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Psycho Billionaire: A Dark Romance

Page 20

by Kashmira Kamat

  “What’s the matter, honey?” I asked him.

  “I don’t like to go home,” he complained.

  I kissed his cheek. “How about we take a detour to your favorite ice cream place?”

  His face lit up at once. “I want strawberry.”

  I drove towards Tyler’s favorite ice cream place where we had our own mother and son conversations. He mostly liked talking about his school friends and some imaginary friends as well. I listened to him with interest and sheer adoration.

  “Hmm, and then what happened?” I wiped the ice cream dripping from his chin.

  Tyler laughed. “And then I told him he was being silly.”

  Tyler’s blue eyes twinkled, the same large expressive blue eyes that he had gotten from his father. His curly hair was a shade of dark brown. Tyler was a miniature version of Jasper.

  A few years back, when I’d fallen down the stairs during my ninth month, I’d suddenly blacked out, and after a while, I woke up in a hospital bed, having gone into early labor. Tyler was a premature baby at the time, but I’d literally cried my eyes out when I saw how beautiful and precious he was. Tyler had been strong enough to survive that fall. He’d walked into my lonely life like a lamp in the darkness, and I cherished every moment with him. Everyone in the mansion loved Tyler, from the cook to the maids, and even Morgan was quite charmed by the little boy.

  Tyler already had nuggets and fries for dinner which was a change from his usual meals at home. When we reached the mansion, he was heading straight to his bedroom when he bumped into Jasper. The smile that Tyler had on his face quickly disappeared like switching off a light bulb. Jasper, at thirty-one, was still breathtakingly gorgeous and appeared more rugged than how he used to be. He passed his son a heart-warming smile.

  “How’s my buddy, today?”

  “I’m fine, Daddy,” Tyler responded.

  “Where did you and Mommy come from, Tyler?” Jasper asked.

  It was a trick question.

  Tyler’s little body shook. He glanced at me then back at his father. “We went to the mall.”

  Jasper nodded. I was glad Tyler hadn’t said anything else. Parks were completely off the list. Jasper didn’t like Tyler getting along with the town children. Being just a kid, he liked playing with the kids his age. I felt bad about how lonely he usually was, so I’d promised the boy we would sneak out to our secret hangouts.

  Tyler was a vibrant child he liked going out often, playing in the sun, getting dirt on his face, and doing other activities boys his age did but because of Jasper’s strict rules, Tyler was often sad and acted detached from his own father. The love that Jasper and I had for each other, it was almost non-existent after Tyler’s birth.

  I was more of a convenient tool; A wife kept for the purpose of showing off at parties or charity functions and warming a bed. Not to forget breeding.

  Jasper had packed and left for a business trip the next day, informing me that he’d return in a few days. Knowing Jasper, I knew he could return an hour or two later saying that he forgot to take important files, but that was hardly the case. Jasper came back to see if I sneaked in a lover or if I was up to something that I wasn’t supposed to. He thought I was oblivious to such things.

  Tyler had an odd ability to sneak into Jasper’s study where he usually pulled out all his papers and scribbled all over them with crayons. Jasper didn’t mind as long as he could duplicate them but there was one time when Tyler tore these pages, and I was blamed for it. When I’d seen the look in Jasper’s eyes, all I wanted to do was run away. I wanted to pack my bags and leave the house with my son.

  I knew that wasn’t possible. I couldn’t stand up to a man with so much power. He could ruin me. Even if Jasper hadn’t voiced the threat, it was clear as day in his alluring blue eyes.

  When I didn’t find Tyler in his bedroom or the mansion garden, I realized he was back in Jasper’s study causing another mischief. I made my way to the study and wasn’t surprised to find the adorable boy sprawled on the floor, drawing on a heap of papers with colorful crayons. When he heard me walk in, his gem-like eyes found mine. “Mommy, look. I drew a kitty!”

  “Honey, how many times have I told you not to come inside Daddy’s room? This is where he works. You can’t come here.”

