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Blind in Love

Page 1

by Ford, Brenda

  Blind in Love

  Brenda Ford

  Copyright © 2019 by Brenda Ford

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This book is a piece of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

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  Published: Brenda Ford 2019

  Created with Vellum


  Author’s Note


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39



  Stay connected with Brenda Ford

  Also by Brenda Ford

  Author’s Note

  Blind in Love is a full-length standalone novel. At the end, I’ve included an excerpt from my other bestseller, Rock Hard.

  Blind in Love concludes at around 90% on your device.

  Happy Reading!

  XO, Brenda Ford


  I am her student

  She’s twice my age

  Sometimes…love is just blind

  It all started with my fantasy for Miss Clark,

  But that fantasy doesn’t stay in the class room, it follows me home.

  She’s my next door neighbor,

  I know it’s forbidden…her daughter is elder to me.

  I know it’s dangerous…her ex is a stalker.

  And yet, I want to lose my virginity only to her.

  I’m falling for my teacher!

  Good that she is in with me in this game and we decide to keep it a secret.

  After all its only 2 weeks before I graduate and our relationship wouldn’t be illegal anymore,

  But looks like destiny doesn’t want us to be together.

  We are caught,

  I am forced to move out to New York,

  It’s been four long years, and I am back – to claim what’s mine.

  But would she still be waiting for me?

  Chapter One


  “Will you sit down,” Miss Clark bosses Jake, the kid in our class who always stirs up trouble for no apparent reason. Just for gaining some attention, I think. He’s been this way all through high school and I doubt if he would ever change…unless he really grows up when he’s in college. And that too if he first decide to go to college. “I’m trying to help you here. Yours exams are coming up. Don’t you want to do well? I don’t want your efforts over the last few years go waste when certainly we all could do good.”

  She always wants us to do well, Miss Clark, bless her. As if we aren’t all lost causes. Sure, not all of us. Some of us with ambitions will go far… but there is still nothing she can do to change any of our outcomes now. But she won’t give up. She never does. Her passion is what makes her such a good teacher.

  It’s also what really gets me going. That and the fact that she looks incredible for her age. Nowhere near her forty plus years of age. I don’t think that the age difference between us would look that noticeable. At least that’s what I tell myself whenever I fantasize over her. That me and her could really make it work. Like, actually, in the real world, as a couple, not just fuck buddies who have a good time… not that we’re even that yet.

  “Are you even listening to me, Nelson?” she snaps, dragging me back into the present moment. “Did you hear what I just said then? I’m not doing all of this talking for no reason. I do want you to learn…”

  “Er…” My jaw hangs open. I probably look like an idiot. But I don’t care. I’m too mesmerized by her beauty to care. Those pale gray eyes, that smile which lights up a room, and that round ass… wow.

  “You aren’t listening, are you?” she growls while banging her fists down on my table. “None of you are.”

  As she continues on with her rant, basically trying to get us all in check, my eyes fix on the place where her hand was banging only moments before. I wish that she was banging me there. I would love nothing more than to be kept behind in class for her to just ravish me. To take my virginity and make me a man.

  I stir in my seat, starting to get uncomfortable because the desire is coursing through me at the speed of light. I spend a lot of time like this in my English classes, struggling with desire. Wishing that I could just grab my teacher and take her already. A typical lad’s fantasy but one that I have taken to another level. One that I don’t stop thinking about all the time. Not even when I’m finished at school, because it’s a desire that follows me home… mostly because Miss Clark is someone else to me at home. She’s Amelia, my next door neighbor.

  You will graduate soon, I remind myself. Then I can finally make my move at last.

  With me and Amelia, this has always been the end goal. At least as far as I am concerned. I have tortured myself over her for years, watched her from my bedroom window, fantasized about her, but never acted on it. I couldn’t do that when it would make her lose her job, when she would be forced to risk far too much for me. But once I graduate and I’m not in high school anymore, she won’t be my teacher and it will be a fair game. I can do whatever I want and the first thing I will do is take her. I will get what I have always wanted at last.

