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Her Perfect Storm

Page 3

by A. M. Kusi

  “I have a trust fund. My parents pay for everything. Is that what you want to hear? I’m a spoiled little rich girl, living off Mommy and Daddy, just like you thought, right?” she added with a hint of bitterness in her tone.

  She was right; he had pegged her as exactly that.

  Isa turned to face him, her olive skin glowing in the sunlight. “I am more than that though. I can’t help that I was born to a life of privilege. I try to do what I can to help others out who are not as lucky as I am.”

  Ethan glanced to her before returning his eyes to the road. In her defense, she was being generous without an apparent ulterior motive. “You’re right. I don’t know you. Sorry I judged you.”

  “So, what do you do?” she asked.

  “I teach high school science.”

  “Really?” she asked, sitting up straighter.


  “Wow. I never would have figured you for an educator.” She smiled, seeming more interested.

  “See? You judged me too. Admit it.” He laughed.

  “Okay. I’m human. You got me. Do you love it?”

  “Yes. My mother is a professor, so I guess it runs in the family.”

  “Do you have siblings?” she asked, relaxing into her seat.

  “One older sister, Abby. She and my brother-in-law, Peter, have a six-year-old daughter named Joy and an eight-month-old boy named Max.”

  “I bet you’re a great uncle,” she said, surprising him.

  “What makes you say that?”

  “I’ve seen the way you laugh and joke around. You seem like a fun guy. Maybe a little out of your league when it comes to babies.” She laughed.

  He remembered Mila’s cries when he’d picked her up at dinner. “That judgement is correct. At least, I like to think so. What about you? Any siblings?”

  “One older brother, Liam, but we are not super close,” she said, glancing out the window.

  “Why not?” he pressed.

  She was quiet for a moment before answering, “We’ve been in a silent competition for our parents’ approval, I guess. We also drifted apart once he left for college. That was when he just changed into everything my father wanted him to be, and was no longer the brother I knew.”

  “Is that a bad thing, to live up to your parents’ expectations?” he asked.

  She hesitated, her expression growing grim. “You don’t know my father.”

  Chapter 4

  They pulled into the factory at three in the afternoon. Walking into the large barn-like building through a glass door, she noticed the sign for tours and the tasting bar. They turned left and passed a few fridges full of different kinds of hard cider. Isa approached the wooden slab bar and plopped herself onto one of the stools. Ethan joined her as the barkeep introduced himself as Ian.

  “A couple flights would be perfect. We need to taste test so we know what flavors to get for the wedding,” Isa said.

  Ian filled several glasses of the different hues of golden, bubbly cider for them from the taps.

  “Have you ever had hard cider?” she asked.

  “Nope. I’m not a huge drinker, and when I do imbibe, I prefer beer.”

  “Yuck. Beer is disgusting.” She frowned.

  He shrugged and smirked. “I’m sorry, are you only a champagne drinker?”

  “I beg your pardon? I happen to like Sex on the Beach.” She paused, watching his reaction, drawing it out. “Buttery Nipples.” His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as his dark eyes focused on her mouth. “And I love a good Quick Fuck.” He licked his lips and adjusted in his seat. “In case you haven’t caught on, I like cocktails with rum that have explicit names.” She winked.

  He swallowed and retrieved the darkest sample glass before he downed the whole thing in one go. He squinted his eyes closed, and she knew he wasn’t expecting the bubbles.

  “It’s not a shot.” She laughed. “Did you like it?”

  He tapped his chest a few times and nodded. “Sweeter than I thought it would be.”

  “Not everything is what you expect,” she said.

  The more drinks that were poured, the easier their conversation flowed.

  Ethan took a few sips so he could give his opinion on which kinds were the best, but he stuck to water after that.

  By the time they left the factory and loaded the boxes of hard cider for the wedding into his car, the sun was beginning to set. The several glasses of alcohol had loosened her up. Her body was warm and relaxed.

  “You know, today was actually fun,” she said.

  “Yeah, it was,” he agreed.

  “It almost felt like . . .”

  “A date,” he finished for her.

  “Yes.” Realization struck. “Damn Harper. She promised me she wasn’t meddling.”

  Ethan shook his head. “I figured it out while we were at the bar.” He smirked and her whole body stirred.

  God, that sexy smile did something to her. The alcohol only added to the dilemma. Drinking always made her horny—something else Harper knew. She pressed her thighs together, trying to calm her very active sex drive. She needed to get laid and fuck this out of her system. Too bad she was stuck in the country, with the only available man being someone she would never allow herself to mess with. She’d probably get him into bed one night and wake to a surprise marriage arranged by Harper the next morning.

  “I should have seen right through her.”

  “I don’t know why she seems so convinced we would be good together,” Ethan said.

  “Right? I mean, you seem like a good guy; just not the right guy for me.” Because there isn’t one.

  “Yup,” he agreed.

  “We’re like night and day.”

  “The optimist and the pessimist.” He smiled.

  “The today kind of girl with a tomorrow kind of guy.” She laughed.

  “The saver and the spender.” He chuckled.


  “I am a science man, and I know better than anyone that opposites attract. But when it comes to relationships, I think you need some values in common to actually work,” he said.

