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Psycho Billionaire: A Dark Romance

Page 2

by Kashmira Kamat

  “Good,” Dr. Vincent said and then pointed at the stranger. “He’s going to drop you home tonight.”

  “Thank you,” I said, looking at both of them.

  “You’re welcome.” Dr. Vincent said and then checked his watch. “It’s getting late. Jasper, you should take her back home.”

  So the knight in shining armor’s name was Jasper.

  The doctor left, and we waited until the police came in and arrested the man lying in the alley. I had bruise marks on my body that proved it was an assault, but as a formality, they told me to come down to the station to give a proper statement, and I told them I would since I had no other choice. Jasper assured them that he would make sure I was okay and that he would bring me to the station himself. When the police and the medics left, Jasper insisted that he drove me home. I didn’t protest and let him guide me to his car, which was some sleek sports model.

  I slid into the passenger seat and practically melted into the soft leather. I sneaked a glance towards him. I could tell from the way he was dressed up and the glimmering Rolex on his wrist that he was a rich man.

  Ten minutes later, he was parked outside my house: a rundown one-story home with creaking floorboards, a permanent leak in the ceiling, and an old quilt for a curtain. The neighborhood wasn’t Beverly Hills either, infested mostly by druggies, gangbangers, and prostitutes. Not a very friendly place to live in. I could almost imagine some of the neighbors peeking out of their windows to see why a posh car was parked outside our driveway. Jasper’s car stood out in this neighborhood like a sore thumb.

  Jasper glanced at the old house then back at me, his gaze unwavering.

  “Is this where you live?” He asked me, and I noticed how polite his tone was. It wasn’t the usual mocking tone that some people used with me when they saw where I lived.

  “Yes,” I said. “Not exactly Buckingham Palace, is it?”

  Jasper laughed. That was the first time I ever saw him laugh like that since we met. Casually, he raised his arm towards me and brushed the hair away from my face, and his fingers reached for my hand where he caressed my wrist. I knew at once that he’d seen the marks that I thought I’d carefully hidden.

  “These marks on your wrist, they don’t seem like they have been inflicted by that bastard in the alley. They look old.” He pointed out. “You want to talk about it?”

  I glanced out of the window. When I didn’t say a word, he continued. “How old are you?”

  “Twenty-three,” I answered.

  “You’re legally old enough to leave this goddamn place. Why are you still here?”

  “Because my mom needs me,” I responded.

  Jasper nodded and reached for his glove compartment. He retrieved a silver card out of a rectangular box and handed it to me. “If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, if you need help, do not hesitate to call me, Ms. Reeves.”

  “Thank you for everything that you’ve done for me today.” I was genuinely touched by his gesture of going out of his way to make me feel alright. “And it’s alright if you call me Kiara.”

  “Goodnight, Kiara.” I liked how my name sounded on his lips. He gave each syllable a meaning, making it sound beautiful.

  Like the true gentleman that he was, he waited until I walked to my door, and only after I stepped inside, did his car drive away.

  He’d addressed me as Ms. Reeves just a while ago before I told him that it was fine to use my first name. During any of our previous conversations, I couldn’t recall telling him my last name, so how had he known? I tried to think hard, but it didn’t make sense. Maybe my mind was foggy after today’s incident, I probably slipped my full name without realizing it, and Jasper seemed like someone smart enough to remember the smallest of details.

  “Who was that man, Kiara?” Mom asked me as I unzipped out of the jacket and realized I hadn’t returned it back to him. “And what the hell happened to your face?”

  I sneaked a glance towards the small table by the kitchen. Mom placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. “If you’re looking for your daddy, he isn’t home. Don’t worry.”

  I sighed, my feelings suddenly elevated. “I’m going upstairs to my room.”

  I didn’t want to stress Mom by talking about what went down today. She was already going through enough. I went back to my room upstairs and filled the entire tub with warm water. I was careful with the jacket Jasper had given me. I hung it inside my closet before stripping off the already ruined Kimono and sank into the tub. My entire body ached as I made contact with the water, but it helped me soothe and forget all the vile things that had occurred today.

