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Gage's Obsession

Page 4

by C. J. Snyder

  I walked around to the back of the building and looking around to make sure there’s no one within normal human eyesight. I strip down to my black cotton boxers and place my human clothes in the duffle, stashing the bag behind the practice dummies. I shake out my arms to release tension and let the change take over.

  It’s a strange sensation, although one that you eventually get used to, the change from human form to wolf. The lengthening of muscles and limbs, bones popping out and back into place. Spine stretching to almost twice it’s normal human size and fur sprouting all over my body, kind of tickles after a while.

  When you are just learning to shift, this whole process is painful and scary. A smooth transformation is all about the level of control you have over it.

  Testing the ground under my paws by lifting one after another and pushing into the dirt. I lift my snout into the air and breathe deep, briefly closing my eyes to savor the moment. The air is salty and yet, fresh. My heightened senses can pick up on the slightest change in atmosphere.

  Might rain in a few hours, but for now, it’s just a gorgeous night. Starting at a sprint until I get to the edge of the bayou where there are Tupelo trees rising tall into the night. I can smell the Spanish moss that covers some of the ground and likes to grow on those trees. They smell like freedom, something that I feel that I need right now. Picking up speed, I run at full throttle.

  The wind is rustling through my dark brown fur, making a whistling in my ears so loud that it covers up the panting that my mouth is making from running. I make a sharp left and dodge a Cyprus tree slowing my pace to a trot as I approach the Mississippi River. Standing on the riverbank still in wolf form, I catch my reflection in the water. People would say that I’m a huge wolf, my shoulders stand as tall as an average man’s hips would. Dark brown fur with just a hint of black speckled through. Honey colored eyes that flash orange when threatened or annoyed and brilliant white teeth. Wolf form gives me such a rush of power.

  Trotting over to a patch of Spanish moss, I push down with my front paws to feel the squish of the moss and then flop down and watch the surroundings. Not much happening this time of night. Laying my head down on my two front legs like most canines do, I was just about to nod into a deep sleep when the sound of wings directly above startles me awake.

  With annoyance, I look up into the tree and narrowing my eyes in deep irritation due to the disturbance to see if I could find out if it was Kangee or just a regular bird, as you never know with that guy.

  Raven shifters are so lucky, they don’t have to strip down to almost nothing in order to shift into their form. He’s able to come and go as he pleases. Not wolves, basically because of our size. The mechanics behind it all is a whole other story all together.

  Hearing leaves rustle and a deep mocking voice; “Aww, such a good boy. Good doggy.” And he pats me on the head. What the actual fuck, man, growling low at him, I hate that, and he knows it. I snap at his hand and bare my teeth. That does nothing but make him roar in laughter.

  Between spurts of laugher, “Oh, come on, Gage. You know you like getting your head scratched.” Kangee wiggles his eyebrows in sexual suggestion.

  Standing up on all fours, I stretch out, still irritated and then shift back into human form. “You have jokes, man. One of these days I’m going to bite your hand right off your wrist.”

  Kangee laughs in amusement and sits down where I was just at. “Nah, man,” picking up a stone he chucks it at the river, “I know you would never actually hurt me. You’re all bark and no bite.” He ducks swiftly to dodge the branch that I chugged at his head.

  Sitting down next to him, my irritation dying down a little, I stretch out my legs and lean up against a tree. “So, what’s up?”

  He points to his smart watch and shows me the time. “Dude, it’s 1:30 in the morning. I wanted to be the first to wish you a happy 18th Birthday.”

  Looking over at my best friend with deep appreciation, “Thanks, man,” sitting straight up, I hook my arms around my now bended knees “Party is at 2 pm, I invited Presley.”

  That gets his full attention, looking at me with wide eyes and a smirk of continued amusement. He then puts his forefinger against the inside of his cheek and hooks it, pulls it out as it makes a ‘popping’ noise. “Oh? You gonna pop that girl’s cherry, huh?” His eyes wide in excitement.

