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A Flight of Fancy (Scottish Island Escapes Book 6)

Page 14

by Margaret Amatt

  ‘Well, you don’t seem very serious about her.’


  ‘Well, she must be quite serious about you,’ said Jakob, ‘or she wouldn’t have come all this way. Are you stringing her along?’

  ‘None of your business.’

  ‘I think we all know what you were doing when you disappeared yesterday,’ said Carl. ‘Is that what’s keeping you together? She’s good in the sack?’

  ‘Right, shut up. This isn’t your business. I can conduct my life as and how I like. If I don’t want to get married and be in the perfect family bubble, that’s my choice. I’m not stringing Taylor anywhere she doesn’t want to go. She knows the deal, so you can stop worrying your virtuous little heads about it.’

  Magnus ignored the look they gave each other. Smug gits the pair of them. Always the same. Even when he showed up with a girlfriend in tow, it still wasn’t enough, they’d always be the perfect boys.

  ‘Wanna try knocking these babies over?’ said Carl, lining up the empty bottles.

  ‘Stupid question.’ Magnus grabbed three rocks and hurled them one at a time, not even bothering to aim properly. The bottles dropped like sitting ducks, and Magnus turned to Carl with a self-assured smirk. ‘Beat that, why don’t you?’


  ‘Carl is insane,’ Magnus told Fenella, Per, Aunt Jean and Taylor when he finally arrived home late that afternoon.

  ‘Well, we all know that,’ said Jean.

  ‘I can’t believe that’s what he had you doing,’ said Fenella, rolling her eyes at Jean. ‘Just as well he didn’t tell me. Climbing a mountain! The day before his wedding!’

  ‘And they were fine.’ Per laughed. ‘It sounds like the best idea I’ve heard in a while.’

  ‘While the women slaved away,’ said Jean.

  ‘Exactly.’ Taylor grinned. ‘You were off having the time of your life and we were working.’

  Magnus snorted and shook his head. ‘That’ll be the first in a while.’ The words were out before he realised how dreadful they sounded. With his parents not knowing this was in fact a Hollywood movie star who made barely two films a year and spent the rest of her time being famous, their frowns were justified. ‘Just kidding,’ said Magnus. ‘Taylor is run off her feet with all that PR work.’

  ‘Oh, if you only knew,’ she muttered. ‘But you’ve got some work to do yourself.’

  ‘How do you mean? Do the guests want a flying lesson?’

  ‘Oh, better than that,’ said Fenella, smiling along with Taylor.

  ‘Ok, put me out of my misery. Why are you looking at me like that? What am I to do?’

  ‘We’re going to sing at the wedding tomorrow.’

  ‘We?’ He glared at Taylor. ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘Well,’ said Fenella, holding her hands up in front of her, ‘the wedding singer cancelled and Taylor volunteered to step in.’

  ‘You did?’

  ‘Just for a few songs, ones that we know.’ She winked at him.

  Fenella patted her arm, beaming. Magnus drummed his finger on his chin. This was more like Skylar, the showgirl. He almost scoffed aloud; so much for keeping her cover.

  ‘Right.’ He took a deep breath. ‘I might manage one or two as long as I can read the lyrics, I never remember all the words.’

  ‘I’m sure that will be fine,’ said Fenella. ‘I’ll go and call Robyn. She’ll be thrilled.’

  ‘Do you fancy a walk to the beach before dinner?’ Magnus asked Taylor.

  ‘Haven’t you had enough walking for one day?’ said Fenella.

  ‘Kind of, but I haven’t had a chance to show Taylor very much and we only have a couple more days.’

  ‘Sure, let’s go,’ said Taylor, jumping in before Fenella could object again. ‘I could do with some fresh air. Today was great. Thanks, Fenella, for letting me tag along.’

  ‘Oh, you’re very welcome, and so well organised.’

  Wrapped up to the teeth again, they left through the French doors and trudged towards the shore. Magnus whipped his arm around Taylor’s shoulders. She had on his fleece but it didn’t seem to be warming her enough.

  ‘What’s going on?’

  ‘How do you mean?’

  ‘My mum thinks you’re well organised. What’s that all about? Who are you and what have you done with Skylar Rousse?’

  Taylor coughed and looked away. Her hood blew down and her shoulder-length hair tangled around. ‘I’m actually her evil twin, and I’ve locked her in a cellar for a week while I initiate my plans for world domination.’

