Book Read Free

Golden Glories

Page 13

by Gerald Lopez

  “Granny used to be married to a real woman once,” Bogie said. “That was before she became a gay.”

  “What have I told you before, Bogie? Granny said. “People don’t become gay, they either are—or they aren’t. Bogie’s gotten a little too much into his role as a spoiled brat while here.”

  “You’re not ex military, are you?” I said. “I sort of figured most organization agents were recruited from the military.”

  “I was recruited from the circus,” Granny said. “The Organization has recruited low-level stage actors and circus folks who can easily adopt different personas in order to infiltrate the enemy or who can bring special skills to the table.”

  “Interesting,” I said.

  “That is very cool,” Sister Joe said. “Granny, you must hate folks like Layton, who work for the people who are keeping you from your daughter.”

  “Hate is a strong word,” Granny said. “It clouds your mind, and I need reason to accomplish what I have in mind.”

  Chapter 21


  “WHAT’S YOUR PLAN, Granny?” Forrest said.

  “I’m after some of that treasure to pay off people so I can find my daughter,” Granny said. “It’s that simple. You gonna rat me out to The Organization?”

  “No, that’s nothing that involves me or mine,” Forrest said. “But we have our things to get from this treasure too.”

  “You can have the staff if I find it,” Granny said. “It doesn’t pay to go after supernatural items for your own gain. Items like that have a sort of boomerang effect on people who go after them for personal reasons. God only knows what trouble a staff that could open a gateway to Hell could cause.”

  “So you’re not interested in taking over the world or anything?” Bean said.

  “Hell no,” Granny said. “Who wants that headache? I just need the money for the reasons I mentioned. There’s probably enough gold with the treasure that I can throw some y’all’s way for that nightclub.”

  “That’s sweet of you, Granny,” Nikki said.

  Granny looked at me now. “You and yours better be careful. Leticia’s one of the better leaders in The Organization. She looks after her people as best she can, but she’s not at the top. For the most part, I’d say The Organization does a good job keeping the world safe. But, every group has its bad side filled with evildoers. My family and I have been unlucky enough to meet the worst of the worst of the ‘group’.”

  “Do you think we should quit and run?” I said.

  “No, but that’s up to you,” Granny said. “Soldiers like you have my respect, so I’m gonna give you a warning. Your lil boy Chip is on their radar. He’s more intelligent than most almost six-year-olds. His language is more advanced, as are his paranormal skills.”

  “And what exactly does that mean?” Forrest said, getting noticeably upset.

  “Relax,” Granny said. “Even Bogie and Antoinette have advanced paranormal skills. It comes from being exposed to all this supernatural mumbo-jumbo. The Diony stuff has a strong supernatural ring to it so to speak. In other words, it has awakened your son’s abilities. Because Bogie and Antoinette went with me on some of my missions, their abilities are awake as well.”

  “Then what do we do to protect Chip?” Alex said.

  “Don’t ever sign onto The Organization’s insurance plan,” Granny said. “That’s how they got my daughter. The plan is absolute, holds up in court, and takes away any rights you and yours have in your loved ones’ treatment. It gives The Organization the final say.”

  “Damn,” Pete said. “That’s just not right or decent.”

  “It’s our world,” Granny said. “I keep up with what happens in The Organization. Old friends keep me in the know. Once you have a good idea of what exists out there, you learn to watch your back.”

  “Yeah,” Sister Vaughn said. “But now we know what exists too.”

  “Yes you do,” Granny said. “And you’ll have to decide what to do with that information.”

  “How come all this stuff isn’t all over the news?” Sister Mack said.

  “Who would believe it?” Braeden said.

  “They’d lock you away for being crazy if you talk about things like that as if they’re real,” Bella said. “Even with this treasure hunt on the key, there are people that don’t believe. If they did think it was real, then someone with money or power would’ve taken over the key long ago. There may be thousands of people here today, but there aren’t millions.”

  “I smell like beer,” Antoinette said. “People are gonna think I’m drunk.”

