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Blind in Love

Page 23

by Ford, Brenda

  “I love you too,” I murmur back. “And I’m so happy that we’re here together in the City of Love.”

  We continue walking together, arm in arm, down the street and I inhale the unique Parisian air. I don’t know if it is different really because the air is always easier to breathe in when I’m with Amelia. She just makes the world a better place. At least for me. Especially when we don’t have any drama to deal with. Now that Lux is in jail with no sign of getting out any time soon, I don’t think anyone else is bothered enough about our love to care. We have been left alone to just be together and that is exactly how I like it.

  Soon, we will take this wonderful love another step further, and I absolutely can’t wait. Another Mrs. Smith to add to our ever growing family. And this one will belong to me…

  * * *

  “I feel like I’m on top of the world.” Amelia leans her head against my shoulder, practically purring. “And it was definitely a good idea of yours to come up here at night. The lights are amazing.”

  I want to enjoy the view as well, but the nerves are too busy kicking in. I’m practically shaking with anxiety as I think about what is to come. Any minute now, I need to gather up every bit of courage that I have and drop to one knee, to ask the question at last. I absolutely can’t wait… yet I haven’t got to it yet because I’m afraid. I don’t think I’m necessarily scared that she’s going to turn me down, even if her experience with marriage isn’t exactly the best, it’s more that I’m freaked out that I might mess it up.

  “Are you cold?” Amelia turns to look at me. “You’re shivering like crazy.”

  “I’m okay.” I try to smile but I can’t quite make it happen. I don’t know what I’m waiting for really. Why I’m holding back. There isn’t going to be a more perfect moment than this. “I just…”

  I look into her eyes, seeing everything that we’ve shared shining between us, gripping on to me, remembering what all of this is about. We fought for this so hard, through so much, a man ended up in jail because of it.

  “You know what…” I do it. I fall to one knee without thinking any longer. I actually land a bit hard and it’s painful. But I don’t let that show. “Amelia Clark…” I dig in to my pocket, but it takes me too long to find what I’m looking for. A heat blushes up through me which I really hope doesn’t show. “I love you.”

  “Oh my God.” She gasps loudly as I pop the box and she sees the ring. Her hands clap to her lips which I’m pretty sure gets other people looking at us. Not that I notice, I’m too sucked in by Amelia. “Is this for real?”

  “Of course it is. This is what I have wanted from day one. All that time ago, this was immediately where I wanted our lives to go. There isn’t anyone else I would like a happy ever after with. You make me smile, every single day, we are always laughing and having a good time, I don’t get on with anyone like I do you. Plus, of course you’re the most beautiful woman that I have ever seen in my whole damn life.”

  The tears flow down her cheeks, but I’m pretty sure they are happy ones. I hope so anyway. As I see that expression on her face it gets me all choked up as well. The last thing I wanted was to get all worked up.

  “If you agree to spend the rest of your life with me…” God, I can hear the weirdness in my voice. “Then I promise you now, here, in Paris, that I will spend the time making you happy every single day. Anything that’s bad which has ever happened to you will be behind you for good. Because we will be good.”

  I suck in a breath and hold it while I look up at her, staring into her eyes. She doesn’t look like she’s debating it at all, just that she’s drinking in the moment, wanting to remember it all.

  “Of course I will!” she eventually gasps out. “Of course I will marry you.”

  I take a moment to slide the sapphire ring on to her finger, which I have to admit looks as incredible as I thought it would, and I rise to my feet to kiss her. When my lips connect with Amelia’s, people clap and cheer all around us which makes me want to laugh. Once upon a time, people were doing everything that they could to tear us apart, and now they’re happy. It’s wild but just what I always wanted.

  “Oh my God,” Amelia pants as we break apart. “We’re engaged. What the hell? How did that happen?” She giggles. “Did you plan this? Did you know that you were going to propose here?”

  “Yes, I planned it. Believe it or not, I actually planned what I was going to say as well. It didn’t exactly come out as planned. But I hope it was okay.” I’m still burning hot, but much less from embarrassment now.

  “It was beautiful, Nelson. You did an amazing job. I absolutely love it.”

  We stand with one another hands linked together and look out at the view of Paris, the set of our engagement, in silence. People call out congratulations to us, but we’re so locked in our own little bubble, just me and her.

  “Does anyone know?” she asks me quietly. “Have you told anyone about this?”

  “About the proposal? No. I didn’t tell my brothers because I know they can’t keep their mouths shut and I was worried that you might say no. I didn’t want to extend the humiliation further.”

  She tosses her head back and laughs. “There wasn’t a chance in hell that I would say no. Now, I think we should go back to the hotel and video call them. I want them all to know.”

  “Sounds good to me.” I grin massively. “Whatever you want to do.”

  We walk down the Eifel Tower and towards the hotel, talking our time to enjoy Paris as we go. My heart races I feel like I’m flying as we go. This is honestly, the best time of my life. By the time we get in to our room, I’m buzzing to tell the rest of them. I can’t believe I have kept it from them for this long. They might kill me. Especially Wesley. He’s been through so much with me.

