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Phoenix Child

Page 70

by Alica Mckenna Johnson

  * * *

  I could barely eat lunch, and my stomach felt squeamish. Something was going on, and I hated not knowing what. It only got worse as the afternoon wore on. I tried to distract myself. I tidied my side of the tent, made sure my dirty clothes were bagged up and organized my clean clothes. I also put on extra deodorant, to be on the safe side. Three days without a shower, not fun.

  "Sapphire, come here," Grandmother Carol said after I had messed about the camp straightening things for twenty minutes. "I'm going to teach you how to knit." She handed me two long wooden needles and a ball of blue yarn.

  Patiently she showed me how to cast on, how to knit, purl and cast off. I enjoyed it, and the motion felt a little hypnotic, and the feel of the soft yarn as it ran as it ran through my fingers.

  "You have a good start. If you keep that up you can make a scarf," Grandmother Carol said, inspecting my first actual piece.

  "Thank you, this is fun." I kept my eyes on the needles so I wouldn't mess up too badly.

  "Oh, my pleasure. You needed something to do."

  "I did. I don't know what's wrong; I feel so jittery!" A breeze blew over me and I shivered. Looking up, I noticed how low the sun hung in the sky. I hadn't even noticed the afternoon passing by.

  "I'm sure you'll figure it out," Grandmother Carol said, patting my leg. "I'm going to start dinner."

  "Okay, let me put this away, and I'll come and help," I said getting up. Once my attention wasn't focused on knitting I noticed that my stomach still felt queasy, how odd. I didn't feel sick, just queasy. I scratched my arm, and that's when realized what was happening. "They're here." No, oh please, no. The Sons of Belial found me, found us.

  "Gavin, they're here. I can feel them!" I said running over to him.

  "The Sons of Belial?" he asked holding onto my shoulders.

  "Yes, and someone big, not as big as in San Francisco, but definitely big." I clutched at his shoulders. Where could we hide out here?

  "Finally!" Elijah said. "I was wondering if you would ever figure it out."


  "I dreamed about this last night. Grandpa said you needed to figure this out on your own. That it was important somehow." Elijah shrugged.

  "I don't understand. We have to run! We have to get out of here!" I said tugging on Gavin's arm.

  "You can't leave," Grandfather Bob said. "They're waiting for you to send them home."

  "What, what do you mean? Who's waiting?" I began to panic. Why was everyone else so calm! "I don't know how to open the doorway."

  Grandfather Bob smiled, what I'm now going to call the "elder-all-knowing- smile. "You'll be fine. You're a gift to our world and to the magical beings here, it's your destiny to save them."

  I opened my mouth to say something, to rage, scream, beg, but all that came out was a squeak.

  "The sun is setting; the Sons of Belial will get here soon," Grandfather George pointed out. "We older people move slower, so you youngsters go ahead and get the ceremony started. You might want to run."

  Gavin held my face, looking straight into my eyes. "What do you want to do? You pick and I'll support whatever you choose."

  I wanted to say that I couldn't, that I felt too scared, that I wanted to get away from the evil I could feel coming, that I wasn't strong enough. Instead ,I closed my eyes and took a breath.

  "You can do anything you set your mind to. Everything you need in life you already have. A brave heart. A sharp mind. A strong spirit. These qualities will see you through anything and everything. Someday people will tell stories about you and the amazing feats you accomplish. Know, for every mountain you climb, and every one you fall down, I will be so proud of you."

  "I want to try. I need to try." I wanted to take back the words as soon as I said them.

  Gavin crushed me to his chest. "I'm so proud of you. Okay, let's run, everyone is ready."

  "Do you remember the way Sapphire?" Paul asked, slipping a backpack on and holding his drum.

  "Don't you?" I whispered.

  He shrugged carelessly. "I could probably find it. I've never been there before today. You said you'd be able to find it again."

  Rude. Don't I have enough to deal with?

  Ignoring the itchy feeling caused by the Sons of Belial, I felt for the connection I had to the meadow. It was still there, soft and fluttering, but there. "Yes, I can find it."

  "Well, let's go," Paul replied with a grin.

  We ran, flying over the trail. Our feet hit firm ground every time, missing tree roots and rocks. Bursting out of the trees and into the meadow, I gasped for breath. I was in good shape but I never ran, and that was obvious as others came through the trees breathing hard, but not panting like me. We were in the meadow.

  "Now what?" I asked Mary and Paul.

