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Galactic Wars

Page 21

by G. P. Hudson

  Danny heard it, as did the other clones. They all drew their weapons in response.

  One of Luka’s henchmen foolishly raised his weapon and pointed it at the clones. Before he could think of pulling the trigger, a plasma bolt burned through his right eye and out the back of his skull. The man crumpled to the floor. Insanity followed.

  The other henchmen retaliated, perhaps feeling confident in their higher numbers. The room lit up with streaks of crimson as the two sides traded fire.

  The clones moved as one. They sprayed the room with plasma bolts, killing several of the enemies.

  Their opponents fired incessantly but hit nothing. The clones were a blur. They moved with inhuman speed and targeted their enemies with lethal precision.

  Danny raced through the room like a demon on a killing spree. One of the henchmen fired at him. Danny pivoted, and the bolt narrowly missed. Shooting back, he burned a quarter sized hole in the center of the man’s chest.

  Another man turned his weapon toward Danny. Again, Danny outdrew his opponent. Red energy mingled with squirting blood, and the man frantically brought a hand up to his throat to stop the gush. A second bolt to the temple finished him off.

  The enemy numbers dropped exponentially. They acted foolishly, and now Danny cut them down without mercy. The whole time he remained aware of the aggressive sound outside.

  A Zeta dropship. It had furtively swooped in and now hovered just above the building. Something heavy hit the roof, amplifying his anxiety. They had entered a death trap.

  With the last henchman dead, Danny turned to Isaac. Luka’s weapon pointed at the scientist’s forehead.

  “Drop your weapon,” said Danny, cognizant at the same time of the movement on the roof.

  “No way,” said Luka. “You all drop your weapons or Isaac dies.”

  “Okay, I’m lowering my weapon.” Isaac, said Danny through their neural link. I want you to duck when I tell you.

  “Not just you. Everyone,” said Luka.

  “Who’s on the roof, Luka?” said Isaac.

  “Who do you think? You’re worth a lot of money, Isaac. Much more than this deal of ours.”

  Now, said Danny.

  Isaac was not a military clone, but he was augmented nonetheless. Before Luka could squeeze off a round, Isaac moved out of the way of the weapon, and Danny fired. Plasma bolts crashed into the Tran criminal sending him careening backward onto the floor.

  An explosion tore open the roof, strewing rubble around like shrapnel.

  “We have to go!” Gerry said, firing at the hole in the ceiling.

  “I need my equipment,” said Isaac, who bolted for the box.

  “There’s no time,” said Gerry, but Isaac had already scooped up the box and was turning back toward them.

  All the clones focused their fire on the opening, as an armored giant jumped through.

  “Run!” said Danny, and the group streaked through the long corridor as explosive rounds blasted through the walls behind them.

  Chapter 2

  The clones spilled out of the building and sped down the deserted street. Behind them, the colossal mech crashed through the front entrance and gave pursuit.

  It fired more explosive rounds after them. The shells punched craters into the ground and blew apart the sides of buildings.

  Searing heat stung at Danny’s back but failed to hamper his escape. Their augmented speed saved them all from certain death.

  I think we’re okay, said Danny over their neural link. The mech can’t catch us if we stay on the narrow streets. Annie, are you there?

  Of course, I am here, the AI responded. I am connected to your neural network, remember?

  I remember. I was worried we lost the connection.

  That is remarkably illogical, Danny.

  Fire up the ship’s engines, Annie. We’ll need to leave immediately.

  Understood, I’ll be waiting.

  The clones widened the distance between themselves and the pursuing mech. They ran in unpredictable patterns, changing direction, and following a circuitous route to their ship. Their tactics were successful, and they denied the mech a target.

  Someone is shadowing us, Gerry said as he turned onto another empty street. Through the neural link, the group saw the telltale signs of pursuit.

  There’s another, said Danny. On the rooftops.

  A third follows on the adjacent street, Gerry said. They are keeping up with us.

