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Malik the Bard: Legend of the Crystal Dragon

Page 25

by Scott Moore

  Malik thought Embre did look sad now. Her eyes were downcast, and her shoulders were slumped. She did not cry, but Malik knew that was for everyone else in the camp.

  “He was good to us. He saved us from Sweet Tongue. He is the only reason we were able to get into the camp at all. Without him, we would have never been able to save you,” Malik put on a smile.

  Embre was not looking at him, but he hoped that his words had helped even a small amount.

  “I got it,” Embre said, laughing a genuine laugh.

  Malik stopped starring at her and looked down to the rope. Sure enough, Embre had tied the knot exactly like he had shown her. With her stake tied, the tent was fully up. It had taken much longer than Malik would have liked, but it had also distracted him for some time.

  “Good job,” Malik said, laughing with her.

  “Maybe tomorrow I will put it all up by myself,” she said.

  Malik looked down again at the knot. It was tied, it held, but it was not pretty. He did not have the heart to ruin it for her. “Yeah, maybe you will,” he said.

  “If you two are finally done, you can come eat this cold food we left for you. If not, I will eat the rest,” Mollie yelled to them.

  Malik turned around, looking directly into Mollie’s eyes. She was definitely mad about something. Malik thought it better if he went over and ate. Maybe later he would ask her what it was he had done, but then again, maybe he would be smarter and wait until she was not so angry about it.

  Mollie and Khris had made up some scrambled eggs, bacon, and biscuits. The old man, who had never given any of them a name, made sure they would not run out of food for some time to come. Malik was most thankful for that, even though he was the reason they were even on this foolish journey.

  Malik scarfed down the food. Even cold, it tasted amazing. He could have eaten four or five plates, if they had it. Sadly, he only got a single plate and a reprimand from Mollie when he asked for a second helping.

  “You would have us eat our entire stores in a single day?” she had asked.

  Malik had not fought her. There was plenty of food and coin to buy more, but there was something else eating at her, and so he left it be.

  “Embre,” Malik called after eating.

  She looked up from her own plate, still full. “Yeah?”

  Malik knew that an upset stomach was the leading sign of sadness. Embre would not be able to eat, not without calming herself. She would eventually grow hungry, but it may be some time yet.

  “Would you like to sing a few songs with me? I don’t think we mentioned it, but I am a bard. The man we are looking for, Abrie, taught me how to play the lyre years ago. He also helped me train my voice and taught me a few songs,” Malik added.

  Malik was playing down his skills. He knew thousands of songs. He had been playing since he was a child. He could sing and strum out almost any song. If he did not know it, it was only a matter of a few lines before he could pick it up. Abrie had taught him well over the years. However, he wanted Embre to be impressed when he started. If she thought him only okay, then she would be amazed when he started to play.

  “I am not sure,” Embre said.

  She gave him a small, closed lipped smile.

  “I think it would be good to practice,” Mollie said.

  Malik looked back at Embre, who still did not look ready to add her voice to his song. He saved her the trouble of refusing. “Actually, I think I am tired,” Malik said.

  Mollie was standing over him, hands on her hips, and she whirled around stomping off without a word. Malik watched her storm over to the other side of the camp.

  “What is her problem,” Malik asked aloud.

  “You don’t know do you?” Khris asked.

  Malik shrugged. “I guess I don’t. Inform me, smart one,” he said.

  Khris just shook his head. “For all the travels, wisdom, and cunning you believe you have, you sure do not know much about life,” Khris said.

  Malik did not reply. He investigated the flames of the fire. He had more important things to think about than the fact that Khris did not like him. Khris got up from his seat and walked over to Mollie. Malik could not hear what was being said, but he figured it was more negative words about who he was.

  Malik looked back to Embre. She was looking up at the stars. Malik figured he had already lost her to thought. There was no one else to converse with in the camp. Sally and Callie were already hunkered down for the night in a deep slumber. Egg never detached from Mollie’s arm. That left Malik with no company but his own thoughts. He shuddered at the thought of it. Over the last few weeks, he wanted to be anywhere but in his own mind. There was nothing comforting about the images and ideas swirling in his mind.

  Malik wondered if Abrie was still alive. He wondered if they were going to be too late to save him. Were Sweet Tongue and his crew, even now, torturing him? Why did Sweet Tongue even want Abrie? What could the Tempre want with an old bard? There was nothing Abrie could give them. Not unless they were in search of a thousand and one philosophical sayings. Malik chuckled aloud, thinking about Abrie converting each one of the mercenaries away from anger and brashness. Sweet Tongue may soon regret taking Abrie when he systematically destroyed them with words from the inside.

  “What are you laughing about?” Embre asked.

  Malik was not sure how long she had been watching him, but she was no longer staring up at the stars. Malik cleared his thoughts of Abrie.

  “Just thinking about a friend,” Malik answered.

  Embre did not press him. “I am getting tired,” she said.

