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Page 40

by Evangeline Anderson

  Those eyes…where have I seen those eyes before?

  Then it came back to her—the red eyes she’d seen peeking out at her in the kitchen area of the Kindred shuttle she had Stav had taken to the J’lorgan’s Mind resort in the first place.

  “A furskin,” she heard Six growl.

  “A spybot now—and a very useful one,” the Dark Kindred Commander sneered. He looked at Charlie. “My little furry friend here has been keeping me informed of your whereabouts and intentions the entire time you were at the resort and you never even noticed it.”

  “So you’re up to your old tricks, Two.” Six sounded disgusted. “Modifying creatures to suite your own purposes—just like the sniffers.”

  “Yes, my lovely sniffers.” Two smiled malevolently. “They are so going to enjoy tearing the lot of you apart after I’ve made my point. Regrettably I cannot bring them to the Hall of the Collective. Though they’re not supposed to have emotions I have found it actually helps to give them some. Their animosity and rage would be far too much for the power net to handle, especially mixed with the positive emotions Stavros has so thoughtfully brought us.”

  “Is he—is Stav all right?” Charlie couldn’t help asking. “Why isn’t he moving much? Why did you put him out there by the center of the net?”

  “Why to prove a point, my dear. To show you definitively that your sad little plans cannot defeat the greatest minds the universe has ever known or will ever know. Observe!”

  Two strode out onto the narrow metal walkway suspended in space in the center of the vast room. His boots clanked, echoing in the emptiness but he seemed not the least distressed by the thousand foot drop on either side. When he got to the round platform in the center, he stood perfectly still a moment.

  “Lights.” He spoke softly in that high, unpleasant voice but the clusters of black grape globes which must be the Collective suddenly began to glow brighter. “Thank you.” Two nodded respectfully around him, acknowledging his sentient machine masters.

  Looking closely, Charlie saw that Stavros was indeed crouched on the metal platform, his head bowed. She couldn’t be sure but it seemed he was chained down in some way—maybe by his hands which would explain the awkward position he was in. Her heart clenched.

  The bastards are too afraid to let him up! She felt a surge of anger followed by a surge of fear and regret. Stavros, oh God, I wish I could have talked to you…wish I could have told you…But told him what? She still didn’t quite know. She only knew she wished with all her heart that she had just a little more time.

  But it seemed her time was up—what was Two going to do?

  * * * * *

  Crouched on the metal platform balanced precariously above the void, Stavros was wondering the same thing. He already knew that their plan had failed. Obviously the mixture of emotions he had managed to collect with his Mark wasn’t volatile enough to affect the power net of the Collective.

  He had even managed to reach out one hand and wind one of the silky white strands around his finger when Two had first manacled his wrists to the platform. He’d been hoping that direct contact with net would do the trick. And indeed, for a brief moment he’d thought he felt a tremor run through the line he held and the clusters of black globe lights that represented the Collective’s many processing systems had flickered briefly. But that was all. Clearly the emotion he had brought wasn’t enough or wasn’t the right kind or mixture of feelings.

  Now he watched as the Dark Kindred Commander stood beside him, putting on a show for his own amusement.

  “Behold!” he shouted and reached down to hook his long, skeletal fingers in the back of the black shirt Stav still wore. Though the fabric was thick, Two’s slender frame was deceptively strong. With a jerk, he tore the shirt away and cast it down into the yawning pit below.

  At once the darkness was pierced with light as the glowing Mark was revealed, shining like stripes made of pure golden sunlight in the dim room. The gossamer-fine white line still wrapped around his little finger began to tremble and vibrate.

  This is it! Stav thought hopefully. Surely it will happen now! Surely the emotion flooding out of my Mark will overcome the power net and blow the Collective to bits, just as we hoped it would!

  He held his breath and closed his eyes, trying to be ready for the blast.

  But instead of an explosion, he heard only the high, maniacal laughter of the Dark Kindred Commander.

