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Psycho Billionaire: A Dark Romance

Page 16

by Kashmira Kamat

  I smiled back and waved my hand in dismissal. “It was nothing. When I witnessed what was going on, I thought that was the right thing to do. Anyone in my place would have done the same thing.”

  Like a true gentleman, I handed the woman my handkerchief. The irony of the situation was amusing. John stood watching from the sidelines, very much aware of the gentleman in disguise, the fake charade. I couldn’t help but smirk.

  John’s wife introduced herself as Ally.

  “I have to invite you over for dinner, whenever you’re free that is,” Ally said.

  “Alyssa!” John warned her.

  “I insist.” Ally pressed.

  Jasper nodded. “Of course, ma’am. It would be a pleasure.”

  Ally turned to Kiara, and with utter sincerity, she said, “You’re very lucky.”

  Kiara giggled. “Everyone seems to say that.”

  “You are the cutest couple I know,” Ally said. “Have a good night ahead.”

  They made some more small talk, and I sneaked a glance at my wristwatch. I wanted them to fucking leave as soon as possible. I threw a look at John, and thankfully, he got the signal. I paid the bill with my Platinum Am Ex card, and we made our way out of the restaurant in silence. I knew Kiara was both appalled and impressed by the encounter. A small smile tugged my lips. I played the cards right.

  I tried to act casual through the entire ride back to her apartment. The streets were deserted; people were already in bed, unaware of the monsters that prowled the streets wearing human skins. When Kiara hadn’t uttered a single word through the ride, I wondered if impressing her was going to be tougher.

  She looked gorgeous in that green dress and I’d noticed how even married folks threw appreciative glances towards her. She was a trophy. There was no denying that. Her body was designed to be worshipped by a deserving man, someone like myself. And I knew I’d kill before I would let anyone have a taste of it.

  The silence in the car was becoming unbearable. “A penny for your thoughts?” I asked.

  “I’m just thinking about how amazing you are.” Kiara’s tone was genuine. “Amazing, selfless, and honest. You did it again. You saved someone else’s life.”

  I made an attempt to appear embarrassed by her compliment. The key to not sounding like an asshole was to act modestly even if it killed you. “No, I’m not. I’m far from amazing, Kiara.” That was actually a fact. I wasn’t amazing; you might as well replace those three words with narcissist, selfish, or a big fat liar. I continued, “In fact, I think you’re the amazing one.”

  She laughed. “Me? Amazing? How so?”

  I always sensed the right time to make my move. Fortunately, I was already pulling over to the side of her building. I parked the car and cut the engine. The car was filled with silence. I slid my arm around her waist and dragged her into my lap possessively. Kiara gasped as she straddled me in the car. Her short green dress rode up her creamy thighs. I cupped her face, brushing the dark locks of hair away from her forehead. In an irresistible voice, I said, “I think you’re an amazing and strong woman who’s been fighting her own battles for a long time. Life put you through so many harsh situations, and yet you never wavered. I love that quality about you. You’re an incredible woman, and I want to be the one to give you everything you deserve.”

  “Oh god, Jasper…” Her eyes were brimming with fresh tears. “No one’s ever said something like that to me.”

  I closed the remaining distance between us and pecked her lips softly, and when I was sure Kiara wouldn’t protest, I drew her bottom lip into my mouth, bit gently and suckled. I felt Kiara’s arms going around my neck, her fingers moved to caress my hair. She moaned as my tongue worked deep inside her mouth. I wanted to bite hard on her lip, but knew that would catch her off-guard or even scare her, so I controlled my urges.

  My hand roamed at the hem of her dress. I dipped my fingers inside, and brushed the thin fabric of her panties which were now damp. I was sporting a raging hard-on and all I wanted to do was haul her in the back seat, turn her around and plow into her until she screamed, but I was a patient man, and all my wild fantasies would have to wait. If she was getting back with me, it would be on her own terms. I trailed hot kisses down her collarbone and whispered ‘I love you’ several times. Her seductive mouth came down on mine in a passionate kiss.