  He laughed and, stepping in front of her, snaked his arms around her waist, pulling her in for a long soulful kiss. ‘Does that also involve volunteering yourself to sing?’

  ‘I wanted to help.’

  ‘Not just show off?’

  ‘No. Robyn was upset. She’d obviously set her heart on having at least a few live songs.’

  Magnus smiled and ran his fingertips down her cheek. ‘You’re a revelation. Who knew you could be so kind? Thank you.’

  ‘Any time.’

  ‘I missed you today,’ he whispered onto her mouth, pressing against her so their bodies touched in all the right places, even through their layers of clothing.

  ‘And I missed you too.’ Taylor slung her arms around his neck, looping her hands behind him, and sealing her lips with his. Their tongues met, sending a frisson through him. ‘Do you think they can see us from the house?’ whispered Taylor.

  ‘I don’t care. I’m kissing my girlfriend, what’s wrong with that? This is exactly what my mum wants, for me to be in love.’

  Taylor grinned broadly. ‘And are you in love?’

  ‘Of course I am. Come on.’ He started walking again.

  ‘Why don’t we run?’

  Before Magnus could reply, Taylor took off across the scrubby grassland, towards the sea. Magnus followed, surprised at her turn of speed but catching her eventually.

  ‘Took you a while,’ she said, still running.

  His feet fell heavily in his thick walking boots as he kept pace with her. ‘I’ve climbed 3000 feet today and back. Cut me some slack.’

  ‘I would have thought that would be easy for you. Your stamina is legendary.’ Putting on a burst of speed, she reached the edge of the beach and bent double, resting her hands on a ragged boulder as she caught her breath. ‘I am so out of training.’

  ‘You look pretty fit to me.’ Magnus eyed her over, then made his way through the barnacle-covered rocks to the small sandy section beyond. He jammed his hands into his pockets and looked out to sea, inhaling the fresh clear air. ‘This is like our private beach.’

  ‘Is it?’

  ‘It doesn’t belong to us but no one ever comes here. Hardly anyone even knows about it. We used to play here every day as kids.’

  ‘It’s a beautiful place to grow up.’

  ‘It had its ups and downs, like anywhere. But this was definitely a plus point.’

  ‘Look at this.’ Taylor stopped and picked up a small dappled stone. ‘I’ve never seen a stone this colour, it’s bright pink.’

  ‘This island has some amazing stones. That is a beautiful one.’ Magnus squinted at it before Taylor placed it back on the ground and inched closer to the water.

  Not sure exactly why, he retrieved the little stone, turned it over in his hand, then put it in his pocket. On one side of the beach was a wooded area full of gnarled bushes and spindly winter trees. Magnus walked towards it and grabbed two sticks. ‘This is a ritual we have,’ he said, handing Taylor a stick.

  ‘What? Do we have to fight with it?’

  ‘No.’ He laughed. ‘Write your name in the sand. We always do it. I think my mum has a photo of the first time I ever did it when I was about four, the S looks like a number 3. I must have made her so proud.’

  ‘I’m sure you still do.’

  ‘Ah, maybe.’ Magnus bent over, dragging the stick through the sand until his name emerged. With a little smile, Taylor did the same, w
riting hers a few feet below his and adding a little love heart at the end. ‘Aww, isn’t that sweet?’ said Magnus.

  ‘It’s all for you.’

  ‘Haha,’ he said. ‘All for me indeed. What am I? The love of your life.’

  ‘Up until a few days ago, you were a pilot I met briefly long ago who always intrigued me, then you became, well, someone special.’

  ‘Ok, how’s this then?’ He bent over again and added the word loves between their names and stepped back to read, ‘Magnus loves Taylor.’

  ‘Aww, what a romantic you are, but this is even better.’ Taylor dragged her stick through the sand underneath her name, writing out the word forever.

  Magnus burst out laughing. ‘Ok, that’s a good one. Let’s get a selfie. Then I can blackmail you with it on social media for the rest of your life.’

  She squinted at him. ‘I might have to get you to sign something to say you won’t.’

  ‘Come on, trust me. I’m an honourable guy.’ He raised the phone as she snuck under his arm. After some adjustment, he got them both in with the wording behind. ‘It’s not like anyone would recognise you anyway, and it isn’t even your name.’

