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In My Heart (Sweetbriar Hearts Book 1)

Page 22

by Nora Everly

  “Why didn’t you just explain all of this to me? Why didn’t you just turn yourself in? This is out of control,” I asked.

  “Because they have my dad,” he bit out. “They made him take vacation from work, so no one would realize he was missing, and they locked him up. They had me out trying to get the flash drive from you. They put me in here about two days ago when they figured out I was trying to warn you. Dad and I were tapping Morse code on the walls to communicate with each other. He hasn’t responded since yesterday. I don’t know what happened to him. I’m worried. His heart isn’t too good. And Madison—that can’t come out.” He sank back against the wall and shut his eyes.

  I felt kind of sorry for him. He was trying to help Madison. I loved that little girl like my own, there wasn’t much I wouldn’t do for her either. But Trevor was going to find out. It was inevitable now.

  “We have to get out of here.” Once more, I tucked my legs through my arms. I stood up, raised my hands above my head, then quickly brought them down, breaking the zip ties. I’d seen this on the Internet, and it worked. I plucked another bobby pin from my hair, removed the plastic part, then went over to— “Hey, what’s your name?”

  “Jeff,” he answered dejectedly.

  “Well, turn around, Jeff. I’ll get the cuffs off you, and we are getting out of here.” He looked at me doubtfully and stayed where he was.

  “I’ll leave you here if I have to. But I was hoping to use you as a human shield. It’s the least you could do,” I grumbled.

  He finally turned around. He looked surprised when I freed him from the handcuffs. Jerk. I didn’t have time for naysayers or sexists. I could pick a lock, I could throw a punch, and I was getting the hell out of here and back to my family, damn it.

  I made myself keep feeling the rage. It made me focus instead of panic.

  “Thanks,” he mumbled and jiggled the door handle. It was locked, of course.

  I pulled another pin from my hair—I needed two pins for the door—and set about picking the lock. Luckily, it was just a regular inside knob lock, not a deadbolt or something that required a pick set, or a hammer, or a battering ram, or a motherfreaking, cannon.

  I turned to Jeff with a smug smile after opening the door. “Lead the way,” I offered.

  We crept out into the narrow hallway. It was quiet and getting darker by the minute. I hoped that Jeff could find his way out of here without light because we were losing it fast.

  “I want to find my dad,” Jeff whispered.

  “How about we get out of here and get help?” I countered. What if his dad was hurt, or dead? I needed to get out of here. Dylan was probably beside himself. The look on his face before he ran for help broke my heart. I cut that line of thought off, then decided to give it another direction instead—back to rage. They’d tried to take my son.

  Focus. Anger gave me focus. I took a deep breath. Jeff took my hand and guided me forward.

  “You’re probably right,” he whispered. “I need to get you out of here. I have no idea why they brought you here.”

  We crept down the dusty makeshift hallway. “Where are we?” I whispered.

  “This is a warehouse in Portland. They were small-time, but they’ve been branching out all over the place, running drugs, mostly meth. They had me and my dad delivering it. I mean, who’s going to pull a cop over?” He laughed bitterly.

  “Okay, well, that sucks,” I said. I couldn’t find anything appropriately sympathetic to say to him. I was all out of caring thoughts for the moment. Right now I was running on adrenaline and rage with a small sprinkle of fear over the top to keep me alert.

  We continued walking, then he held his arm out to stop me. I froze at his back. I stood on my tiptoes to see over his shoulder. Jeff bumped into me as he took a step back.

  “They’re right there. Blocking the way out. Turn around. Hurry,” he hissed. I blinked at the dark when I turned around. I felt Jeff close to my back. He took my hand again and tugged me back the way we’d come.

  “Is there another way out?” I whispered. There had to be. In my quick peek around the corner before turning around, I had seen a regular door, not a garage door or a sliding door or something a car could drive through.

  “Yes, there are dock doors. Let’s hurry,” he whispered back and tugged on my hand. I hurried after him.