  “You do stink,” Bogie said.

  “I have some dresses in my trailer,” Jorri said.

  “One of your dresses isn’t gonna fit me,” Antoinette said.

  “They’re from the antique clothing shop I had next to the nightclub—it was destroyed along with the club, so a lot of the merchandise is in my trailer,” Jorri said. “I told Charity I’d find something for her to wear to the restaurant tonight.”

  “Charity?” I said. “Hang on a sec, she’s pregnant.”

  “And?” Nikki said. “That doesn’t mean she can’t go out to eat.”

  “I’d prefer she stay safe on the yacht,” I said.

  “Good luck convincing her of that,” Jorri said.

  “The girl can be stubborn when she wants,” Bella said.

  “That caramel apple pie was out of this world, Granny,” Forrest said. “But I’d better head out.”

  “Thank you for the compliment on the pie, and for listening to my story,” Granny said.

  “Forrest, do you need a ride downtown?” Julio said. “I need to get some more beer anyway.”

  “Thanks, I’d appreciate that,” Forrest said.

  “I’ll meet you out front in a minute,” Julio said.

  “Be safe, my love,” Nikki said. “You too, Forrest.”

  Pete’s phone rang, and he left the pavilion to take the call.

  “Layton, we should walk Forrest out,” Alex said. “Unless, you want me to go with you, Forrest.”

  “I’m good,” Forrest said. “I’m gonna also take time to touch base with Chip in person.”

  “That’s a good idea,” I said.

  My phone rang, and I answered it. “Hey, Diesel, what’s happening? No, we didn’t forget about you.” I chuckled. “OK I hear you. Keep me in the know. We’ll head there in a while. I’ve got things to set up here first. Yeah. Good luck with that.” I ended the call, and all eyes were on me.

  “Who or what is a Diesel?” Sister Mack said.

  “Diesel is an ex army soldier who’s here with her wife who’s a former military sniper and nine months pregnant,” I said.

  “Say what?” Randall said. “Nine months pregnant and she comes here—is that insane or what?”

  “Oh yeah,” I said. “But try and keep a high-ranked military sniper down—impossible. Pregnant or not. Diesel says she’s having a hard time getting Lily May to relax even now.”

  “There’s a reason you’re telling us all this, isn’t there?” Sister Randy said.

  “You bet there is,” Granny said. “You’re recruiting, aren’t you, soldier?”

  “Things appear to be escalating,” I said. “That means we may all have to work together. At least a little.”

  “Like I said earlier, the staff and chalice are yours and Miss Lucy’s if I find the treasure,” Granny said. “There are no maps to find. Certain people felt her team couldn’t keep things completely secret so they mentioned maps and not the chalice. At least not yet.”

  “You know Miss Lucy?” Alex said.

  “Our paths have crossed in the past,” Granny said, then laughed. “When she finds out the kids and I danced in front of her and that monkey boy, and she didn’t recognize me she’ll have a fit. And remember we were there at the cemetery earlier today too.”

  I laughed. “Yes! Finally someone fools Miss Lucy in disguise, instead of the other way around. I freakin’ love it.�

  “Don’t have an orgasm there, dude,” Sister Mack said.

  “Oh I’m damn close to having one over that bit of news,” I said. “Miss Lucy always fools me when she’s in disguise, now someone fooled her. Ha!”

  “You have my permission to mention my presence to Miss Lucy,” Granny said. “It’ll be my good deed for the day. I only hope I’m nearby when you do tell her. She really will have a fit.”

  “Somebody knows Miss Lucy’s team well,” I said. “They were quick to mention the maps. I imagine that Miss Lucy will tell them about the chalice at the time of her choosing.”

  “I need to go,” Forrest said, then stood.

  Alex and I got up to go with him.

  “I’ll save you some caramel apple pie, Forrest,” Bean said.

  “Thanks,” Forrest said.

  We were about ready to go when Pete rushed back in.

  “What’s going on now?” Braeden said. “Your face is flushed.”