  Clones. A Zeta hit squad is my guess, Danny said. There’s likely more.

  Your friend Luka screwed us real good, Isaac, Gerry said.

  I told you, he wasn’t my friend. Just a business associate, Isaac said defensively.

  The screaming sound of engines added to the cacophony. Danny cringed and looked up, fully expecting to see an even more significant threat.

  I’m coming to you, said Annie, as her ship swooped down toward them. Be ready to board. I won’t be waiting around.

  The starship touched down at the top of the street. A hatch opened, and a ramp extended, while the engines continued to wail at deafening pitches.

  Annie, you are a life sa-

  Several missiles hit the spacecraft. Multiple detonations followed, and the entire ship blew apart in a hurricane of fire and hull fragments. The force of the blast blew all the clones onto their backs. They scrambled to get back on their feet. A sniper’s round punched through one of the clones, knocking the man down for good.

  The rest opened fire on the nearby rooftop, forcing the assassin to take cover.

  We’ve got to keep moving, said Danny. We’re too vulnerable here.

  The group broke into a run again, while the sniper’s bullets bit at their heels.

  This way, said Isaac. It leads to the urban center. The mech won’t follow us if we get close to the city.

  I want to know why the Tran haven’t responded yet, Danny said in frustration. A Zeta mech is blowing holes in Tran buildings, and Annie’s spaceship just made a highly visible fireball. There’s no way the authorities haven’t noticed.

  The sniper found another target. Danny cringed as a bullet blew off the top off a clone’s skull. The group increased speed and ran in zigzags to deny the sniper a clear shot.

  You’re as naive as ever, little brother, Gerry said. Zeta has paid them off. No one is coming until Zeta says so.

  That is why we need to reach the urban population, Isaac added. The Tran authorities will have to respond if the mech enters a more densely populated area.

  What about the hit squad? Danny said.

  They can keep following, Gerry said. Once they lose the protection of their mech, we’ll turn the tables on them.

  The group turned another corner and were greeted by more explosive rounds chewing up another clone.

  It’s another mech, Danny said in surprise. Take cover.

  Danny, Gerry, and Isaac scrambled for cover behind a building. Just the three of them remained alive, and they were running out of options.

  “It doesn’t have to end this way, Isaac,” came Ed Masterson’s voice over the mech’s speakers. “Surrender, and I’ll let your friends live.”

  “Why? So you can run experiments on us?”

  “I misjudged you, Isaac. I see that now. You’ve become much more than I ever expected. Come home, and you can have all of Zeta’s resources at your disposal. Frankly, I’m intrigued by what you’ve done. You can free as many clones as you like.”

  “Why would you let me do that?”

  “I think it will create better soldiers. Whether they’re free or not, they’re still military clones. They will still crave this life. If they chose it freely, they would be more effective.”

  “And if they don’t?”

  “Then they will be free to go.”

  It’s a trick, Isaac, said Danny. Don’t believe him.

  Isaac nodded.

  In the distance, Danny could hear the first mech closing in. We’ve got to go. Now.

  We can’t make it to th
e city anymore, said Isaac. They’re blocking the way.

  Then we go this way, said Danny, pointing down the empty street behind them.

  “Give me a few minutes to think it over,” Isaac called out to the mech.

  “Sorry, Isaac. I’m not that stupid.”

  The mech advanced on their location and repeatedly fired into the building they hid behind.

  Run, said Danny, and the three clones tore down the street into the darkness.

  Behind them, the second mech had arrived, and the two war machines broke into a run after them.

  Chapter 3

  Danny pumped several rounds into the Zeta clone trying to cut him off. A second appeared from behind a corner, but Gerry acted first, almost cutting the man’s head off with a plasma bolt to the throat.

  How did they get ahead of us so fast? Danny said over the neural link.

  They must’ve run ahead while Masterson was talking, Gerry said without breaking stride.

  Do you see any more?