  “I agree.”

  He placed his hand across his heart, pretending to be shocked. “We agree on something?”

  Isa laughed. “Don’t get used to it.”

  He smiled back at her, something foreign flashing in his eyes. The energy in the car shifted. It was suddenly harder to breathe, as if the air had been sucked out of the vehicle, making it impossible to focus on anything else but him. She was sure her nipples would be sticking out of her shirt, giving her body’s betrayal away.

  It’s just the alcohol.

  It had nothing to do with the fact that this sexy man was staring back at her like he wanted her, gripping the steering wheel as if it was the only thing keeping him from tearing off her clothes with his teeth. His muscular and toned arms flexed, as though he too fought the invisible pull between them.

  Ethan blinked, breaking their connection, and looked back to the road. She watched his whole body tense.

  The force of the car pulled her forward as he slammed on the brakes. She sucked in a gasp of air, her vision shooting towards the two glowing eyes staring back at them. Tires screeched as the sting of the seatbelt held her back. A strong force swung across her chest, holding her firmly in place as a warm tingling sensation blossomed in her breasts.

  She panted, taking in a few rapid breaths. A deer stood on the road, eyes glowing and unblinking. Ethan had stopped the car in the nick of time.

  His hand was splayed across her chest in a protective stance. Only problem was, the danger was over and his palm was still covering her breast. If he hadn’t seen her arousal before, he was surely feeling her rock-hard nipples poking through the fabric of her shirt now.


It took a moment for Ethan to get his bearings as the adrenaline coursed through his veins. He had stared too long at the captivating face next to him when he’d caught the flash of brown out of his peripheral vision, stopping just in time to avoid hitting the deer. His chest heaved as he tried to slow his breathing.

  Oh, no.

  His hand was on Isa’s very full, soft breast and her nipple was hard enough to cut glass.

  He whipped his hand away, his face heating. “I’m sorry. That was close.”

  “Intimately.” She smirked.

  Ethan didn’t know what else to say, so he remained silent and watched the animal finally scamper off into the bushes on the other side of the road. He began driving again, keeping both eyes glued to the front until they got back to the inn.

  What the hell was he thinking, entertaining the idea of having even a single night with her? Nothing about how his body reacted to her felt temporary, though she had made it clear she was a short-term kind of woman. They both knew they couldn’t afford the weakness. No temporary pleasure was worth coming between their friends.

  They brought some of the supplies into the kitchen. Their friends were all chatting around the giant white granite countertop. Harper’s eyes lit up. If the day they’d had was any indication of how the rest of the two weeks would go, he was in trouble.

  Jax passed baby Mila to Ella before he and River stood.

  “We’ll help you get the rest. We can stack it in the event room in the new part of the building,” River said, motioning to the other side of the property.

  They quickly unloaded the cases of hard cider, then Jax asked, “How did your day go?”

  Ethan looked over, unimpressed. “Your wife is not as sly as she thinks. We both know what she is up to.”

  Jax shrugged, pretending not to know what Ethan meant. “Did you guys have fun?”

  “So much fun, I even got to second base.” Ethan smiled. Payback.

  Jax’s and River’s eyes opened wide in shock. “Really?” they both asked in unison.

  “No, you idiots. When have I ever been one to kiss and tell?” He might have exaggerated what happened, but it wasn’t a complete lie. He would just leave out the part about the near accident being the reason his hand was able to come into contact with such a glorious, perfect handful.

  “You like her,” River said.

  Ethan rolled his eyes. “She’s gorgeous, but we’re totally not on the same page. Sorry to break it to you, but this is not gonna go anywhere.”

  “Famous last words.” Jax patted him on the shoulder roughly. “I don’t know, man. Harper and I seemed to be in two different universes when we ran into each other. As much as I tried to fight it, I was powerless to her charms.”

  “I should steal your girl; she seems to have an obvious obsession with my love life. Maybe she’s getting sick of your old ass.” Ethan ducked in time to miss Jax’s hand swinging for his head.

  “Hey, that’s my sister you’re talking about,” River warned.

  Ethan moved to get away from Jax’s reach, but Jax followed. “Don’t you dare joke about my wife like that!”

  Ethan smirked. He couldn’t help getting one more jab in. “Little Mila has my eyes, doesn’t she?”

  Jax’s face contorted with anger and he charged. Ethan took off running out of the event hall and back to the kitchen, finding Harper and Isa seemingly in a heated argument. Their arms were crossed and Isa shook her head while Ella seemed slightly uncomfortable, holding Mila off to the side. Ethan ran in and grabbed the baby from Ella, clutching her in his arms for protection.

  “Hey, now, I’m holding my daughter.” Ethan couldn’t hold back the laugh, seeing his friend’s body tense.

  “You think you’re so funny. I’ll get you back for this,” Jax threatened as River walked in the back door, smiling and shaking his head.

  “What are you two children doing with my baby?” Harper scolded.

  Jax immediately focused his attention on her, his body language showing who the real boss was in their relationship. “Sorry, goddess. Ethan was being a smart-ass.” Jax wrapped her in his arms and kissed her until she relaxed against him, hugging his waist.

