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Page 4

by Winter Travers

  I closed my eyes and dropped my chin to my chest. Of course, Frankie and Brooks would walk in right then.

  Remy pushed off the bench. “We were having a man-to-man talk. Maybe you should head back to Brooks’ cushy trailer.”

  Frankie rolled her eyes. “You’re a dick. Like I’m going to sleep in the damn car hauler with you assholes when forty feet away, I can sleep in a trailer that is nicer than our duplex.”

  She had a damn point. God knows, if I had the chance to sleep in an actual bed when we were at the track, you bet your ass I would. “Why don’t both of you go to bed and leave me alone?” I suggested.

  “Because I like reveling in your misery.” Frankie stepped into the trailer. “Besides, I was headed to Brooks’ trailer when I saw the lights still on in here. I was surprised to hear you two talking about pants coming off.”

  “That wasn’t all we were talking about.” I cracked open an eye and saw Remy point at me. “Jay thinks the world is ending because his chick is having a baby.”

  “She’s not my chick,” I insisted.

  Remy wrinkled his brow. “Baby mama?” he suggested.

  “She’s totally Jay’s chick. He may not remember her, but I know why he’s so quiet.” Frankie cocked her hip out and rested her hand on it. “I saw her. She’s way out of his league, and I’m sure that is driving him insane.”

  “She’s not out of my league,” I insisted.

  Frankie laughed. “You remember that one girl he dated who he brought out to Red Lobster with us?” she asked Remy.

  Remy immediately laughed his ass off.

  Frankie smirked and looked at Brooks. “The chick struggled reading the menu. Jay ended up having to order for her. When the food came, she freaked out until Jay ordered her mac and cheese off of the kid’s menu. That girl is in your league.”

  “Yuck it up, assholes,” I mumbled as they all laughed. “She said she was dyslexic.”

  Frankie tilted her head to the side. “Right,” she drawled. “I think she was also barely eighteen and had the appetite of a hungry twelve-year-old. I’m sure if there would have been pizza rolls on the menu, she would have ordered those too.”

  Frankie was right on point. The chick’s name had been Monica, and on the way home, she had asked to stop at the store. She came out with a plastic bag that had two cans of Fanta and pizza rolls. It hadn’t been the best date, but sex and pizza rolls ended up being a good combination. “Did you three come in here to be assholes?”

  “No. At least, that wasn’t my initial plan, but sometimes, you just need to go with the flow.” Remy smiled wide and reached out to bump his fist with Brooks.

  “Delaney is not out of my league,” I insisted.

  “She’s a med student. She’s going to be doctor.” Frankie sighed. “She’s out of my league too.”

  Brooks grabbed Frankie and pulled her into his arms. “Didn’t know you were into girls, baby.”

  Frankie rolled her eyes. “You’re such a guy.”

  “That’s what you like about me.”

  She pressed a kiss against his lips then socked him on the arm. “I’m just with you for your motorhome and race team.”

  “That’s not what you said last night.”

  “Okay!” Remy shouted. “Enough of that talk. We’re discussing Jay’s train-wreck right now. Keep it in your pants, Frankie.”

  I walked to the door of the trailer and flipped off the lights. “Nope, sorry. We’re not talking about that either. I’m headed to bed.” I didn't even know where my head was at when it came to Delaney and the baby. I sure as hell wasn’t going to discuss it with Frankie, Remy, and Brooks.

  “Come on, man. You gotta talk about it,” Remy insisted. “This whole you actually working and being a good employee is boring.”

  Frankie scoffed. “I gotta say, it’s nice to finally see you do some work. Who knew the walls would hold themselves up without you leaning on them?”

  I flipped her off and grabbed my phone from the workbench. “I’m headed to bed where I don’t have to deal with you guys being assholes.”

  “How the tables have turned,” Frankie called.

