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Page 25

by Evangeline Anderson

  He nodded. “The only problem I foresee is the biting.”

  “Why is that the only problem? I would think…” She cleared her throat. “Other things would worry you more.”

  “When a Blood Kindred bites a female and injects a large amount of his essence he forms a partial bond with her,” he explained, trying to keep his voice dry and impersonal. “And I have sworn never to bond a female to me in any way.”

  “What does a partial bond even do?” she wanted to know.

  “I don’t really know. It’s not permanent or long lasting, I don’t think—not for my kind. I think the main thing that would happen is that my body would yearn to form a permanent bond.”

  “You mean you might get all feral and scary like you were last night after we, uh…you know?”

  He nodded. “But I can control myself. I just didn’t know how you felt about having even a temporary tie with me.”

  Charlotte took a deep breath. “I suppose I’m okay with it as long as it doesn’t last forever. Don’t get me wrong, Stav, I like you. But…you’re Kindred. And I have my reasons for disliking your people. I wouldn’t want to be tied to any Kindred for life—not even you.”

  He nodded gravely. “I respect your honesty. You will not need to be tied to me for long. I believe that after a few days if we do not complete the bond, my essence will fade from your system and you will be free of me once more.”

  “All right then.” Charlotte took a deep breath. “We’ll do it. We’ll obey the letter of the law while ignoring its spirit.”

  “Agreed.” He nodded.

  “So let’s get out of here. And Stav…”

  “Yes?” He raised an eyebrow at her.

  “You can take your hand off my breast now.”

  “Oh!” He pulled back quickly, as though her soft flesh had stung him. “Forgive me.”

  “That’s all right.” She gave him a small, rueful smile. “The fact that we were able to carry on a rational conversation while you were, uh, touching me intimately, proves this can work—don’t you think?”

  “Of course it can,” he agreed. But he wondered—would he really be able to give his body while withholding his heart?

  It was a moot question. Deep inside he knew his heart was already given. But Charlotte must never know that. No matter what happened, he would never tell her.

  * * * * *

  Dinner that night was a quiet affair. They had spent the rest of the day wandering around the resort, trying to find out as much as they could while looking innocently lost. They had even dared to go down the third hallway which led to the Circle of Oneness. What they had found there had worried Charlie. The door was deep crimson and surrounded by blinking white lights. The door panel to one side was similarly outlined and it seemed to require a retinal scan as well as a handprint to enter.

  She could just imagine what would happen if someone without access tried to get in that door. Probably they would be shocked, stung, burned, and have their eye poked out! Clearly the only way they were going to get access to the Circle of Oneness was by doing their “homework,” a prospect which had her in a cold sweat.

  The only other thing they found of interest in their meandering reconnaissance mission was a long, dark corridor on the outer perimeter of the resort’s web of interconnected rooms and areas. It was reached by going through a maze of blue halls very like the pink seashell halls in the Female Cleansing Area. Charlotte was afraid they wouldn’t be able to find their way out again but Stavros seemed to have a compass in his head. He led them back through the maze easily but not before they stood shoulder to shoulder and stared uneasily down the long, dark corridor.

  “What is this place?” Charlie whispered uncertainly. “It looks more like a tunnel than a hallway. Where does it lead to?”

  “I don’t know.” Stavros had frowned. “And I don’t think I want to find out.”

  “What’s the deal with the lighting?” Charlie had dared to step close enough to poke her head into the eerie hallway. “It looks like black light in a haunted house or something. Everything’s all spooky and dim.”

  “But it’s not just the way it looks—it is the way it feels.” Stavros had taken a deep breath, his broad chest expanding and stepped back about a foot. “Do you feel it?”

  Charlie took a breath too, inhaling the strange, cold air that seemed to be blowing from the hallway.

  “It’s like…breathing fear.” She looked at him. “Fear and sorrow and…and regret.” She frowned—hadn’t Ssstha said something about regret or regrets during their first meal together? She couldn’t quite remember. “Do you feel it too or am I crazy?” she asked Stavros.