  It will taboo though; I don’t think that’s going to change. Taboo and extremely exciting. I don’t know what everyone will think. My brothers included. My five older, very protective brothers. Maybe not the twins; Angelo and Alex. I’m sure they will let me get on with whatever I want. Wesley too... although he is a bit fierce if you get on the wrong side of him or he knows that you’re doing something wrong. Oliver might be an issue though since he’s best friends with Amelia’s daughter, Rosie. He might be in a bad position about it, especially when she freaks out since she’s older than me which I’m sure will get her back up, dragging Oliver along with her. Brad as well. But only because he’s my oldest brother. He’s in his mid-thirties himself and a father figure to us all. He fell into that role because our parents died when we were young. I was basically still a baby, whereas he was nineteen years old and he had to raise us. He might not like me being with an older woman, but I know that we, “The Smith Brothers” just want everyone to be happy. We just want our lives to be on tr
ack, so once he sees that, he will be fine. I’m sure. There will be chaos for a while, but it will all be okay in the end. Once my family sees that she is the woman for me, they will settle in to it. I hope that Rosie does as well. It will be better if she is on our side.

  Amelia, Miss Clark, catches my eyes and an adorable blush fills her cheeks. This is what gets me the most. The fact that she wants me too, I can just see it. That glint in her eyes when she sees me, the way that she catches her breath sometimes, the strip shows she does in her bedroom, knowing that I can see her…

  She knows, and she does it for me. She must be counting down the days until I graduate as well. Once we get our hands on one another it will be explosive I’m sure. Off the scale passion. Mind blowing stuff…

  “Nelson,” Tami the cheer leader grabs my arm and swishes her long black hair over her shoulder before catching my eye. “What are you doing tonight, gorgeous? Fancy taking me out?”

  Everyone knows that a date with Tami only ends one way. It ends in the bedroom, and while it might be good for me to get some practice before I have the real deal with Miss Clark but I decide I would rather wait. I want my first time to be with her. It just won’t be right to lose my virginity to anyone else.

  “Sorry, Tami, I’m studying tonight.” I half smile at her. “But I’m sure Harry will company you…”

  “Me and Harry are done.” She rolls her eyes and snorts. “He’s an asshole. I will never get back with him now.”

  Now that is something we all know isn’t true, but it’s pointless arguing it. Instead I simply nod and turn away just hoping that it will be the end of the conversation. But this is Tami, so of course, it isn’t.

  “You going to Jake’s party at the weekend?” she continues, popping her gum really loudly. “His brother has got a massive keg so it should be an awesome blow out. Just what we need after this shit week.”

  “What’s been shit about this week?” I can’t help but ask.

  “School.” She shrugs while staring blankly at me. “It’s always shit, isn’t it? It will all be better when we can get out there in the world to live a real life without all these restrictions.”

  Sometimes it amazes me how little people have any idea bout real life. Perhaps it is because I grew up with no parents that I now really appreciate what family means. What life means. It isn’t all easy not being in school. My parents might have died leaving us all a massive house with plenty of room for us all to live in and a successful business too, but everyone in my family works their ass off to keep things afloat. Brad runs the company with Angelo and Oliver managing their own departments. Wesley is a well-respected technology expert in his company, and Alex is a bona fide rock star. No one rests on their laurels, and I won’t too. My ambition into the world of literature might not be the same as the rest of them, but I will still work to achieve it.

  Cheer leader Tami probably believes that her looks will never fade and she can rest on them forever more.

  “Right, so Jake needs to have a party because of school? Sure, makes perfect sense.”

  “Oh, don’t be such a kill joy all the time, Nelson. Live it up and have a little fun.”

  “Thanks. I do have fun. My fun just doesn’t always need to get involved in parties.” I want to listen to Miss Clark now, because even her bossiness about English is better than this, but Tami won’t let me go.

  “You are coming to the graduation party, right?” she whined. “Everyone will be there. It will be weird if you don’t come. The last chance for all of us to be together before we go our separate ways.”

  I clamp my lips tightly shut, trying to resist the urge to tell her that a lot of us won’t go our separate ways because too many people wouldn’t leave this place. It’s hard to, but I just about manage it.

  “Mmm,” I half agree instead just for peace. “Sure. Probably.”

  My graduation night is destined to be spent another way, with this beautiful woman standing at the front of the class, her long leg teasingly protruding from the bottom of her skirt, tantalizingly drawing me in, needing me, and I need her too. But I can’t exactly tell that to Tami, can I? ‘No, I won’t be at any party because that time I will be fucking our teacher’… yeah, that isn’t going to work at all. I need to keep it quiet.