  Six hours ago, Dylan had burst out of Violet’s back hallway with tears streaming down his face and panic in his eyes, asking me to find his mother.

  He was a smart boy; before he’d come to me, he had run back to look out the back door and see what kind of car they put Lily in, as well as part of the license plate.

  I promised him that I would find her and bring her back. There was nothing I wouldn’t do to keep that promise.

  I called Liam. Cade. Ben. Between the five of us, we managed to track her here.

  We were in Portland. In front of a warehouse.

  A lot could happen in six hours.

  I was good at burying my fears. Hell, after all the years I’d spent in the Rangers, I thought I’d become incapable of feeling fear anymore.

  I was wrong.

  Someone had taken Lily, and I was terrified. My heart was with her. My chest felt empty. Dread coursed through my veins like ice water. I had let myself slip back into my old thought patterns. Years and years of training had taken over until I had only one objective. But the fear wouldn’t stop creeping into my thoughts and throwing me off. I was glad Liam was here to help me retain my focus.

  “Any more intel?” I barked at Cade. He shook his head.

  “No, just what we already know.” I watched Ben get out of his SUV just as a few more cruisers arrived.

  “I’m going in there,” I said, and with a nod, Liam immediately moved to follow me.

  “Wait a minute. We’re not going to just storm the gates—” Cade said.

  “She’s in there. I’m not storming anything. We go in quietly.” I checked my weapon, then tucked it away. I was wearing a Kevlar vest, we all were. Plus, I had stashed all my usual weapons of choice in their usual spots. I glanced at Liam. He had done the same. It felt like the old days, except that this time, I had more to lose than just my life. The fear had gone straight to my soul, and I couldn’t shake it, I couldn’t bury it, and I couldn’t let it consume me.

  Liam clapped me on the shoulder. “Luke. Steady,” he said, and I nodded.

  We all froze as a commotion started up from the side of the building. A bearded man came barreling around the corner, dragging Lily behind him. My whole body sighed with relief for one second, then I snapped into action, following behind Liam, who had already started running in their direction.

  “Shit!” Liam yelled as the two men we’d identified earlier as the probable kidnappers burst out from a door on the side of the building. The bearded guy with Lily let her go, turned, and rushed the bigger of the two kidnappers, tackling him to the ground.

  “Go, Lily, go, go!” he yelled at her.

  She looked back at him for a brief second, then she turned in my direction. She spotted me and ran faster. She screamed as the ponytailed kidnapper caught up to her and grabbed her from behind, lifting her off her feet. Liam and I had almost caught up to the fray, with Ben and Cade close behind.

  Lily swung her head forward and slammed the back of it into ponytail’s face. She did it hard. I heard the impact. She shoved herself forward, out of his grasp, then turned and punched him, right where she had headbutted him. He went back on a foot and almost fell. He did fall after she kneed him between his legs and shoved him.

  But Lily didn’t stop. She tackled him as he fell, landing with both of her knees in his stomach. He let out a sickening oof as her weight hit him and his breath wheezed out in a rush. Using her closed fist like a hammer, she hit him in the face again, and again, all the while screaming and cursing at him about how he killed Will, and how he wouldn’t scare her son or hurt anybody else ever again.
  “Lily, stop.” I had finally reached her, along with Liam, Cade, and Ben. She pushed herself up and collapsed in my arms, sobbing.

  “He killed Will. He tried to take Dylan,” she cried.

  I held her tighter, then picked her up.

  Ben put cuffs on Derrick, who surprisingly was still conscious. And Cade had the big one. Officers pulled their cruisers up to where we were, one of them cuffed the bearded guy who had run out with Lily.

  She shuddered against me. “I’m okay. You can put me down, Luke.”

  I couldn’t do it, I wanted to keep her close and never let her out of my sight again. I could have lost her. I’d almost lost everything. Again. Instead of setting her down, I released her legs, then held her up with my arms around her hips. Her arms wound around my neck. With her breath on my cheek and her heartbeat next to mine, I calmed down.