  "You go to the center. We'll get everyone else set up," Mary said. Thank goodness someone knew what to do.

  I walked to the center of the meadow. I fell to my knees trying to catch my breath as the energy coming from the earth set my gifts alight within me.

  The slick, oily, evil feeling slid over my body. The Sons of Belial were coming closer. They weren't at the campsite yet, but certainly headed that way.

  "Elijah, you go and stand at the North point. Kayin you're in the East. Rebecca, South. Storm, stand in the West." I heard Paul directing everyone.

  "Anali, stand between Elijah and Kayin, half way to Sapphire," Mary instructed. "Gavin, you go and stand between Elijah and Storm, also half way to Sapphire."

  "Paul is going to drum, while I cast a circle and invite the spirits to join us. Let your gifts flow and open them to what is happening. If you need help, follow the drum, it will never lead you astray," Mary explained.

  This all sounded good, but what was the point? What did they expect to happen? "What am I supposed to do?"

  "Whatever feels right. I'm creating a ritual to connect all of you, to help focus your intent," Mary said. "When the time comes, you'll figure it out."

  Great, yeah, I'll just magically know. Good plan. What the hell! I tried to calm my breathing, but I could feel the Sons of Belial coming closer.

  Mary walked around the circle we created, sprinkling some kind of powder on the ground. Our circle stretched out big enough that I couldn't touch anyone else. I felt exposed, shivering, I hoped this magical knowledge would present itself soon.

  Paul began to drum. Mary placed her hands on Kayin's back and called out in a clear voice. "Spirits of the East, we invite you into our circle. Please bless us with your knowledge and strength."

  Kayin burst into flames. Fire swept around the circle, sealing us all in.

  Mary walked to Rebecca, placed her hands on her back, and called out, "Spirits of the South, we invite you into our circle. Please bless us with your knowledge and strength."

  Plants began to grow around Rebecca, twining up her legs, and blooming, while they also spread along the ground making a third circle.

  "Spirits of the West we invite you into our circle. Please bless us with your knowledge and strength."

  Water swirled around Storm, and flowed out creating a fourth circle, never ceasing its movements, but flowing along the ground.

  "Spirits of the North we invite you into our circle. Please bless us with your knowledge and strength."

  Elijah's hair whipped around him as he was surrounded by the wind. It moved out from him in the circle, an invisible fifth circle, which surrounded and protected us with only the waving grass to show its passage.

  Mary now went to Anali. "Mother Earth, we invite you into our circle and ask that you bless us with your wisdom and love."

  Anali froze and took a shuddering breath as the image of Aya appeared over her.

  "You have my wisdom and my love," Aya said. Her voice came from a great distance.

  Next she stood behind Gavin with her hands on his shoulders. "Father Sky, we invite you into our circle and ask that you bless us with your protection and love."

  Gavin became a
vessel for Shamash.

  "You have my protection and my love," Shamash answered.

  Mary walked over to me. "You are the Jewel, Sapphire, the spirit which will bind them all."

  Mary calmly walked through the circles and sat at her husband's side, picking up her rattle.

  "They're at the camp and coming this way fast," Elijah gasped.

  I screamed as Grandfather George, Grandfather Bob and Grandmother Carol stepped through the trees. I clutched at my chest as if I could stop my heart from pounding. They sat down and took out their instruments. They slid right into the beat Paul established.

  I saw Taliesin, his hair was long and wild, glowing in the faint light from the crescent moon. On his forehead a star shone. He crouched down and made odd noises. Animals gathered before him. None of them looked like magical creatures, but normal animals: foxes, bears, deer, rabbits, many types of birds, and more coming through the forest.

  Turning his glowing blue eyes to me, Taliesin said. "They are ready."

  Good for them. I wasn't ready! I still didn't know what I needed to do! I could feel the power of the circle and the elements. I could feel everyone in the circle. My gifts bubbled and raced through me. The rock bound the last of my powers, hot in my belly. I felt the oily sickness of the walk-ins and the man with them. It was so much, maybe too much. I wanted to run and hide.

  "Sapphire, we are here for you," Aya said.

  "You can do this; you're strong enough," Shamash said.

  "What do I have to do?" I cried.

  "You have to accept who you are."

  My hands shook as my brow furrowed in confusion. Who I am? I'm nobody. I'm a group home kid who likes the circus and is called Sara. Right?

  I jumped as I heard shouts in the distance. The Sons of Belial were so close.

  "Who am I?" I whispered.