  “You two need to get a room,” Isa whined.

  Jax pulled back and gave Ethan a shit-eating smile.

  River rested his arm on Ella’s shoulders before kissing her sweetly on her cheek. Ah—that right there. That was what Ethan wanted. Someone to share those moments with. He couldn’t help but look at Isa, who seemed uncomfortable. She locked eyes with him, and he saw something flash in hers.

  “I’m really tired. I’m gonna go rest for a while. It’s been a long day.” Her gaze cut to Harper. A seemingly non-verbal dialogue—scolding was more like it—was exchanged between the women.

  Ethan glanced at Mila who wiggled and arched her back as she let out a frustrated sound.

  Harper came over and grabbed her daughter just before her fusses turned into actual cries. “I’ll come up in a bit to finish our conversation,” she said to Isa. Isa rolled her eyes and walked out of the kitchen.

  “I am starving,” Ethan admitted aloud.

  “Well, we all ate at the pub earlier. We figured you and Isa would have gotten a bite to eat together before you came back. The pub is right up the road. You could eat there or order out,” Harper said before she left the kitchen.

  Ethan rubbed his tired face with both hands as he sighed. “I need a shower first.” He started to leave the kitchen, but Jax put out a hand and stopped him. “Wait.”


  Isa slid into the giant tub as steam rose in the spacious bathroom. She was tired. Harper was pushing her together with Ethan and it was really starting to get on her nerves. Their friends had just so happened to have an early dinner at the pub so that Ethan and she would have to go alone.

  Isa had known Harper since they were roommates the one semester she went to college. Today, she seemed to be taking her annoying little sister job seriously. Harper never used to eat dinner before six in the evening, but she guessed marriage and babies did seem to age some people prematurely. Harper needed to stop this ridiculousness. Unless it was actually for the wedding and made sense, Isa wouldn’t do what she wanted. As soon as Harper got in there, she would tell her.

  Isa’s suite door opened with a small creak and the light came on in the room. It’s my turn to tease Harper. Isa stood and slipped quietly out of the bath. She moved so her naked butt was facing the door. When Harper came in, she would get a brilliant view of Isa mooning her.

  The bathroom door opened and Isa smiled, shaking her naked backside. “Remind you of anything?” She laughed, remembering all the times they had done this to each other when they were roommates.

  Harper didn’t say anything. Isa turned around. Ethan stood in her doorway, seemingly frozen in shock. And was that lust in his eyes?

  Isa sucked in a breath and ran across the bathroom to her robe. She grabbed the soft material just as her wet feet slid out from under her. She let out a scream before everything went black.

  Chapter 5

  Ethan was tired from the long day running errands. Finding out he had to move his stuff to a different room was annoying. Apparently something was wrong with the pipes in the bathroom of his.

  Setting his bags on the floor by the bed, the liquids he drank before leaving on their ninety-minute drive back to the inn caught up to him. He opened the bathroom door and stood frozen in place as his heart jumped into overdrive. What the hell? He had certainly not been expecting to find the slick, wet naked Isa shaking it like nobody was watching. His body immediately reacted, burning with need. His hands itched to touch her. Her figure was ultimate perfection.

  What the fuck is she doing in my room?

  Apparently, she’d had similar thoughts, because when she saw him, her smile had quickly faded.

That asshole had done this as payback.

  Isa’s eyes widened as she turned, moving too quickly, slipping and falling before he could catch her.

  A fierce protectiveness overrode him. He covered her with the robe he found hanging in the closet, and when she wouldn’t open her eyes, he panicked. Ethan pulled out his phone and called the ambulance. Then he’d called for the others to come and help him.

  “Nine-one-one operator. What is your emergency?”

  “My friend slipped and hit her head and she’s not waking up.”

  “Where are you located, sir?”

  He rattled off the address.

  “Is she breathing?” the operator asked.

  Ethan studied Isa’s chest for a moment, relieved to find the rise and fall of her breaths. “Yeah.”

  The emergency operator asked a few more questions before she assured him help was on the way.

  Ethan left her on speaker while he yelled for his friends. Harper was the first one in the room.

  “What’s going on? Why are you in here, Eth—” She gasped. “What happened?”

  Jax, River, and Ella raced in.

  Jax’s worried gaze met with Ethan’s. “Fuck!”

  “Ambulance is on its way. Go out and meet them at the door,” Ethan snapped at Jax.

  “I’m so sorry, man. It was a joke. How did . . .?” Jax trailed off, scrubbing his hands over his head.

  Harper had started screaming the minute her husband hesitated. “You did this? My best friend could be dead because of your childish games?”

  Jax grabbed her and wrapped his arms around her in an attempt to calm her. Harper swung her fist, hitting him square in the chest before she began to sob.

  “I’ll go wait at the door,” Ella said with a stricken expression. River ushered Jax and Harper out while Ethan stayed with Isa until the paramedics came.

  They loaded an unconscious Isa into the back of the ambulance and Ethan stayed close. Their friends were huddled in pairs as they watched. The moment the paramedic closed the door, Ethan’s chest tightened.


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