  Irritation returning at my best friends continued enthusiasm about my sexual adventures and rubbing my hand over my face, “I don’t know if I should even try, man. She ran out on me, remember?” Standing up and starting to pace around anxiously, “normally this doesn’t bother me nearly as much as it does with her.”

  Kangee looked up at me with an actual serious look and shrugged his shoulders “Well, man, maybe you’ve never felt this way before about other females.”

  Picking up and skipping another rock as hard as I could, “yah, you are probably right,” Walking back over to where he was still sitting, “So, now I have to figure out how to get her to feel the same way about me.”

  Kangee stood up and stretched his long tan legs out, “Well, man, you have your work cut out for you. The Squad warned her to stay away from you. Apparently, one of those girls have claimed you for their own.”

  I can feel my eyes go wide with this news, well, isn’t that just grand. Wonder which one of those prissy ass females thought had a claim on me and why they felt the need to intimidate Presley. Realizing that I needed to make my way back towards the house, I start the initial shake out, stretching my arms up over my head and bending back and forth and giving my neck a solid crack before I change over.

  You don’t have to do that but loosening up the muscles makes an easier transformation.

  Reaching a hand down to Kangee to help him up to his feet, “Alright man, I’m headed back home.”

  He gives me a quick nod as I quickly go from human form to wolf and take off at a sprint towards my house.

  About 10 hours later

  Everyone starts getting the party going. Dad is firing up the BBQ, Mom is racing around the house getting snacks and drinks ready and the music is so loud, you can probably hear it about 2 blocks over. We have a large back yard, which is good because we also have a large amount of people about to start showing up.

  Every wolf clan from all over the southern United States is here. Clans normally range from about 50 to 100 people, each. Currently, we had at least 5 clans hanging out throughout the house and backyard. About a quarter of the population were single women, around the ages 18 – 23. All potential, acceptable mates according to my clan.

  A hand firmly grasp my shoulder, startling me, I turn around and see Kangee and some of his Raven Clan have arrived. “Happy Birthday, Bud.”

  Giving him a slight head nod in appreciation of him showing up, he heads over to the grill to bother my Father and to see what was being offered. Suddenly, I am surrounded by females. They form in a circle around me and start talking and asking questions. How’s my senior year? What were my plans after graduation? Am I in a relationship? They are hunting, as wolves do. I am their prey.

  From across the yard, I see Presley enter. She looks stunning in her sheer yellow sundress with what looks like a little black bikini on under. Her hair is down today, and it shines a brilliant red halo down to her exposed collarbone. She’s standing there looking around the backyard in what looks like a slight panic. I shoot my arm above my head to wave at her to get her attention.

  Welcoming the interruption, I excuse myself from the conversation with the clan women and start walking towards her. Getting close enough to her, I can already smell the sweet aroma of her lavender and vanilla perfume. My body tenses up and she approaches me and without any sort of warning, wraps her arms around me in a loose hug.

  “Happy 18th Birthday, Gage,” stepping back just slightly, she smiles up at me and I feel my cold heart melt a little.

  Pushing back a piece of hair behind her ear, “Thank you. There’s plenty of food and drink, make yourself
at home.” I let my hand fall away and step back a few inches.

  I heard her stomach growl and watched as her eyes widen, “Oh, food sounds amazing”

  She started towards the grill area and started to introduce herself to everyone on the way there. I felt my heart melt just a little bit more with every minute that I spent watching her.

  A couple hours have flown by and I’m looking around the backyard area to find her. She’s in the pool and I was right, that was a tiny black bikini under her sundress. Not quite a string bikini, it covered the important areas, but when she moved in the water, her perfectly full breasts would slightly bounce up and then down. I wonder what those would feel like in my hands, would she moan in pleasure as I ran my tongue around her nipples? She had long, luscious legs that just begged to be wrapped around my waist. She was a sight in that water and my cock was already rock hard.

  Ripping off my shirt, I toss it onto an empty lounge chair and jumped into the cool water right next to her. She squealed and splashed a huge wave of water right into my face, coughing at the unexpected invasion to my throat.