  “We’re clucked!” Pete said.

  “Oh no!” Don said.

  “Please don’t say it,” Bella said. “Not that.”

  “Y’up,” Pete said. “Momma got a call from Babette, who’s at the restaurant, and the chickens are going wild.”

  “We are clucked,” Nikki said.

  “By the sound of it we’re clucked and plucked,” Jorri said.

  “I have got to hear this one before I leave,” Forrest said.

  “Outside Poppy’s Chicken Ranch restaurant and bar there’s a fenced off chicken coup with chickens,” Bean said. “The restaurant makes omelettes and scrambled eggs from the chicken eggs.”

  “To shorten the story,” Bella said, “the chickens are sort of an early paranormal activity detection system. They are first to know when major supernatural happenings are on the way. If they’re going wild already, then there’s more shit coming down and soon.”

  “I thought we knew that already,” Randall said.

  “The dog wolves?” Forrest said.

  “No,” Braeden said. “All the dogs in the key are in two very secure kennels, safely put away until everything’s over. Maybe the chickens are just reacting to the breeze and ghosts we’ve already dealt with and seen.”

  “No,” Bean said. “Something big is coming, I know it.”

  “What else did your friend Diesel say?” Nikki said.

  “Just that things felt kind of weird, but she couldn’t put her finger on it,” I said. “It’s mostly her soldier’s instincts. We’ll continue this talk when I get back from walking with Forrest.”

  “Bye, Forrest,” everyone but Alex and I said. “Good Luck! Be careful!”

  “Keep that sweet ass safe,” Sister Joe said, earning himself a playful smack on the head from Sister Mack.

  “CHIP IS ALREADY on my police department insurance,” Forrest said, as we walked down a path to the front of the property.

  “Good,” I said.

  “How are you two, after hearing what Granny said?” Alex said.

  “If the invite still holds, I’m moving into the court with you guys,” Forrest said. “That way I can better keep my eyes on you both—especially our wild marine.”

  I smiled and worked hard to keep my excitement under control. Forrest winked at me, then pulled Alex and me close and kissed us.

  “The invite still holds,” I said. “You can share the smallest bedroom with the biggest bed with us. Chip can sleep in a nearby room.”

  “Our son can sleep in the room next door to ours,” Forrest said. “We’ll soundproof our room, and put in those child monitor things so we can hear him in an emergency.”

  “It’s a plan,” Alex said. “But three grown men aren’t going to share a ‘small’ room. We’ll share a decent-sized room.”

  “Whatever you say, boss man,” Forrest said. “You guys stay safe.”

  “What made you decide to move in with us?” I said.

  “I’ve seen enough now to realize we’re stronger together than apart,” Forrest said. “That’s the best deal for Chip… and for me. You’d better go, your makeshift army is waiting for their battle plans.”

  Chapter 22

  The Planning Stage

  “THAT’S WHY THE two of you have been so quiet and laid back,” Alex said. “You’ve been assessing how well the boy nuns did, in case we needed their help.”

  “Is that what we were doing?” Forrest said, and smiled.

  “Partly, probably,” I said. “But these situations are new even to us. Remember that Shannon told us not all ghosts are the same. So it does pay to observe things for a few seconds before making any rash moves.”

  “That’s something you need to remember next time you decide to go running after a ghost,” Forrest said.

  “I’ll remember that,” I said.

  Julio arrived, so we said our good-byes and headed back to the pavilion. Before we rounded the corner, I pulled Alex to me and kissed him on the lips.

  “I fall more crazy in love with you by the second,” I said. And you’re all mine.”

  “Aren’t you forgetting someone?” Alex said, and smiled.

  “Forrest is all mine too, and I’m all both of yours. And I’ve been with Forrest today, however you’ve been playing hard to get.”

  “I’ve been focusing on the mission,” Alex said. “And I’m not one for quickies.” He kissed me. “I like long, sensual, drawn out lovemaking sessions.”