  No, I think that’s it, but keep your eyes open.

  Any ideas, Isaac? Danny said. We could use one of your inventions right about now.

  Sorry, my boy, Isaac said. I’m afraid I’m all out of rabbits at the moment.

  Rabbits? What good are they?

  Never mind. We need to utilize our strengths better.

  What strengths? Gerry said. We’re outnumbered and outgunned.

  The neural link, dear girl. The combined resources of our three minds. We need to find an access point so that we can get on the planetary network.

  Isaac, we’re in the middle of fucking nowhere. How are we supposed to do that? Gerry demanded.

  Even these isolated communities have technology.

  Are you sure about that? They don’t even have paved roads around here.

  Or people, Danny said. Why is that?

  Tran is a corrupt and impoverished world, Isaac explained. At the height of the Empire’s power, there was plenty of trade that kept the planet prosperous. But as the Empire weakened, that trade waned. Taxes were steadily increased, stifling commerce and encouraging black market activities. Finally, the Tran declared independence, further exasperating the situation. The warfare that followed meant that much of the planet’s GDP went to the military, rather than to infrastructure. As things got worse, people moved away looking for better opportunities.

  I’m just glad they have these narrow streets, said Gerry. They make it a hell of a lot harder for the mechs to keep up.

  This way, said Danny, ducking through a doorway into a dilapidated building.

  What are you doing, little brother, said Gerry. It’s a death trap in here.

  No, I’ve seen buildings like this one before.

  He’s right, Isaac said. This building is an old commuter station. There should be a tunnel network underneath.

  Explosive rounds smashed through the front wall of the building just as the clones started their descent down the stairs. Using their augmented abilities, they cleared each flight effortlessly, and soon reached the tunnel platform. Strange looking animals scurried away from them into crevices in the crumbling walls.

  Without hesitation, the team jumped onto the tracks and raced into the bowels of the transportation system. With no lights and everything in disrepair, it proved to be an ideal hiding spot.

  Unfortunately, the clones pursuing them would have the same augmented vision as they did, and the darkness would prove not to be a hindrance. Still, the mechs would find it difficult, if not impossible, to follow, which evened the score.

  I think this tunnel should lead to the urban center, said Isaac.

  Should? said Gerry.

  Yes. I’m not entirely sure.

  Okay, let’s say it does. What do we do then?

  I know someone who can help us.

  Another friend? Gerry snapped.

  The last one was a business associate, not a friend.

  But this one is a friend?

  No. He is another associate.

  Great. Let’s hope Zeta hasn’t got him on the payroll too.

  Chapter 4

  Danny, Gerry, and Isaac emerged from the tunnels onto a much busier street. The downpour hadn’t abated, but the roads were paved and full of vehicles. The sidewalks held a surprising amount of pedestrian traffic, who seemed unperturbed by the never-ending storm.

  Perfect, Isaac said. We are close.

  At least something is going our way, Gerry said. I don’t see any sign of the Zeta assassins either.

  The doesn’t mean they aren’t still following us, Danny said. You know that.

  Unfortunately, I do. Still, I feel better deceiving myself, okay?

  Whatever works for you, sister.

  The three clones traveled several city blocks, keeping an eye out for any signs of pursuit, and dodging the odd careless umbrella. If Zeta still shadowed them, they were doing an exceptional job staying concealed.

  Danny didn’t want to give himself any false hope, but he was starting to believe that their tour of the underground tunnels might have worked.

  Here it is, Isaac said.

  You’re kidding, Gerry said.

  No. Why?

  This is a bar. That’s why.

  It is one of my contact’s businesses. He keeps strange hours and likes to work out of here.

  I don’t understand, Danny said. How is a bar owner going to help us?

  The bar is not his real business, Isaac said. It is more of a facade.

  What is his main business?

  Let’s just say he has his hands in a lot of things.

  You know all the winners, don’t you Isaac? Gerry said sarcastically.