  Coughing out “Oh, you wanna play huh?” I reached out and grabbed her around her perfect little waist. She weighed nothing so I tossed her as high as I could out of the water and laughed as she screamed on her way back down and splashed under.

  “Damn straight” She attempts to drag me under by jumping on my back and wrapping her arms around my throat. Her breasts are pressing heavily against me and she wrapped those legs around my waist, all to bring me down. I know that I’m too strong and there’s no way a human is going to take me out, I laugh at her and throw myself backwards. Sinking her down under water again, I grab ahold of her foot and bring her whole body to the front of mine.

  As we surface, I lean my face so close that my nose almost touches hers. “You aren’t going to win this, Pres”

  With an amused laugh, “Oh, we will see about that!” and she pushes my head under the water.

  At this point, we are both laughing. She’s hard to keep a hold of as she tries to squirm her way out of my hold, her body moving against mine in a type of rhythm that you would only normally see while a woman is under you.

  With a pained voice due to an instant erection, “Pres, hun, you got to stop moving like that” that was hard to hide in a pair of swim trunks. She must have noticed because her eyes widened, and she let out a little cry while trying to get away from me. I released her and let her swim a few feet away thinking that she was safe and then swam after her.

  In a singsong voice, I tease her “What’s the matter, Presley?” I corner her against the side of the pool, both my arms blocking her escape.

  She chuckles nervously, “Nothing. Nothing, I just needed to catch my breath,” looking down towards where my cock is straining against my swim trucks, “and I can’t do that with you like..that” she pointing looks down to my cock.

  She lets out this giggle and ducks under my arm and swims to the opposite side of the pool, looks at me over her shoulder, winks and goes up the ladder.

  Oh, that tight ass looks amazing from here, my mind starts playing out the scene of what would have happened, had my entire family not been in the backyard. The song about daydreaming starts going through my head as the scene unravels.

  I would have reached down and grabbed her by her firmly, apple shaped ass and lifted her up. She would automatically wrap her legs around my waist, as I push her against the side wall. I rub her pussy against my cock and massage her ass with my hands, she would feel so good up against me.

  Silently groaning as this is not helping my current situation.

  From a distance I hear a war cry that gets slightly louder right before I am submerged underwater. Surfacing and sputtering obscenities, there next to me in the water, laughing his ass off, stands Kangee.

  “Oh you dirty dog,” he ruffles my soaking wet hair “look at you, making moves and shit.” He swims around me in circles making kissy faces. Turning around, he wraps his arms around himself and does the pretend makeout pose, making all the inappropriate sex noises as loudly as he can.

  Grabbing onto his neck and dragging him down into the water, “I’m going to kill you, man” laughing as I push him under in a classic dunk.

  Chapter 6


  Not going to lie, this party is pretty kick ass. Standing across from the pool wringing out my hair and watching Gage and Kangee wrestle in the pool, I love how the music is loud and upbeat, the smell of food is high in the air and laughter fills the entire backyard.

  I can’t believe how large his family is, there’s got to be at least 5 or 6 generations of them here. The kids are just adorable, running around screaming and playing tag. Although, I am pretty sure I heard a couple of them making the same growling sound that I’ve heard Gage make, weird.

  His mom approaches me with a huge smile, “Hey sweetie, you looked thirsty,” she hands me a bottled water, “I brought this over for you.”

  I genuinely smile back at her, “Oh, thank you so much! I was just going to go grab one.” I already adore his Mother. She is warm and friendly. Not sure where her stoic son came from.

  She starts to walk over to a shaded area and waves me along to come with her. Sitting down in a very nice rattan sofa set, in the shade and under some misters, she takes a small sip of her own water and smiles. “So, Presley. Gage doesn’t talk much about his friends, are you new to New Orleans?”

  Sensing that she was feeling me out, my hand automatically went to my hair to twirl it nervously. “I am. My Dad is US Coast Guard and recently got stationed here.”