  I walked out of the trailer and hung my head. Everything was changing, and I didn’t have a fucking clue on how to deal with any of it. I was acting differently, but how else was I supposed to act? I had just found out I was going to have a kid.

  I had thought of going to the party at Spokes’ trailer but had turned around when I was halfway there.

  Getting drunk and finding a chick to hook up with didn’t sound fun anymore.

  I stopped halfway to the trailer and looked down at my phone. It may be too late to call her, but I could always text her.

  Hey, it’s me. How are you doing? I sounded like a complete idiot, but I didn’t know what else to say.

  Hey, it’s the guy who got you pregnant but doesn’t even remember having sex with you.

  Yeah, that would be more accurate.

  She surprisingly answered right away.

  Doing fine. Just working.

  She was working? It was almost midnight. You’re working? Right now?

  I picked up a shift at work.

  Where the hell was work? I thought she said she was in school to be a doctor. What the hell possible work could she be doing right now? I was just checking on you.

  I’m good.

  She really didn’t give much away in her texts. That’s good.

  I waited a bit to see if she would reply, but she didn’t. I had never had a more awkward text conversation in my life. I should be back in town Monday. I was grasping at straws here. Something made me want to talk to her. I needed to know more about her.


  “Jesus Christ,” I mumbled. I had never met someone who could text so little with so much meaning. Ten words, and she had made it clear that she didn’t really want to be talking to me. At least, that was what it seemed like. I’ll text you tomorrow.


  I shoved my phone in my pocket and put myself out of misery.

  Delaney was a tough chick to figure out. While every girl I had been with before her loved to talk and be around me, Delaney seemed to be indifferent and couldn’t get far enough away.

  I didn’t know what I wanted from Delaney, but I knew it was a whole hell of a lot more than what she was giving me.


  Chapter Seven


  “I’m dying, darling. You have no idea how hot it is here. Who the hell goes to Florida in June?”

  I chuckled and dropped my purse on the kitchen table. “The answer would be you, Mom.”

  She sighed heavily. “Well, I’m an idiot. But not as big of one as Christy for planning this godforsaken trip.”

  Christy shouted in the background.

  “I may be getting paid, but there isn’t enough money in the world for me to put this much baby powder between my legs,” Mom grumbled.

  “Other than melting, how is it going?” I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and twisted off the cap.

  “The only saving grace about this trip is Christy has amazing taste in food. She took me to this place in Cape Canaveral called Rusty’s. Best seafood I have ever had in my life.”

  It was almost as if I could hear her salivating through the phone. “Well, there is your silver lining, Mama.”

  “It’s only a silver lining if she takes me there every day.”

  “We can't eat at the same damn place every day, Susan,” Christy hollered. “We’ve been here for three days, and you’ve made me eat there four times already.”

  “I think she’s finally understanding my love for good food.”

  “Other than the food, there has to be something else you like.” I took a swig of the water and walked over to the pantry. I was starving and ready to eat an elephant. My morning sickness that lasted through the whole day was finally petering off, and now, I was just hungry all of the time.

  “We get to see all the spaceships and
everything. Plus Christy’s friends and sister are nice.”

  “See, there ya go. It may be hot, but you’re having fun.”

  “Hotter than Satan’s behind,” she grumbled. She cleared her throat. “Now, tell me how you are.”

  “Just going to school and working, Mom. Same as if you were here.”

  “I know, but when I’m there, I make sure you eat and get enough sleep. I’m afraid you’re going to run yourself ragged if I’m not there.”

  I grabbed the jar of peanut butter, marshmallow fluff, and a sleeve of crackers. The baby was making sure I was starving. I craved anything sweet.

  That wasn’t entirely true.

  I just craved food.

  “Eating and sleeping,” I promised. “I was in bed before twelve last night, and I didn’t have to be up until nine today. Nothing for you to worry about here, Mama.”

  “Well, that’s a first. Normally, you’re up ‘til dawn and barely eating enough to function.”

  “I’ve been functioning just fine.”