  You must understand that human cloning was illegal when we started Zeta, said Isaac. We couldn’t exactly go through normal channels, could we?

  Uh huh. Whatever helps you sleep at night, Isaac.

  Technically, human cloning was still illegal, but Zeta bypassed that issue by locating its business in a region of space not under Imperial control. It also didn’t hurt that both the Empire and the Frontier Alliance were Zeta clients.

  Danny tensed the second he walked inside. The bar was full, and it felt as though all heads turned to inspect them.

  So, three clones walk into a bar, Gerry said.

  Funny, Danny said. Where do we find this guy, Isaac?

  We’ll have to ask to see him, Isaac said. Just let me do the talking.

  Sure, Gerry said. What could go wrong?

  The three clones pushed their way through the crowd. The tavern’s patrons made a point of not moving out of the way or hiding their hostile attitudes.

  Danny met each glare with impassive eyes. These petty thugs didn’t come close to intimidating him, no matter how hard they tried. In fact, when he did lock eyes with some of them, and they saw the deadly calm in his stare, the erstwhile toughs lost their bravado and looked away.

  “Should I just shoot one of them and get it over with, little brother?” Gerry said out loud, surprising Danny.

  Sister, relax. We’re not supposed to attract unwanted attention, Danny said.

  I hate to break it to you, little brother, but that ship sailed the moment we walked in here. “What are you looking at?” Gerry said to a man standing directly in front of her. “You want to give me a kiss?”

  The man wisely turned and walked away, without saying anything.

  “That’s what I thought,” Gerry said. “Anybody else?”

  Can you please not start any trouble? Isaac said.

  I’m not the one starting anything, Gerry said.

  Please? Just this once?

  Fine. I’ll try.

  Thank you.

  Isaac reached the counter and waved the bartender over. “I’m here to see Mr. Leventis.”

  “Who is that?” the bartender said.

  Isaac sighed. “Just tell him Isaac Stern is here to see him.”

  “Wait here. I’ll see if there’s anybody here by that name.”

p; The bartender left the bar and disappeared into the crowd.

  “I know what you are,” an older man with a gray beard said to Danny. “Why aren’t you in uniform?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Danny said, taking a page out of the bartender’s book.

  “Oh, come on, you’re not fooling anyone with that outfit. I don’t know about your friends, but you’re a Zeta clone. That much I know.”

  Gerry leaned in and locked eyes with the man. “It’s probably healthier to mind your own business.”

  The man blanched. “Alright. No need to be like that.”

  This is a bad idea, Isaac, Danny said. One of these men is bound to figure out that we’re who Zeta’s been looking for.

  Just relax. Here comes the bartender now, said Isaac.

  “Mr. Leventis will see you. Just head over to the back of the bar, and you’ll be let in.”

  “Thank you, young man,” said Isaac.

  They pushed their way through the crowd again. Danny walked behind Gerry and noticed her deliver an elbow into the ribs of a man who stubbornly refused to get out of the way. The guy cried out and doubled over, clenching his side.

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” said Gerry. “Did I do that?”

  “Get the hell away from me,” yelled the man.

  I thought you weren’t going to cause any trouble? Isaac said.

  He wouldn’t move, Gerry said.

  I’m pretty sure you broke a few ribs, Danny said.

  So now it’s my fault the guy is a weakling?

  Isaac threw his hands up in frustration but didn’t say anything else.

  Upon reaching the far wall, a door slid open. Inside it was far less crowded. The people they did encounter looked more threatening than the belligerent types in the main bar. They were all alert and kept their eyes on the clones, but none tried to challenge, or prove anything. Danny noted the shape of their clothing and quickly deduced that all were armed.

  At the far end was a wide desk, with a burly man sitting behind it. Isaac approached the barrel-chested man, who remained silent.

  “Mr. Leventis, it is wonderful to see you again,” said Isaac.

  Danny and Gerry stayed back, ensuring that they could see the whole room and everyone in it.


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