  My eager little boy ignored my pleas and rushed forward to show me the art with his little hands. “See.”

  I took the paper from his hand and inspected it like it was a work of Picasso. “It is so amazing. You’re so talented, Ty.”

  Tyler appeared pleased by my shower of appraisal and passed me a two-toothed smile, the one with dimples. “Thanks.” He picked up another blank paper. “Let’s draw a doggie now.”

  After we’d finished doing our drawings together, I put Tyler to bed and decided to clean up the mess in Jasper’s office. I picked up all the papers and put them back in order which took me over an hour. A small bottle of colored pills caught my eye.

  Jasper never took any medication. That was odd.

  I picked up the bottle and examined it. I pulled out my phone and typed the name of the medication on the search bar. I needed to know what kind of pills these were. When I saw the results of the search, I was appalled. It couldn’t be possible…

  Jasper couldn’t be…

  I pocketed the bottle and hurried out of the office. I needed to find out the truth. Luckily, I found Morgan loitering around the passage area.

  “Morgan,” I called out to him.

  The butler halted midway. “Yes, Mrs. Lockhart?”

  “You’ve been with the Lockharts for ages.” I knew my hands were shaking. “I need to know something.” My pulse had quickened. Without wasting any time, I showed him the bottle of pills.

  He looked at the bottle and then at me. His expression was stoic; one couldn’t guess what was actually going on in his head. Either that or Morgan knew everything and was pretty good at feigning innocence. “What of the pills, Miss?”

  I stopped before saying anything as a maid bowed at me and passed us. When I was sure there was no one else within earshot, I continued. “I found these pills in Jasper’s desk drawer, and when I searched about it on the internet…” I choked, looking heavenward.

  This wasn’t happening to me!

  “Please tell me it’s a misunderstanding,” I managed to say.

  “Miss, I’m not sure what conclusion you’ve drawn, but Mr. Lockhart is a very kind man. He is not—”

  “Morgan, I understand your loyalty towards him. I really do.” I cut him off midsentence. “I’ve lived for four years in the dark, confused about my husband. If there’s anything I need to know…please. At least for Tyler’s sake, I have to know the truth.”

  He seemed like he was torn between wanting to speak his mind and not betraying his employer. “It’s not my place to say this, but you’re quite aware of how eccentric Mr. Lockhart can be. Forgive me, but I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to comment regarding his personal affairs or his mental health.”

  “Very well, then. I will find out on my own, one way or the other,” I said, turning on my heel.

  “Mrs. Lockhart…” I heard Morgan call out to me.

  I stopped in my tracks and looked back at him. Morgan stared at me as if having a dilemma. “His grandmother …” I didn’t need specification as to who he was referring to as ‘His’. “She was diagnosed with anti-social personality disorder and spent the better half of her life in an asylum. When she was finally free, she was found hanging in the barn, but since she was highly manipulative, it was unlikely she would take her life. It was rumored that Grady Lockhart, her husband, had her killed by a servant and then hung her body to make it look like a suicide. Since the Lockharts have been an influential family with a considerable amount of wealth and power, no one in town questioned it.”

  This was new. Apparently, the family had a history of deaths and violence. I knew Jasper’s father was a cunning man, but I had no idea his grandfather was same too.

“What does this have anything to do with Jasper?”

  Morgan continued in the same monotonous tone. “Like I’ve said before, Miss, I’m no one to comment on Mr. Lockhart’s mental health, but I can tell you as much. His grandmother was charming, witty, manipulative, and ruthless; much similar to Mr. Lockhart. As far as what I know, the disorder is generally passed down from a family member. It could be that Mr. Lockhart is a ---”

  “Thank you, Morgan,” I said.

  Morgan didn’t need to spell it out for me. He hadn’t spoken in clear words what exactly Jasper was but had hinted on it which was more than enough for me.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  It was past midnight, and I’d sipped my third cup of coffee, but there was no sign of my husband returning from his business trip. I was seated in his study desk, waiting anxiously. I needed answers, and fast.