  Malik decided to spare her a watch. On her first night, she would need to get all the sleep she could get. He would take double the watch and Mollie and Khris could take what was left. When he expressed this to the others, Mollie scorned the idea. She went on about how everyone should do their turn in a group. She complained so loudly that Embre had no choice but to deny Malik’s help. Malik insisted on first watch. He suggested that Embre go second, but Mollie was smart to his plan. Malik had thought to just skip Embre in turn and wait until the third watch to wake up Khris or Mollie, however, Mollie volunteered for the second watch and offered to wake Embre up for the third.

  Malik had no choice; he would have to allow Embre to take her turn. Maybe it would be good for her. It would help her feel like she belonged to a group. He did not want to be Simbre and overprotect her.

  Everyone slipped off into their bed rolls and their breathing steadied in just a few minutes. Even Egg, who was curled up next to Mollie, continued to sleep. Malik wondered if the creature ever stayed awake more than a few minutes at a time. He was not complaining though. The longer Egg slept, the less likely it was to eat anyone.

  Malik spent most of his time thinking of Abrie, the Tempre Warriors, and his family. He broke it up by worrying about Mollie, Embre, and even somewhat Khris. He was not all too fond of Khris, but the boy did not deserve to watch his village be eaten alive by a monster; no one deserved that fate.

  At about midnight, Malik walked over to Mollie and gave her a gentle shove on the shoulder. She awoke with wide eyes and clenched fists.

  “It is just me,” Malik said.

  “I don’t know if that is any better at this point,” Mollie said.

  Malik felt the sting of the words.

  “What is your problem?” Malik asked.

  He had racked his brain but could not remember doing anything over the course of the day to make Mollie so angry. Whatever it was, she had to be holding onto it from another time.

  “It is none of your concern,” Mollie said, sitting up out of her bedroll.

  Malik was close to just shrugging it off. He was tired, it had been a long day, and he would just get some sleep. However, something tugged at him and he sat down beside Mollie instead.

  “What is going on with you tonight?” he asked her.

  Mollie looked at him with anger brewing behind her eyes.

  “Maybe you should as
k Embre what is bothering me. You seem to think she is the most important piece of this puzzle,” Mollie spat.

  Malik had never been great at reading signs. He needed things spilled into his lap before he realized they were there. Abrie used to say he floated with his head in the clouds. Malik felt that Mollie’s anger had just popped his bubble.

  “Is that what this is all about?” Malik asked.

  He was not sure if he was relieved to find out the problem or scared to know that Mollie was not just angry, but also jealous. Those were never a good combination in people. Malik was a bard that played in taverns, he knew both emotions well.

  “Like I said, don’t worry about it,” Mollie said again.

  It was hard to forget sometimes that Mollie would have feelings. She spent most of her time hiding those feelings down deep. She spent the other half wielding a sword bigger than Malik’s body. Looking at her now though, Malik could see that she was just like any other normal human. She felt silly things like jealousy. She felt big things like anger and sorrow. She had not known Abrie for as long as Malik had, but Abrie had saved her life too. He had not stopped to think that Mollie could have been hurting just as bad as he was. It was easy to get caught up in his own emotions and forget that the rest of the world was still going on around him.

  “I am sorry,” Malik said, feeling like he was sorry.

  Mollie looked up to see if Malik was mocking her, but he tried to put on his best face.

  “I really am sorry for not checking on you. I should have reached out to you. I am sure this is no easier for you than it is for me. I forgot to check on you and I understand why you are angry with me for it,” Malik said.

  Malik reached out his hand and placed it on Mollie’s. He had not thought about doing that, he just kind of reached out and did it. Mollie’s hand was warm, and she did not pull away from his touch.

  “Abrie was my friend as well,” she said in an almost whisper.

  “I know,” Malik replied.

  Mollie looked at him directly in the eyes and she leaned in toward him. “I don’t want to lose anyone else,” she said.

  Malik was sure he saw real tears building up in her eyes. He reached out to her and drew her in close to him. She did not resist his embrace. She rested her head on his shoulder and curled her chin under his own. There Malik could feel her heart beating against his chest. He could feel the heat coming off her body. He could smell the scent of her sweat, as he tucked his nose into her hair.

  “I will make sure you do not lose anyone else,” Malik said.

  In that moment he felt brave. In that moment, he thought he would be able to fight the world for her. He thought that just maybe he could have killed a man.

  “You should get some sleep,” Mollie said, pulling away from him.

  Malik looked toward the moon. There would be only a few hours of sleep in it for him. He opted to stay up with Mollie instead. He scooted right next to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Egg woke up and curled between them. They did not speak much throughout the second watch, but Malik figured they did not need to speak to say the things that they needed to say.

  The next morning Malik arose stiff and tired. He stretched the sleep from his muscles and rose to his feet. Khris had cooked up some of the extra bacon during the remnants of his final watch. It was waiting for them in a small cook pan by the fire.

  “Thanks,” Malik said, sitting down by the remaining coals.

  Khris just nodded without saying a word to him.

  Mollie woke after a few more minutes and came to sit down across from Malik. They did not speak of the night before.

  “Did you sleep well,” Khris asked Mollie as she took a few pieces of the bacon.

  “I slept just fine, considering,” she said.

