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Leaving Home

Page 14

by Chase, T. A.

  and leave them. Last night was the first time he’d even slept in the same bed as the man who fucked him.

  Peter sat up, and yawned. “It was a pretty good movie. I hadn’t seen it before.”

  “I like it. Sam and I went to see it when we had some downtime at one of the events

  earlier this year.” Chaz turned the TV off, then stood.

  He offered his hand to Peter, and, when Peter took it, he helped him to his feet. Chaz

  brushed a kiss over Peter’s lips. Teasing and tasting, he played with Peter for a minute or two before he stepped away from him.

  “Let’s head to bed, honey. It’s time for me to fuck you.”

  Chaz loved the fact that those words made Peter shiver. He walked to his room,

  holding hands with Peter. He’d set lube and condoms out on the nightstand, knowing that

  eventually they would return to use them.

  After shutting the door, he locked it, then turned to see Peter already stripping out of

  his clothes.

  “Not eager at all, are you?”

  Peter paused before glancing at him and blushing. “Sorry. Am I a really big dork for

  being this excited to lose my virginity?”

  LEAVING HOME T.A. Chase 103

  Chaz walked over to Peter, then cradled his face. “No, you aren’t a dork. I hope you’re

  still thrilled about this after we’re done. It would ruin my reputation if you didn’t find pleasure as well as me.”

  He brought their lips together again, hoping his touch and kiss helped calm Peter. He

  didn’t want Peter to get too nervous or freaked out by what they were doing. Peter melted into his arms, moaning as their bodies came together. Chaz ran his hands over Peter’s naked back, happy that Peter had got his shirt off before he’d got to him.

  Peter’s skin was smooth, with just a light dusting of hair on his chest. Chaz slipped his hand around to rub his thumb over Peter’s nipple. Peter moaned into Chaz’s mouth, letting Chaz swipe his tongue into Peter’s. While they kissed, Chaz continued to pinch and tug on those hard nubs of flesh.

  “Oh, wow,” Peter gasped, and Chaz trailed his lips along Peter’s jaw to the sensitive

  spot behind his ear. He sucked on the skin, and Peter shuddered.

  “Do you like that?” he whispered into Peter’s ear. “I can do a lot more that you’ll like.”

  “Please,” Peter begged.

  “Finish getting undressed and climb into bed.”

  He watched as Peter practically tore his jeans off before jumping onto the mattress.

  Chaz took his time, enjoying the sight of Peter sprawled on the comforter, his cock proudly rising from his groin. Chaz loved how eager Peter looked, staring at him with his beautiful blue eyes.

  When he finally removed his last piece of clothing, Chaz stood for a moment. Peter’s

  gaze felt like he was actually touching him. He wrapped his hand around his erection to

  pump once. Peter licked his lips, and Chaz’s control broke.

  Chaz crawled on the bed, straddling Peter’s hips with his knees, and bracing his hands

  on each side of Peter’s head. He leant down to crush his mouth against Peter’s. Peter buried his hands in Chaz’s hair, keeping him right where he was.

  He allowed Peter to have control of the kiss, more concerned with rocking against

  Peter’s flat stomach. Peter began to move with him while they made out. The pre-cum

  leaking from their cocks painted their stomachs, then Chaz rolled to the side, bringing Peter with him.

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  Soon it was Peter on top with Chaz showing him the best way to move to get them both

  to the peak. Just as they were about to go over it, Chaz slowed down. Peter whined in

  protest, but Chaz soothed him with a gentle caress.

  “Easy now. We don’t want to come too soon. I want to make sure you feel me in the

  morning.” He gestured to the bottle and rubbers on the nightstand. “Grab that, and I’ll get you ready for me.”

  Peter almost fell off the bed as he stretched for them. Chaz gripped Peter’s hips,

  anchoring him, making sure Peter kept his balance.

  “Here.” Peter handed the lube to him.

  Chaz popped open the top, then squirted some on his fingers. He gave the bottle back

  to Peter. “Turn around so I can stretch you. Put the condom on me, then coat my cock with the lube. I want to make it as easy as possible for you.”

  He slipped his hand around Peter’s butt cheek to rub his finger over Peter’s hole. Peter

  whimpered while he pushed back and just Chaz’s fingertip slid in. He took the time to get Peter used to having something in his ass. After that, he pressed two in, then three.

  Peter rocked back and forth, fucking himself on Chaz’s fingers. Chaz stared at Peter,

  watching as Peter closed his eyes and bit his bottom lip. Pleasure bloomed on Peter’s face as Chaz managed to brush his knuckles over Peter’s gland.

  “Oh my,” Peter breathed, and Chaz smiled.

  “Feels good, doesn’t it?” He did it again, and Peter jerked.

  Peter nodded. “Yes, it does.”

  Chaz removed his fingers, then shifted Peter around so he could position his erection at

  Peter’s opening. “Take a deep breath, and let me help you lower onto me.”

  Peter did as Chaz told him and, inch by inch, Chaz sank into Peter’s tight channel. He

  stopped only when he was buried as deep as he could get. He didn’t move until Peter

  squeezed his shaft with his inner muscles.