  I walked out of the steaming bathroom a few minutes later, blow-dried my hair, and lay down on the bed. Exhaustion claimed my body as I drifted off, but then I had a dream. More like a nightmare. I was yet again in the alley, fighting off the man. It all played out like a videotape, and this time Jasper wasn’t there to help me. I tossed and turned in my bed until my eyes flew open, and I realized where I was.

  Safe. In my room.

  Acting on reflex, I walked to my old closet and pulled out Jasper’s jacket. I slept that night, snugging it close to myself. It smelled exactly like him; an intoxicating scent of his perfume and a hint of his body scent. I buried my face into it and anyone would have pegged my behavior as creepy, but I didn’t care. His jacket made me feel safe, and it helped me sleep peacefully that night.

  Chapter Three

  I returned to work two days later and explained to the restaurant manager my my injuries. Jeff was shocked and was polite enough to ask me if I still wanted a few days off. I declined his offer because I needed the extra money I made through tips. Since my green Kimono was torn, I had to wear my red one, which was even more daring. Jeff also informed me that a tall, handsome man had come to the restaurant one night and asked about me. My heart did a quick somersault since I knew who it was.

  When Kathy found out what had happened, she enveloped me in a hug and apologized for leaving Diego and me alone that night. She seemed genuinely embarrassed, and I didn’t want to make her feel any guiltier.So, I told her it wasn’t her fault and that she wouldn’t have known something like that would happen.

  “Kiara, can you take the order for table number five?” Diego asked me, his hands full with serving plates.

  “Sure thing,” I said, picking up the iPad. I glanced at the table and was shocked to see who it was:


  I stood glued to the spot near the kitchen area, drinking him in. Unlike the other day, Jasper was dressed in casuals—dark navy polo t-shirt over khaki trousers—with a five o’clock shadow on his jaw. He looked otherworldly, totally impeccable. He was looking around, and then he called Kathy. I saw him speak to her. She nodded her head and made her way towards me.

  Kathy was grinning by the time she walked into the kitchen and grasped my hand. “Who’s that hot guy? And how does he know your name?”

  I could feel my cheeks catching fire. “He’s the man who saved me that day,” I said proudly.

  “He’s so gorgeous, Kiara. He’s too damn perfect!” I could already feel her mouth drooling. “And he’s asking for you. Don’t waste your time standing here and just go.” She literally pushed me towards the floor.

  I stumbled and walked into the dining area. Jasper noticed me at once and passed me his infectious smile.

  “Welcome back, sir.” I greeted him. “Would you like to order something?”

  He chuckled. “That’s the thing, Kiara Reeves, I’m not here to order anything. In fact, I’m far from hungry. I just want to talk to you.” He placed his elbow on the table.

  He wanted to talk to me?

  Before I could answer that question, he asked, “What time do you get off work?”

  “About an hour from now,” I answered.

  Jasper nodded and flipped open the menu card. “I’ll wait. And while I wait, I’ll order for some Chow Mein.”

  True to his words, he waited. I noticed his ele
ctrifying blue eyes watching me, unabashed. It wasn’t the first time I’d caught a man staring; I had experienced that a lot of times, but I could distinguish between lustful let-me-fuck-you-for-one-night looks and stares that were plainly looking at me with admiring eyes. His seemed to fall into the latter category. From behind the kitchen counter, I watched him eat the noodles with chopsticks. His hands looked beautiful, long-fingered and graceful. I could imagine what those hands could do to—

  Snap out of it, Kiara. Since when did you start acting like a hormonal teenager?

  Besides, to have Jasper’s hands over me, would be like a dream come true; a man as perfect and sophisticated as him would not date women like me. Women like me only got men like my father.

  Drunk. Wasted. Women beaters.