  “Do you see? Do you see?” he demanded, shouting at Six and Mei-Li and Charlotte who were still all gathered on the edge of the pit, staring. “Do you see what effect your pitiful little positive emotions have on my masters? Nothing! Noth—”

  Two’s words were cut off by another voice, one much louder and deeper and unnaturally harsh—and it was coming from his own mouth.

  “He is mine and I shall have him! You shall not keep me prisoner any longer, Two!”

  Two’s bony left hand suddenly jerked towards Stav and landed flat on his back, covering the place where the Mark shone brightest.

  Stav jerked in agony—it was like a sword piercing his flesh—but couldn’t shake off the hand. For a moment he felt something dark flowing into him—some black sludge from the pits of hell that had somehow gained sentience. It crawled inside him, clawing at his mind, seeking a way to own…to control…

  Then he felt something else—a surge of light from under his skin. It was the positive emotion his Mark had soaked up in the Heart of Love, he was certain. It met the darkness head-on and repelled it, fighting it fiercely, denying it entrance to his soul.

  It was like fire meeting water—lava meeting ice.

  Or maybe nitro meeting glycerin.

  Stavros began to feel the pressure build within him. The two forces were evenly matched—something had to give. The fine white wire wrapped around his little finger was vibrating madly now—the whole gossamer net which converged at the metal platform was shaking and the metal platform itself started rocking but still Two’s hand stayed stuck to his back, as though by some magnetic force or electrical charge that could not be broken.

  Stav was aware of people shouting and screaming now. What he mainly heart was Two shrieking, “No, you fool! You must not try to take him now! Let go—Let go!”

  There was a deep, unearthly howling which was also coming from Two’s mouth—clearly the voice of the demon, Ur, which had apparently tried to invade him.

  What in the seven hells? he had time to think and then the black, dimly glowing globes that hung in clusters from the ceiling began to flicker in and out alarmingly. Directly over his head there was a sharp popping sound of glass exploding and a shower of purple-black shards rained down on the swaying metal platform.

  “Stavros—Stavros!” he heard a familiar voice shouting. Looking up he saw Charlotte struggling madly with the two armed Dark Kindred guards who were still holding her.

  She’s trying to come to me but it’s not safe—not safe!

  “No!” he tried to call to her. “Stay back, Charlotte! Keep clear!”

  But his voice came out as no more than a whisper. Inside he felt the fierce pressure building to a head. His heart was pumping harder and harder, the blood rushing in his ears. His breathing was becoming labored as the light inside him fought off the darkness that sought to invade.

  “Nooooo!” The unearthly howl came not from Two’s bulging throat but from somewhere outside, someplace in the center of the white gossamer power net. Then the entire net burst into blue and purple flames.

  Gods! Stavros scrambled back from the flames but he couldn’t get too far as he was still manacled by his wrists to the metal platform. He couldn’t be sure but he thought he saw something black and formless trapped in the center of the power net—something that writhed and screamed in a deep, unnaturally voice—howling in the anguished tones of the damned as it burned to death and was crisped to ash.

  “Ur!” he heard Two shout. “Ur, you fool! No!”

  A blast of energy came from the burning
net, blowing over Stav like a fierce wave surging and churning over his head to drown him. He tried to breathe and it slid down his throat like lightning, burning and biting, scalding his heart and making him choke and retch.

  Gods, he thought dizzily, his heart pounding. Can’t take much more…Going to…going to…

  And then everything went black.

  * * * * *

  Charlie saw him collapse in the light of the burning net and nearly tore her arms out of her sockets trying to get away from the guards who held her.

  “Stavros! Stav!” she screamed, kicking and clawing to be free. “Let me go—I have to get to him. Let me go!”

  All around her people were shouting and stumbling because the whole room –indeed the whole tower—seemed to be experiencing some kind of an earthquake. The clusters of black, dimly glowing globes overhead were popping and spraying shards of jagged purple-black glass into the void and once, when one popped almost directly overhead, into her hair.

  Charlie didn’t care. She just wanted to be free—she just wanted to get to Stavros before it was too late!