  She whispered, “I love you, too, Jasper, so much. You have no idea. I have never loved another man as much as I love you.”

  “You’re going to be the death of me, I’ve never wanted a woman so much,” I admitted breathlessly. “You’re so fucking sweet. The thought of you with someone else kills me.”

  My hand lingered near her inner thigh, and I knew she was craving my touch and obviously wanted more. To tease her a little, I drew my hand out of her dress, and I could clearly see the instant loss she felt on her face.

  Kiara’s eyes were laced with desire when she whispered, “Come upstairs to my apartment.”

  I grinned, unable to control myself. “Are you sure?”

  She bit her lip, and nodded. “Yes. One hundred percent.”


  As soon as the door of the apartment shut behind us, Kiara’s mouth was already on mine and moving urgently. Clothes were off within a few seconds, and before I knew it, we were having hot raw makeup sex where neither of us had time to talk to each other. We were a blur of hands, mouth, and teeth. Back when she lived with me for a few weeks, Kiara hadn’t been this responsive. I realized that things had changed because I’d told her that I loved her.

  Those three simple words were the key. I only said those and her legs were open and eager. Soon, she was in bed, under me, and my thick cock slid inside her wetness. She gasped and moaned, and it was good to know I was having that effect on her. We moved together, matching our rhythm, and reached the peak for a climax soon after. My eyes rolled back as the first orgasm hit, and I came inside her hard and fast. Kiara’s soft melodic voice was music to my ears.

  Minutes later, we were spent and lying in bed, and she was snuggled in my arms. Two hours later, I woke up with a raging hard-on, and I slid inside of her body once again. We took it to the shower in the morning.

  I hadn’t felt so sated in a long time.

  There was one thing that was jarringly obvious after that night.

  Kiara was a keeper.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  One month later

  At the crack of dawn, I felt Jasper kissing his way down my spine; soft adoring kisses that I never thought he was capable of giving. I turned my back to see him staring at me with his piercing blue eyes. He smiled.

  “Good Morning, precious,” he whispered, pecking my cheek as he slid his hand around my waist and pulled me against him under the covers.

  The past two months had been bliss with Jasper pampering me with expensive gifts that I didn’t need, taking me out for breakfast, lunches, and dinners and finally making love in bed. No matter how many times I told Jasper that I didn’t want gifts, I still found diamond necklaces, clothing, and shoes from luxurious brands popping out after each of our dates. And now they were stacked in my sorry excuse for a wardrobe.

  I was still living in Colin’s apartment, and I knew I had to move out soon. Colin had noticed how Jasper visited me often, and asked me if everything was alright now. I knew he was concerned for me, but I assured him that everything was alright.

  I was momentarily distracted from my thoughts when his long, skilled fingers strayed under the covers and towards my inner thighs. I laughed and said, “Pervert.”

  Jasper appeared amused, “You don’t want me to?”

  I sighed. “Can’t say I hate it.”

  He ran his fingers through my hair. “I love you, Kiara. I don’t know why it took me so long to realize that.”

  I touched his cheek. “I love you, too.”

  Sometimes it felt like a dream because I never thought that the man I loved would love me back one day. It felt too good
to be true, but it was a reality.

  “So, do you also forgive me?” he asked, kissing my hand.

  “Forgive you for what?”

  “For treating you like shit before?”

  I laughed. “I find your bluntness very attractive. Yes, Jasper Lockhart, you’re forgiven.”

  “Do you want to hear a story, Kiara?” he asked.

  “What story?”

  He jumped out of bed, and made his way towards the attached bath. “Let’s brush our teeth first and then we’ll talk.”

  It was a good thing I kept a spare brush in my room. This was the first time that Jasper actually stayed until the morning. We brushed our teeth side by side, ended up in the shower together and then back in bed. Jasper sat up straight, his back against the headboard. The sunlight streaming through the window made his dark hair seem chocolate brown, and I loved it. I loved every little detail about him. The teasing curve of his mouth, those expert set of hands, the broadness of his shoulders and don’t even get me started on the long fingers and those delicious abs.