  ‘Don’t move yet. Take another one,’ said Taylor, ‘only this time, kiss me.’

  ‘Ok.’ He held up the phone again, turning his head to Taylor. The angle was impossible, but Taylor took his face in her hands and pulled him into a kiss so deep concentrating on getting a picture became irrelevant. Her soft lips were like a drug he couldn’t get enough of. Flinging the phone in his pocket, he abandoned the photo, wrapped Taylor in his arms and joined the kiss.

  ‘It’s freezing.’ Taylor giggled. He unzipped his jacket and pulled her inside, then leaned her back. She pressed against him as he lavished his attention on her mouth.

  ‘No matter what happens, this is special,’ he whispered.

  Her eyes closed as his lips touched her again and he kissed her into the oncoming wind.

  Chapter 17


  Taylor peered through the gap in the curtains of the little bedroom. Trees swayed in the distance beyond a ridge of gnarled bushes. In the pale sunrise, she could make out the little beach she and Magnus had been to the day before.

  Had the tide washed away the messages they’d left there? He’d immortalised it in a photo and sent it to her. She had proof that once in her life someone had professed to love her – forever!

  The whole thing was fake, but those kisses were real. Weren’t they? I’m just a desperate fool. Yes. All she was doing was clinging to the wish someone would notice her, but Magnus would never have seen her like this if he didn’t think she was Skylar. All these phoney dreams were built on a framework of lies.

  Warm hands touched her shoulders. ‘Are you ok?’ Magnus’s words were soft, seeming to come from far off though he was right there.

  ‘What are we doing here?’

  He sighed and pulled her into a warming hug. ‘We’ve taken it to a whole new level, and it’s probably not healthy.’

  ‘If it was real, it would be amazing.’

  ‘That’s true and this might be a stupid thought, but…’

  ‘Tell me.’

  He swallowed and his Adam’s apple brushed against her forehead. ‘Maybe this is just a beginning for us. Could we carry on seeing each other? I’m not crazy, I know about your lifestyle, but I wonder…’

  Taylor peered at him, hardly daring to believe her ears. This was exactly what she wanted, but these words were for Skylar. ‘I do want that, Magnus, but there are things we need to talk about.’

  ‘Sure, sure, I get that. Maybe after today, when the wedding is done, we can talk.’

  ‘Yes.’ She pushed forward and pecked him on the cheek. Yes. She had to confess, that was all. Confess to the truth and hope beyond hope he could see her for the girl inside.

  He hugged her and the strength of it almost brought her to tears. She squeezed her eyes shut. ‘I’m so glad I crashed into you.’ He patted her back.

  ‘Me too.’ Her lower lip trembled and she buried herself in him, hiding all her weakness and insecurity in his broad shoulder.

  Magnus was on best man duties and couldn’t hang about. He left early, giving Taylor an extra kiss before he headed off. Taylor stuck with Fenella, Per and Aunt Jean.

  ‘I can do make-up and hair,’ Taylor said as Fenella flapped about, looking flustered. ‘I learned back in Hollywood when…’ She froze, hoping Fenella was too preoccupied to have noticed but, worse luck, she glanced at Taylor in the living room mirror as she fixed an earring.

  ‘Hollywood?’ said Fenella. ‘What did you do there? Is that where you learned to sing?’

  ‘Kind of. I just did this and that and make-up was part of my job. I picked up some great tips. Would you like me to do yours?’

  ‘I’d love that. Maureen is getting hers done with the bridal party today. Robyn invited me too, but I think it’s better if I don’t. I’ll probably cry, which I will do anyway. I love Robyn, I just feel she should do this with her mum, not me, and I don’t want Maureen thinking I’m pushing in where I’m not wanted.’

  ‘I’m sure you’ll always be wanted,’ said Taylor, indicating Fenella should sit at the table. ‘You’re such a caring mom. Magnus still wants to please you. If you weren’t a mom he loved and respected, he wouldn’t try so hard.’

  ‘Oh dear,’ said Fenella, sitting down and flicking out her hair. ‘I hope he doesn’t think I want him to do something crazy. I just want my boys to be happy.’

  ‘He knows that and that’s exactly what he’s trying to be.’

  ‘Well, at least you can help him there.’ Fenella patted Taylor’s hand over her shoulder.

  ‘I’ll try.’

  She set to work on Fenella’s hair, and the time whooshed by. Taylor had just finished fixing her own hair when it was time to leave.

