before they head home.”

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  “Good for them. Well, tell Margie I said hi, and give her a hug from Derek and me.”

  “I will. Take care, Max, and tell Derek I said hi as well.”

  “Love you, honey. Don’t let any sweet-talking cowboy get you into his bed,” Max


  Peter looked in his rear-view mirror at the truck staying close to him. He had the

  sneaking suspicion that one fast-talking rodeo clown might be on the way to doing that.

  “Thanks. I’ll try to remember that when I’m trolling for sex in the clubs in Cheyenne.”

  He hung up before Max could say anything else.

  What the hell was he thinking? Was he seriously contemplating sleeping with Chaz? A

  man he didn’t really know, and suspected of having a drug problem? God, he had to be the

  stupidest person alive, because nothing good would come of a relationship like that.


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