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The First Victory

Page 36

by Andrew Stewart

  26.Ismay to Connell, 13 September 1961, Lord Ismay Papers, ISMAY4/9/39, LHCMA.

  27.Churchill, Their Finest Hour, p. 383.

  28.‘Notes’, n.d., Chartwell Papers, CHUR4/196A–C, CAC.

  29.‘Note on C-in-C Middle East’s Despatch on Operations in the Somaliland Protectorate, 1939/40’, 5 October 1940, WO106/2354B, TNA.

  30.‘Somaliland Campaign’, The Times (London), 6 June 1946; Wavell, ‘Operations in the Somaliland Protectorate, 1939–1940’, p. 2719.

  31.Jackson, The British Empire and the Second World War, p. 211.

  32.Morton to Thomson, 21 August 1961, Thomson Papers, Thomson 1/2, LHCMA.

  33.‘Italian East Africa – A Swift Campaign’, The Times (London), 11 July 1946.

  34.Wavell, ‘Operations in East Africa, November 1940–July 1941’, p. 3530; ‘East Africa – Vol. I, Kenya’, handwritten comment, n.d., Wavell Papers, AW.

  35.Woollcombe, The Campaigns of Wavell 1939–1943, p. 42.


  37.Kenneth Williams, ‘Cordon Closing in on East Africa’, Great Britain and the East, 13 February 1941, p. 126.

  38.Barnett, The Desert Generals, p. 83.

  39.Cunningham to Barton and ‘Comments by General Cunningham – Chapter I’, 25 July 1950, CAB106/912, TNA.

  40.Blewitt to family, 29 May 1941, Blewitt Papers, 08/88/3, IWM.

  41.Harold Raugh, ‘General Wavell and the Italian East African Campaign’, Military Review (July 1998), p. 63.

  42.Cunningham to Wavell, 6 June 1941, Alan Cunningham Papers, 8303–104-7, NAM.

  43.Barnett, The Desert Generals, p. 83; Andrew Stewart, A Very British Experience: Coalition, Defence and Strategy in the Second World War (Eastbourne: Sussex Academic Press, 2012), pp. 65–81.

  44.‘Talk with Major-General Hobart’, 28 November 1942, Liddell Hart Papers, LH 11/1942/102, LHCMA; L.F. Turner to Liddell Hart, 20 August 1954, LH 4/39, LHCMA.

  45.Secretary of State for the Colonies to Palestine (OAG), 8 November 1945, CO967/94, TNA.

  46.Montgomery to Hall, 6 August 1945, CO967/100, TNA.

  47.Platt, The Campaign against Italian East Africa 1940/41, Lecture III, p. 20.

  48.Heath to Barton, 24 August 1946, CAB106/905, TNA.

  49.‘Notes by General Cunningham’, n.d. (for Neil Orpen, 1967?), Alan Cunningham Papers, 8303–104–18, NAM.

  50.‘Obituary: General Sir William Platt’, The Times (London), 29 September 1975.


  52.J.S., ‘The Rise and Fall of the Italian African Empire’, 21 January 1943, CAB106/404, TNA.

  53.Sbacchi, ‘Haile Selassie and the Italians 1941–1943’, p. 26.

  54.Hyat, ‘The Battle of Ambar Alagi’, pp. 92–94.

  55.‘The Role of British Forces in Africa’, Young, ODRP.

  56.Barker, Eritrea 1941, p. 24.

  57.Bragadin, The Italian Navy in World War II, p. 3.

  58.Prasad, East African Campaign 1940–41, p. 9.

  59.Terraine, The Right of the Line, p. 302.

  60.Brown, The War of a Hundred Days, p. 181.

  61.‘Starvation in Greece: Insults for Italians’, The Times (London), 15 July 1941.

  62.‘East African Campaigns’, House of Lords Debate, 28 May 1941, Hansard, Vol. 119, cc 297–311.


  64.Blewitt to family, 6 April 1941, Blewitt Papers, 08/88/3, IWM; ibid., Blewitt to family, 23 April 1941.

  65.Ball, ‘The Mediterranean and North Africa, 1940–1944’, p. 383.

  66.D.B.H. Grobbelaar, ‘Report on Interview with German Consul to Italian East Africa – Dr Strohm – at Hargeisha – British Somaliland on or about 15 Apr 41’, n.d., NAREP EA1, NARS.

  67.Crosskill, The Two Thousand Mile War, pp. 13–14.

  68.Weerd, Great Soldiers of the Second World War, p. 66.

  69.‘East African Campaigns’, House of Lords Debate, 28 May 1941, Hansard, Vol. 119, cc 297–311.


  71.David Fraser, And We Shall Shock Them: The British Army in the Second World War (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1983), p. 130.



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  Kenya National Archives and Documentation Service (Nairobi) – KNADS

  Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives, King’s College London (London) – LHCMA

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  National Archives of Australia (Canberra) – NAA

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