Book Read Free

Golden Glories

Page 24

by Gerald Lopez

  “It’s only two hours until sunrise,” Alex said. “But it should only be about two or three in the morning.”

  “That’s what happens when you’re dealing with the supernatural,” Granny said. “Everything gets all mucked up. Nun boy, come count this gold and stuff, while the others scramble to get things ready for the wedding.”

  “Can I be a flower girl?” Antoinette said. “I’ve always wanted to be a flower girl.”

  “Of course you can, honey,” Nikki said. “Let’s go to Jorri’s house and find you kids something to wear, so you can all be attendants.”

  “Don’t I have a say in anything?” Jorri said.

  “No you don’t,” Nikki said. “You need to figure out what you’re gonna wear and start getting ready. Randall, I’m gonna have to leave you in charge of the kitchen, I gotta make sure this old fool Jorri gets his act together. Come on, kids.”

  When Chip walked by us, he waved. “Hi, Daddies, bye Daddies.”

  “OK, so what’re we gonna do for a cake?” Randall said.

  “I’ve got some boxes of pudding at home, and Cool Whip,” Bambi said.

  “That’s an option,” Randall said. “But we need you making that mac and cheese. Time is not on our side.”

  “I’m heading that way now,” Bambi said.

  “Wait a minute,” Sassy said. “I have an idea. There may not be time to make a fancy cake, but we could whip up a batch of cupcakes. People love them.”

  “We’re all out of cake mixes here,” Bean said.

  “I’ve got a few boxes of cornbread mix,” Bambi said.

  “That’ll have to do,” Randall said.

  “I’ll go with you and help,” Sassy said to Bambi.

  “Oh, hell, I think even I can cook mac and cheese,” Diesel said, “I’ll tag along.”

  Once they were gone, Randall handed out our marching orders. While Sister Mack, Braeden, Pete, Don, and Bean saw to the food, the rest of us were to set up the arch and chairs on the beach, and then decorate the pavilion.

  Once Sister Randy had finished dividing up the pirates’ bounty, everyone got their share. Forrest went with Sister Randy and Granny to where the buses were parked downtown, to give the old folks the gold they’d set aside for them.

  “Granny turned out to be alright, didn’t she?” Alex said to me while we were setting up folding chairs on the beach.

  “You can have my gold for my share of our new house,” I said.

  “Save it for when we start renovations.”

  “Renovations?” I said.

  “There are gonna be a lot of us living in that house, remember?”

  “I’ll let you handle that sort of stuff, just leave me the General’s office.”

  “It’s hands off in there,” Alex said. “That’s Daddy Layton’s space.”

  “Not that you can’t come visit,” I said, then smiled.

  WITH EVERYONE DOING their part, we had what I thought was a passable and decent wedding venue, and plenty of food that at least smelled good. Jorri had invited everyone to his nuptials, and the compound was filling up with folks. Some were dressed to impress—mostly the women in attendance, since Jorri had lent them dresses. He’d found hats and pretty pastel dresses for Miss Lucy, Ginger, Charity, and even Granny. Nikki wore a long silver, sequined caftan and Forrest, Alex, the nun boys, and I managed to borrow long pants and dress shirts from the compound’s residents.

  “The nun boys sure look different with their hair loose and out of those nun cap thingies,” Forrest said, as we sat in the pavilion with Alex.

  “They sure do,” Alex said.

  All in all I thought we looked decent, until Buck made his entrance with his arm around Ivory. Ebony walked with them. All three were dressed in suits with ties—looking straight out of a fashion magazine.

  “Way to make us look bad, Bucky boy,” I said.

  “Layton, Alex, Forrest!” Buck said, when he turned toward us. “I’m so glad you guys can meet my gorgeous honey out of his spy gear. This is the love of my life, Clay Jones, and his spy partner Norris Wilson.”

  “You’re not so bad yourself, Norris,” Charity said, as she joined our group.

  “Thank you,” Norris said.

  “Wow—a redhead, Buck, that’s topnotch,” I said.

  “I know,” Buck said. “And he’s a hottie redhead too.”

  “You two look like you could be on the top of a wedding cake,” Forrest said. “And Norris, you could be on the cake as a groomsman.”