  “Maybe we should wait until we get back before we tell everyone…” I start, but it’s too late. Amelia has her laptop open and she’s already video calling Rosie. “Never mind. I’m sure it will be fine.”

  “Hey!” Rosie answers quickly. “How’s your trip going, Mom?”

  “Where are you?” Amelia leans in closer to the screen. “Are you at the Smith’s house?”

  “I am actually. We’re just having a bit of a get together.” She winks at the screen which leaves me wondering if maybe she knows. I wouldn’t put it passed anyone to have found out somehow. “Shall I get them?”

  Amelia nods and we wait for a few moments until all of their faces crush together on the screen. I want to laugh at how silly they all look, but I’m too enthralled by the knowing look on their faces. They have definitely discovered the engagement ring somehow. This is the issue with five brothers. I guess I shouldn’t have hidden the ring in my old bedroom away from Amelia. That was just asking for trouble.

  “Okay, so what’s going on?” Rosie demands. “How are things?”

  Amelia flashes her ring, and everyone cheers. My brothers jump around scream like they are watching their favorite sports team score a goal. It’s ridiculous. At least they aren’t pissed off at me.

  “So, when is the wedding?” Brad demands. “Is this going to be a long engagement or not?”

  “Hopefully not,” I reply while rubbing Amelia’s back gently. “Since it’s taken us such a long time to get here, I don’t think I can wait much longer until Amelia is mine forever more. I would marry her tomorrow if I could.”

  “You can marry me tomorrow if you want.”

  “No way!” Rosie jumps in. “I don’t care if it’s a big white wedding or not. I know that you might not want that, Mom, since you have already been through that before and it didn’t exactly go to plan, but you at least need to be here. I want to be there at your wedding. Don’t make me miss it by marrying in France.”

  Amelia giggles and agrees. “Okay, okay. We will wait until we get back then. Just for you.”

  “For the rest of us as well!” Wesley joins in. “We all went to be there to see it happen.”

  “Fine, fine.” I roll my eyes and a
gree. “We’ll revolve our lives around you guys.”

  I’m happy with that as well because Rosie was once dead against us, so it’s nice that she wants to be around us. It wouldn’t be much of a wedding without our family around anyway. Especially when they have been so instrumental in making us happen. If it wasn’t for them, maybe we wouldn’t be here now.

  As I wrap my arm around the woman that I adore, glee exploding through me, I know that I would do whatever it takes to make sure we have the best wedding ever for us, and for everyone else as well.

  As long as I get my happy ever after, I don’t mind how it comes about.



  One Year Later…

  I hold the book between my fingers, my heart swelling with joy as I do. Faster Love by Nelson Smith. The proof of his first novel, which I’m sure is going to be a best seller. Maybe I’m biased because this is the man that I love, but I’m sure it’s brilliant. Poignant, witty, and meaningful in the very best way.

  I absolutely can’t wait until Nelson gets home and I can show him this. He’s going to be so thrilled. I know that he’s been waiting for this, and for it to come today is just amazing.

  I glance at the picture on the wall of where me and Nelson were this time last year. Our wedding day, in a registry office with all of our family around us. It was as soon as we got back from Paris, the exact same day, and it was wonderful. I purchased a dress in France to wear. A sleek white number. Not a poofy white wedding style dress, something much more elegant than that. Simpler, beautiful. Something that pleased Nelson a lot. He wore a wonderful suit that his brothers had sorted for him. They were all matching, showing their support, it was great.

  I cried so much on that day. Especially when Nelson did his own vows. The words of love he spoke to me were beautiful and really swept me away. I knew for sure then that this time the love was real, the marriage was everything and I’d finally made the right choice. That’s something which has been proven every single day. Nelson is nothing like my first husband, he really treats me like a princess every single day.

  Did it cause a bit of drama when we got married? Yes, a little. There were some reports about the ‘teacher’ which I’m not anymore, marrying her ‘student’, which he hasn’t been for a long time either. There were some negative opinions about it from people, but we survived it easily. We’ve been through worse. Now, no one bothers us. At last, we’re allowed to just be which is all we have ever wanted.

  “Stop looking at the book,” I remind myself. “He will be back soon. Everything needs to be perfect.”

  I glance around the kitchen which I have spent all day working on. The perfect anniversary meal, the lovely decorated kitchen with the roses and the candle light, the perfect gift. I have tickets for me and him to go somewhere that neither of us have ever been before. A late honeymoon since we didn’t go anywhere as we’d just got back from Paris. An Indonesia vacation which promises to be absolutely amazing.

  “Time to get dressed,” I murmur. “I don’t want him to come back here and see me like this.”

  I race up the stairs, two at a time, until I reach the bedroom. There I grab my baby blue just passed the knee length dress and smile to myself. I purchased this last week for tonight and I’m so exciting to have it on. I go to the shower first to wash myself down, then get myself all dolled up for my man. I have just enough time to style my hair and get my make up on, before I hear the key in the door. Nelson is home from work.

  “Honey, I’m home!” he calls out in a sing song voice, just like he does every night when I’m back first.