  “How do you feel?” Chaz forced his question through gritted teeth. He didn’t want to

  move before Peter was ready.

  He watched as Peter tilted his head, seeming to think about his question, then nodded.

  “I feel good, so maybe you could move,” Peter suggested.

  Chaz chuckled. “Yeah, I can move.”

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  Keeping his grip firm, but gentle, he began thrusting, encouraging Peter to raise and

  lower his body in time with him. As his climax built, Chaz forgot about being gentle. Before long, all he was interested in was taking Peter as hard and fast as he could.

  Yet at some point, Peter took over control, bracing his hands on the sheets beside Chaz’s head. His position forced Chaz to stop moving so much, and it was easier on Chaz’s back.

  But Chaz didn’t care. All he wanted was to come.

  Peter threw his head back and shouted as cum spilled from his cock, covering Chaz’s

  stomach. Two more thrusts, then Chaz yelled when his climax hit him. He flooded the

  condom as he trembled from the waves of pleasure.

  He grunted when Peter collapsed on top of him. After wrapping his arms around Peter,

  Chaz rolled onto his side, and he moaned along with Peter as his softened cock slid out.

  “Just rest, honey. I’ll go take care of the condom, and grab a cloth to clean up with.”

  Peter muttered something, but, since his face was buried in the pillow, Chaz had no

  idea what he was saying. Chaz climbed out of bed before shuffling to the bathroom. He

  threw the condom out, then washed off. He stood staring at his reflection in the mirror while the water from the faucet warmed up.

  His back didn’t hurt as bad as he’d thought it would, so he decided not to take another

  couple of Vicodin. Maybe if he noticed it in the middle of the night, he’d come back for some.

  Chaz wrung the cloth out, then headed back into the bedroom. He washed Peter,

  tossing the cloth back towards the other room when he was finished. After crawling into bed, he curled up around Peter, encircling his waist with his arm.<
br />
  “When can we do it again?” Peter mumbled into Chaz’s neck.

  “As soon as you want,” Chaz said, not going to argue about having more sex with


  “Maybe after we take a nap,” Peter suggested.

  “Sounds like a good idea.”

  He closed his eyes, letting Peter’s gentle breath wash over his skin.

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  Chapter Ten

  Chaz jogged around the arena, watching the crowd trickle in. Tulsa was a pretty big

  event, and the fans were some of the best in the country. He’d always enjoyed working here.

  “Hey, man, it’s great to be back, ain’t it?” Sam ran over to him before slapping him on

  the shoulder.

  “Sure is. Did you ever head home after Cheyenne? Bet Betty was having a hard time

  remembering your name,” he joked, knowing Sam would laugh with him.

  He and Sam had been a team for seven years, and it was often like they were brothers

  instead of just friends, which was why he hadn’t got terribly angry when Sam confronted

  him in Cheyenne about his back injury.

  “Yep. Headed home and got to know my wife again. The kids loved having me home as

  well, though I have to admit, after about a week, I was ready to head back out.” Sam shook his head. “Being with those kids all the time is rough, man. How about you?”

  “Stayed in Cheyenne to hang out with a friend for a couple of weeks after I talked to

  you. It was nice and relaxing.”

  Sam didn’t need to know who Chaz’s friend was, or what they’d been doing. There

  were some things Chaz didn’t share with anyone.

  “Your back feeling better?”

  He wasn’t going to tell Sam about the problems he’d had with it, or the solution he’d

  come up with right then, any more than he had been willing to discuss it earlier. He was

  clean for the moment, and had been for two weeks, though he’d taken one pill before the

  round tonight, just to take the edge off.

  Chaz gritted his teeth, remembering the argument he and Peter had before Chaz left for

  Tulsa. Peter had told him he needed to get help for his drug problem, but Chaz said he’d be able to stop using the painkillers any time he wanted. He even promised Peter he’d stop on his way to the next event. Of course, that vow had lasted only as long as the first night he was on the road. Peter would be disappointed, but since Chaz didn’t plan on telling him

  about it, he wasn’t worried about Peter calling him on his lie.

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  The snorting of the bulls and shouts of the cowboys brought Chaz back to the arena and

  what Sam had asked him.

  “Feels as good as new. Don’t worry, Sam. I can do my job.” Chaz continued to stretch

  for a little while longer before the event got started.

  The bulls were rank and the cowboys on the top of their game that night. Chaz loved

  the intensity of everyone involved. It helped keep him motivated and on his toes. He and

  Sam worked like a well-oiled machine, and no one got hurt.

  When he returned to the hotel room, he soaked in the bathtub for a while, trying to do

  what had worked for him while he was with Peter. Of course, he had another pill because his back was beginning to lock up again.

  Afterwards, he lay in bed and picked up his phone. He didn’t know if Peter would be

  awake still or not, but he figured he wouldn’t mind getting a call from him. The phone rang a couple of times before Peter answered.