  Jasper was too handsome for words. When we walked together on the street, people would stop and turn. It was like a magnetic attraction. Even though he wasn’t an actor, people still recognized him through social media. If they failed to recognize him, they’d still stop and ask if he’d worked in some movie, and I basked proudly in their attention because this man was all mine.

  He pulled me into his arms as I sat sideways in his lap, eager to listen to this story he was going to tell me. “Listen carefully now. There was a housemaid appointed by a very influential man. He was no billionaire, but they were wealthy at that time. The man wasn’t happy with his marriage and constantly quarreled with his wife. One evening, when the wife was out, enjoying her parties, the housemaid decided to ask the master what was wrong. The two talked for a long time and they knew that they had an instant connection.”

  Jasper paused as I drew circles on his chest. “What happened after that?”

  “Things escalated between the two, and the man started having an affair with his housemaid. He repeatedly cheated on his wife, and one night the wife caught them together. She tried to fire the housemaid but it was too late. The maid was pregnant with his son. When the son was born, he was sent to live in the servant quarters together with the other house servants. He started doing small jobs around the house at the age of four, and at times, underwent abuse at the hands of the cruel wife. She was a jealous woman because she couldn’t have a child of her own.”

  I looked into his eyes and tried to see if it was a real story. Jasper caressed my face lovingly. “The wife of the wealthy man couldn’t have children, so the man decided to give his bastard his name while the maid was fired from the job and was given a hefty settlement. The couple pretended to adopt the boy from an orphanage, made fake documents. Life was suddenly better for the boy. He went to a good school, got the best grades, and his step-mother started to treat him a little better until a year later, the wife got pregnant miraculously. A son was born, and the cycle of abuse for the maid’s son began. The boy had gashes over his back, bruises on various parts of his body, and a lot of times, he was starved.”

  Suddenly, Jasper’s hands were shaking, and I could see that he wasn’t with me. He’d drifted off somewhere else, looking everywhere but me. He rubbed his hands together. “Fractured…fractured bones.”

  I cupped his face in my palms and forced him to make eye contact. “What’s wrong?”

  “Karma came for them in the end,” Jasper said. “And the boy grew up to build an empire. He was a child who’d never got the love and affection that every boy deserves, and then he met this really beautiful girl who was selfless, strong, and didn’t care about his money.”

  My heart began beating faster. It was like I already knew where he was going with this.

  “Are you that son, Jasper?”

  Jasper’s gaze was fixed somewhere far, but he kissed my forehead. “Yes.”

  My hand flew to my mouth. “I’m so sorry, baby. No child deserves to be treated like that.”

  “It’s in the past,” he said in a monotone.

  “Your biological mother, where is she?”

  He smiled. “You didn’t guess?”


  Jasper nodded. “I contacted her again after the reins were passed down to me. She’s a stubborn woman and told me she would continue to work as a housekeeper because she thought it wasn’t her place to be taking one of the master bedrooms. I just hired her instead, and she’s just like any of my other staff except she is my birth mother.”

  “It must be so hard for you,” I said and pulled him in a tight embrace, raining kisses over his forehead, his cheeks, and his mouth.

  “It actually is very hard for me to talk about this. I told you about my past because I wanted you to know why I am the way I am. I can be very possessive about things, about you, and I love having sex.”

  I giggled. “Not complaining about the last part.”

  Jasper grinned. “I want to be inside of you right now, Kiara, only deeper this time.” His lips slammed into mine, and I moaned loudly into his mouth. The need to possess me was very apparent with the way his lips assaulted mine. He was sexy, and his mouth was dirty, not that I had any problem with that.

  Jasper always did well on his promises. A while later we were both breathless, covered in perspiration, and our bodies were satisfied. I hadn’t felt this happy in my life before. Reluctantly, I pulled myself out of the bed and began picking up my discarded undergarments.

  “Where are you going?” Jasper asked.

  “I have to go to work,” I said.