  Sometimes, it made me wonder. Did Jasper really go on business trips for weeks, or was he attending to some other personal trip? Perhaps he had a lover tucked away somewhere with an illegitimate child. What if he confessed to having another family?

  For a man like Jasper’s caliber who was ridiculously wealthy, handsome as the devil himself and charming like no one you’ve met, it wasn’t hard for him to get whoever he wanted. If Jasper could wish, he could have two or three or even a dozen women scattered across countries, living lavishly and have absolutely no financial issues by a long shot. If not a dozen, I suspected at least one.

  I stared at the empty cup of coffee and wished I could ring for a maid to make me another cup, but it was already too late, and I didn’t want to disturb the staff at this hour. Neither did I have the patience to walk downstairs to make myself one.

  Just when I decided to go back to my room, I heard the knob turning. The hair on my back stood up.

  The lights switched on as his imposing form walked inside the room. Jasper’s alluring blue eyes rested on me. “Oh, hey precious. Didn’t expect you here so late; thought I’d see you in the morning.”

  He approached me. His fingers slowly wrapped around the nape of my neck as he began to lower his face towards me for a kiss, but I pushed him away. “I want to talk to you about something.”

  “The talking can wait, don’t you think?” he grinned. “We could utilize the time for some other activities which includes a bed and absolutely no clothes.”

  Without further delay, or before he could manipulate me to comply with his wishes, I showed him the bottle of pills. There was just a hint of regret in his features—regret of being caught, I believed—and it was gone in a flash. He smiled, almost relieved to have finally lifted off the mask.

  “You lied to me,” I finally said. “These pills are for antisocial personality disorder.”

  He chuckled. “A polite name for anti-psychotics.”

  I was seething, feeling like a total idiot. “Why did you hide it from me?”

  Jasper still appeared to be indifferent to my inner turmoil. Either he was choosing to ignore my distress, or he just didn’t care. “If I told you about the disorder I was suffering from, would you have stayed with me?”

  He knew the answer to that question, so he smiled knowingly and leaned against the desk. “I thought so. It took Ava one year to find out, and she threatened to expose me. Poor girl. A few days later, she was lying on the cold ground in a puddle of her own blood.”

  Jasper said it with such a straight face and a tone of indifference that one would think he was merely discussing tomorrow’s lunch menu. I felt like my ears were bleeding. A deep emotion clogged my throat, raw and real. The tears streamed down my face. The world might as well be upside down.

  All wasn’t lost. There was still hope. It wasn’t entirely his fault he was born this way. I could help him.

  “We can go to the best psychiatrists in the country and get you into psychotherapy. We can get the help you need, Jasper.”

  Jasper looked straight to my eyes. “There’s no treatment or a cure for it, Kiara.” He twirled the heavy paperweight on the desk. “Besides, cure is for people who want to be treated. I certainly do not need or intend to get help. In fact, I’m quite content with my situation at present. You should be too. Nothing should change from merely you finding out my true nature. I’m still the same loving husband and you my obedient, loyal wife. It’s all the same.”

  “So you don’t want to be treated?” I asked.

  “I’m perfectly well,” he said proudly. “Don’t look at me as if I’m sick with some life-threatening disease.”

  “If you wouldn’t get yourself treated, I will…”

  “You will what?” His expression turned hard. “If word got out, my reputation will be in ruins, and the company will suffer. The last thing I need is getting attention from the tabloids. I can’t allow that to happen. Do you understand what I’m saying, Kiara?”

  I couldn’t control the outburst of fury waiting to resurface. My hands were balled into tight fists. “You’ve been lying throughout this marriage. First your ex-wife, and now the fact that you’re a psychopath.” I gave out a little laugh. I’d finally said the word. “This entire relationship was built on your lies. The way you offered to help me, used me for your personal needs and then confessed your undying love. You’re a good actor, Jasper. You should win an Oscars.”