  ‘Gosh, you look incredible,’ said Fenella.

  Taylor straightened out the dress she’d borrowed from Robyn and glimpsed herself in the mirror. As soon as she put on make-up, the resemblance to Skylar intensified. She swallowed.

  Jean grumbled all the way to the Glen Lodge Hotel and Taylor was glad to get out. A chill wind carried off the sea and she shivered. Inside, they made their way to a chamber at the end of the corridor, past the dining room they’d decorated the day before. The space had been set up with rows of seats.

  ‘We have seats near the front,’ said Fenella. ‘But I see Livvi there if you want to sit with her.’

  ‘Oh, sure.’

  At the front of the room was a clear area with a large bouquet of flowers. All three Hansen brothers stood in front of it, dressed in their kilts and formal jackets, chatting and laughing.

  ‘Hi,’ said Taylor, shuffling into a seat some rows back beside Livvi. At the front, Fenella hugged her sons and dabbed at her eyes. ‘They are three good-looking guys.’

  ‘They really are,’ said Livvi, bouncing Polly on her knee. ‘I’m sitting back here in case Polly needs to leave. She’s at an unpredictable age.’

  ‘She’s so cute.’

  ‘She is.’ Livvi kissed her daughter’s cheek. ‘But she can be a terror.’ When Livvi looked up, she seemed to notice Taylor in a different light. ‘You look great. You remind me of someone, I thought it before, but I can’t put my finger on it.’

  Taylor pursed her lips, remembering Livvi was part-American. She would have grown up watching the cheesy kids shows Skylar and Taylor had starred in. Skylar appeared in several films and TV shows globally, but her main fanbase was in the US and Livvi was of an age to know about her. Taylor tucked her hair behind her ears, wishing she’d not put on so much make-up.

  Seats around them filled up and Taylor caught Magnus’s eye. A wolfish smile spread across his face, and he winked, making Taylor giggle. After about twenty minutes, the background music stopped and the doors behind opened. A woman in a trouser suit walked down the aisle, shook hands with all three brothers, then turned to the guests. ‘All
rise, please,’ she said, gesturing with her palms up.

  The crowd rose and Taylor joined the sea of heads, peering around as the music started. The doors opened again and Robyn came in with her mother, the short-haired hotel owner.

  ‘Oh, god,’ gasped Livvi. ‘She is so beautiful.’

  In a rustle of satin, Robyn passed by, tall and graceful, her long blonde hair twisted in an elegant half up-do. Her flowing dress gave her the look of a swan. Four bridesmaids followed in powder blue dresses.

  ‘Who’s the fourth bridesmaid?’ whispered Taylor. ‘I’m sure I only met three yesterday.’

  ‘Robyn’s sister-in-law,’ murmured Livvi. ‘That’s her brother at the front with the little boy. They didn’t arrive until late yesterday.’

  Taylor followed Robyn’s progress until her gaze flicked to Carl, beaming at the front. To his left, Magnus looked on stoically, his hands behind his back.

  Taylor reclaimed her seat. ‘It’s impossible not to cry at weddings,’ she commented, wiping a tear from her eye as Carl and Robyn took their vows.

  ‘I know,’ said Livvi, letting her tears fall into Polly’s hair. ‘It’s just beautiful.’

  Chapter 18


  Magnus kept his hands clamped behind his back, hiding his sweaty palms. His heart sped up. Robyn was like an ice princess as she glided down the aisle in a rustle of white. Delicate lace flowers trailed over her shoulders, forming an intricate neckline, dipping to a perfect V. A simple pendant glinted at her neck. Carl was her Prince Charming, a rugged Highlander version with his long trailing plaid pinned to one shoulder. Even combed, his hair looked unruly, but somehow it fitted. Between their smiling faces, Magnus spotted Fenella dabbing her eyes. All made up and dressed in her pink dress and bolero, she looked like a different person. A bit too glam for his mum, the woman who rarely left the house in anything but wellies.

  The music faded out and the humanist officiant began to speak, welcoming them with her soft voice and allowing them to be seated. Magnus took his place by the window beside Jakob, on the opposite side from the four bridesmaids. He set his hands on his thighs, rubbing them on the coarse fabric of his kilt. Carl hadn’t taken his eyes off Robyn since she’d reached him and Magnus couldn’t blame him.


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