  “Stavros!” she screamed again as she elbowed the guard to her right. Not that it did any good—her elbow only connected with the solid metal shell of his battle armor doing nothing but sending exquisitely excruciating sparks of pain up her arm. But for some reason, the Dark Kindred guard let go of her, even though she couldn’t have hurt him.

  “Why am I doing this?” He seemed to be asking himself as much as Charlie. “I don not want to be doing this. I do not like it here. It is dark and…and unhappy.”

  Suddenly the guard on her left side also dropped her arm.

  “I do not like it here either,” he announced. “And now as well as unhappy, it appears to be dangerous. I wish to leave.”

  “I will go if you will,” the first guard offered.

  “Agreed. Why do we not seek out something pleasant—like a beverage that is alcoholic in nature?”

  “A fine idea!” The second guard clapped the first one on the back. They turned and stumbled away together, walking as well as they could considering the strange tremors which were still moving through the entire huge building.

  The shaking seemed to be worst in the Hall of The Collective. The globes were bursting constantly now, making the vast room darker and darker. Still, Charlie saw it when the metal walkway and platform twisted violently up to one side, shaking Stavros off like a dog shakes off a flea. When it came level again, he was no longer on it.

  Her heart was in her throat and she couldn’t even scream for a moment. Then she saw him dangling over the far edge, clearly still held in place by his manacles. Two was also hanging on to the edge of the platform. He had no cuffs to hold him in place and Charlie wondered briefly how he was hanging on at all. Then she was running for the edge of the metal tongue, intending to scramble down the walkway to Stavros and grab him before he fell completely.

  “NO.” A strong hand on her arm stopped her and this time it was Six.

  “I have to get to him, Six—look at him!” she babbled. “He’s out there right in the middle and he’s about to fall!”

  “And you think that you could bring him up again?” Six shook his head. “Forgive me, Charlotte, but he is more than twice your weight—you are not strong enough to drag him up yourself. Besides, there is Two to consider.” He nodded at the other figure, still hanging from the metal edge of the platform.

  “Six is right.” Mei-Li was suddenly on her other side, reaching for her hand. “Let him go get Stavros.”

  Though she hated to admit it, Charlie knew they were right.

  “All right, all right…” She was clenching her fists with anxiety. “But please, hurry! And bring him back safe.”

  “I will do my utmost,” Six said gravely. With surprising grace for such a large warrior, he ran lightly over the swaying metal bridge to reach the round platform in the center. The white gossamer power net had mostly burned itself out by this time. There was a blackened lump in the middle of it that smouldered and smoked but Six paid no attention to it. He steadied himself and reached over the edge to drag the other male up and over the lip of the metal platform.

  Charlie didn’t like the way Stav hung so still from his manacles and flopped so limply onto the platform when Six brought him up. When she saw Six bend over him and feel Stav’s throat, obviously searching for a pulse, she felt her own pulse jump with fear.

  “Is he all right?” she shouted to Six, unable to help herself. He shouted something back but she couldn’t make out the words.

  Charlie slipped her hand out of Mei-Li’s and ran to the edge of the metal bridge.

  “Charlie, stop!” the other girl protested, following her. “Just let Six get him.”

  “I can’t help it—I have to know if he’s okay. If he’s alive or…” Charlie couldn’t make herself finish the sentence but she could see by the look in Mei-Li’s eyes the other girl knew what she was trying to say.

  By now most of the shaking had stopped and the Dark Kindred Guards had dissipated. There were only a few globes overhead that remained whole and they weren’t giving out much light. Charlie knew if she was going to find out what was going on, she would have to get closer. The narrow metal bridge looked as skinny as a thread as it stretched out over the void and Charlie had never been a fan of heights. But Stavros is out there—hurt or possibly dead! I have to go to him—I have to know!

  Taking a deep breath, she ran lightly across the metal bridge, not allowing herself to think about the long drop and sudden death that waited for her if she made a single slip. Luckily she was still barefoot which helped. She listened to the patter of her bare feet and kept her eyes trained on Stavros as she ran.