  Nodding in appreciation, she took another drink of her water while looking around, “I am really surprised that he asked a girl to come, this is a first for him.” I about choke on my own water, sputtering and trying to not die from accidental drowning by spring water, “I, uh, am glad that he invited me. I hope I’m not intruding.”

  She gives me that knowing Mom smile, you know what I mean. That smile that doesn’t quite reach the corners of someone’s eyes but tells you that they know the reason why something is happening. “Oh no, honey. Not even a little bit.” With that she stands up and excuses herself back into the house.

  Breathing a sigh of relief and wondering what that was about, my eyes travel around the backyard in search of Gage. He’s climbing out of the pool and his body is damn beautiful. Muscular enough to have a V-shape from his shoulders to his hipbones, a well-defined six-pack outlined on his stomach and legs thick with muscles from all the running that football puts him through. My hands itch to run them over his body, to feel his skin and test its smoothness.

  Making eye contact with him, he starts heading in my direction. A chill from anticipation comes over me and I shudder.

  “Hey Red, “he sits down where his Mom just was, “having a good time?” his honey colored eyes wide as he waits for my answer, like a kid asking permission to touch an item.

  Is the earth vibrating? Nope, seems to be just me. Nervous fidgeting has me bouncing my right leg up and down and twirling my hair again. Voice comes out a bit shaky, “Yes, thank you.” He is visibly relieved at my answer and sits back in his chair.

  “Good. Good,” picking up a pretzel that is in a bowl on the side table next to us and popping it into his mouth, “going to stay for the after party?” my eyes blink a bit faster than normal as my heartrate speeds up at his question.

  “There’s an after party?” tap tap tap goes my leg. Leaning my elbow on it to try and stop the motion.

  Gage laughs, a deep from his gut, laugh. “Absolutely, I hope you’ll stay.” My other hand is resting on the table, he reaches out and lays his on top of it. Shockwave ripples through me like the motion when you toss a pebble into a body of water.

  Slowly slipping my hand out from under his, “Sure, sounds like fun.” His eyes have an orange hue to them for a second and then it disappears as I meet his gaze.

  The music quickly turns to country line dancing. Gage li
ghts up like a Christmas Tree. “Come on! Come dance.” He stands up and grabs ahold of my hand to start dragging me across the yard towards the dance area. Everyone is starting to form rows of dancers to do various dances.

  I grind my heels into the grass, “Gage. I don’t know how to do any of these dances.”

  He shoots me that half smile that can melt an icecap, “No worries, Red. I’ll teach you,” With a wink, he drags me into the group, “Just watch what I do.”

  The first one is an easy side to side, tap front, tap back, turn and repeat. Spinning around I laugh with complete joy and make eye contact with Gage. “This is fun!” screaming over the music.

  He grabs onto me as the music changes to a slower tempo, “Two-step time!” and swings me around in his arms. Learning how to line-dance and two-step has always been on my to do list and I am having a blast.

  Two songs later and I am gasping for breath. “I need a drink and a seat for a few.” Skipping over to the coolers to grab a bottled water like a child at recess, I plop down in a lounge chair. Gage is right behind me and does the same.

  Raising his eyebrows at me, “You can certainly move, Red.” Giving a slow smile as he takes a drink of his water. My heart flutters at that smile and I can feel my face flush from both adrenaline and him.

  Giving him a flirty smile, “I never said I wasn’t coordinated,” I toss my empty water at him. He catches it with inhuman reflexes and chucks it into the nearby trash.

  A bird just lands on the table, startling me, I let out a small squeal like scream, “Whoa! Where did that come from?” I move my hands towards it to shoo it away, “Go Mr bird, go away.”

  The damn thing comes closer to me, tilting its head from side to side and slowly blinking its yellow eyes, “CAW CAW.” Gage lets out a low growl and swipes at the bird with his open palm to try and dislodge it from the table, “Go away!” he swipes again in frustration. The bird lets out another round of caws, it sounds like it’s laughing at Gage’s irritation and then takes off to the front of the house.


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