  “Well, make sure you keep it up. We won’t be back ‘til a week or so after the Fourth of July.”

  “Did you really just call to make sure I was eating and sleeping?” I set the food on the counter and grabbed a paper plate.

  “I’m your mother. That’s what I’m supposed to do. Worry and make sure you’re eating.”

  I looked at the two spreads and crackers. “I can tell you for a fact I’m eating.”

  “Good. I’ll call you tomorrow to make sure you keep it up.”

  “I’ll talk to you tomorrow, Mama.”

  I hung up the phone, made about ten mini cracker sandwiches with the peanut butter and fluff, then sat my ass down on the couch. Since I had picked up a shift at the restaurant yesterday, that meant I didn’t need to work tonight.

  Vegging out in front of the TV was the only thing I planned.

  I pointed the remote at the TV and flipped through the channels ‘til I landed on reruns of Full House.

  I inhaled the plate of crackers, and my stomach growled for more food. “Are you kidding me?” I said to my belly. “How can you still be hungry, kid?” I laughed.

  My phone rang in the kitchen, and I jumped up to answer it.

  It was Jay.

  Hell. I had been short with him yesterday because I was trying to work and not get fired. Also because that was just how I was when I texted.

  “Uh, hello?”


  I closed my eyes and tried not to like my name coming from his lips. “That’s me.”

  “You busy?” he asked.

  “Uh, just grabbing a snack and watching TV.” It was a second snack, but he didn’t need to know that. My eating habits were rather large and not anything I liked to share.

  “Oh, I was calling to see if maybe you wanted to grab something to eat.”

  My jaw dropped, and I tried to find something to say. Why on earth did Jay want to go out to eat with me? “Uh, well, I just had some crackers.”

  “Good,” he laughed. “Then I can have the appetizer all to myself.”

  “What?” That wasn’t what I meant at all. “I mean, I ate. I’m good.” I did not need a pity date from Jay Perez just because he knocked me up.

  “You ate crackers, and now you’re good. For the rest of the night? ‘Til you wake up in the morning.”

  “Well, no. I mean, I can just eat at home. I don’t need to go out.”

  “Then I’ll bring dinner to you if you don’t want to go out. Pizza or Chinese.”

  My stomach growled at the mention of pizza. A huge cheesy slice with pepperoni and onions sounded magical right now. “You’re coming over?”

  “Yeah. Just as soon as you tell me what you are craving and where you live.”

  I looked around the kitchen and sighed. I lived with my mom.

  I did not want Jay coming over.

  “Uh, you know what? I guess I’m not hungry. No need for you to come over.”

  “Delaney,” he drawled. “You need to eat.”

  I rolled my eyes and set my paper plate on the counter. “Trust me, Jay. I’m eating.” Way more than I probably should be.

  “I’m coming over.”

  “You don’t even know where I live, Jay. Have fun figuring that out.”

  “I’ll just drive up and down every street knocking on everyone's door until you come out.”

  I laughed. “How do you even know what town I live in?” For all he knew, I could be from a few towns over. We really knew nothing about each other.

  “You live in Leeds Square. It really won’t take me long to figure out where you live. I’ll just ask around where the hot med student lives.”

  “You really don’t need to lay on the charm, Jay.”

  “I think you’re talking about my personality, Delaney. That was my personality you told me to lay off on.”

  I scoffed. “Well, your personality is much too charming. Knock it off.”

  “Tell me where you live, and I promise I’ll try to reel it in.”

  “If you come, you need to bring pizza with extra cheese, pepperoni, and onions. Heavy on the sauce.” My stomach growled again. Yeah, I was going to annihilate that pizza if he came over.

  “Just give me your address, babe, and I’ll be right over.”

  “Don’t call me that,” I blurted. It didn’t feel right for him to call me that. I felt that was what he called any woman he came into contact with.

  I didn’t want to be lumped together with all of the other women he had been with.

  “What did I call you?”