  “Oh come on, Kiara, you know better than to display theatrics. I did everything in my power to keep you away from the truth. Can you blame me? I pretended to be someone I wasn’t. I tried to blend into the community like every other ordinary man, and I know I’m pretty good at it.”

  “Good at deceiving people,” I muttered. “Do you even have any feelings for me?”

  The corners of his mouth twitched upward as if he’d expected this question sooner or later. “I’d like to confess that I lack empathy, guilt or remorse. I don’t even feel love. That’s the way I function, but with time, I’ve learned to control my emotions and do what’s needed. I show people what they want to see. I do love you, Kiara. Just not in the conventional way. I like to be in control. Now that you know me, I hope we understand each other better.”

  “Fuck you!” I snapped, climbing to my feet. “I’m leaving, and Tyler comes with me, and I don’t care where we’re going as long as I’m away from you. I’m not staying in this house with someone like you!”

  Before I could get up, Jasper pushed me down onto the seat with one harsh shove and blocked my way. “What are you doing?” I asked him, my heart thudding against my chest.

  “Something that I should have done years before when you disobeyed and broke my rules. I explained to you nicely, but you want to test the devil in me, So, be it.”

  His palm cracked against my right cheek. It was like waking up from a beautiful dream, only to realize you’ve been living in a nightmare. Surprise registered only for a second, followed by betrayal, and finally, the horror of the situation. I dared a glance at his face, and his eyes were nothing like I’d seen them before. His fathomless blue eyes were replaced by an unspeakable darkness, his expression vicious.

  I touched my cheek. “Why would you hit me?!”

  “I make the goddamn rules in this house!” he said with icy calmness, digging his fingers into my cheek until I yelped. “Listen to this, Kiara. I possess you—mind, body, soul. And if you try to get away from me, I promise you, I will hunt you down even from the pits and bring you back here. The punishments you will receive after that will be a bonus.”

  “You killed her, didn’t you?” Realization dawned on me. I didn’t need to say her name. He knew I was talking about Ava.

  “I’ll leave that to your imagination. You do know what I’m capable of. You’ve seen me tear and devour even the strongest of people,” he whispered. “It’s not going to be difficult for me to do the same to you. Think about it.”

  My breathing intensified, and I began slapping and scratching him in a desperate attempt to free myself from him. My long fingernail dragged down his right cheek, and when he touched it, there was a tr
ail of blood on his fingers.

  That’s when all hell broke loose.

  I’d unleashed the beast living inside him.


  All those years that Jasper had humiliated me, put me in uncomfortable situations, and even displayed the lack of interest for certain things were clear signs of being a psychopath. He’d been a master of manipulation, making me believe that his feelings for me were real when it had all been just for blending in with the society. In reality, Jasper was a handsome man with horns. And I couldn’t believe that I’d fallen in love with such an ugly person.

  In the heat of the moment, I slapped him and scratched his face. Jasper stared at the blood on his fingers. “You little bitch!” he bellowed as he reached for my chemise and jerked the fabric so hard, it broke free.

  “Jasper! Stop it!” I yelled at him.

  He tore it all the way down, almost revealing my right breast. “Stop…” I pleaded.

  But Jasper wasn’t listening. He was possessed by a demon I didn’t even know existed. There was a hunger shining in his eyes, a monster unleashed that had been waiting for the right time to showcase its true colors. His eyes, devoid of pity or any emotion, were vacant. The blue eyes that I’d always thought to have been beautiful now terrified me to the core.

  “You can’t ever leave me!” he whispered. “If you do, I’ll ruin your life! You’re mine.”

  I was begging him to stop, but before he could violate me any further, the office door creaked open, and I quickly covered my front with what was left of my ruined nightie when I saw who was standing there.

  Tyler stood there, holding a teddy bear to his chin, his eyes moving from me to Jasper and back. His face was white as a sheet as if he’d seen a ghost. Tyler was too young to realize what was going on, but he noticed my crying face and Jasper pinning me down on the chair.

  “Tyler…” I whispered, wiping the tears with the back of my hand. “Go to your room, honey.”


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