  “Hey, Nelson. I’m coming…” I bound down the stairs and fling my arms around him, hugging him tight. I kiss him hard, feeling the fission of excitement that I always get when I’m near him. Even after all this time, even though there isn’t any drama between us anymore, but the passion hasn’t died. It actually seems to get stronger every single day. I don’t think it will ever go away now. “Hmm, you look very good today. You smell good too.”

  He kisses me for a while, just taking the time to stroke my cheek and drift his hand down to cup my butt. “You look absolutely gorgeous as well. I would like to make a joke asking you what the big occasion is, but I’m afraid that you might kick my ass, so instead I will just say happy anniversary to you, my beautiful wife.”

  “Good choice.” I shoot him a wink. “Because you’re right. I might have to murder you after all the effort I have put in to make this evening special. Starting with…” I drag him in to the kitchen where I show him the book.

  “Oh my God.” All the color drains from his face. “Oh my God, is this for real?”

  “Take a look at it. That’s all you! You should be so proud of yourself.”

  He falls into a seat and flickers through the pages. I can practically see his self-confidence growing and swelling as he sees every page. I’m glad, because I know this has been a vulnerable process for him. I’m sure it’s the same for all writers when it comes to their first book, but Nelson seemed extra nervous to me.

  “It actually looks good, don’t you think?” He looks at me expectantly. “Better than I thought.”

  “The publisher has done an amazing job of it, yes.” I nod. “You need to thank your agent. She did you good.”

  “I thought that I would be freaked out about the idea of it, but I actually can’t wait to show the others.” His eyes drift over to the next door house. “I might go over there and see who is in…”

  “Dinner is almost ready, so it might be best for you to go a bit later.”

  I’m telling the truth, but I also do want him to myself for just a little bit. Much as it’s wonderful living next door to his childhood home where he can always connect with his brothers, it’s our anniversary and I need him.

  “It smells delicious as well.” He beams happily, immediately agreeing with me. “I’m utterly starving.”

  He takes his seat at the table while I dish up for him, my heart beating faster by the moment. Nelson might think that’s my gift for him, but he has no idea. Any minute now, I’m going to pull out the tickets for the trip and absolutely blow him away. I can’t wait to see his face when he realizes.

  “Just before we eat,” Nelson suddenly says in a serious tone of voice. “There’s something I want to give you.”

  “Oh!” My eyes light up in surprise. “You have a gift for me?” I don’t know why but in all of my planning of tonight with him, I never thought that Nelson would have anything for me. “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “Of course I did!” He rolls his eyes and laugh. “You know I want any opportunity to spoil you.”

  He pulls out a little box which reminds me of the engagement ring box he handed me all that time ago at the top of the Eifel Tower. It won’t be another ring, there isn’t any other reason for a ring, but I can only assume that it’s jewelry. I don’t mind being spoiled to a bit of bling. Especially on our anniversary.

  “Ooh, lovely.” He hands it to me, and I pop it open quickly. “A key?”

  I cock my head to one side curiously and look at him. What the hell can this be? We already live together so there isn’t any more than can happen in that department. So, what is it? Smiling, Nelson gives me a card.

  “What is this now? You are acting so strange,” I laugh. “Did you forget it was our anniversary for real?”

  But that concept falls apart as I open the card and a piece of paper falls out. A paper linked to one of my favorite cottages at the shore, which I still consider our place. This can’t be a joke…

  “I know that we have a lot of our lives here at the moment, so we need to keep this place as well, but now our dream has come true and we have a home at the beach as well. I know how much you love that cottage so as soon as it came up for sale, I jumped on the opportunity. I hope you don’t mind?”

  “Mind?” Oh my God, I already have tears streaming down my face. “I love it! This is the nicest thing that anyone has ever done fo
r me. I’m just in shock. I don’t even know what to think about it.”

  “Well, we can go there whenever we want now, spend as much time as we want there. Then one day we can move in for good. I need to make that dream come true since it’s something we discussed so early on. Of course, it became a memory with all sorts of hard ship attached to it, but I will always see it as a good day.”

  “Oh, Nelson.” I throw my arms around him and kiss him hard. “I love you so much. I don’t even have the words to express how much I love you. You are just absolutely perfect for me.”

  “I love you too.” I can hear the smile in his voice. “I promised on our wedding day, this time last year, that I would do what I can to make sure that you are happy always. I hope I’m achieving that.”

  “Oh, you are. So much. I don’t know what I would do without you now.”

  “You never ever have to find out.”

  How did I manage to get so lucky? After having nothing but bad luck with men, my prince charming finally came along in an unexpected way, bringing our happy ever after with him. I’m glad I went all out for him. I don’t mind what we had to get through to be here anymore. All of it was worth it and I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.


  Freya Brown…

  She is simply perfect…

  That sweet face with those platinum blonde hair, and piercing green eyes with perfect curves pulls me in.

  But I should not be going anywhere near her,

  After all she is the pop princess who just tagged along.

  But soon, things start to happen…back stage.

  And I thought I’ve found my love…

  I think my life is coming back in order,

  Only to realize that I messed up again,


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