  Though the bridge had looked incredibly long from the lip of the pit on the edge of the vast room, she was surprised at how quickly she got to the round metal island at its end. On it, Six was crouched above the supine form of Stavros with an ear pressed to his chest. There was a look of regret on his face that clawed at Charlie’s heart.

  “No—no!” She skidded to a stop and fell to her knees beside Stav’s still form. A quick check showed no pulse and she couldn’t feel his chest rising and falling either.

  Like Missy, just like Missy all over again! whispered a panicked little voice in her brain. He killed himself just like she did only this time he did it for you. Stavros killed himself for you and now he’s gone and he’s never coming back…

  Charlie shoved the voice aside savagely and looked up at Six.

  “Do you know how to do CPR?”

  He shook his head.

  “Never mind—come on, I’ll show you. We have to start compressions now.”

  Leaning over Stavros, she laced her fingers together and found the right place just above the xiphoid process on his broad chest.

  “One and two and three and four,” she chanted, pushing down as hard as she could. It was incredibly hard work since Stavros was so big but just when she was beginning to sweat and shake, Six pushed her out of the way and began copying her technique. After a moment Charlie stopped him, drew in a ragged breath, tilted Stav’s head back and breathed into him, trying to fill his lungs with oxygen. She did it again and then motioned for Six to continue compressions.

  After Missy’s death, she’d practiced CPR over and over again, going so far as to get certified in college. And of course she’d had to retain that certification when she joined the PD. Now it felt like second nature, the rhythm of compressions, the deep rescue breaths which barely stirred his broad chest at all. Feeling for a pulse and trying not to think what she would do if she couldn’t get him back. If he was really gone forever…

  I’ve been such an idiot! she thought savagely as she took her turn at compressions again. Denying what I felt for him…telling myself he was just a coworker, a partner. Even when he said he loved me, I brushed it off. What the hell is wrong with me? Am I really so screwed up I can’t even see love when it’s staring me right in the face?
br />   Then someone was tapping her on the arm.

  “I’m sorry, Charlotte,” she heard Six saying. “But this does not appear to be working. I fear…I fear that Stavros is dead.”

  “He’s not dead!” Charlie gasped, never stopping her compressions. “We just have to give it more time. We just have to—”

  Suddenly something grabbed her by the ankle and yanked her off the platform.

  Charlie shrieked breathlessly as the sharp metal edge of the platform scraped the front of her body from chest to thighs. Then the world tilted and she found herself dangling upside down above the seemingly bottomless void. She heard a nasty cackle of laughter and when she looked up, she saw Two.

  The Dark Kindred Commander, who was still holding onto the lip of the platform and dangling over the edge himself, had her by the ankle and was laughing as he swung her back and forth.

  “Let me go!” Charlotte gasped, glaring up at him and trying not to scream.

  “Oh, I don’t think you want me to do that, now do you? After all, it’s a very, very loooong way down. ” He was grinning at her, all of his metal teeth exposed. His one visible eye was dancing with madness.

  Charlie stared back. All the blood was rushing to her head, making her dizzy and his skeletal hand was like an iron pincer clamped around her ankle, cutting off her circulation, but she didn’t want him to let go. Not until she got safely back on the platform—but how was she going to manage that?

  “Give her back, Two.” Six was leaning over the platform now, glaring at the other Dark Kindred. “The Collective is destroyed—your power is gone. Give her back.”

  “Do you know what else is gone?” Two asked in a conversational tone at odds with the madness glowing in his one exposed eye. “My good friend, Ur. The only true friend I ever had. He left me to go into that big bastard up there.” He nodded up at the platform where Stavros’s supine form could be seen, close to the edge. “He tried to get into him, anyway, but he couldn’t. Too many good emotions in the way, I suppose, from that damn pink plasma. I begged him to come back, tried to reel him back in, but he wouldn’t listen. He wanted so badly to get away, you see…”


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