  “Thanks,” Norris said. “I’m happy that Buck and Clay found each other. One day I hope to meet my forever love.”

  “He will,” Clay said. “Norris is a great guy.”

  “The sun is coming up,” Alex said. “Shouldn’t the other groom have arrived?”

  “Yes, he should’ve,” Charity said.

  “Do we need to go on a mission to hunt down a groom?” Diesel said, as she walked up with Gloria and Lily May, who held a fussy and crying baby.

  I walked up to Lily May, took the baby from her, and rocked him in my arms. He instantly calmed down.

  “You’ll have to teach me your trick, Layton,” Lily May said.

  I chuckled.

  “I’m beginning to worry you really will have to hunt down a groom,” Nikki said. “The point of a sunrise wedding is to actually be here during sunrise and not after.”

  Granny came to the group and had all three kids with her.

  “I’m hungry,” Bogie said.

  “So am I,” Chip said.

  “Come on kids, I’ll get you a muffin,” Nikki said.

  “I could use one myself,” Buck said.

  “Where’s the other groom,” Randall said. “The food’s getting cold. He’d better show up or I’ll kick his ass myself.”

  “Maybe, he’s all in Jorri’s mind,” Antoinette said. “We’ve only seen advertising pictures of him. And he’s handsome and Jorri’s old.”

  “Antoinette!” Granny said. “That’s not a nice thing to say after Jorri’s been so nice to you.”

  “I didn’t say he’s not nice, but where’s his man?” Antoinette said.

  “That’s what I am fixing to find out right now,” Charity said. “If you’ll all excuse me.” She walked off toward Jorri’s house.

  “Wow, she looked mad,” Clay said.

  “She sure did,” Norris said. “Someone’s gonna get a piece of her mind and then some.”

  Less than ten minutes later Charity had returned and was addressing the attendees.

  “May I have your attention please, everybody,” Charity said. The boy nuns standing near her whistled loudly, and everyone got quiet. “I hate to say this but Uncle Jorri got the day wrong. The ceremony is tomorrow at sunrise. His groom was very apologetic on the phone, and he said that he is bringing a whole case of very expensive and yummy Champagne. He also hopes that everyone will be back tomorrow to enjoy said Champagne.”

  Everyone cheered then Nikki spoke.

  “Meanwhile we have plenty of food, so help yourselves—after you’ve changed out of your nice wedding clothes.”

  “Wait a minute,” Bogie said. “What is wrong with this picture?”

  Chapter 41


  “WHAT’S WRONG, BOGIE?” Braeden said.

  “It’s morning,” Bogie said. “And this isn’t morning food. Tomorrow we’re gonna be doing this in the morning again. How come we’re not eating pancakes and waffles with eggs and bacon, only all fancy?”

  “I’m all for bacon,” Miss Lucy said.

  “Out of the mouths of babes,” Bean said. “The boy has a good idea, Nikki.”

  “I agree,” Nikki said. “I’m just sorry I didn’t think of that idea myself.”

  “You did good, boy,” Granny said to Bogie.

  “OK, everybody go change, then come back and eat,” Nikki said. “Or just take some food with you.”

  The crowd began to disperse.

  “Layton, you look good with one of those in
your arms,” Alex said to me as he took a picture of me with the baby.

  “He’s right,” Forrest said.

  “You’ve got yourself a future general here, Lily May and Diesel,” I said. “I can feel it just holding him.”

  “I agree,” Lily May said.

  “Don’t you all go enlisting my newborn grandson in the military already,” Gloria said. “He needs to spend some quality time with his grandma first.”

  I kissed the baby’s forehead, then handed him to Gloria. “He’s awesome.”

  “Look at all these handsome men,” Sassy said, as she sashayed our way. “Doesn’t my little brother clean up well?”

  “He does,” Alex said. “And we’ve been informed by Layton that redheads are topnotch.”

  “So are blonds and police officers,” Layton said. “Does that get me out of the doghouse?”

  Everyone laughed. After some more small talk, we all went our separate ways. We were tired, so Forrest, Alex, and I headed back to our yurt, while Chip went to Jorri’s house to change with Bogie and Antoinette. Charity and Sassy went along with the kids.