  “I knew you would come,” she whispered. The only thing I could think to do was kiss her. My mind had gone blank. Everything had rushed out of it but the relief I felt from having her in my arms again. I put her down. She held my hand and stood at my side.

  “That’s Jeff,” she said and pointed to the bearded guy. “His dad is in there somewhere. He’s the one who was following me around and watching from the backyard. He’s the one who broke into Gram’s house. He was trying to help me in his own stupid way. He was locked up in there too.” She addressed the officer handcuffing Jeff, “Don’t let him go. You should probably keep arresting him for now. I’m sorry, Jeff, but you know it’s true.”

  He just looked at her and nodded.

  “They should arrest his dad too if he’s okay and doesn’t need an ambulance or something,” she said to Ben, who had just finished putting Derrick into the back of a cruiser.

  “Dad!” Jeff yelled as two officers led an older man down the warehouse stairs.

  “I’m okay, son!” the man yelled back.

  Ben pulled Lily into his arms. “You scared me but good, baby girl,” he said into the top of her head. That started her tears up again.

  Cade finished securing the second kidnapper, rushed to Ben and Lily, and took over the hug. “You really kicked his ass, Lily. Dad had to scoop him into the handcuffs.”

  “I did? I don’t really remember,” she said sheepishly.

  “Blind rage,” Liam said. “Now you know what you’re capable of. Bet your head hurts. That was one hell of a headbutt. Not to mention your hand.” He held out his fist, and Lily bumped it softly with hers, then threw herself into his arms. He looked surprised but leaned over and hugged her back.

  “I knew she’d have it,” Cade said. “Lily is one of those quiet people you have to watch out for. Plus, she is a redhead.” He nudged her arm with his. Then hugged her again. I heard him whisper, “I don’t know what I’d do without you, Lily. I was so scared.” She wrapped her arms around his waist, and they held on to each other.

  I glanced over at Liam, who watched them like I was—wishing we had grown up with that kind of closeness, that kind of love. With people who would drop everything and do anything they could, no matter what. Liam and I—we were a couple of blind fools, keeping ourselves distant from the friendship we fell into with each other over the years. No more. “I love you, man. You were there for me today. You’re always there,” I said to him.

  He blinked, then a small smile crossed his face, and he clapped his hand onto my shoulder. “Love you too.”

  Lily was crying again. “We’re all going to be okay,” she said.



  Never had I been happier to pull into the driveway of my parents’ house than today. I saw my family running out of the house as I hopped out of Luke’s truck, straight into my mother’s arms. I hugged her, but over her shoulder I searched for Dylan. He stood on the front porch, next to Violet, who cradled a sleeping Calla in her arms. Tears streamed down his little face, and I ran to him. I scooped him up and held him, absorbing his sobs into my body while wishing I could take this whole day away and erase it from his memory.

  “Luke told me you’re my little hero,” I whispered into his ear. He squeezed my neck and continued crying. “You saved my life, Dylan. I am so proud of you.”

  “I love you, Mommy,” he said through his tears.

  “I love you too, little bug.” He wiggled for me to put him down, so I did.

  He ran down the drive to Luke who picked him up and hugged him.

  Tears filled my eyes as Rose wrapped her arms around me from behind. Violet leaned in, and I kissed Calla’s sweet little cheek. “Thank you for taking care of her,” I murmured. Violet nodded at me with a smile.

  “Lily.” Rose’s voice broke on my name as tears streamed down her face. I turned and hugged Rose tighter while Violet and Gram moved over to one of the porch swings and sat down near Finn and Nick.

  Trevor and his kids came out the front door. Mikey and Maddie crashed into my legs. I leaned down and kissed their cheeks. Trevor kissed the top of my head and told me goodbye, and he would see me tomorrow. I did not want to tell Trevor about the things Jeff had told me about Tara, but I would, because he had to know, so he could protect Madison. That girl was his—even if she wasn’t. Now was not the time though. He led the kids to his car, and they took off.