  Jesus. He was so used to calling any woman he met babe that he didn’t even know he was doing it. “Babe. Please don’t call me babe.” I rattled off my address before he could say another word then ended the call.

  He started speaking right when I hit the end call button.

  I tossed the phone down and braced my arms on the counter. My eyes focused on the tiny bump slightly bulging against my shirt. “I think you just made me look totally hormonal, bump.”

  Yeah, that was completely hormonal. That was the only thing that could explain the slight sting of jealousy I had felt when I thought of Jay with other women.

  We weren’t even together. Why in the hell would I be jealous of the women he was with? He was totally single, and I was just his baby mama.

  “That’s all it is, bump. He’s your dad, and there isn’t anything else there. That’s all it is,” I repeated.

  Maybe if I kept telling myself that, I would actually start feeling that way.

  I did know if he called me babe to my face, I was likely to punch him in the nuts and totally blame it on my hormones.



  I balanced the pizza box in my hand and raised my other hand to knock on the door.

  Before I picked up the pizza, I stopped at the store to get some drinks and anything else a pregnant woman might like.

  Delaney swung open the door, and my eyes instantly went to her stomach. I couldn’t help it. My mind was completely fascinated by the fact that she was carrying something I had helped to create.

  “My eyes are up here.”

  My eyes shot up to her face, and thankfully, she was smiling. “Sorry, ba...” The word died in my throat, and I held out the pizza. “Sorry, Delaney. I have to run to the car to get the rest of the stuff. Can you take this or show me where to put it?” The fact she had hung up on me after telling me her address told me she really didn't want me calling her babe. The endearment fell out of my mouth so easily that I knew I was going to have to watch myself.

  “I thought you were just bringing pizza?” She grabbed the box from me and looked past me toward my car.

  “I picked up a couple of extra things. Give me two seconds.” I jogged back to my car and grabbed the four bags off the floorboard.

  “Did you go grocery shopping?” she called.

  I pushed the door shut with my foot and walked back to the house. “Stopped for a
few things.”

  She stood off to the side and held the door open for me to walk in. “That looks like more than a few,” she mumbled as I brushed past her.

  “Which way to the kitchen?” I asked.

  She shut the door and walked around me. “This way.”

  I would be lying if I said I didn’t check out her ass as she walked in front of me. Delaney was most definitely my type of woman. The soft yoga pants she was wearing hugged her hips and ass while the fabric flowed down her legs. Her shirt looked soft, and my hand itched to caress the slight bulge I saw when she had stepped back from me before.

  “You really only needed to bring the pizza.”

  I blinked twice and dragged my eyes off her ass. We were standing in the kitchen, and she was setting the pizza on the kitchen island. “I know. That’s all I planned on bringing, but then I stopped for drinks, which led to me thinking we need dessert,” I held up the bags, “and then before I knew it, my basket was overflowing.”

  She turned to look at me and laughed. “I can only imagine what you have in there.”

  I set the bags on the counter and chuckled. “Only one way to find out.” I pulled out two bags of potato chips, a jar of pickles, cookie dough, two pints of ice cream, sprinkles, ice cream cones, marshmallow fluff, chocolate sauce, caramel sauce, soft pretzels, cheese sauce, and salsa.

  “What in the ever-loving...” Delaney moved to stand next to me and looked down at my bounty from the store. “This is the most random shopping I have ever seen,” she laughed.

  “I wasn’t sure what you like.” I had intended just to get ice cream, but then I thought about sundaes. Once I grabbed everything for the sundaes, I was by the chip aisle and then things had just started to drop into my basket. I desperately wanted to impress Delaney, and I might have completely blew it with my ridiculous shopping spree.

  She grabbed the two containers and smiled. “I heartily approve of everything you bought. I was running dangerously low on fluff so you’ve prevented me from having to go to the store tomorrow.” She smiled wide, and I took a mental picture of her.

  Delaney wasn’t hot.


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