  “Did you know that there are said to be people in the eastern ridges of the known world that do not sleep? They are humans with no eyelids, and they had not heard of sleep until explorers arrived in their village.” Khris was doing that excited history thing again.

  Malik was not interested in more strange myths. They had their fair share of them already. There was absolutely no reason to go on adding more to their lot.

  Khris continued with the story to Mollie. Embre woke up due to his animated voice and came to sit next to Malik.

  Malik glanced at Mollie who met his eyes and gave him a nod.

  “How was your first ever watch?” Malik asked, handing Embre the last slices of bacon.

  Embre looked tired. Her eyes were red and puffy, her cheeks were blotchy, and there were bags forming from lack of sleep.

  “I am not used to sleeping outside. I am also not used to waking up in the middle of the night to sit there and stare out into the darkness,” she said.

  Malik could not hold in his laughter. He was looking at the crazy hair and the barely open eyes, and he thought of his first few nights on watch. Abrie did not always set a watch during their travels, but if they had been near bad brigand areas, he would have Malik take his turn. The first few nights, Malik looked exactly like Embre did now.

  “I would love to tell you it got better, but it doesn’t. It is always horrible. You never get enough sleep and most of the time, at least the lucky times, you never see anything beyond the dark,” Malik said.

  Embre reached up, wiping the sleep from her eyes. “I thought it would help me feel useful, but I just feel tired,” she said.

  Malik chuckled again. “Welcome to the life of a real traveling group,” he said.

  Embre did not look impressed by the prospect of rough living. She had probably grown up believing she was a real traveling woman. However, the rough nights on the ground, with little sleep and scarce food would soon show her that her life was much more sheltered than even she believed.

  “Do you think the Tempre will disperse once we get the relic?” Khris was asking Mollie across the dying fire.

  “I think that the Tempre will not give it up easily,” Malik said.

  Khris cut his eyes toward Malik, as if he had just interrupted something sacred and pure.

  “I was asking Mollie,” Khris said.

  “And I was giving you an honest answer,” Malik fought back.

  Mollie stuck her hand out and into the air. “Let’s not start the bickering before breakfast has had time to digest,” she said.

  Malik looked away, toward the open plains that stretched out before them. He tried to prepare himself for the walk ahead. Like yesterday, he had no idea where it was, they were actually going, and so it made it difficult to prepare for. He could be walking only an hour, or he could be walking the entire day, maybe the entire month. There was no real way of knowing.

  “The book says it is in the outskirts of Luberg and that means we still have awhile to go before we get there,” Khris had started up his conversation with Mollie again.

  “Then we had better get started,” Malik said, hopping up to his feet.

  Malik extended a hand toward Embre and helped her up as well. Then he extended his other to Mollie, before leaving Khris alone on the ground. Malik did not offer to help him to his feet.

  “Don’t worry about me, I will get up just fine on my own,” Khris yelled out after them.

  Mollie let out a chuckle and turned to help him. Khris was already up before she reached him.

  Malik repacked the mules with the help of Mollie. Before the sun reached its morning peak, they were back off down the path, in the direction that Egg had pointed them.

  The day before had been easy walking. After leaving the mountains, of Opallum behind several days ago, they were in the plains of the country. Khris told anyone who would listen that they could walk these plains for several days after leaving Twin rocks, before they reached the capital city of Gray Waters. From Gray Waters it was another week’s march to the other side of the kingdom.

  Malik did not know how much time they had to beat the Tempre to the relic, but he doubted that Abrie would make it another two or three weeks with S
weet Tongue. He had no idea why Sweet Tongue had even kept him alive at all.

  Malik tried to distract himself with the scenery. There was nothing he could do for it. They did not have horses, they did not have carts, and they could not fly.

  All that surrounded them was grass, sparse amounts of trees, and wide open spaces. There were animals here and there and Malik thought of hunting them, but he did not have the motivation. He knew that the old man had packed them full with food and he had no need to exert himself.

  He had no need for anything. He felt like a mindless corpse, just walking forward at the whims of a little monster. At night, he did his portion of the chores and then sat alone at the fire. During the day, he just walked with his eyes facing forward. He and Mollie did not share another night like the one they had their first night back on the road. Khris, every morning, made sure they had no time to talk before they set out.

  Malik talked sparsely with Embre, but even she had withdrawn into herself. Malik lost track of the days that had passed since Abrie had been taken. He knew it had been over a week. That had to mean they were at least five days past Twin Rocks.

  “We should probably stop,” Khris said.

  Malik looked up from his dazed thoughts. They had been traveling the better half of the morning and had seen only a few straggling farmers here and there. None of them were close enough to worry about hiding from and none of them seemed to want to chase them down.

  “What is it?” Mollie asked, jogging up next to Khris.

  Khris lifted his hand and pointed out against the bleating sun. “Just there, about a quarter mile,” he said.

  Mollie took a moment, blocking out the glare of the sun with the back of her hand. Malik did the same and did not need Mollie’s words to tell him what he was seeing.

  “Well we know where the mercenaries are camping,” Mollie said.


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