  The thought made me melancholic. When I was done with my shift for the day, I noticed Jasper wasn’t seated in the booth anymore. I realized he’d gotten bored of waiting and had left eventually, leaving behind a good amount of tip for me. My heart sank with disappointment. I wanted to talk to him. I hadn’t even gotten the opportunity to thank him properly when he’d gone out of his way to visit this restaurant just to make sure I was alright.

  And I hadn’t even returned his jacket yet.

  My car was still at the mechanic’s shop, so I either took the local bus or walked to and fro from work. Today, it was extra breezy. I stepped out of the restaurant, and the cool air assaulted my face, and there I noticed a shadow waiting in the dark.

  I stepped back for a second until I saw who it was. Jasper stepped forward. “It’s me. I thought I’d wait outside for you.”

  I tried to hand him back the money he left as a tip. “It’s a lot. I can’t accept that.”

  “It’s your tip. Keep it,” he said with a warm smile, his hands lingering on mine for an extra second.

  “Last time I accepted a tip, it didn’t work out that well for me.”

  “Trust me, I’m not that guy,” Jasper said. “I won’t hurt you.”

  I trusted him.

  I shook my head. “You’ve done enough for me already. And your jacket, I still have it.”

  “You can keep that as well. I’m sure it helps you sleep better at night.”

  I giggled; first, at how funny he was and second, for he had hit the bullseye. I decided to tease him back. “How did you know that I sleep with it?”

  “For one, I was right outside your window this past couple of days,” he admitted, “Next time, you better keep the blinds closed. You never know what types of stalkers are lurking in the dark, or perhaps even a psychopath.”

  I laughed again. He grinned. I didn’t even remember the last time I’d laughed with someone. He was a hilarious guy. “You look beautiful when you smile,” Jasper complimented.

  I pushed a loose strand of hair behind my ear shyly. “I haven’t seen you here before. Do you live around here?”

  “I live in the next town. It’s a twenty-minute drive from your restaurant,” he answered as he dug his hands in his pockets. “So why didn’t you call me?”

  I was taken aback by that question. “I… uh. I wanted to. I’m really sorry. I should have called you before. Then you wouldn’t have to come here all the way just to make sure I was alright.”

  “Oh no. Did you think I came here for you? I was actually craving for some Chinese food.”

  “That’s funny because I’m sure I heard you say you came to talk to me. So, what did you want to talk about?”

  Jasper sighed. “If you don’t mind me asking, are you dating someone?”

  My heart skipped a beat. That was quite an unusual question. “Yes.”

  I swear I watched his features register disappointment. “Oh,” he said.

  “Chris Hemsworth, that’s who I’m dating. He just doesn’t know about it yet. Neither does his wife,” I joked. If he could tease me, I was good at that game too. “I’ve had a crush on Thor for ages.”

  Jasper burst out laughing, and I saw relief cross his face. “Well, I’m not that bad looking, am I? I just don’t have that much muscle and blond hair. I guess I’m lacking in those areas.”

  I nodded. “Not really. You’re fine. I guess I can make do with dark hair and blue eyes.”

  His brows arched up.

  What the hell was wrong with me? I was openly flirting with him. I had never been the flirty type.

  I realized that I was a different person altogether with Jasper. He made me feel free, made me laugh and blush, and most of all, he made me forget my screwed up life even if it was just for a while.

  “Let’s get to know each other by being friends,” Jasper suggested. “Deal?”

  “Sure. It’s a deal,” I said. I liked how he didn’t hold back on anything that was on his mind; he was so different from the men that I’d dated in the past. Those men were difficult to read, and even worse when it came to conversations. Jasper was at a very different level, he might as well be from another planet.

  “Take care of yourself, Kiara,” he said before heading towards his car.

  “Wait,” I called out, not wanting the conversation to end. He stopped short and turned. “I’ve wanted to ask you. That night in the alley, when…” My words were choked in my mouth. I willed myself to continue. “When that guy was trying to hurt me, how did you know I was there?”

  “I had parked my car at the end of the street, near a rundown building, and I heard someone scream, so I thought I’d look, and I found you.”