  “Good, because I was thinking that me and you could go together. Like as a date or something. That could be fun, right? A good way to end the school year. Plus, me and you have always had this chemistry, haven’t we? Me and you have always had this little thing going on that we could explore now, if you wanted to.”

  “You will be going with Harry,” I shoot back coldly. “We both know it. Don’t make him jealous using me.”

  “I’m not! I already told you that me and Harry are done. Honestly, you’re such an asshole. So fucking boring. I am offering you a chance to have some fun here. To end your high school life with a bang.”

  A bang… that’s one way to put it I suppose! But I don’t want to bang her. She’s beautiful, sure, that’s how she gets around the whole school, but she does nothing for me. She doesn’t ignite any spark. She just leaves me flat and numb. Miss Clark explodes an orchestra, the most stunning music known to man. I need her.

  “I will be at the party,” I repeat, a bit more forcefully this time, really needing her to just leave me alone already. “But I will be there alone. No date. If I see you then I will see you, but I’m making no promises.”

  Tami reaches forwards and rubs my arm, seeming to think that she has me under her spell now. “Oh, you will see me there and me and you are going to have one hell of a time. You won’t know what’s hit you!”

  That isn’t ever going to happen, but I don’t want to strike up more conversation, so I leave it there. Let her think whatever the hell she wants, it makes absolutely no difference to me. Instead of worrying about Tami for another second longer, I lean back in my chair and think about Miss Clark. That woman and all the delightful things that I would let her do to my body…

  Chapter Two


  Fucking hell, he is too much, my brain screams at me as my students leave the class room. Too much.

  I have been a teacher for years, it was something that I fell into right after my divorce, not necessarily something planned, but I do like it, but this year it has been hard. Really difficult because of one face in particular. Nelson freaking Smith. The eighteen year old who looks far older, although not old enough for me, with a sexy muscular body, warm brown eyes, and cheek bones to die for. There has never been a student to even catch my eye before, not even the smallest bit, but there is something different about Nelson, something that I would die for.

  Rationally I know that I shouldn’t throw everything away for this young man simply because I want to. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t do all kinds of wild things to me in my fantasies.

  “Not now,” I mutter to myself as I shut myself in my office, just for a moment to catch my breath. I lean against the door with my eyes closed to ensure that no one can come inside while I sort myself out. I press my hand to my chest to feel the pounding of my heart, the raggedness of my breath, the butterflies in my stomach. “Don’t think about him now. This really isn’t the time or place. Later. Later will be fine.”

  Nelson is my little ‘At home’ fantasy, not something that’s supposed to crash into my work life. I have a little fun with him there, changing in front of the window because I know that he’s watching me, lusting after me in a way that I don’t think anyone has ever done before. In a deep and seriously passionate way. In a way that makes me feel young and beautiful all over again. I love the way that it makes me feel which is why I can’t stop doing it. It’s an addiction that I can’t stop feeding… but that’s at home. Not at work.

  “Fuck it.” With my eyes closed and my mind becoming wild, I can’t stop myself from picturing him storming in here and just grabbing me. Kissing me hard and fast…simply the way that I can see it in his eyes. I know for sure that he wants t
o just grab and ravish me. I know he’ll drive me wild when he claims me as well.

  I will feel the fire with Nelson that I have only read about in books or seen in the movies, never ever heard if it exists in real life. Of all the men that I have dated or even had serious relationships with, none of them have made that happen. Nelson will… or at least he would if I could ever let him get his hands on me. Much as it’s fun to imagine but ofcourse, it can’t ever happen. I’m his teacher for crying out loud, over double his age…

  He’s graduating soon, my brain cheekily reminds me. Then things might change…

  But would anything change? It can never become more than what it is now. He’s younger than my daughter, Rosie, for crying out loud. No, Nelson Smith will just have to remain in my imagination.

  I cross the room quickly and take a seat behind my desk, my body still throbbing and puling with need. I flick my laptop on to find some emails to answer or documents to mark, anything to take my mind off what’s threatening to consume me right now, but I can hardly see the screen. The words are blurry and confusing, my brain refusing to think about anything other than him. With a deep sigh, I slump back in my chair and just allow the thoughts to swim through me. I can almost feel his rough lips crashing against mine, his fingers grazing over my skin, his thick throbbing bulge pressing hard against my core, screaming for me.


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