  “I told you I’d provide for you,” he reminded me.

  “And I told you I didn’t need you to,” I said politely, trying my best not to sound rude or hurt his feelings.

  “Well, I’ll find a way to stop you,” Jasper sniggered.

  “What are you going to do? Tie me up in your bed?” I stuck my tongue out to him. I was being totally childish, but I liked teasing him.

  “You’re forgetting something,” he called out to me, still grinning like an idiot.

  I snapped the bra into place and turned to face him. “What is it?”

  “I’ll show it to you if you climb in bed for a minute,” he said, running his hand through his hair.

  I sighed and climbed back in bed only wearing a bra and panties. “What are you hiding? If it’s my phone, you can go through all the chats. You won’t find anything.”

  “Oh, honey. I already did that. Don’t you worry,” Jasper retorted, and I couldn’t be sure if he was joking or being serious.

  Suddenly, the jokes and all the other retorts that were bubbling on my tongue disappeared when I saw what he was holding.

  A blue velvet box.

  I stared at him in surprise. “You can’t be serious,” I choked.

  Still sporting that charming smile, he said. “Open it.”

  Jasper placed the velvet box into my shaky hands, and I took a few deep breaths. Was this really happening? Or would I wake up tomorrow and find myself rolling on the floor with this beautiful dream?

  “Come on, Kiara, open the damn box,” Jasper encouraged.

  Still shaking, I opened it.

  Inside the box…

  There was nothing.

  Jasper doubled over with laughter like a child whose prank had been successful. I threw a pillow at him. “I hate you.” I started climbing out of the bed when his arm slid around my waist and he pulled me against his chest.

  “Were you looking for this?” he whispered, holding up a breathtakingly gorgeous diamond solitaire ring between his fingers.

  Completely unable to form speech, I continued to stare at him and the ring in shock. Reading my expression, he said. “Kiara, I know I’m not the perfect man out there.” I watched as he slid down from the bed and lowered himself to one knee. “But I know that if there’s anyone who can keep you happy, it’s me. I want your smiles,
your tears and your love all to myself. I promise to cherish you and provide you with everything. Most of all, I want to spend the rest of my life with you,” he paused to take a deep breath. “Kiara Gracie Reeves, will you marry me?”


  I never thought that when I get married, it would be so sudden. We never even got time to arrange a proper wedding. Jasper insisted that we have a private ceremony on the family-owned Lockhart Island beach. The altar was decorated with colorful flowers. It was simple yet lovely.

  Jasper had done a lot of work in the past week, from wedding planners to getting a custom-made wedding dress from one of the best designers in the country.

  Not many people had made it to the guest list. All of Jasper’s friends, with their wives, were present excluding Lucas, and that made me a little sad. Lucas was a good man, and he’d helped me when I needed it the most. Colin and Chloe were invited too, along with Kathy, my best friend from the previous diner I worked at. She was my maid of honor. When Jasper had suggested inviting my mother to the wedding, I’d been reluctant but after much thought, I cooled down and decided to throw the weapons.

  She was my mother after all. She’d done what she thought was the best alternative. Mom was seated at the front row of the aisle, teary-eyed while wearing a beautiful peach gown, smiling proudly at me. She looked so much better, younger even. Those bags under her eyes were gone, and I had Jasper to thank for that too. Mom looked happy and healthy. He’d done for her more than what I could have been able to.

  I couldn’t even recognize myself in the white dress; I looked like a completely different person. And the thought that I was finally having happiness in my life brought tears to my eyes. I didn’t have a brother, so I asked Colin to walk me down the aisle, and he’d gladly obliged.

  Standing at the end of the aisle was Jasper. He looked everything like I imagined he would. A lot of times, I’d fantasized getting married to him, not realizing that it would actually happen in the future. It was so much better in reality. Jasper looked drop-dead gorgeous in his black tux, clean-shaven, and his usual unruly hair was tamed to perfection, a few wispy waves curled over his forehead. He had the familiar teasing glint in his alluring blue eyes.


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