  “Are we letting Layton out of the doghouse without even a good spanking?” Alex said to Forrest, as we headed down the path to our yurt.

  “He might enjoy a spanking too much,” Forrest said. “Besides, he looked so darn cute holding the baby, how could you even think of spanking him?”

  “Forrest is my new favorite,” I said, then gave Alex a flirty smile.

  In response, Alex gave me a kiss, and it was nice.

  A surprise of a different sort was waiting for us when we entered our yurt. Lying naked in our bed with his perfectly pert posterior in the air was Sister Joe.

  “Be careful what you wish for, huh?” I said.

  “Something like that,” Forrest said, then spoke toward Sister Joe. “There are kids around, you know.”

  “They’re over at Jorri’s,” Sister Joe said. “Miss Lucy said we can train to join your group.”

  “And,” I said.

  “Well, I thought you three could break me in so to speak,” Sister Joe said.

  “All three of us at once?” I said, trying to get the guy to change his mind. “Cause that’s how we roll.”

  “Do whatever you want with me—I’m game,” Sister Joe said.

  “Well, I for one don’t like games,” Forrest said. “I’m not as nice as Layton or Alex. Get up, and get dressed now.”

  Sister Joe did so, ran his hand through his wavy brown hair, then his green eyes looked at us bashfully and a little lost.

  “Am I not good-looking enough to join your family?” Sister Joe said.

  “And here I thought you were just looking to get fucked,” Forrest said.

  “Umm,” Sister Joe said. “I want to be part of your group, you guys are so manly and just… I don’t know.”

  He was interrupted by the other boy nuns who entered. Sister Mack slapped his forehead with his hand.

  “Damn, we’re too late,” Sister Mack said. “He’s made a fool of himself.”

  Sister Vaughn turned to Forrest, Alex, and me, then spoke.

  “Meeting you guys hit Sister Joe hard,” Sister Vaughn said. “He went through a bad breakup not long ago.”

  “Yeah, the guy played some real head games with him and….” Sister Randy said. “And the truth is that you guys are not just hunks and nice, but honest. A guy knows that you wouldn’t play games, and you’re the kind of men that other men want to be with or know.”

  Sister Joe finished getting dressed while Sister Mack spoke.

  “Forget he did this, guys. Have mercy on the poor guy. He just wanted to feel like a part of what you have.”

  “But he’s got you guys and you’re a great group,” Alex said.

  “He wanted more than what he can get from us,” Sister Vaughn said.

  “Sister Joe is desperate for it since his guy left,” Sister Mack said. “That’s putting it bluntly. You guys could’ve had his goods, but you don’t want it. OK, then, that’s that. It’s all good, right?”

  “That’s it in a nutshell,” Forrest said. “And you’re right. Joe has a great cock and ass, but we’re not interested. Not that he has any reason to feel desperate.”

  “We’ve tried telling him the same thing,” Sister Vaughn said. “But his ex seriously screwed with his mind. That’s why we try to keep an eye on him.”

  “Try harder on that front,” Forrest said.

  “You know, if you guys are really wanting to get naked,” Alex said. “I am a photographer who specializes in nudes.”

  “A world class professional who shows his work in galleries,” I said.

  “That sounds like fun,” Sister Vaughn said. “You want to take our pics around here, Alex?”

  “I’d pay you guys of course,” Alex said.

  “Let’s do it,” Sister Vaughn said.

  “Give me a minute, and I’ll meet you guys outside,” Alex said.

  “It’s OK with the boss guy, right?” Sister Mack said, then looked at Forrest.

  “As long as it’s all business, and Alex is running the show,” Forrest said.

  “We agree,” Sister Vaughn said. “Don’t worry.”

  The boy nuns left, dragging Sister Joe along with them. Alex looked at me and Forrest then spoke.

  “Wanna come and watch.”

  “As tempting as that is,” I said. “Some shuteye is even more desirable. Have fun.” After giving Alex a kiss, I lay back on the bed. “The boy nuns are cute, they’ll make great models.”

  “How’s about you, babe?” Alex said to Forrest.