  “Tease,” I said, then gave him a quick kiss. “Something just hit me. The long, pink lace on Granny’s socks were to cover up her large, man-sized feet. Clever.”

  When we entered the pavilion, everyone was on seconds of dessert, and they were also digging into the cakes Bambi had brought.

  “So, what’s your plan, soldier?” Granny said to me when Alex and I sat down.

  “Is it that obvious I have a plan?” I said.

  “You’re a former marine,” Granny said, “soldiers always have plans up their sleeve.”

  “That’s true,” Sister Joe said. “Layton, Sir, I’d like to help if I can. I promise not to screw up again like I did on the beach.”

  “Count the rest of us in as well,” Sister Randy said.

  “And our group,” Jorri said.

  “Don’t everybody go talking for me,” Sister Mack said. “I didn’t sign up for this.” He took off his nun costume and ran his hands through his surprisingly long—shoulder-length, wavy, strawberry-blond hair.

  “Beautiful hair,” I said. “If you don’t want to get involved, Sister Mack, that’s fine. I understand.”

  “Hey,” Sister Mack said, putting his nun costume back on. “I didn’t say I wouldn’t help. I just don’t like being taken for granted.”

  “OK, honey, we won’t take you for granted,” Bella said. “You want me to get you a lollipop.”

  “If I wasn’t scared that you’d kick my ass, I’d tell you what you could do with that lollipop,” Sister Mack said.

  “What a wimp,” Bogie said.

  “He’s not brave like you,” Antoinette said.

  “Don’t you need to go shower and change,” Bogie said.

  “I don’t want to miss the plan,” Antoinette said.

  “What is the plan?” Braeden said.

  “We need to have people in position way ahead of time, to see exactly where that moon signal comes in,” I said.

  “You’re talking about the moonbeam, right?” Randall said.

  “What else would he be talking about?” Bean said. “So, Layton, you’re wanting to place people right on the beach where we think the moonbeam will shine through the trees.”

  “Yeah,” I said. “Then we need to have people near Calvary hill.”

  “Why not just put people at Calvary Hill?” Braeden said.

  “Because if people already think the treasure is located on Calvary Hill then why hasn’t it been found already?” I said. “It can’t be that simple.”

  “Simple has nothing to do with it, soldier boy,” Bella said. “Th
ere’s a chapel, tower, and cemetery surrounded by a stone and wrought iron fence on Calvary Hill. Have you been there?”

  “No,” I said.

  “Then you don’t know all the scary, paranormal shit that can go down there,” Bella said.

  “We’re all gonna die,” Randall said, then he and everyone grew silent, “someday, so we might as well be brave today.”

  “What the hell was that?” Sister Randy said.

  “What?” Randall said.

  “That overly long dramatic pause, dear,” Granny said. “Layton’s plan makes sense. The minute that moon comes out and shines through the trees, all hell is gonna break loose in this town, so we need to have people at every step of this thing.”

  “Our guys at the first point will signal our people waiting at the second point, and confirm where the beam of moonlight is shining,” I said.

  “I still don’t understand why all of that would be necessary,” Alex said.

  “Neither do I,” Pete said.

  “The moonlight is gonna shine through the trees,” I said, “and it will create some sort of thin beam or ray that’s gonna highlight something else. How big can that ray or beam possibly be? Then think of all the thousands of people crowding around to see where it goes.”

  “It’ll be real darn easy to miss,” Jorri said. “Look at all the years that have passed, and no one’s found the treasure.”

  “Maybe because there hasn’t been as big or knowledgeable a group as us looking for it,” Nikki said.

  “You go, girl,” Bella said.

  “So how are we gonna set all this up?” Granny said. “People will probably be out on boats to get a view from the water, where they’ll be close to the first point when it shines through the trees.”

  “On the water?” I said.

  “Someone did mention that the original point—the first group of trees are under water,” Alex said.

  “Yes, and they will be visible again with the moonlight,” Randall said. “Only, they don’t always appear in exactly the same spot. But, honey, look out! When they first show up, folks will go batshit crazy.”


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