  “Your sanity is in no way impaired,” he rumbled. “I feel it. It makes me want to get away from this place as fast as possible and never come back.”

  “I’m with you,” Charlie said. “But what use could the Hossans have for this place? This resort is supposed to be all about peace and love and harmony—what are they doing with a place like that?”

  Stavros had shrugged. “Who knows? You yourself pointed out that the Joined One we met is a sadist. Possibly it or they take out their baser urges here, on those they deem worthy of punishment.”

  Charlie had shivered. “Ugh! Don’t talk about that thing—it gives me the creeps!”

  “I guessed as much after your nightmare.” Stavros looked at her speculatively. “But why? Does it remind you of something?”

  Charlie had looked at him uncertainly. Should she tell him? She had sworn to herself early in this mission to keep her childhood and Missy and everything that had happened to her sister a secret. It was better that way—easier than digging up the old pain. But maybe it couldn’t hurt to explain just a little…

  “I…saw a scary movie. At a slumber party I went to when I was eight,” she said reluctantly.

  Stavros had frowned. “A…slumber party?”

  “A bunch of kids—usually girls—get together at one house and watch movies and eat pizza and popcorn and talk about boys and paint each other’s toenails…” She shrugged. “Things like that.”

  Stavros looked mystified. “I am trying to understand. I can see why you would gather together to eat and watch entertainment vids. But…why did you paint each other’s toes? What colors did you paint them? Is this an Earth female custom?”

  “Sort of and any color you want.” Charlie waved a hand dismissively. “Look, it’s a girl thing, you wouldn’t understand even if you were human so don’t worry about it. The point is, we watched this horror flick called The Beast from Hell. It was about a mutated monster with two heads. It scared me so bad I had to call my mom to come pick me up.” She shook her head. “It was four o’clock in the morning and boy, she was not happy with me. Anyway, my sister Missy had to sleep with me for months afterwards because I was sure that two headed thing was in my closet, just waiting to jump out and get me the minute I went to bed.”

  “You kept calling for Missy last night,” Stavros murmured. “I wondered who she was. Does she still live on Earth?”

  “No.” Charlie bit her lip, looking away. “She’s gone. She…she died.”

  “I am sorry.” Stav’s deep voice was infinitely gentle but Charlie didn’t want to hear it. She turned away, not wanting to remember her sister’s sad fate—let alone share it with a member of the race who had caused her death.

  “Charlotte?” the big Kindred murmured, putting a hand on her arm.

  Charlie had flinched away. “Don’t. I don’t want to talk about it. Not with you.”

  “All right. Sorry.” He had taken a deep breath. “Come on—let’s get away from this place. I don’t like the air coming from the dark corridor.”

  Charlie had agreed and they had left, Stavros leading them unerringly through the maze of blue hallways and back to the main corridor once more.

  Now, as they sat at dinner beside Ssstha and Hsssthnk she mulled the episode over in her mind. What was down that long dark spooky hallway? And what were the
Hossans doing there?

  “We were promoted to the Circle of Oneness today,” Ssstha said, breaking her concentration. “It was most gratifying.”

  “That’s amazing, congratulations!” Charlie smiled at her friend. “So how was it? What did you have to do? What classes did you take?”

  Hsssthnk gave a hissing laugh. “That is a lot of questions.” He turned to Stavros. “Your female is most eager to be promoted as well, I take it?”

  “We both are,” Stav replied smoothly. “But I too would know what is involved with setting foot in the Circle of Oneness.”

  “Well, first you must be triple scanned in order to even get through the doorway,” Ssstha began.

  “Oh? It’s that hard to get in?” Charlie replied innocently. Stavros caught her eye and she nodded slightly at him. As they had thought, getting through the door to the last circle was going to be impossible unless they did their “homework.”

  “It certainly is! And I heard the Joined One who scanned us in say that anyone unauthorized to go in would be seized and punished on the spot!”

  “That seems kind of harsh,” Charlie remarked, frowning.