  “I need sleep too, but have fun, sexy man.”

  “Sexy man?” Alex said. “Maybe I should stay.”

  “Go, and good night,” Forrest said, then lay down on the bed, put his arms around me, and pulled me close.

  Alex took our picture. “So adorable and sexy at the same time. You two better rest.”

  “We will,” I said, then shut my eyes. They hadn’t been closed long before I felt someone working his way in between Forrest and me. “Is there a big bug in our bed?” Reaching out, I tickled Chip who’d gotten into our bed.

  “It’s no bug, only me—Chip.”

  “Hi, buddy,” Forrest said. “You must be sleepy, so close your eyes and take a nap like me and Daddy Layton are doing.”

  “OK,” Chip said, then fell asleep between me and Forrest.

  We finally stirred a few hours later, and discovered Alex had joined us at some point. Chip was awake and excited.

  “Get up, Daddies, get up!” Chip said. “My class will be here by now to eat and go to the beach.”

  “Huh?” I said.

  “That’s right,” Forrest said. “Chip’s class was coming by to eat and spend some time at the beach before they leave for home.” He turned to Alex. “When did you join us?”

  “I don’t even remember,” Alex said.

  “I need to go potty,” Chip said.

  “I’ll take him,” I said then got up. “I’m hungry, so we’ll see you guys at the pavilion.”

  I was waiting for Chip outside the guest bathroom near the pavilion, when Sister Joe and Sister Mack walked up.

  “Hi,” Sister Joe said. “I just wanted to apologize for how I acted earlier.”

  “No problem,” I said. “It was flattering.”

  “Embarrassing is more like it,” Sister Joe said, then smiled at me.

  I thought I noticed something in his eyes when he started walking up close to me.

  “Hey, buddy, we’d better leave,” Sister Mack said.

  “Come on, Layton,” Sister Joe said. “Don’t you want to tap this while your boys are away.” He slapped his ass then smiled.

  Sister Mack and I jumped back when Sister joe shook all over, then glowed blue for a second before collapsing.

  “What’s happening to Joe?” Sister Mack said, as he and I helped Sister Joe up. “That blue was like what we saw downtown and at the chapel.”

“I think that’s what it was,” I said. “We need to find Granny or Miss Lucy… fast.”

  Chapter 42

  The Blues

  SISTER MACK WENT to find either Miss Lucy or Granny, while I threw Sister Joe over my shoulder. When Chip got out of the bathroom, we headed back to the yurt. Once inside the yurt, I put Sister Joe gently on the bed.

  “He’s glowing,” Forrest said.

  “What’s the matter with him?” Chip said.

  “That’s the question of the moment,” I said, then addressed Forrest and Alex. “I don’t think Sister Joe was himself when he popped in here earlier. Sister Mack went to find either Granny or Miss Lucy.”

  “I’m going to take Chip to his classmates,” Forrest said. “I’ll be back A.S.A.P.”

  “Bring some grub, will you please?” I said.

  “I’ll do that,” Forrest said, then left with Chip.

  “The glowing is coming and going,” Alex said, while taking pictures of Sister Joe. “But, it’s blue light, isn’t it?”

  “Looks like it,” I said. “But it’s not behaving in the usual way.”

  “Is there a ‘usual way’ with this sort of thing?” Alex said.

  “I’d like to think there is,” I said, “but who really knows.”

  Forrest returned alone with plates of food, and I grabbed a corn muffin as did Alex.

  “That’s why the guy was acting like he wanted us to do him so badly,” Forrest said. “Now I feel bad for being so tough on him. If I hadn’t been, maybe we would’ve recognized something was wrong.”

  “We were tired, and it’s not like we’ve known Sister Joe long enough to see what’s normal and not normal for him,” I said.

  “At least the blue light isn’t burning him up,” Alex said.

  “Blue light can turn people or things into dust,” I said to Forrest. “We were lucky things didn’t get out of hand downtown or at the chapel.”

  “But what is going on then,” Alex said. “Could this have anything to do with Monique and her supernatural visit to you?”

  “I don’t know,” I said. “Her family was definitely interested in blue light energy.”


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