  “What if there wasn’t just one guy. What if there were three or five or more? They would have hurt you.”

  “I didn’t think of that. It was an instinct to help someone in need.”

  “If it sounds cheesy, I still want to say it. You’re nothing less than a superhero to me.”

  His lips broke into a smile. “I don’t think I’m worthy of being a superhero.”

  “To me, you are.” I insisted. “You saved me that day.”

  Jasper reached his hand out to me. “Show me your phone.”

  I stared at him for a moment, then rummaged my purse and retrieved the phone out of my pocket. He watched me carefully as I punched in the passcode and handed it over to him.

  He typed away on my phone and gave it back to me. “There. If you need something, all you have to do is call your superhero. I saved his number in your phone.”

  I laughed. “Okay.”

  “How are you getting home?”

  “I’ll take the bus.”

  Jasper shook his head. “Come on. I’ll drive you home. It’s on my way.”

  “Are you sure?”



  To say Jasper was a nice guy would be an understatement. He had this really charming and endearing quality about him that I wasn’t able to describe. A few nights back, I saw a darker side of him. I saw the way his blue eyes blazed as he pounded the guy and threw punches. It probably had something to do with men hurting women that ticked him off. He seemed like an old friend I never had. Whenever I was within his close proximity, I felt my heart beat wildly, and it never happened before. Not with other men, at least. This was a new feeling.

  This time, I didn’t even need to give Jasper directions. He drove to my house like he hadn’t driven there once but a lot of times before. He had a good memory. He stopped right outside my shabby driveway and pushed the gear into park. “So this is it.”

  “Thank you for the ride home,” I said.

  “If we are friends, you gotta stop saying thank you all the damn time,” he said with a friendly smile.

  I liked it when he smiled. It just made the butterflies in my stomach more aggressive.

  “If not a thank you, then how about this?” As if possessed by a daring spirit, I unbuckled my seatbelt, leaned in, and pressed my lips gently to his. I kept my lips lingering there for just a second before pulling away.

  What was this man making me do?

  “That’s something I approve.” He stared forward, towards the empty road.<
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  “Would you like to come inside?”

  He seemed to be lost in his thoughts for a while and then nodded. “Okay.”

  I invited Jasper inside my home.

  I felt a surge of excitement overcome me, the kind of feeling you have when you invite your high school crush over to your place. He parked the car and climbed out of it. I watched him curiously, eyeing the house before he followed behind me.

  Chapter Four

  Jasper looked really out of place when he walked into my home. The men I ever invited inside lived a similar, if not the same, lifestyle. Jasper’s body language seemed relaxed, and he didn’t seem the least bit bothered by the fact that the walls were peeling or that there was a leak in the ceiling. There was no judgment in his expressions whatsoever.

  As I took Jasper’s coat from him, I noticed the curiosity in his eyes as he looked around. The couch was worn out and patched up. The rug beneath was old, yet I made sure to clean it every chance I got. Dad was usually seated in front of the TV, but he wasn’t in view, so that meant he was out again, drinking and banging one of his chicks. He didn’t care that there was a mounting debt under his name and the fact that more than half of my paycheck went into paying that debt. All that mattered to him was more money. After high school, all my friends had left town for college. When I scrolled through their social media, I realized how much I’d been missing; the type of normal life that they were having, a good job, and coming home to a nice partner. What I’d done instead was apply to a community college and stayed behind. I’d sacrificed my future. I tried to tell myself that it was alright. It was all for my mom because I just couldn’t leave her alone.

  “Earth to Kiara!” Jasper snapped his fingers to bring me back to reality. He grinned. “What were you thinking?”

  I shook my head. “It’s nothing.”

  Mom walked into the foyer, her eyes darting between Jasper and me. She looked frail. She used to have beautiful volume on her hair like mine, but due to the years of mental torture she went through because of my father, she’d started to look tired. There were dark bags under her eyes, and her once vibrant hazel eyes had lost its color.


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