  "You are my granddaughter," Shamash said. Power infused every word warming my mother's fire pendant, which sat against my chest.

  His granddaughter, I am the granddaughter of the Phoenix King. The image I created of myself faded, the name Sara crumbled into dust. Who am I?

  Standing tall I turned to face the center of the circle. Taking a deep breath, I let myself float on the beat of the drum.

  "I am Sapphire Aya Rayner, daughter of Gabriella and Keagan Rayner, niece to Gavin and Anali Marsh and the many times great-granddaughter of the Phoenix King Shamash and the Phoenix Queen Aya. I am the Jewel. I now open this doorway to Akasha so my lost people can go home!" I said, yelling the last words into the sky.

  The ash rock inside me burst open and I shouted as all of my powers were released. The swirling circles of elements came together making a brilliant white circle, the energies came into Shamash and Aya, then flowed into me.

  I gritted my teeth against the intensity. The powers built and surged inside of me until I feared I would burst from them. I held my hands out in front of me, palms down. White-hot power burst from me and into the Earth.

  The ground before me rumbled and exploded open as an ancient doorway appeared. The stone form was made from rocks from Akasha. They absorbed the energy flowing from my hands, and a glowing circle of purple-tipped white fire appeared. I could see the bright green grass and turquoise sky of Akasha on the other side of the doorway.

  "Thank you," a voice said softly next to me. I saw a woman with the face of deer. She placed her hand briefly on my wrist. One by one the animals changed into their humanoid forms. Some still looked mostly animal, while others looked to be human wearing animal skin. I held my breath as a winged snake flew by me. Bells jingled as a group of masked beings walked past me and into the portal to Akasha.

  "I know it's bright, but we're almost there, hold onto your host." A man's voice demanded.

  "Pasha Yilmaz, we're trying, but it is very hard," a walk-in hissed.

  Turning my head, I saw four men stepping into the meadow. The three walk-ins put their hands over their eyes, trying to protect themselves from the light. Pasha Yilmaz wasn’t affected by the light of our circle and aimed his gun at Elijah.

  "NO!" I screamed and flung my right hand towards the Sons of Belial, surrounding them in bright white flames.

  The walk-ins screamed. The fire touched one of them, and the specter within the man was yanked out, screaming as it was forced towards the doorway.

  "Find peace in our world," Aya said as it passed her.

  The other two walk-ins left their hosts to crumple to the ground while they fled into the night sky.

  "I am no mere specter!" Pasha Yilmaz screamed. "And I am not afraid of a fire caused by a little girl!"

  "No, you are an aberration," Shamash judged. "You should not be here any longer. How does your master keep you alive?"

  "You'll find out," he said taking a step forward into the flames. Screaming, he jumped back, falling to his knees. His skin wrinkled and dulled as we watched.

  "You steal life which does not belong to you. Come forward and set things right. You need to continue on your journey." Shamash now projected the power and strength of the regal king he was.

  "No," gasped Yilmaz. Stumbling, he hurried away.

  "I can't hold this much longer," I whispered, my body shaking.

  Soft hands held my face. "You are doing so well. Just a little longer. They’re almost all through."

  Before me stood a beautiful young Native American woman dressed in pure white buckskin.

  "Help me," I begged.

  She smiled and kissed my brow gifting me with some of her strength and passing along her memories.

  I saw her and others like her come into our world, fascinated with the people they found here. They chose to interact with them, some teaching, some causing mischief, and other causing trouble. They were beings like us, with flaws and hurts, and both goodness and evil in their hearts.

  I watched as the centuries went by, and the magical beings tried to help. Giving hope and encouragement, sitting with the People in their grief and joy, and trying to help them find their way.

  All the while the animal beings walked into the doorway, each one thanking me as they passed.

  "You did it," the woman in the white buckskin said. "You can let go now."

  "You need to go through first," I said, forcing myself to hold the doorway open while I still blocked the path in case Yilmaz came back.

  "Sapphire, my work here is not yet done. Some of us are still needed. Many of the younger ones have chosen to stay with me. They can see a new way for the People. We will call you when we're ready to go home."

  With that she stepped away from me and walked out of the circle, joining a group of magical beings. As they walked deeper into the forest some of them melted into animals.

  "You're done, Sapphire," Gavin said. "You can let go now."

  Exhaling, I dropped my hands. I heard Gavin's shout as I fell to the ground and into the darkness.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  "We know what we are, but know not what we may be."

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