  “Hey, honey, how’s it going?” Chaz settled back against the pillows and his heating


  “It’s going great. How are you doing? Your back hold up on your first night?” Peter

  didn’t sound like Chaz had woken him.

  “It’s doing all right. I soaked in hot water when I got back to the hotel, and I have a

  heating pad on it. Figure it can’t hurt, right?”

  “Good for you.” Papers rustling in the background made Chaz think Peter was still

  sitting at his desk in the office.

  “Are you still working?” He glanced over at the clock. “Isn’t it a little late for that?”

  “Everyone’s coming home tomorrow. Les is going to want to go over the accounts at

  some point, and I wanted to make sure they were all in order. Also, Jackson came home from his honeymoon, and we were out most of the day checking out how the ranch fared while he

  was gone.” Peter chuckled.

  Chaz laughed along with him. “I’m assuming everything was fine.”

  Peter huffed. “Of course it was. I might not be a good cowboy, but I do have a basic

  understanding of how to run a ranch. Plus Les and Randy have hired some really good guys

  here. They’re not about to let anything happen.”

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  He loved the fact that Peter took pride in his work, whether it was doing accounts for

  Les or watching over the ranch for Randy.

  “That’s why they were all comfortable with leaving you in charge and took extra

  vacations. So what are you up to tomorrow?”

  “Margie and I are putting together a welcome home dinner for everyone, then we’ll be

  hearing their stories and looking at their pictures while secretly wishing we could’ve gone.”

  Peter sounded a little wistful.

  Chaz stared up at the ceiling. “I’m sure Les would have taken you if he’d known how

  much you wanted to go.”

  “I know that, but I didn’t want to bother them, and someone needed to stay behind to

  keep an eye on things here.” Peter sighed. “I’m just being moody tonight. I guess I’m missing you.”

  The sharply inhaled breath told him Peter hadn’t meant to say that. Chaz thought about

  how he felt the moment he’d heard those words from Peter. There was a hint of fear,

  knowing someone else cared about him enough to miss him. Someone that wasn’t his family.

  There had been excitement as well as a mutual feeling of loneliness because Peter wasn’t

  beside him in the bed.

  “I miss you too, Peter, but maybe I could stop by during the week to visit. The next

  event is in Nashville, so it won’t be any big deal if I come to see you. That is, if it’s all right with Les and Randy.”

  Chaz wasn’t exactly sure how much he wanted to meet the legendary Les and Randy.

  He was a little nervous about them not thinking he was good enough for Peter. Frowning, he tried to figure out when he’d decided a relationship with Peter was worth working to keep going.

  At what point had he fallen in love with Peter? They’d been together for two weeks

  and, while it had been longer than most men Chaz had spent time with, Chaz hadn’t been a

  hundred per cent sure Peter was worth the effort. Yet there he was, telling Peter he missed him, and making plans to go and visit him in between events. Christ! He was crazy. He didn’t need the complications having Peter in his life would bring.

  Yet Chaz admitted that having someone who cared about him and who wanted know

  how he was doing was actually pretty cool. And maybe it was worth the extra effort to see exactly where Peter and he wound up.

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  “I’ll ask Les tomorrow when they get home, but I’m sure they’ll say it’s fine. So plan on coming. Let me know when you’re going to arrive, and I’ll have my work done. If your

  back’s doing all right, we’ll go for a ride or something.”
  “Sounds good to me. I’ll let you go now. Try and get some sleep before they get home.

  I’ll call you tomorrow after the round is done.”

  Chaz hung up before putting his phone aside. He got ready for bed, then crawled under

  the blankets. He looked at the bottle of pills he’d set on the nightstand. Should he have another one, or could he survive until the morning without it? The heat had helped the knots in his lower back, but, without having Peter to massage his muscles, he was afraid he

  wouldn’t be able to get out of bed.

  He shook his head. No, he’d gone this long without taking more than one pill at a time.

  He could last longer.

  * * * *

  Chaz regretted his decision the next morning when he could barely get out of bed. He

  almost rolled onto the floor before he managed to sit up. Every muscle in his back screamed as he straightened. Holy shit! Chaz braced his hands on his knees while taking a few deep breaths.

  He reached out and grabbed the bottle to tap out three pills. That would get him

  through the rounds today without wiping him out. He wrinkled his nose at the taste left in his mouth. He’d have to remember to start putting a glass of water by his bed as well.

  While he waited for the pills to kick in, he stared at the floor. Chaz thought about a

  conversation he’d had with Matthew about his injuries. His brother had asked him when

  enough would be enough. At what point would Chaz call it quits? When he couldn’t walk

  anymore because another injury had severed his spine? Or when his injury was so severe it actually killed him?

  It had made an impression, since Matthew spent a majority of his time in the line of fire, and could die at any moment. Yet Chaz couldn’t see himself doing anything other than being a bullfighter. Maybe when it really did get to the point where he couldn’t walk or something like that, he’d find another job.

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  His phone rang, and he picked it up to check the screen. This time it was Matthew’s cell


  “Matty, what are you calling me for?” Chaz sighed silently as his body slowly started to

  unlock and his muscles relaxed.


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