  “It does,” Hsssthnk acknowledged. But such measures are necessary because in the center of the Circle of Oneness is the Heart of Love. It is the most holy relic in the entire resort.”

  “What is the Heart of Love, anyway?” Charlie put her chin in her hand and frowned. “I mean did you actually get to see it?”

  “Oh no, certainly not!” Ssstha sounded shocked. “It is at the center of the circle. Only the Joined Ones are allowed to go in to tend it.”

  “They tend it, you say?” Stavros said. “So…it is a kind of plant?”

  Hsssthnk shrugged. “As to that—who can say? Some say it is one thing, some say another. All we know is that its holy glow enshrines the entire Circle of Oneness in peace and harmony and love.”

  “You feel different the moment you are near it.” Ssstha smiled dreamily. “It is…such a peaceful sensation. For the first time in your life you feel whole.”

  “Sounds…amazing.” Charlie tried to smile but inside she was wondering how anyone could swallow such a load of bull. “So are the two of you going back for more classes tonight?”

  “No, tonight we are to meditate together on our coming oneness,” Hsssthnk said. “And tomorrow…”

  “Tomorrow we will complete it.” Ssstha smiled beatifically. “It will be lovely. I cannot wait.”

  “And I cannot wait to begin our meditation, my love.” Hsssthnk gave her a half lidded smile and let his long, forked tongue run out to brush her cheek suggestively. “Last meal is over and I hunger for…other things besides food. Shall we go?”

  “Indeed we should.” Her eyes never leaving her mate’s face, Ssstha rose and they left the table without another word to anyone but each other.

  “Well, those two are just all snout-to-tail,” Charlie remarked tartly.

  “They are what?” Stav asked blankly.

  “You know—like two dogs that can’t leave each other alone.” She sighed and looked around at all the other couples rising from their tables. “Never mind. I guess that’s our cue to go too, huh?”

  He nodded. “I suppose so.” Rising, he held out a hand to help her up. “Come, let’s go to our rooms.”

  “Homework time,” Charlie muttered nervously and followed him out of the dining area.

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Their rooms were still freezing and Charlotte started shivering the moment they walked through the door with its shifting patterns of green.

  Stav frowned. “This isn’t going to work. We cannot act out what you dreamed if you’re on the edge of freezing to death.”

  “Well I doubt we can get hold of Nar’sa and Ta’no now to complain,” she remarked, rubbing her arms with her hands to try and keep warm. “They’re probably someplace ‘meditating’ like everyone else in this place.”

  “We don’t need them to warm up,” Stavros said decisively. “Come here.”

  He held out a hand to her but she dodged away. “What…what are you going to do? I can’t bite you again. Especially not when you’re about to bite me. I think we both know how that would turn out.”

  Stavros closed his eyes briefly. Indeed, he could well imagine the scene that would follow if Charlotte bit him and then he bit her. The connection between them would be too strong—the instinct to breed her and bond her to him would be insurmountable. No, as much as he loved the feel of her little white teeth piercing his throat, he had to find another way to give her blood.

  “You don’t have to bite me. Here,” he said. Lifting his wrist to his mouth, he sliced through the bracelet of blue veins that crossed the underside neatly with his fangs. Then he held it to Charlotte’s mouth. “Drink.”

  She looked at him uncertainly.

  “You’re sure? You don’t mind?”

  “Do I mind giving you blood?” He could scarcely believe she would ask it.

  “Well…yes. Do you?” She still seemed hesitant.

  “Charlotte,” he said softly. “I find you devastatingly attractive. And as you know, sharing blood for my people is very erotic. You might as well ask if I would mind kissing you or caressing your naked body.”

  “Which you’re going to be doing shortly,” she reminded him, frowning. “Try to keep it professional, okay?”

  Stav shrugged. “You asked. I was simply trying to reassure you that I do not mind you drinking of me. But if you do not hurry, the wound will close. Blood Kindred are fast healers.”