  Luke, with Dylan in his arms and Rocky jumping around his feet, made his way up the walkway to the porch steps followed by Liam and my mother.

  Dad and Cade had gone back to the station to bust the bad guys or whatever they did after they arrested people.

  Asher came out of the front door bearing an ice pack, which he handed to me after hugging me. I pressed it to my sore face with my sore hand and held it there. Mark and Mara were with their other grandparents. I would see them this weekend. I was sure my mother would be doing something extra for Sunday dinner.

  Levi and Jude were up next, followed by Finn and Nick. I hugged them all and suddenly missed Holly. It had been almost a year since I’d seen my baby sister.

  But then there she was. Walking out the front door like the blond goddess she was. She ran into my arms. She had to lean over because like almost everyone else in my family, she was way taller than me. We hugged, then she cradled my face, gentle with the bruises and swelling that had arisen along the side where Derrick had hit me, she studied my eyes. “Did he hurt you?” Her voice trembled. Her eyes were haunted by her own memories.

  “No. Not like that,” I answered quickly.

  The ghosts left her eyes, and relief replaced the dread in her expression. A beautiful smile lit up her face. “I just got home a few hours ago. Walked through the front door, the house was full, and everyone was going nuts. I have been so worried, Lily.”

  “I’m sorry you had to go through that, Holly,” I said, and she laughed.

  “Typical Lily. You get kidnapped, yet you are apologizing because I worried about you. I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  Luke and Dylan had come up behind me. Dylan ran around me to one of the padded couches on the porch and sat down. Rocky hopped up beside him and cuddled into his side.

  “Hey, Luke. It’s good you’re finally back. I missed you,” Holly said.

  “Can I hug you?” Luke asked. With a nod, she opened her arms, he hugged her quickly, then stepped back.

  “Hi,” Liam said.

  I saw Liam see Holly, and I saw Holly see Liam, and whoa. This would be interesting. Mom noticed it too because she gave me big eyes from Liam’s side.

  “Liam, this is my sister Holly. Holly, Liam is Luke’s bff.” His eyes never left her face.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Liam. I’m going home. I’ll see you again tomorrow, Lily,” Holly said and jogged off. Holly lived in a big treehouse that she’d built with my dad in the forested area at the rear of the property.

  “Everyone is staying here tonight. My nerves won’t be able to take it if anyone goes home,” Mom announced. For once, I agreed with her. A night with everyone under the same roof sounded just fine to

  “Liam, your room is ready. Come on, honey, and I’ll show you where everything is.” Liam followed my mother into the house.

  “Good night, kids. I’m going home, but it’s just right over the garage, so I think your mama can handle it,” Gram said with a wink and took off. Violet handed Calla off to Luke, then headed inside. Everyone trickled in after her until it was just Luke and me, and Dylan and Calla, and, of course, Rocky left on the porch.

  My little family. Surrounded by my big family. Safe and sound.



  “You’ve already started planning my wedding?” I was incredulous. We were having a girls’ lunch on the patio by the pool at my parents’ house. Mom, my sisters, and I were eating, toasting my engagement, and poking over the events that had happened this summer. Well, we were talking about Violet’s marriage, Luke and me, and Rose was dodging questions about Trevor. She’d spill it eventually, or more likely, one of us would overhear or witness something.

  “Of course. Rose, Violet, and I started planning it when you and Luke went out on your second first date,” Mom said, looking at me like I was stupid or something. Like I had some nerve wanting to participate in the planning of my own wedding. I glared accusingly at my sisters.

  “Don’t look at me. I wasn’t here for all that nonsense,” Holly said. I raised my glass, and she clinked it with hers. At least I had one of them on my side.

  “You don’t like planning parties,” Violet said. This was true, but so not the point.

  “Um, this is my wedding. This is different.”

  “We decided to let you pick the dress,” Rose said. “We have a folder full of options.” What the what?

  “Come on, darling. Just look at what we’ve got so far,” Mom said, pushing the wedding binder closer to me on the table. “Please, you won’t be mad once you see what we’ve planned so far.”


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