  “Yes, you are.” She was eyeing the bite mark she’d made on his neck which was already mostly healed. “All right.” Gripping his arm in both hands, she brought the wounded wrist to her mouth and latched on, sucking hard—as hard as she had the night before.

  A deep, painful pleasure ran through Stavros and it felt as if every muscle in his body clenched. He hissed in a breath and had to look away. Because Gods, if he watched her drinking from him, taking blood as only his rightful mate should, he would want to make her his rightful mate. Would want to bond her to him and he had to avoid that at all costs.

  At last Charlotte withdrew with a final swipe of her tongue and he dared to look at her again.

  “Why does it taste so good?” she asked softly, looking up at him. “It doesn’t taste anything like blood at all. It’s…amazing. Delicious.”

  “I don’t know. Maybe because our bodies are compatible.” He shrugged. “Are you warmer now?”

  “Toasty.” She took a deep breath of the chilly air but she had stopped shivering. “That really is amazing, you know?”

  “It serves its purpose.” Stavros took her by the hand. “Come, let’s go into the sleeping chamber. The soonest begun, the soonest ended.”

  He didn’t want to linger over this experience, didn’t want to draw it out because honestly, he didn’t trust himself enough to do that. As much as he wished he could savor this one and only time he would be able to touch Charlotte intimately, he knew it would be unwise. It would be too easy to get lost and want to bond her to him forever. Better to stay detached, impersonal…professional as he had assured her he would. It would be too hard to let go otherwise.

  But Charlotte was holding back, a look of uncertainty and almost fear in her eyes.

  “Stav, I don’t know…”

  The fear in those deep brown eyes touched something inside him. He turned towards her and cupped her cheek gently.

  “Charlotte? Are you well?”

  “Yes. Yes, of course.” She cleared her throat and looked away. “Just…nervous. I mean, I know we said it would be professional but that doesn’t mean it has to be I don’t know—completely impersonal.” She shook her head. “Look, just ignore me. I’m not making any sense.”

  “Yes, you are. You’re feeling rushed and uncertain—that’s my fault. Forgive me.” He stroked a strand of hair out of her eyes. “We can do this as fast or as slow as you want and still maintain our professionalism.�

  “Of course.” Charlotte seemed relieved. “Of course we can. I mean, we’re both adults, right?”

  “We are.” Stavros nodded gravely. “And as consenting adults, we are well able to make our own decisions and do what we like.”

  “Good.” She lifted her chin. “Then…I’d like to do this here—on the couch. It feels…somehow it feels less risky that way. Is that okay?”

  “It is perfectly fine with me,” Stav assured her. “So how do you wish to begin?”

  “Well…” She sat on the couch and looked at him uncertainly. “If we really are acting out my dream, I guess we both need to be topless. And since you’re already wearing your Pharaoh outfit…”

  “My what?” He shook his head. “Never mind. You mean that since I am already bare chested, it is time for me to make you so as well.”

  “Yes. I…I guess so.”

  “That is easily done.” Stav sat beside her and reached for the front of her robe. “May I?” he asked, raising his eyebrows at her.

  Silently, she nodded.

  “All right.” Pulling apart the magnetic tabs he opened the top of her robe and helped her shrug it off her shoulders.

  Though he had seen her naked the night before and the novice robes left little to the imagination, seeing her bare breasts in the soft golden glows of the overhead lighting still took his breath away. They were so full, tipped with innocent pink buds that seemed to beg to be plucked and caressed, nipped and sucked. And tonight for the first and last time he would be able to do all that. All that and more…

  “Beautiful,” he murmured softly. “I know it’s not professional to say so but Gods, Charlotte, you’re so lovely it makes me ache to look at you.”

  “Oh…” She bit her lip uncertainly. “I…thank you, I guess,” she whispered. “But you’re right about one thing—it’s not professional. We need to try and keep our minds detached, right?”

  “Exactly.” Taking a deep breath, Stavros made an effort to master himself. “Very well then, what’s next? I believe you said something about oils?”


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